Seameo Division Rep

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Hello there! My name is Junery D. Sumalinog Jr.

A proud SEAMEO
INNOTECH alumnus. Let’s embark on a minute video that will give you
a glimpse into why I consider INNOTECH as the developer of
empowered champions. I attended a lot of trainings of SEAMEO-
INNOTECH and I am grateful enough since this made me also achieve
things not just becoming a Champion but also championing the hearts of
my learners. One of my outputs that made me the division champion was
my Innovative Teaching Material which is using multimedia. Because I
learned about the importance of innovative teaching, I managed to craft
interactive teaching materials that paved the way to the regional level.
One of the key challenges in the teaching-learning process faced today is
the struggle to meet the challenges of ever-changing skill requirements.
Thus, it is indeed significant to introduce more technology in the
classroom to create a blended classroom where students experience
technology as they would in the real world.
According to Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most
adaptable to change.” Regardless, let’s consider that for a moment.

With INNOTECH learnings, I am confident to say that we can mold

great learners with one innovative teaching at a time!

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