Tahoma Essay

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Name: Jhon Carl Christian Seguiro Date Checked:01/18/23

Section: 12-ARIANNE Essay

“Choose an American president and explain during his
Time in the office of the country”
Donald Trump won the American presidential election on 2016 he was the
45 president of the United States, he was a former TV actor, businessman and now he

is a politician. During his time in the office, he receive a lot of criticism from his people,
Donald Trump was the first president to go to the North Korea, because of that he
receive a lot of criticism for being friendly with Asian. A lot of people were debating
whether Trump is good or bad, but most of the people are saying that Trump was the
worst president in the American history. While according to the people that supporting
Trump he was a good president for being able to maintain the economy. He was able to
lower the inflation rate of the country, despite of doing all of that, he still receive
negative criticism from the people, he also receive a lot of impeachment from the
people to resign as the president of the country. When he go to North Korea he became
friends with Kim-Jung-Un and made peace with them but the Central Intelligence
agency (CIA) was not happy with that so they made a lot of rumors about him. Despite
of that he was able to maintain his position. When the Covid-19 pandemic started the
American economy was in the brink of distraction Donald Trump tried his best to
maintain it, but he still got criticized by the people for being the failure president, just
because thousand of people lost their job in the blink of an eye and thousand died in
Covid-19 pandemic. During his last few months as the president of the country he made
a promise that if people support him in re-election that the economy will recover and it
will be stabilize the economy. After that he still lost in the re-election and Joe Biden win
the election. In the end he still lose the people's trust and wasn't able to clear his
name. After that people all over the America named him Trump the worst.

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