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All Organic, No Conservatives: Students’ Perception About School Rules and


A Research Presented to the Senior High School Department,

Colegio De Calumpit Inc.


In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject

Practical Research 1


Bufa, Kyle Harvey E.

Castro, Rhian Mhaye C.

Dela Cruz, Cindrelle Kate F.

De Pedro, Juliane Dave L.

Lucero, Nathania Kaitlyn M.

Nuque, Ian Gabriel S.

Perona, Jomielene I.

Sta. Ana, Divine J.

March 2024



"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world," said Nelson

Mandela. In this quote, it is stated that education is the most powerful weapon to use, yet

Philippine school rules might or might not agree with it. Battling with school rules can be tough,

for the reason that it can improve the school itself. But do the students really agree with the

school’s policies? According to De Vera (2019),” Based on the international, national, and local

cases of the study, it is seen that having a receptive school is not common these days. Most

students are afraid of being kicked out from the school because of the complaint”. As time

changes, society changes along with it. Trying to maintain a clear and appropriate image of the

school and the students are incredibly overlooked by conservative practices that may harm the

student’s behavior, self-esteem, and lifestyle. There are no problems with the rules as long as

both parties are comfortable and it does not affect their way of living. As time passes, these rules

become more outdated with society’s standards, resulting in inconsistency with society’s date.

Choosing this topic to explore ensures that these problems are observed, while also keeping the

school’s mission and vision’s integrity strong, to make the students morally educated.

The researchers chose the Grade 12-TVL and Grade 12-GAS students S.Y. 23’- 24’

because they already experienced different types of rules and regulations from different

organizations, schools, and maybe in society. Many of them came from different schools, and a

big factor was that they had different rules and regulation experiences. Knowing that many of the

chosen students are part of some organization, it is interesting to know how they adjust and
follow the rules. A lot of students do obey and disobey the school rules, which is why it is

interesting to find out what are the possible reasons that some students choose to disobey it.

Grade 12 students are also graduating students, they need to be careful in violating the rules

because it can appear in their school records that might affect their college applications. That is

why the researchers thought that the Grade 12 students will be suitable respondents for the study.

This study aims to tackle the effects of school rules on students; possibly dissatisfaction,

low motivation, and disengagement that students experience. It also aims to know the perception

of students regarding the school rules and regulations that they are mandated to follow every day

in school. This will also tackle if these rules are really necessary, and if it is affecting students’

academic performances when applied and not. It also aims to have these school rules up to date,

promoting an inclusive, creative, and critical thinking environment in schools rather than

concentrating on rules that are merely irrelevant. Having the school student-friendly and free

environment for students, might help the students to gain more motivation in learning and

excelling in their academic performances. Though it could be hard to eliminate what is not

needed right away, this research tackles its benefits of having dated rules and regulations that the

students, school, and society can agree on following without any violent opposition.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Grade 12-TVL and GAS S.Y. 2023-2024 students’

perception about the school rules and regulations that they are mandated to follow every day.

These are the questions that the researchers intend to answer:

1. What are the students’ perceptions about the updated school rules and regulations?
2. What are the reasons why the students chose to obey or disobey some of those rules?

3. Do the students think that the updated school rules still need to be improved? Why or

why not? And what are the students’ suggestions for its improvement?

4. What are the effects of these rules and regulations on the students’ lifestyle?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study would be beneficial to the following:

For the Students. Advocates can use the insights that this study provides about the

students’ perception toward school regulations to develop better policy proposals that respond

more effectively to students’ needs and preferences.

For the Parents. This research will also help the parents of the students in different

aspects, to know about the children’s school experiences, allowing for better support and

guidance. Also to provide proper discipline if students tend to be stubborn and continuously

violate the rules and regulations of the school.

For the School. This research will serve as an inspiration for the improvement of the

school. The school may use it as a guide to promote a free and supportive environment for the


For the Teachers. This research will help the teachers to know the possible reasons why

students choose to violate the rules and regulations. For them to provide support and programs

that can help the students to deeply understand what is the main purpose of the rules and

regulations and why it needs to be followed.

. For the Policymakers. To know what rules should be created and implemented that

students can easily follow. To have more ideas, and recommendations that help to produce more

effective and useful rules and regulations that will be beneficial to the students.

For the Guidance Counselors. School counselors who deal with concerns raised by

students on policies and procedures. When counselors understand how kids see these guidelines,

it enables them to help children with any anxiety or fear that they might have regarding their

experiences with those rules. This may help create a more encouraging and helpful learning

environment for pupils.

For the School’s Board of Directors. School board of directors that make decisions

about curriculum and instruction. The feedback of students on school rules could be utilized by

this body as a basis for making decisions regarding curriculum development as well as

instructional policies. This enables them to come up with guidelines and policies which can

better suit students’ requirements and choices.

For the Future Researchers. This would be beneficial for future researchers to have

more data about their upcoming study, and be a guide for them to create an effective study that

can benefit people in the future. It can also help to give more suggestions and recommendations

that can be helpful for the upcoming researchers that will conduct a paper related to this study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to address the consequences of school rules and regulations that may

cause students to question their own abilities. Additionally, it serves to encourage an inclusive,

imaginative, and critical thinking environment in schools by reminding higher-ups and teachers

that the rules and regulations are out of date within a specific geographical area and time frame.

The target population includes Grade 12 students of Colegio de Calumpit Inc. S.Y 2023-2024,
with variables such as students that are taking the strand of GAS and TVL. Methodologically, the

study will utilize qualitative research, with data collected through interviews, open-ended

questionnaires, along with records and documents of the school. Limitations include 2 to 3

student volunteers per section. These parameters will guide the research focus and ensure

feasibility as the study progresses.

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