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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Punta, Carles, Iloilo

Reading and Writing

2nd Semester – 3rd Quarter Assessment

MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read each question carefully and critically. Choose the letter of
your best answer. Use CAPITAL LETTERS only.
1. Because of, for, due to, so that, therefore are signal words of what pattern of written text?
A. Problem-Solution B. Classification and Division
C. Cause-Effect D. Thesis Evidence
2. The people, animals, or inanimate objects in the story that are affected by the actions in
the plot are known as ______.
A. Characters B. Plot C. Setting D. Theme
3. The pattern of development in writing that describes an issue and your position or
opinion on the subject is called ____.
A. Description B. Exemplification C. Narration D. Persuasion

Don’t let the tigers vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an
alarming rate. We should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we
demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. We should
also donate some of our money to Save the Tigers. Help support those who fight the
hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

4. Lina is reading the above text; how will she know that it is a problem-solution?
A. If the text organizes ideas into categories or division based on criteria and
B. If the text organizes details based on the cause, the reason, and the result or
consequences of a certain phenomenon.
C. If the text organizes ideas into problems and proposed solutions.
D. If the text organizes ideas to show how a set of evidence leads to a logical
conclusion or argument.
Wouldn’t you like a scary dinosaur model on your desk to protect your pencils
and textbooks? You can make one by following these simple directions. First, bend
your pipe cleaners to make the frame of your dinosaur. I suggest you create a
tyrannosaurus frame by using one long pipe cleaner as his neck, spine, and tail. Then
bend another into a u-shape to make his feet. Wrap the feet around the spine piece.
Next, roll out clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The
next day you may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic paint. Feel free to color
clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The next day you
may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic paint. Feel free to color your
dinosaur as you wish. Nobody really knows how dinosaurs were colored. So don’t let
anyone tell you that your dinosaur can’t be pink. Lastly, put him on your desk and
watch as he or she scares away bullies and pencil thieves.

5. Reading the above text, how will you be able to know that the pattern of development of
the text is compare and contrast?
A. The text explains the information through the use of illustrations, examples, and
B. The text presents the general statement and then provides specific and concrete
examples to expound on the main idea.
C. The text provides details on the idea by using either a sensory or spatial pattern.
D. The text organizes ideas based on how events, places, people, things, and concepts
are similar to or different from one another.
6. Edwin will make a thesis statement with a comparison and contrast pattern of
development. Which of the following will he write?
A. Although Instagram and Twitter have significant similarities, they also have
striking differences.
B. Freedom is a concept that needs to be understood.
C. Juvenile delinquency is a social issue that requires urgent attention.
D. In the field of law, there are several subspecialties which you can focus on.
7. Mr. Howard is writing a thesis that shows persuasion, which of the following will he
A. Major events happened that led to the defeat of Japan during World War II.
B. Teeth bleaching can be done in five simple steps.
C. All provincial buses should not be allowed to pass through EDSA.
D. iPhone 6 has many features that make it stand out in the market.
8. Judge the text as to its type of pattern of development according to its use of signal
Social engineering is defined as any method which tricks people to share personal
information through the use of technology. The social component in this scheme means that
there is reliance on various psychological tricks and on the gullibility of users rather than
technical hacking. Social engineering also refers to various malicious acts online such as
phishing, spamming, and pretexting.
A. The pattern of development is comparison and contrast.
B. The pattern of development is definition.
C. The pattern of development is both definition and persuasion.
D. None of the above
9. Find the signal word/words of the given text and identify the pattern of development of
Earthquakes can be classified into three main types based on the plate movements. The
first type is known as a convergent boundary. Also known as destructive plate boundary,
this type of earthquake happens when two tectonic plates move toward one another and
collide. The second type of earthquake is called the divergent boundary. During this type of
earthquake, two plates are forced to move away from each other resulting in a rift zone. The
last type is called a conservative plate boundary or transform fault. During this type of
earthquake, two tectonic plates slide past one another.
A. The text’s pattern of development is definition.
B. The text’s pattern of development is narration.
C. The text’s pattern of development is persuasion.
D. The text’s pattern of development is comparison and contrast
10. In the text given which is cause and effect pattern of development, synthesize the used
signal words:
Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a widely debated issue. It is an act to end a
person’s life to alleviate the suffering brought about by a terminal or grave illness. While it
may be supported by some, mercy killing is not only an unethical medical practice, it is also
a crime. After all, on the most basic level, euthanasia still takes a life. In fact, majority of the
countries in the world, including those that have legalized it, consider it as homicide. Aside
from being crime, euthanasia is unethical in the medical context because it violates the
principle of “premium non nocere” which means “first, do no harm.” In their code of ethics,
doctors have the responsibility of saving lives, not destroying them, which is why euthanasia
can never be acceptable.
A. or
B. because
C. or and because
D. or, because and it.
11. What can you achieve when your ideas are logically and accurately arranged in your
written text?
A. Coherence B. Cohesion C. Language Use D. Text Organization
12. Which property of well-written text refers to the established writing conventions for
words that you use?
A. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use
B. Language Mechanics D. Text Organization
13. The act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in the written matter to
clarify the meaning and separate structural units pertains to ____.
A. Capitalization B. Physical Format C. Punctuation D. Spelling
14. Which of the following sentences is in proper use of capitalization and punctuation?
A. I visited mr smith the chairman of the board on September 10
B. I visited Mr Smith the chairman of the board on September 10.
C. I visited Mr. Smith, the chairman of the board on September 10
D. I visited Mr. Smith, the chairman of the board, on September 10.
15. Which of the following uses appropriate capitalization and punctuation?
A. president smith gave a speech in which he said resigning is not an option
B. President Smith gave a speech in which he said "Resigning is not an option."
C. President smith gave a speech in which he said "Resigning is not an option."
D. President Smith gave a speech in which he said Resigning is not an option.
16. In the setting of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate, punctuate, and capitalize, a
writer should account _____.
A. Language Mechanics B. Physical Format C. Signal Words D. Structure
17. Forming of words from letters according to accepted usage is called ______.
A. Capitalization B. Physical Format C. Punctuation D. Spelling
18. Which of the following is NOT a property of a well-written text?
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Coherent Mechanics C. Language Mechanics D. Language Use
19. Which statement is incorrect based language mechanics?
A. My courses this semester include English, science, and Math 100.
B. The State Board collects state and federal taxes.
C. September and october are the prettiest months of autumn.
D. The book, "The Big Red Dog," is a hit among children: they enjoy reading about the dog's
20. My favorite color is blue. I’m calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and
look up.
a. Coherent but not Cohesive c. Coherent and Cohesive
b. Cohesive but not Coherent d. None of the Above
21. A _____ is a statement that is not considered accepted by all and it may be unverified
and or controversial to a certain degree.
a. Topic b. Thesis c. Claim d. None of the Above
22. Generally, Facebook received most visits than Twitter and Instagram.
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of value c. Claim of policy d. Claim of prize
23. Facebook has been one of the fastest ways to chat and communicate with people all
over the world.
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of value c. Claim of policy d. Claim of prize
24. Today, many people use Internet as their main source of entertainment and
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of value c. Claim of policy d. Claim of prize
25. Pornography, cyberbullying, and other online scams should not be allowed to enter in
our lives.
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of prize c. Claim of policy d. None of the Above
26. Typhoon Carina intensifies its speed and rain volume.
a. Claim of fact b. Claim of prize c. Claim of policy d. None of the Above
27. This refers to the shaping of the text meaning by referencing or calling to mind other
texts as it aims to add meaning to the current text.
a. Infertext b. Intertext c. Hypertext d. None of the Above
28. Characterized by external links embedded in a text by the writer as it enables the
reader to arrive at the intended interpretation of the author.
a. Hypermedia b. Intertext c. Hypertext d. None of the Above
29. Jaxon wants to buy a new smart phone but she doesn’t have the money. Which
question below would be considered explicit?
a. Why does he need a new phone? c. Why can’t Jaxon buy the smart phone?
b. How is Jaxon going to raise the money? d. Where does he plan to buy the phone?
30. Mr. Riego looked at his alarm clock. It was 7:30. He should have left the house an hour
ago. He was going to be late. He turned on the television and started thinking what he
wanted to make himself for breakfast. What can be implied about Mr. Riego?
a. He will still make it to work on time.
b. He is nervous about getting to work after the ring bells.
c. He doesn’t care about being late.
d. He knows that his students can figure things out without him.
31. Which would be an example of explicit information about room 505?
a. Why the desks are set up in groups?
b. How many desks there are?
c. Why the flag is on the left side of the room?
d. What Mr. Riego thinks about his students?
32. The coach blew his whistle and told the team to pack it up. Practice was over. Little
Bobby asked his coach to please leave the lights in the gym on so he could stay a little
longer. He stayed for another two hours practicing his shooting and dribbling.
What information below is a good example of an implicit information?
a. Bobby is afraid of the dark.
b. Bobby was scared to go home.
c. Bobby was a dedicated athlete.
d. Bobby wants to be a doctor.
33. Which of the following is NOT a claim of policy?
a. Human beings must become vegetarians.
b. Filipinos do not need to take a bath every day.
c. I must wash my clothes.
d. Mineral water plastic bottles should not be reused.
34. Which of the following is a claim of value?
a. Silver is a good conductor of electricity.
b. Diesel prices should be subsidized by the government.
c. Sunlight can be used to cook food.
d. Palawan is a fun place for taking a vacation.
35. Which of the following is NOT a claim of fact?
a. Malaysia is not a European country.
b. Classical music can calm an angry mob.
c. Atlantis is located near Turkey.
d. Food supplements do not really promote health.
36. Which of the following is a claim of policy?
a. Lagundi is better cough medicine than synthetic drugs.
b. Little children should not be allowed to play video games.
c. Garbage can be turned into oil.
d. Plants also think.
37. Which of the following is NOT a claim of value?
a. The book of version is always better than the movie version.
b. The local government is doing well.
c. Honey can be a non-perishable food in Mars.
d. Filipinos are very good in speaking English.
38. Which of the following is a claim of fact?
a. The death penalty must be restored.
b. Eating vegetables benefits a person’s health.
c. Filipinos are very good singers.
d. The government is trying to sterilize poor people.
39. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Claims are statements accepted universally.
b. Negative statements cannot be claims.
c. All claims of policy are also claims of fact.
d. Claims of value relate to what is good or bad.
40. Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Claims must have a degree of controversy.
b. Claims must be related to issue.
c. Claims of policy must be related to legal issues.
d. Claims of policy talk about conditions that must exist.

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