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Assignment of Marketing Research

Submitted To –Ms. Suman Sharma

Submitted By- Samanpreet kaur
(MBA 3rd )
Ques-1 Outline the concept of research Proposal ?

Ans- A research proposal is a highly structured document that describes your

study's topic and explains how you plan to investigate a specific inquiry. It
typically provides an in-depth analysis of the theories that support your
hypothesis, which is a projected answer to this inquiry. It can also show which
methodologies you plan to use, including the practical steps for conducting your
study process. As a research proposal often introduces readers to your topic, this
document may also discuss the primary objectives of your project and how it
may contribute new information to an academic field.

A research proposal is a document a Research project, generally in the

Sciences or academic and generally constitutes a request sponsorship of that
research. Proposals are evaluated on the cost and potential impact of the
proposed research, and on the soundness of the proposed plan for carrying it
out.Research proposals generally address several key points.

 What research questions will be addressed, and how they will be

 How much time and expense will be required for the research
 What Prior research has been done on the topic
 How the results of the research will be evaluated
 How the research will benefit the sponsoring organization and other

Ques-2 Prepare a detailed Research Proposal including research objectives and

methodology to highlight the steps you will follow?

Ans- To obtain any higher degree of education, you will be required to write a
research paper as a part of your final project. A research proposal is written
before you write your research paper. It is a description of your research topic
and the details of your paper. There is a particular format for writing a
research proposal. To learn more about what a research proposal is, go
through this article.


1. Pinpoint the major focus of your research

The first step to writing your research objectives is to pinpoint the major focus
of your research project. In this step, make sure to clearly describe what you
aim to achieve through your research. You can identify a research focus by
reading through your industry's literature and finding gaps in existing research.
Once you find a gap that you can fill through your research project, you can
start narrowing down a focus for your research project and setting an overall
goal that you want to achieve through your research.

2. Break down your research focus into research objectives

Once you know the primary goal of your research project, you can break it
down into smaller steps and separate objectives. You can choose one general
objective and a few other specific, narrow objectives. In the general objective,
state in a broad sense what you aim to achieve through your research. Then, use
the specific objectives to describe how you can achieve your general goal.

3. Write your research objectives in the SMART format

Another key step to writing strong research objectives is to use the SMART
format. Using this format can make your objectives clearer and easier to
understand, which can make you more likely to achieve them. Make sure your
objectives meet these criteria:

 Specific: Be specific about your desired outcomes. Your objectives

should be clearly written and leave no room for confusion. This can help
you keep them narrow and focused.
 Measurable: Making your objectives measurable is essential to achieving
them. You can create metrics to measure your progress toward achieving
your objectives.
 Achievable: Be sure to create objectives that you can realistically achieve
to help you avoid getting overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations. Make
sure you have the resources and budget to accomplish your objectives.
 Relevant: Make your objectives relevant to your research and your
overall goals. This can help you stay motivated and on track throughout
your research project.
 Time-based: You can establish deadlines to help you keep your research
process on track. You can set a major deadline for your entire project as
well as smaller deadlines for each objective.

Steps to follow

As the draft for the Research proposal is finalised with a properly structured
Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Possible Outcomes,
and Reference list, it is time for following the Research Proposal writing steps.
10 steps that must be well arranged in the Research Research proposal are noted

Step-1 Cover page

At the beginning of the writing process of the research proposal, you need to
have 3 pages for the Cover page, Title page, and Abstract. The step to prepare
the cover page must be followed by -

 Title Page

 Abstract

However, this can be considered even after the completion of the rest of
the steps. This is a personal choice.

Step 2: Introduction

The writing of the Introduction is very important for a Research Proposal. In

this step, you need to make clear statements about the purpose or the relevance
of the research. You must make an appropriate declaration of the Research
Question, along with its Aim and Objectives.

 Research Purpose/Relevance
 Research Question

 Research Aim and Objectives

Step 3: Literature Review

Research Proposal writing steps must consider Literature Review as the spine of
the research process. It is the Literature review that makes the researcher attains
exclusive knowledge about the research question and related queries. The
notable subheadings to be included in this step are:
 Empirical Analyses
 Theoretical Analyses

 Research Gaps

step 4: Research Methodology

The decision regarding the Research Methodology depends on the identification

of the right research philosophy. The research philosophy can be of either
Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism, or Interpretivism. The appropriate selection
of research philosophy will decide for research approach and design, and
eventually the need for data collection sources. The necessary subheadings for
this heading are:

 Research Philosophy
 Research Approach
 Research Design

 Data Collection

step 5: Knowledgeable Contributions

This is a step that remains focussed on the inclusion of -

 Critical Evaluations of Possibilities

 Research Contributions

As the researcher follows the Research Proposal writing steps, this step might
appear difficult to present as it becomes somewhat early to declare the
contributions of the research at this initial phase of the proposal. However, the
researcher must offer some idea about the kind of possibilities that can be
achieved through this research.

Step 6: Ethical Approval

The step for Ethical Approval must be well supported by the declarations of-

 Consent Letter

 Code of Ethics

The consent latter is mandatory for primary data collection, and the
maintenance of the code of ethics must be adhered to as per the University
norms. Remember, that you need to read all the ethical norms as stated on the
official site of the University and structure the research process accordingly.

Step 7: Research Timeline

Research Proposal writing steps must make a clear declaration about the total
timeline need for the completion of a thesis. It is therefore very important to

 Schedules Date Sheet

 Chapters with Months

There can be possible variations in meeting the declared timelines, yet the basic
framework needs to be followed appropriately.

Step 8: Research Expenditure

Many research works need travelling and other expenditure. Even many get
funded. The researcher needs to make clear elaboration about the expenditure or
funding of the research work. This elaboration must comprise-

 Research Cost
 Justification on Cost

 Source of Expenditure

It is necessary that you offer documents in support of your justification and the
same can be added in the Appendices.

Step 9: Reference List

The researcher must follow this step as the crucial step among all the other steps
of Research Proposal writing steps. A detailed and well-formatted list of the
sources used in the research must be declared at this step.

 University Recommended

 Alphabetical Arrangement

Thus, this officially remains the last step on the entire list of Research Proposal
writing steps.
Step 10: Appendices

The need for Appendices can be a step in the list of Research Proposal writing
steps. However, it stands as optional, yet is recommended as it includes some
major information related to the research. These major information can be-

 Additional Data
 Questionnaire
 Interview Questions

This step can consider including official documents or tables & charts, which
have great relevance to the Introduction and the Literature Review sections.

On a conclusive note, revise and proofread the entire Research Proposal at

every step. Always keep in mind that the aforementioned Research Proposal
writing steps are very important in meeting the core need for systematic
explanation on what, why, and how of your future thesis.

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