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Student Pseudonym name: Ki

Date: November 3, 2023

Session material: Peer Feedback Rubric for Blog Buddy: Language Learning Log in EFL Writing

Learning Log
of the Topic of the Example taken from
Source Vocabulary usage Grammar
meeting meeting the text
Meet 7 Peer Lecturer’s (adj.) Numerous Numerous studies Present tense
Feedback note /ˈno͞om(ə)rəs/= have explored the
Rubric for Banyak impact of peer
Blog Buddy: Great in number; feedback in the
Language many. context of English as
Learning a Foreign Language
Log in EFL (EFL) writing
Writing education.
Education (n.) Enhance / /in By implementing Present tense
ˈhans,enˈhans/ = peer feedback
Meningkatkan strategies and
intensify, increase, utilising digital
or further improve platforms, educators
the quality, value, or can enhance
extent of. language learning,
improve writing
skills, and foster
higher levels of
student engagement
(v.) Pique /pēk/ = It’s the first thing Present tense
Menyinggung readers see and
Stimulate (interest should pique their
or curiosity). interest.

(v.) Corroborate /kə The credibility of a Present tense

ˈrä bəˌrā t/= news story
Menguatkan increases when
Confirm or give multiple sources can
support to (a corroborate
statement, theory, or information.

The proposed course, titled “Peer Feedback Rubric for Blog Buddy: Language Learning Log in EFL
Writing Education” discuss the impact of peer feedback in EFL writing education and provides a
rubric for assessing language learning logs for blog buddies. The rubric focuses on vocabulary usage,
reflection and application, and session evaluation, and includes criteria for different levels of
performance in each category. The rubric for assessing language learning logs for blog buddies helps
students provide feedback to their classmates by providing clear and specific criteria for evaluating
vocabulary usage, reflection and application, and session evaluation. By using the rubric, students can
assess their classmates' language learning logs based on defined standards of excellence, good,
satisfactory, needs improvement, and inadequate performance in each category. This allows students
to provide constructive feedback to their classmates by referencing the specific criteria and offering
suggestions for improvement in areas where performance may be lacking. The rubric serves as a
guide for students to provide meaningful and targeted feedback, ultimately contributing to the
enhancement of language learning and writing skills.

Reflecting on my journey in learning news writing, I've come to appreciate the power of concise,
informative, and unbiased communication. This skill demands a keen eye for detail, a knock for
storytelling, and a commitment to truth. I've learned the significance of thorough research and
responsible reporting. Every article is an opportunity to inform and shape opinions. It's been an
exercise in objectivity, highlighting the importance of presenting facts without bias. As I continue to
hone this craft, I'm reminded of the crucial role of journalism in society. News writing isn't just about
words; it's about delivering the truth, holding the powerful accountable, and fostering an informed

Learning Strategy
For the learning strategy, first, I seek out the materials that already given by our lecturer. While
the lecturer in the middle of presenting the materials, I read it side-by-side in class meeting. Secondly,
while listening the explanation, I write the small notes for definition of subject that I don’t
understand. Then, if I miss an explanation that is being explained by the lecturer or don't have time to
write a small note, I take a few of screenshots/picture of the presentation to make it easier or use
audio recorder.

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