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Contemporary Philippine Arts in the Regions


DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each item carefully. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your
answer on your answer sheet.

1. The area where arts have evolved and taken a new form.
A. Barangay C. Ethnic
B. City D. Region
2. This is the result of a combination of arts.
A. Fusion C. Mixture
B. Interconnection D. Uniqueness

3. This is the arrangement or design for dance movements. Usually accompanied by music.
A. Choreography C. Musicale
B. Dance D. Zumba

4. It is the most popular art form.

A. Cinema C. Theatrical performance
B. Musical instruments D. Visual design

5. It refers to the staging and execution of production like drama, opera, festivals, and the
A. Broadway C. Telenovela
B. Movie festival D. Theatrical performance

6. It is a composition or layout of lines, shapes, and colors to form patterns on paper, textiles, or
any piece for that matter.
A. Abstract C. Design
B. Collaboration D. Visual design

7. This is a tool or device that produces sounds.

A. Musical instrument C. String
B. Radio D. Youtube

8. These are written works that are meant to be read, sung, or delivered in a play.
A. Compilations C. Literary works
B. Index D. Prose

9. These are NOT written but notated works represented by musical symbols.
A. Musical arrangements C. Musical productions
B. Musical compositions D. Musical styles

10. A theater without a playwright is nothing, like a cinema without a

A. Actor C. Director
B. Character actor D. Screenwriter
11. The appreciation of art is NOT limited to the .
A. Academicians C. Elites
B. Bureaucrats D. Politicians
12. This is what you see that is depicted in the artwork.
A. Beauty C. Style
B. Color D. Subject Matter
13. This is what the artwork is made of.
A. Canvas C. Material
B. Design D. Relevance
14. Elements refer to the physical qualities of the artwork and the other is
A. Attributes C. Principles
B. Description D. Traits
15. This is to say whether the artwork is beautiful or not.
A. Appreciate C. Describe
B. Conclude D. Judge
16. When viewing a particular artwork, you should always bring with you the knowledge of .
A. Art C. Decision
B. Conclusion D. Fairness
17. The question “what is the main figure in the artwork?” belongs to this.
A. Elements C. Principles
B. Materials D. Subject Matter
18. The question “what are the objects used by the artist?” belongs to this.
A. Elements C. Principles
B. Materials D. Subject Matter

19. The question “how does the art form appeals from the visual sense?” belongs to this.
A. Elements and Principles C. Medium
B. Materials D. Subject Matter
20. Art is important to human existence to be experience and enjoyed by
A. Art lovers C. Selected individuals
B. Everyone D. Wealthy people

21-25. Identify the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box.
Write it on the blank.
A. Contemporary C. Both A and B
B. Traditional D. None of the above





26. The capacity to create things of beauty and things that stir us is .
A. Ability C. Product
B. Process D. Skill

27. The completed work of art is .

C. Ability C. Product
D. Process D. Skill
28. It encompasses acts, such as drawing, sketching, painting, sculpting, designing, and
the use of camera is .
A. Ability C. Product
B. Process D. Skill

29. The various art forms such as literary uses colorful words; choreography uses graceful
movements; painting share visual elements of color, line, shape and forms; and music uses
melody. Art expresses feelings to be shared and understand by everyone. Art is .
A. As a skill or mastery
B. Is a universal language
C. Is a representation of reality
D. As a process or a product of a creative skill

30. According to Aristotle, art is a reflection or a mirror of reality. It is .

A. As a process or a product of a creative skill
B. Is a representation of reality
C. Is a universal language
D. As a skill or mastery

31. The Rak of Aegis is an example of art form .

A. Choreography C. Theatrical performance
B. Cinema D. Visual design

32. Juan Luna’s Spoliarium is an example of art form .

A. Choreography C. Theatrical performance
B. Cinema D. Visual design

33. The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are example of art form
of Jose Rizal.
A. Cinema C. Musical composition
B. Literary works D. Musical instrument

34. The Guernica by Pablo Picasso depicts the bombing of Germany to Spanish city in Basque
region. The most powerful anti-war painting.
A. Literary work C. Theatrical performance
B. Musical composition D. Visual design

35. Himala, coincides with a total eclipse when people believe that the world is ending. Elsa
witnesses an apparition of the Virgin Mary on top of the hill whereas an infant she was found
and adopted by Saling. An example of art form
A. Cinema C. Theatrical performance
B. Literary work D. Visual design

36. The characteristics of traditional art EXCEPT .

A. Culture-bound
B. Realistic in figures
C. Animism is the usual theme
D. Culturally diverse and technology-driven

37. The characteristics of contemporary art EXCEPT .

A. Passion of society
B. Collaborative and integrated
C. It is not bound by any standard
D. It is passed along through the generations

38. The Islamic art, the contemporary arts in the Philippines emphasizes
A. Faith C. Integral to life
B. Geometric designs D. Western form

39. The contemporary era, it focuses on in the Philippines.

C. Geometric designs C. Orientalizing
D. Integral to life D. Social realism

40. The modern era, it focuses on in the Philippines.

A. Faith C. Social realism
B. National identity D. Western form
41. The element of art. A line can be horizontal it suggests a feeling of .
A. Power C. Unrest
B. Uncertainty D. Stability

42. A sphere is an example of a .

A. Form C. Space
B. Shape D. Texture

43. A triangle is an example of a .

A. Form C. Space
B. Shape D. Texture

44. Chiaroscuro, an Italian term in an art for the contrast between light and dark, is a technique
that intensifies the emotion in a painting and presents a strong emphasis on the subject. The
element of art is known as .
A. Color C. Shape
B. Line D. Value

45. The is also called the harmony, refers to the coherence of the elements
of a work to the whole.
A. Balance C. Unity
B. Proportion D. Variety
46-50. Identify the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box. Write it on the blank.
A. Representational C. Abstract
B. Non-objective D. Social Realism






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