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Hayley Simmons - Spring 2024

Faculty Meetings January 2023 - This faculty meeting was to address several

concerning student behaviors that were happening across the school. Teachers and

administration discussed what was happening and how best to help the students.

Kindergarten Graduation Rehearsal March 2023 - I helped 19 students prepare for

their kindergarten graduation. During this we practiced the songs they will sing and how

they will stand, enter the room and other small things.

To Good For Drugs March 2023 - I assisted a teacher from the Council For Prevention

who came in to work with students on good and bad choices. Each day for 8 days, we

elaborated on good and bad choices, how to stop and think, and how to differentiate

between what they can do, and what they cannot do.

Reviewing New Math Programs February and March 2023 - At the end of this school

year, the schools subscription with their math program will be expiring. During this time,

teachers were given different programs to study and choose which one they felt would

benefit their students the most.

Dental Hygiene March 2023 - One day during this month, Hudson Headwaters comes

to the school to present good oral hygiene. Here students who are not able to go to the

dentist will be able to be seen by a dentist and get the cleaning and help they need.
Castleton Student Teaching Supervisor Meetings 2024: Over a fourteen-week

period, I collaborated with my supervisor for two or more hours each week on topics

including teaching strategies, formative assessment, unit development, engaging

students, levels of questions, how to organize and present my work, and practicing for

interviews. We also discussed different techniques that would help behavior control and

classroom management.

Castleton Student Teaching Seminar 2024: This seminar has provided discussions in

many different areas ranging from how to deal with behaviors, child endangerment,

plagiarism with younger students, portfolio guidance, resume guidance, and interview


Castleton Observation-Participation Placements 2022-2023: These two placements

covered the age group of five and eleven. I observed two different professionals that

had their own style of instruction and communication with students who gave me insight

on how to work with both levels of students. During this time I worked with students,

taught lessons, and reflected on my observation notes.

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