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Story layout.

Ronnie wakes up and sees corals stories and texts. She texts her asking if
everything was ok last night and goes to school. She doesn't get a response through
the whole day, and spends the whole time checking her phone and hanging with Jelly.
At the end of the day while it begins to snow and the sun has gone down, Ronnie
suddenly gets a text from Coral begging her to come pick her up and sending her
location. Ronnie looks in shock at the fact the location is 1 hour away. Jelly asks
where Ron's going in such a rush and Ronnie says she has to pick coral up. Jelly
sees this as a good opportunity to bond with her and Ron, so asks to join along.
The two then get in the car and head off. Ronnie sits in the driver's seat with her
hands placed on a 10- 5 o'clock position on the wheel, shivering with cold and
terror. Jelly sits wagging her legs and smiling. She puts on the radio, which as
first plays a tune Ronnie likes, but then switches it to mainstream pop. Ronnie
sits in contempt. At one point the car says its low on gas, and the two step out to
refill and go into a convenience store. Ronnie goes to pay for the gas but then
jelly runs up the counter holding a massive ball of snacks and drinks. 'For Coral!'
Jelly says. Ronnie sighs and goes to get her card but then Jelly whips out a BAT
CREDIT CARD jkjkjkj she whips out a cutesy but battered looking wallet and gets out
a crumpled up $20. There's totally a bat credit card in there somewhere tho cmon.
She asks if Ronnie wants anything and she hastily declines. Jelly bugs her a bit,
so Ronnie picks up some gum. The two walk out with 2 plastic bags chocked full of
food and get back into the van. They continue driving through the blistering snow
but now with more of a smile on their face. Jelly picks up some of the food in the
bags and gives some to Ronnie, who declines the offer again, so jelly shrugs and
eats the food herself. The two continue to drive through the snow, the car almost
breaks down but they get through it. Eventually they arrive at the house coral is
staying in, which looks like a mansion. Ronnie knocks on the door, and hears loud
thumping on the other side. The door is flung open revealing an incredibly tired
hungover coral. She looks at Ron and jelly holding the food bag and her eyes become
wide and teary. She buries herself in Ron's shoulder without saying a word. Ron
hugs her back. 'Im so sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you guys, look I'm getting
snot all over your jacket.' coral says weakly pulling away. Ronnie keeps telling
her it's okay but Coral just keeps talking about her failures today and the night
before. Ronnie says in return that she's sorry she didn't come along to watch over
coral, but coral takes offense to this, saying she should be allowed to do this
shit if she wants to. Ronnie retorts back that it's affecting other people. Coral
asks who and Ronnie stays silent for a moment before saying 'me.' coral realises
this and steps back. 'why didn't you ignore me then. SORT OUT THE FUCKING SHIT HERE
HOLY HELL If I'm this much of a burden on you.' Ronnie looks at Coral in genuine
hurt. 'I would never ignore you. Why would you think you were a burden?' Coral
points to the snowed in car parked nearby. 'You wrecked your dad's car trying to
get here. You're stood outside in the freezing cold here. How much money did that
bag cost?' she points to the food bag. 'Dude don't worry about any of that.-' jelly
chimes in 'i bought the food actually for $20!' 'oh my god $20 you let her spend
that much? You know she's dirt poor right.' Coral whispers to Ron. Ron reacts in
shame and shock. 'Ohh my god. You didn't know.' she holds back slight
laughter/crying. Jelly asks where the gang coral was with last night have gone, and
she says they've all abandoned her here. Anyway coral continues to self depricate
and Ronnie gushes about how much she loves coral and would go to the ends of the
earth for her while makes coral feel better but then makes her feel so much worse.
eventually Ron decides to just take coral by the hand insisting she's not a burden
and walks her to the car and then the car breaks down and coral is close to tears
and ron just sjghs and asks jelly for some of the food from the bag but jelys
basically ate everything. They call AA and wait for them to pickup.

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