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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division Butuan City
West District 1
Libertad, Butuan City

A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
combinatorics and probability.
B. Performance Standard is able to use precise counting technique and
probability in formulating conclusions and
making decisions.
C. Learning Competency illustrates events, and union and intersection of
events. (M10SP-IIIf-1)
Knowledge Illustrates events, and union and intersection of
Skills Illustrates events, and union and intersection of
Attitude Demonstrate understanding in illustrating union of
A. Subject Matter Union and intersection of events.
B. Approach/Strategies 4A’s
C. Lesson Integration English
A. References Next Century Mathematics; pages 421-423
B. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages 288-292
C. Textbooks Pages Pages 328-334
D. Other Learning Resources Instructional Materials

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary
a.) Opening Prayer

Before anything else, let’s start our day with

a prayer. May I request Lovely to lead the Let us all bow down our heads as we all
prayer? say, in the name of the Father, and of the
son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. (Lovely
leads the opening prayer.)
b.) Greetings

Good morning class! How are you all

doing? We’re fine ma’am.
That’s wonderful!
c.) Classroom Management

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up

the pieces of garbage under your chair and
throw it in the trashcan.

Before we delve into our formal

conversation, I'd like to acquaint you with
the rules and guidelines for this class. First, (The students are listening attentively to the
listen when somebody is talking. Second, if teacher.)
you want to answer or you have
clarifications/questions just raise your right
hand to be recognized. Last, respect one
another. Is everything clear? Yes ma’am.
All right!

d.) Attendance

Who are absent today class? No one is absent, ma’am.

Great! I am glad that no one is absent.

B. Review

Who among you here still remember our

topic last meeting? Our topic last meeting was all about the
union of sets.
Very good! Thank you. You may now take
your seat. Yesterday, we discussed about the
union of sets.

Now, how will you illustrate the union of
events? The union of events can be illustrated by
means of a Venn diagram.
What mathematical notation is used to
illustrate the union of A and B?
The union of A and B is written as “A ∪ B”
All right. Very good!

C. Lesson Proper
a.) Activity

Now, here's where the fun begins! We’re

going to have an activity. Are you all Yes, Ma’am.

Are you all familiar with the flipping the Yes, Ma’am.
bottle challenge class?

All right, that’s good to hear. Now, you will

be group into two, girls versus boys. All you
have to do is to flip the bottle girls versus
boys one at a time, and whoever can make
the bottle stand will be given the chance to
answer the questions. Before anything else,
go to your respective groups first. Observe
and analyze the given figure at the board.

The Venn diagram shows the students who

likes Math and English subject.

Okay, so now please come here to the table,

one girl and one boy. We will do rock-
paper-scissors, and whoever wins will be the
first to flip the bottle. The member who can
make the bottle stand will be the group who
has the chance to answer the question. Each
correct answer corresponds a point. Do you
have any questions, class? None so far, Ma’am.
Amazing! Then let us begin.
Students like Math= 17
1. How many students like Math?

2. How many students like English? Students like English= 22

3. How many students like either Math or Students like either Math or English= 29

4. How many students both like Math and Students both like Math and English= 10

5. How many students do not like either of Students do not like either of the two
the two subjects? subjects= 3

6. How many students are enrolled in the Students are enrolled in the class= 32

b.) Analysis

How were you able to find the number of
students who like either Math or English?
By looking at the Venn diagram, we just
have to add the students who like Math and
English and those who like both.
How were you able to find the total number
of students who enrolled in the class? We just have to add all of the given number
of students who likes both subject or either
and those who are not.
How were you able to find the number of
students who both like Math and English? We notice Ma’am that there is a number in
the middle part of both circles.
What do you think it is called?
I think it is intersection, Ma’am.
c.) Abstraction

Okay, amazing! Now, we will learn about

intersection of events.

Do you have any idea what intersection is? I think its the common in both events,
The intersection of events A and B, denoted
as A∩B, is the event containing the
elements that are in both A and B. It
corresponds to combining descriptions of
the two events using the word “and”.

Example 1:
13 U= {1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13}
A 3 B A= {1,3,5,7,9}
1 5 2 B= {2,3,5,7,11}
9 7 11 A∪B= {1,2,3,5,7,9,11}
A∩B= {3,5,7}

Joint set - sets with common elements.

Example 2:
U= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}
A= {1,3,5,7,9)
B= {2,4,6,8,10}
A∪B= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
A∩B= { }

Disjoint set - sets without common elements. (No

common element.)
Example 3.

The extracurricular activities in which the

senior class at Kanangga High School
participate are shown in the Venn diagram

Extracurricular activities participated by

senior students.
How many students are in the senior class?
U= 38+51+137+30+4+10+8+67= 345
How many students participate in athletics? A= 137+8+10+4= 159

How many students who participate either in D∪B∪A=278
all three extracurricular activities?

How many students who participate both D ∩ B=30
drama and band only?

How about who participate in all three D∩B∩A= 10
extracurricular activities?

Very good! Well done, class. Do you have

any question, or clarification?
None so far, Ma’am.
That’s good to hear.


Okay, very good! Thank you.

When can you say that the two events A and
B intersect? Two events A and B intersect if there are
elements common to both A and B.
How will you denote the intersection of
events A and B?
The intersection of events A and B is
denoted by A ∩ B.
Now, what difference have you observed
between a union and an intersection of Union of events is the set of all elements of
events? event A or B and is denoted as A ∪ B, while
intersection of events A and B, denoted as
A∩B, is the event containing the elements
that are in both A and B or the common
elements of set A and B.
Very well said! Thank you.
Good job, our dear learners for being
participative in our discussion. And now, to
test your learnings today, let’s have another
d.) Application

Kindly prepare ½ crosswise of paper.

Solve the following problem:
A fair die is rolled.
The sample space is SS = {1,2,3,4,5,6}.
Let A = event “an even number turns up”
Let B = event “the number that turns up is
greater than or equal to 2”

a. Find A∩B.
b. Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate A∩B.

You will be given 15 minutes to answer the

activity. You may start now. (Students starts answering.)

DIRECTION: Answer the following.
1. The intersection between event set A and
event set B, also written as ________.
2. Given U= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Y= {1,3,5,7} and Z= {3,4,5,6,7}.
Find Y ∩ Z and draw a Venn Diagram to
illustrates Y ∩ Z.
(Students starts answering.)
For your assignment, study in advance about
the probability of union and intersection of
events. Do you have question?
None so far, Ma’am.
a. 101
100 Ailyn: Classmate, let us pray. In the name
98.5 of the Father…
All right. And that conclude our class, may I Goodbye and thank you Ma’am Abacahin.
request Ailyn to lead us the closing prayer.
Before you exit the classroom, please ensure
to collect any trash around you, and
organize your chairs.

That would be all, goodbye everyone.

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