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A Research Proposal

In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirements

Of Practical Research 2








Background of the study

Social media provide students with the opportunity to engage with others in the academic and

non-academic environment. The increase of social media is seen mainly among the youths (Gudelliwar,

Kishor & Yadav, n.d). Students use social media platforms to communicate and collaborate with others

in and outside the academic environment (Aghaee, 2010). Social media platforms are a virtual

community that connects friends, including students, in sharing information and communication

(Balakrishnan, Teoh, Pourshafie & Liew, 2017). To this study, social media platforms provide students

with a better environment to interact for academic purposes. It allows students to be connected in

sharing resources and information. However, the effects of social media on the academic motivation of

the students in developing countries are still in doubt because of its distractive nature. Students spend

hours on their social media chatting and doing other activities, which many see as distractive. This study

looks into the negative and positive effects of social media on students' academic motivation in applying

a quantitative research approach using a structured questionnaires. The study's outcome will facilitate

the understanding of students, lecturers, and other stakeholders on the impact of social media on

students' learning process and motivation.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This theoretical framework shows the dependency and independency of the perceive effects of

social media towards the academic motivation of the students. The dependent variable is the social

media and the independent variable are the effects on the academic motivation of grade 12 students.


Dependent Independent

Variable Variable

Perceived Effects of
Social Media to the
SOCIAL MEDIA Academic Motivation of
the grade 12 HUMSS

Statement of the Problem

This paper aims to find out the perceived positive and negative effects of social media to the
academic motivation of grade 12 HUMSS students. Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1. What are the perceived positive effects of social media on the academic motivation of the students?

2. What are the perceived negative effects of social media on the academic motivation of the students?

3. Is there an impact of social media to the academic motivation of the grade 12 HUMSS students?
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study limited only to determine the perceive effects of social media to the academic motivation

of grade 12 HUMSS students of San Luis National High School that the researchers assumed that has

effects of respondents’ academic motivations.

Significance of the Study

Social media are becoming more popular among students and are a new way of spending free time

and serve as a separate channel for finding the necessary information, both educational and

entertaining. Therefore, it is urgent to examine the question of what effects social media have on their

users, in particular, how the use of social media affects the motivations of students. This study will

discover this information, giving the researchers an opportunity to explore and gain new knowledge.

Furthermore, it can be used for future studies.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, some terms used are operationally defined for clarity and better

understanding. The terms are the following:

Social media. It refers to a collective term for websites and application that focus on

communication, community-based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration.

Academic motivation. This refers to the cause of behaviors that are in some way related to

academic functioning and success, such as how much effort students put forth, how effectively they

regulate their work, which endeavors they choose to pursue.




According Mensah et al. to their research titled THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS’


usage of social media platforms such as Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon for quite some

time. Though it all started has been a hobby for several computer literates individual has changed to

become a social norm and existence-style for students around the world (Nicole, 2007). According to

Nicole, (2007), students and teenagers have especially recognized these social media platforms to be

able to contact their peers, share information, reinvent their personas and showcase their social live.

Facebook users often experience poor academic performance. Also Karpinski (2009) stated that social

media has a negative association with students’ academic performance which is much greater than the

advantages derived through the use of social media platforms. People around the globe have been

addicted to the internet which has given rise to more students using social media more often than

before. Nalwa & Anand (2003) advised and recommended that those who are addicted users love to use

the internet to set back their personal and professional responsibilities in which the final outcome is

poor academic performance. It was highlighted in the finding of Karpinski (2009) that social media

platforms (Facebook, watzapp etc) users usually devote lesser time to their studies has to compared to

nonusers did and subsequently has lower GPAs. It was also mentioned by Karpinski, & Duberstein

(2009), that among the majordistraction of current generation that social media platform (such

Facebook, Watzapp etc.) remains a major distractions. According to Kubey, Lavin, and Barrows (2001),

there is a correlation between academic performance and the dependency on social media platforms.
Researchers have conducted different studies to find out the influence of social platforms users, for

instance a study on ‘’impact of Facebook on undergraduates academic performance’’, stated that social

platforms have negative impact on students.

According to Selvaraj et al. Though social media can increase student learning through student

interactions, challenges arise when social media are incorporated into an academic course. The

assumption that students are familiar with and agreeable to using certain types of social media can

cause educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources or encouragement necessary to support

student usage and learning (Cole, 2009; Väljataga & Fiedler, 2009). Arnold and Paulus (2010) found that

even when social media is used for an educational purpose, students incorporate the technology into

their lives in a way that may differ from the intentions of the course instructor. For example, off-topic or

non-academic discussions occur on social media because of its primary design as a social networking

tool (Lin et al., 2013). Further, as a student’s age increases, the frequency of off-topic discussions also

increases (Lin et al., 2013). This indicates that while social media may encourage broader discussions of

course content, older students may spend more time than younger students engaging in unrelated

discussions. Social media can also negatively affect student GPA as well as the amount of time students

spend preparing for class (Annetta et al., 2009; Junco, 2012b). One explanation for this impact is that

social media provides too much stimulation and therefore can distract students from completing their

coursework (Hurt et al., 2012; Patera et al., 2008). Another reason for this may be that students who

spend more time on social media may have difficulty balancing their online activities and their academic

According to Amphonsa et al. to their research titled The Impact of Internet Usage on Students’

Success in Selected Senior High Schools in Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana published in June 30 2022. This

Study explored the usage of the internet and its impact on the academic performance of Senior high

School (SHS) students in the Cape Coast Metropolis. A questionnaire was used to gather data from 105

second-and third-year students through random sampling and was then analyzed using descriptive

statistics and an independent samples t-test. The result revealed that Internet outlets for SHS students

include school ICT labs, mobile phones, internet facilities for families, and public internet cafes.

Furthermore, internet access influences academic standards among students, as those with internet

access have shown a higher improvement in academic performance than those without. Different

internet use, on the other hand, has no impact on academic performance, as revealed by the results.

Similarly, the presence of several sources of internet connectivity does not guarantee immediate access

to all of them. Therefore, it was recommended that the Heads of Institutions should liaise with other

stakeholder stop provide internet facilities with management support. It was also recommended that to

support student research, the School ICT Laboratories should be well equipped with internet facilities

and students should be taught how to use search engines to search online for academic materials. This

is vital because the provision of school internet facilities plays a very important role in enhancing

academic performance.

According to Kolan and Dzadza, the nature of social media as a useful servant but a dangerous

master and a two-edge sword has been revealed in the findings of the study. Despite the benefits that

students can harness from social media networks such as sharing of information, building relationship,

partaking in group discussion, there is to some extent addiction and distraction of attention caused by

the use of social media which could have serious consequences on the academic life of students. One of

the negative effect of social media is piracy. The primary motivator for Australians of all ages illegally

downloading movies and TV shows is that it is free.


According coquila et al to their research social media use has become prevalent and nearly

inevitable, changing the way students interact, connect, and socialize; it has become an integral part of

their social and cultural fabric. As a result, students spend a significant amount of time on social media.

Thus, this study investigates the impact of social media usage on students' academic performance

amidst the new normal of education, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the statistical

finding, the respondents' perception of their social media usage significantly affects their academic

performance (p=.000) with an associated probability value of 0.05 alpha level of significance.

According to Carbal. This study entitled, “Effects of Social Media to Academic Performance”

aimed to determine the effects of social media to the academic performance of the criminology

students; to test significant relationship between the profile of respondents and the effects of social

media to academic performance and to propose intervention measures based on the results of the

study. The researchers used the descriptive type of research. A sample of 85 criminology students were

included to answer the self- made questionnaire as primary instrument to gather data. The study

revealed that Facebook on cellphone thru WiFi connection is the common access; saving a lot of time

because of easy access and transfer of data due to collaboration with others using social networking

sites were the observed effects of social media to academic performance however, academic

performance is not affected by the respondents’ profile. The researchers recommended that school may
strictly monitor the implementation of the prohibition for cellphone usage during classroom discussion,

and the faculty members may intensify consultation of students regarding their academic performance.


PERFORMANCE AND TECHNOLOGY ETHICS DECISIONS) it discuss about.The use of social media in our

digital age became active and viral among digital natives and immigrants. This became rampant and

more attractive due to the technological innovations of ICT gadgets that enables everyone to participate

and gain access insocial media platforms across the globe. This accessibility may be a blessing or a curse

because of ethical issues that influence students’ moral decisions and academic performances. The

purpose of this study was to explore and analyzed the students’ use of social media and its relationship

to their academic performance and technology ethics decisions. Specifically, it sought to answer college

students’ profile, utilization of social media (computer and internet, smartphones, social networking

sites and multitasking), the relationship of using social media to academic performance and technology

ethics decisions; students profile to academics performance and technology ethics decisions.

According Remedios and Pasagui conducted a research titled (EFFECTS OF SOCIAL


networking media to the academic performance of the student, published by Atlantis pres on their

research it says. Social networking media has been the major source of communication between

individuals in the world over, hence, the label cyber-world. This includes Facebook, Twitter, MySpace,

Instagram, Flicker, Frienster, Blogs, Podcast, Youtube, Tumblr and Skype, among others. Users of these

forms of media made use of such technology gadgets as cell phones, tablets, laptops, desktop

computers, and e-readers. Researchers all over the world have varied findings on the effects of these
forms of media on the academic performance of students. Those students who used the media wisely,

their academic performance improved. However, those who failed to regulate their use of these social

networking tools negatively affected their studies which oftentimes led to their addicted use. In general,

the study found out that the exposure of the IMEAS students to the social networking media positively

affected their academic performance. Hence, the University must implement policies and projects

designed for more easy access of the students to the Facebook network site in the school campus. In

contrast, there is also this very disturbing finding of the study which disclosed that the students of

IMEAS, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato used the social networking media almost

daily since majority of them answered to have used said form of media 5-6 days a week at an average of

about 1-2 hours every session. With this data, it is recommended that the USM must regulate the

proper time usage by the students of social networking media in the campus in order not to destruct

with their classroom activities



The study used the descriptive survey method of research with self made questionnaire, as data

gathering tool. This method is necessary for an adequate understanding of students’ utilization of, the

perceive effects of social media to the academic motivation of the students. Because the primary goal of

this research was to determine the perceive effects of social media to the academic motivation of the

students. A quantitative approach was used because this analysis would identify research questions

based on trends in the field of study. According to Creswell (2012), the quantitative approach is used
when researchers want to classify a research issue based on patterns in the area or the need to

understand why something.


The study was conducted in San Luis National High School (SLNHS), during the first semester of

the academic year 2023-2024. Located in Zone-5 San Luis Malitbog, Bukidnon, Philippines.


The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 HUMSS of San Luis National High School. From a

total number of 27 students, 25 were selected as samples. The stratified random sampling and Slovin

Formula was adapted in the selection of respondents. Slovin's formula is written as n = N/(1+Ne2). In the

formula, n = the number of samples needed, N = total population and e = error tolerance.


Three types of sampling methods were used in this research. The first is the purposive/selective

sampling, which is employed in the choice of the respondents considered in the study. Proportionate
stratified random sampling was employed in getting the prescribed total number of respondents. The

third and the last type of sampling method is the systematic random sampling which is employed in the

selection of the respondents from the list of enrolees available of Grade 12 HUMSS.


In the conduct of this study, the following procedures were undertaken. First, the researchers

asked the San Luis National High School (SLNHS) school adviser of Grade 12 HUMSS through the registrar

asking approval to get the total number of the students of San Luis National High School Grade 12

HUMSS. Second, the researcher asked permission to the School Principal of San Luis National High

School (SLNHS) and other adviser and also to their PR (Practical Research) adviser to conduct a study.

Third, after the permission was granted, the researcher with the help of other faculties administered

personally the questionnaire to the respondents. Fourth, the questionnaires was floated to the

respondents and each of them was given a time to answer the following.


In gathering the primary data, the only instrument used in this research was a structured

questionnaire. Participants were required to answer the questionnaire items based on accessibility.

After reading literatures and studies, the researchers crafted a survey questionnaire. It conclude the

catalogued of the questionnaire to identify the perceived effects of social media to the academic

motivation of grade 12 HUMSS.

The subsequent part of the study has been devoted to the problems. To answer this questions the

researcher used the real number for each of the items. The table show the frequency and percentage of

the student response for the items regarding the factor’s perceived positive effects of social media to

the academic motivation of the students.

This chapter presents the data that dealt with the research question of the study. This study

attempted to discuss the following research question

1. What are the positive effects of social media on the academic motivation of grade 12 HUMSS


2. What are the negative effects of social media the academic motivation of grade 12 HUMSS


3. Is there an impact of social media to the academic motivation of the grade 12 HUMSS students?

The data gathered were analyzed the frequency count technique and percentage. The presentation

and analysis of the data were organized into the following sections


PROBLEM 1. What are the negative effects of social media to the academic motivation of the grade

12 student?

Statement of the Item 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Description Verbal

I can study well f 2 12 4 2 5 25 3.16 Neutral The
because of the respondents
easy access to 20% neither agree
8% 48% 16% 8% 100%
information. nor disagree to
the statement.

I gain more friends 0 8 10 4 3 25 2.92 Neutral The

who help me to respondents
improve my neither agree
0% 32% 40% 16% 12% 100%
knowledge. nor disagree to
the statement.

Using social media 3 4 10 3 5 25 2.88 Neutral The

helps me to earn respondents
better grades in neither agree
12% 16% 40% 16% 12% 100%
school because of nor disagree to
the information I the statement.
get from the sites.

Social media m 3 6 7 4 5 25 2.92 Neutral The

exchanging ideas respondents
with others and neither agree
12% 16% 40% 12% 20% 100%
asking about the nor disagree to
topics we have the statement.

The comments and 3 6 7 4 5 25 2.88 Neutral The

suggestions of my respondents
friends online neither agree
12% 24% 28% 16% 20% 100%
motivate me to nor disagree to
study well. the statement.

Mean 2.95 Neutral

Table 1 shows that the majority of the respondents neither agree nor disagree that they can

study well because of the easy access to information with the mean of 3.16. And the respondents
neither agree nor disagree to the statement that, using social helps them to earn better grades in school

because of the information they get the sites and the comments and suggestions of their friends online

motivate them to study well

Marx (2001) support the above findings when he emphasized that social media has a negative or

positive effects towards the academic motivation

The above findings shows that the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the statements

that social media have positive effects to the academic motivation of the students.


THE PROBLEM : What are the negative effects of social media the academic motivation of grade 12

HUMSS students?

Statement of Item 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Descripti Verbal

the problem on Description


My study f 0 7 6 8 4 25 2.64 Neutral The

habits has respondents
changed due to neither agree
lack of interest % 0% 28 24% 32 16% 100% nor disagree
and spends my to the
time using % %
social media.

The time for 0 1 13 4 7 25 2.32 Disagree The

studying my respondents
lesson is lessen somehow
due to the disagree to
excessive use the
of social media. 0% 4% 52% 16 28% 100% statement.

It reduces my 0 3 10 9 3 25 2.52 Disagree The

concentration respondents
span during somehow
class discussion 0% 12 40% 36 12% 100% disagree to
due to lack of the
sleep. % % statement.

Social media 2 5 11 2 5 25 2.88 Neutral The

consume a lot respondents
of my time and neither agree
I even forgot 8% 20 44% 8% 20% 100% nor disagree
my studies. to the

I fail my scores Disagree The

on short respondents
quizzes most of somehow
the time disagree to
because I the
spend too statement.
much using
social media.

Means 2.51 Disagree

The table shows that the respondents neither agree nor disagree that social media consumes a lot

of their time and they even forgot their studies, which revealed by the mean of 2.88. Furthermore the

respondents somehow disagree that the time for studying their lesson is lessen due to excessive use of

social media which revealed by the mean of 2.32.

Cowell (2011) contradict the above findings when he emphasized that the social media has a

negative effects towards the academic motivation of the students. Archie and Chris (2012) added that

excessive use of social media can have a negative effects to the student studies.
The above findings suggest that the respondents somehow disagree to the statement that social

media has a negative effects of the academic motivations of the students.

Table 3

Means Description Verbal description

Positive effects 2.95 Neutral The respondents

neither agree nor
disagree to the

Negative effects 2.51 Disagree The respondents

somehow disagree to
the statement.

Overall means 2.73 Neutral

The perceived effects of social to the academic motivation of the students can be neither positive

nor negative based on the students usage of social media, which is also the neutralization of the result

of the overall mean of 2.73.


When respondents exhibit a neutral stance regarding both the positive and negative effects of

social media on academic motivation, it implies a nuanced and diverse perspective among participants.

This neutralization suggests that students do not strongly associate either positive or negative impacts

with social media concerning their academic motivation.

Possible interpretations include:

1. *Balanced Perceptions:*

Respondents may perceive that social media has both positive and negative aspects, leading to an

overall neutral stance. This suggests an awareness of the multifaceted nature of social media's influence.

2. *Individual Variation:*

The neutralization could be a result of individual differences among respondents. Different

students may have varying experiences, attitudes, and usage patterns, contributing to a neutral overall


3. *Need for Further Exploration:*

The neutral stance prompts the need for further investigation through qualitative research or

targeted inquiries to understand the specific reasons behind this neutrality. Exploring students'

experiences and perspectives in-depth can provide valuable insights.

In conclusion, the neutralization of responses to both positive and negative effects of social media

on academic motivation highlights the complexity of this relationship. Educators and researchers should

consider this nuanced view when developing interventions or strategies related to social media use in

the academic context.


While the data suggests a varied perspective on the impact of social media on academic

motivation, it is recommended that educational institutions consider the nuanced nature of this

relationship. Instead of attributing a significant role to social media in academic motivation, it is

advisable to focus on a holistic understanding of various factors that influence student engagement and



1. *Promote Digital Literacy:*

Emphasize the importance of responsible and mindful social media use among students. Educate

them about digital literacy, critical thinking, and the potential consequences of excessive or

inappropriate online activities.

2. *Encourage Well-rounded Approaches:*

Advocate for a balanced approach to academic and extracurricular activities. Encourage students to

diversify their interests and engage in offline activities to maintain a healthy academic-life balance.

3. *Provide Academic Support:*

Address individual challenges that students may face in their academic journey. Implement

support systems such as counseling services, study skill workshops, and mentorship programs to

enhance overall academic well-being.

4. *Foster a Positive Learning Environment:*

Create an environment that fosters motivation, collaboration, and positive competition among

students. This can help mitigate external factors, including social media,that may negatively impact

academic motivation.

5. *Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation:*

Regularly assess the evolving landscape of social media and its potential influence on students.

Adapt educational strategies accordingly, incorporating new insights and technologies to support

positive academic motivation.

In summary, while acknowledging the diverse perspectives on social media's impact, the emphasis

is placed on adopting a comprehensive approach that considers multiple factors influencing academic

motivation. This recommendation encourages a proactive stance in addressing the complex interplay

between students' academic lives and their digital interactions.




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