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Preliminaries Having self-clarity helps a person live a

Time Frame meaningful and purpose driven life. It sets the
15 - 20 min. direction he or she needs – where to go, why go
there and how to go there. This module
emphasizes on laying a person’s foundation on
clarifying his or her identity using key sources or
basis such as the Scriptures, Personality Type,
Catholic Teachings, and cultural context as a
Mindanaoan. It is with fervent hope that each
participant discovers more of himself or herself
deeply and embrace this identity.


• Recognize the truth that our are God’s

children and the image of God
• Discover our giftedness through our
• Appreciate our identity as Catholics;
• Understand our context as Mindanaoans; and
• Embrace the totality of our identity

The facilitator plays the song entitled
Wala’y Makalabaw Nimo, Sung by
Berlinda Mambo-o, an ecumenical prayer
from the Indigenous People, Muslims
and Christians or any alternative song.
Composed by Pastor Bernard Paundag
Prayers by Mufti Alem Mohammad Y.
Pasigan Fr. Bong Gonzaga, DCD

Suggested Songs: Who Am I (Casting Crows),

Through My Father’s Eyes (Holly Starr)

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Module 1: #AKO
UNFREEZING: “If you were a celebrity, who would
you be?”
1. This is a self-introduction game where
participants are asked to think of a
celebrity, then and now, whom they
can identify themselves in terms of
similarity in looks or traits.
2. The participants provide a one-
sentence reason for choosing that
3. They will be given 1 minute to think of
the celebrity before they introduce
themselves. The facilitator decides the
order of self-introduction.
4. The format for self-introduction will
be as follows:
- Name: “I am ______________.
- Age: “I’m ___________________.
- Ministry Assignment & Parish or
BEC: “I serve as __________ at
- Celebrity Name: “And I am
- Reason for choice: “(Because)

Linking: We identify ourselves with what we and

other people say about ourselves, our
experiences, our possessions and titles. Do any
one or a combination of these really define our
true identity? Let us find out!

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Module 1: #AKO
I AM - SEEING Activity: Describing Me
EYES OF GOD Step 1: The participants are divided into 7 groups
(depending on the size of the group).
Step 2: Brainstorm with the group the adjectives
Session 1 that a person might use to describe someone. Tell
Time Frame participants these are not physical descriptions,
1 hr. & 20 min. such as hair color, tall, short, etc. Rather, the
participants should find words that describe how
a person acts or treats others or affects them. List
all suggested adjectives on a sheet of paper.
Activity Step 3: Go through the list as a group and
Materials eliminate those words that the group decides are
physical descriptions.
• Printed copies Step 4: Have each participant fill in the graphic
of the Self- organizer Describing Me by choosing from the
Awareness list, five of the adjectives that describe himself or
Activity Sheet herself.
• Fast or upbeat
music/ song, DESCRIBING ME
preferably Self-Awareness Activity Sheet
Christian songs
Name: ___________________________
for the activity Instruction: From the list that you and your co-
Describing Me members have made, choose 5 words that
• Any relaxing best describe you. Remember, you are not
instrumental describing how you look but rather how you
act, feel, and treat others.
music for
Personal and 1. _______________________________
Group 2. _______________________________
Reflection 3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________

Guide Questions for Pair Sharing:

• Why did you choose the words you
selected to include on the list above that
describe you?

• Why do you feel these words describe

you? Give examples.

• Which of these descriptions do you feel

proud of?

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Module 1: #AKO
• Which of these words describe things
about yourself that you would like to
change? Why?

Step 5: From the same group, have the

participants pair off and spend the next 5 minutes
discussing their adjective lists and receiving
feedback on which two or three are the best
descriptors of each individual. Partners should tell
each other which adjectives most accurately
describe them using specific examples of
situations in which the partner observed the
other participant demonstrating these
Step 6: Rotate partners and repeat the sharing
described above. A third rotation is optional,
depending on the size of the group and time


There is an ancient Indian story that tells of six

blind men who attempted to describe an
elephant based on what part of the elephant they
were examining with their hands. Because of their
blindness, they drew some pretty comical
conclusions. One felt the leg and decided the
elephant was a pillar. Another touched the tusk
and determined it was a solid pipe. Still another
grabbed the tail and proclaimed it to be nothing
more than rope. The story goes on and in the end
a man blessed with sight enters and sees the
whole picture, that it was, in fact, an elephant.

This story is often used by world religions to

describe what they incorrectly believe to be the
different paths to God, but I want to use it to
illustrate how incomplete our view and
understanding is of ourselves. Often, we make
the mistake of finding our identity without

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Module 1: #AKO
realizing that in our blindness we have seen only
a tiny part of the big picture. For example, a guy
may play a sport really well so he finds his identity
in the fact that he is an athlete. A girl might be
really pretty and therefore she’s finds her identity
in her external appearance. The problem is, this is
such an incomplete picture. Jesus sees so much
more when He looks at us.

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you
may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called
you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you
once were not a people, but now you are the people of
God; you had not received mercy, but now you have
received mercy.(NAB)
Many of us find our identity in the things we can
do, the way we look, the friends we hang out with,
or so on. These labels are not enough. We are so
much more than our beliefs. For starters, these
things can be taken away from us. Our actual
identity, the part of us that truly and accurately
describes who we are at the core of our being,
cannot change. Someday a person may no longer
be the athlete he or she once were. What we see
as “good looks” may change. Our true identity, is
an amazing gift from God. Let’s look at a few of
the things that are mentioned in those verses.

Chosen People
• God, in all His amazing power and wisdom,
has looked at you and said, “This is a person
that I love. I want to know this person better.
I chose you.”
Royal Priest
• We are “royalty”, which means that we are an
adopted child of the Creator of the Universe.
He loves us, not as a friend or a follower, but
as a son or a daughter. We are a priest. That
carries so many meanings. You have the
ability to help lead others to that same
incredible love that God has for us. God’s

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Module 1: #AKO
We are a part of the Chosen People, those whom
God has set aside as special to Him. We have the
ability to change the world with His love and

These are just a few of the things that the Bible

says are our true identity. The best part is that no
one can take that away from us. Nothing we do,
no matter what life throws at us, our identity in
Jesus Christ cannot be shaken or destroyed.
Nothing about us is an accident. Jesus sees the
full picture of who we are. Allow Him to remove
your blindness so that we can step into His
wonderful light.

U-Speak: Discussion Questions

1. In your own words, what is “identity”?

2. What are some of the “false” identities that
people around you cling to? (for example:
John’s identity is that he is the “smart kid”)
3. Why is it important to know what your
identity is?
4. What is dangerous about finding your
identity in something that can change or be
taken away?


1. 1 Peter 2:9-10 touches on a few of the

ways the Bible describes our identity.
Read the following Bible verses and write
down your insights, feelings, thoughts
about/while reading the verses.
Isaiah 44:2
“Thus says the Lord who made you, your help, who
formed you from the womb: fear not, O Jacob, my
servant, the darling whom I have chosen.”
Psalm 139:13
“For you formed my inward parts; tou wove me in my
mother’s womb.”
Psalm 139:14

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Module 1: #AKO
“I wil give thanks to You for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made;wonderful are your works and my
soul knows it very well.”
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and
before you were born, I consecrated you; I have
appointed you a prophet to the nations”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
“Or do you nit know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and
that you are not your own? For you have been bought
with a price; therefore, glorify God with your body.”
Galatians 3:27-29
“For all of you were baptized into Christ, have clothed
yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek,
neither slave nor free man, neither male nor female, for
you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to
Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs
according to promise.
Colossians 3:1-4
“Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep
seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the
right hand of God. Set you mind on then things above,
not on the things that are on earth. For you have died
and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ
who is our life is revealed, then you also will be revealed
with Him in glory.
John 15:5 ESV
“I am the vine; you are the branches; He whoabides in
me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from me
he can do nothing.”

Session Synthesis
The facilitator plays the video Your Identity in
Christ by Cleon Alleyne. Then the participants
answer the questions in their journal notebook
for 3-5 minutes:
1. What important discovery did I have in
this session?
2. I intend to practice what I have learned by

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Module 1: #AKO
(15 – 20 minutes)


AM I: SEEING GOD’S Activity: Message Behind!
1. Each participant will be given a sheet of
Session 2 paper with a yarn attached to it.
Time Frame 2. Each participant will put the sheet around
15 – 20 min. their neck and lay it on their back so they
will not see it.
3. The main goal of this game is for each of
the co-participants to write positive
Activity words about the physical or emotional
Materials qualities of the person.
4. The participants will be given five (5)
• Sheets of bond minutes to go around and do the task.
paper with Upbeat music is played to get the
attached yarns participants excited.
• Pens 5. When the time is up, the participants will
• Fast or upbeat go back to their respective seats and read
music/ song, the positive words.
preferably 6. The facilitator will ask a few volunteers to
Christian songs read the positive words written on their
for the activity paper.
Message 7. The facilitator now asks the following
Behind! process questions
• Any relaxing • During the activity, which part do you think
instrumental was easy? How about the difficult part?
music for • How did you feel when you were the one
Personal and writing the positive words?
Group • What do you think about the words people
Reflection wrote about you?
• How do you feel about the things they wrote
• Does this activity help you know yourself
more? How?

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Module 1: #AKO
Linking : One way to deepen our
knowledge about ourselves is through the
opinion of other people. How they relate to
give us insights about our personality. What is
personality? What kind of personality do
we have? How does understanding our own
personality help us live out what God
called us to do as Youth formators?


What does personality mean? We will find many

definitions of this word from different schools of
thought. For this module, we will use provide
basic definition of the term from a number
sources to give us a common understanding of it.

Looking at the etymology or root word, we learn

that it is derived from the word “Persona”
meaning a mask. Personality though, is not
pretending to be somebody that is not natural to
us or faking our behavior as the word “mask” can
mean today.

The American Psychology Association defines

personality as the individual differences in
characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and
behaving. In order to understand ourselves and
other people, and the roles we ought to play in
life, we observe and analyze how we behave and
why we behave in such a way.
The Bible teaches us important truths about our
Each of us is unique. God designed us to be
amazingly different. While we share similarities
with others, there is nobody out there who is
exactly like each of us. As King David wrote, “I will
give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14)

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Module 1: #AKO
Each of us is gifted. The Bible says, “We have
different gifts, according to the grace given to
each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then
prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is
serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if
it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it
is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do
it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”
(Romans 12:6-8 NIV) Our personality is God’s gift
to us so we can accomplish

Each of us need to study our behavior. In his

article entitled God’s Gift of Personality, Fr
Bogdan Djurdjulov writes: “Knowing at least the
basic characteristics or patterns of relating to
others helps us to build better relationships. Most
of us would agree that that’s a worthy goal. It helps
reduce conflict, tension and stress. It makes
relationships more enjoyable and fulfilling. It’s
easier to make a point when we speak and behave
in a language the other understands. Proverbs
25:11 tells us that “a word fitly spoken is like an
apple of gold in a setting of silver.” Rather than
ramming our desires down people’s throats, why
not practice adapting our style to better reach
others and be better understood.”

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Module 1: #AKO
Activity Activity: DISC Profile

• Printed copies Background on DISC Profile

of DiSC Profile • DISC theory, researched by Dr. William
Personality Test Moulton Marston at Harvard University, is
Sheet a method of identifying predictable
• Any relaxing actions and personality traits within
instrumental human behavior. Marston narrowed these
music for predictable personality traits into four
answering DISC DISC personality types: Dominance,
Profile Test, Influence Steadiness and
Personal and Conscientiousness. DiSC is a non-
Group judgmental tool that measures your
Reflection personality and behavioral style. It does
• Optional: not measure intelligence, aptitude,
Dictionary for mental health or values. DiSC profiles
definition of describe human behavior in various
some terms situations, for example how you respond
from thee DiSC to challenges, how you influence others,
Profile Survey your preferred pace and how you respond
to rules and procedures.
• For the purpose of this module, the DISC
profile is used is used to help youth
leaders deepen self-knowledge and self-
identity that will help them understand
other people around them and improve
their capacity in leading or influencing
others. (refer to

Sample DISC Personality Test

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Module 1: #AKO
1. The facilitator briefly discusses the
background DISC Profile and its purpose
and distributes the DISC Profile Handout.
2. The participants will be given 10 minutes
to answer the personality test. The
facilitator may guide the participants to
better understand the meaning of certain
descriptors or adjectives used by using
them in context or providing the meaning
of such descriptors.
3. After answering the test, the participants
will total the score by counting the
number of letters chosen and make a tally
like the table below.
A 6 D – person
B 5 I – person
C 7 S – person
D 6 C – person

4. Then, the participants determine which

letter got the highest number. This is
equivalent to type of person as indicated
on the third column of the table above.
From the table above, it shows that the
person is an S – person or high S. It also
shows that the client has a strong D and
C personality. For this type of test, a
person can have a major and minor
As in the example: Major is C
Minor is A and D
5. By the time the participants finish the
test, the facilitator will group them into
according to their personality type and
prepare for a discussion on each of the
DISC Profile.

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Module 1: #AKO
Activity U-Speak: Group Sharing

• Printed copy of 1. The facilitator posts the characteristics of

each of the each personality type on the 4 corners of the
characteristics room.
of the DiSC 2. Having identified their DiSC Profile, each
Profile group (according to personality type) look
• masking types into each type of person’s strengths, goals,
weaknesses, and the ways others can work
better with him or her. To achieve a fruitful
discussion, the participants:
• study the characteristics of their
personality type;
• cite a specific instance where each of
them manifested any one of the listed
• agree or disagree on one or more of the
traits; and
• appreciate their own personality type.

Activity: Gallery Walk

1. While the group sharing is on-going, the
facilitator posts a printed copy of each
personality type on 4 corners of the room.
2. At the end of the group sharing, each
group of personality type shall go around
and learn from other personality by
studying the printed copy on each wall for
7 minutes until they go back to their area.

DiSC Profile Personality Types

1. People with the D style (Dominance) place
an emphasis on shaping the environment
by overcoming opposition to accomplish
results (See chart on the Appendices
Section for the complete set of
2. People with the I style (Influence) place an
emphasis on shaping the environment by
influencing or persuading others. (See
chart on the Appendices Section for the
complete set of characteristics)
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Module 1: #AKO
3. People with the S style (Steadiness) place
an emphasis on cooperating with others
within existing circumstances to carry out
the task. (See chart on the Appendices
Section for the complete set of

4. People with the C (Conscientiousness)

style place an emphasis on working
conscientiously within existing
circumstances to ensure quality and
accuracy. (See chart on the Appendices
Section for the complete set of

Discussion Question
The participants with others of the same
personality type.
• What types of people are easiest for you
to get along with? Most difficult?
• Does learning your personality type help
you to embrace yourself? How about
other people?

Session Synthesis

Once you know and understand your own

behavioral style, you can adapt it to meet the
needs of other styles. For example, knowing that
someone prefers to have lots of details can help
you to prepare your material to suit their
expectations. Knowing someone prefers to talk
things through rather than reading long detailed
reports can help you prepare your presentation
with more discussion and less paperwork.

While you can’t change others, you can change

your own approach, adapt and influence others.
The expression, “Ganito na talaga ako.” may not
always work well. All of us are capable of
adjusting our styles of interaction without
changing the essence of who we are.
Understanding ourselves help us understand and
communicate to other people better. It enhances
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Module 1: #AKO
our relationship with them. Ultimately, learning,
embracing and living out our giftedness make us
honor God according to the way He designed us.


WHO AM I: Activity: Making a Catholic ID Card

Session 3
Time Frame
1 hr. 20 min.

1. The participants meet their groupmates in

Activity Session 1 for a group activity.
Materials 2. The facilitator gives each group a ½ size
Manila Paper, coloring materials, and
• ½ size manila
permanent markers.
paper or
3. The group assigns a leader who will co-
facilitate his or her groupmates and
presents the output of the group.
• coloring and
4. The facilitator presents the preliminary
other art
text and each group will be given a copy
of it
• copies of the
excerpt from
“Being A Catholic
The following is an excerpt from the
Today: Catholic Pastoral Letter entitled, “Being A Catholic
Identity in an Age Today: Catholic Identity in an Age of
of Challenge” Challenge” in 2015 His Eminence Donald
• printed copies of Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of
the charts about Washington.
Catholic Faith
• Fast or upbeat • “Each of us has a name. It is how we are
music/ song, known. To the world around us, our name
preferably identifies us, it says who we are. But there is
Christian songs more to the identity of each one of us than
for the activity just our own personal name. Identity is a
Catholic ID theme to which Pope Francis has returned
often in his daily preaching. He speaks of
Catholics, metaphorically, as having a certain
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Module 1: #AKO
• Any relaxing “identity card,” as valuable and consequential
instrumental as a passport or driver’s license. Our legal
music for documents record important details such as
Personal and our eye color, hair color, and home address.
Group Reflection These details matter to us, but they are
superficial; they can change over time. Pope
Francis, however, speaking from the Catholic
tradition, is more concerned, as we are in this
letter, about an identity that is essential,
enduring, and true. We must talk about the
identity we receive in baptism, it cannot be
taken away from us. It is permanent. Indeed,
it is all we can hope to keep at the end of our
earthly life.”
–Being Catholic Today, p.

5. For the next few minutes, the group

reflect on the question:
• Who am I? Imagine Pope Francis called
you and asked you to develop a Catholic
ID card, what kind of information should
be included on your ID card?

6. For 15 minutes, each group brainstorms

and comes up with a Catholic ID using the
art materials given to them.

7. Then, each group leader goes to the front

to present their output.

8. After all the presentations or reporting,

the facilitator asks the question:
• How does the information shown on
each of the identity card reflect Catholic
identity? (Share your thoughts, if you are
comfortable with doing so, or share your
ear by actively and respectfully listening
to others.)

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Module 1: #AKO

As Catholics: we pray, we believe, we practice the

faith, and we work for justice.
(This Catholic Faith chart can be given to the
participants for a 5-minute reading before the
discussion; See Appendices Section for the copy of
the whole chart)

U-speak: Group Sharing Process


1. What are the things in the list that

describe you, things that feel like part of
your identity? You may circle just one
word, several, or the whole sentence.

2. What are the parts which you did not

circle and would like to learn more about?
Underline them.

3. Which of the underlined sections would

you like to know more about? Explain
your choice?

Session Synthesis: Personal Challenge

Catholic Identity is a gift given to us by Jesus
through the Church. Like any gift, it can be put
away and forgotten or we can cherish it and use
it every day.
By being true to our Catholic identity, we
can help manifest and realize God’s kingdom,
coming to be here and now, a kingdom of
truth, peace, joy and love that truly sets us free. –
Being Catholic Today, p. 30
Take a moment to reflect on the areas above. Pick
one idea from each of the categories, and write
your own personal challenge to cherish and use
your gift of Catholic Identity:
I will cherish and use my Catholic Identity by:
Knowing my faith better by ____________________.
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Module 1: #AKO
Living my faith better by _______________________.
Sharing my faith better by _____________________.

(15 – 20 minutes)

WHO AM I: Activity: Concept Map
1. The participants proceed to their
Session 4 respective groups.
Time Frame 2. The facilitator gives each group a set of
1 hr. 20 min. meta-cards, permanent markers and
masking tapes for the group work.
3. The meta-cards come in 3 colors and
Activity White: identity or core characteristics of a
Materials Mindanaoan (these may include physical
attributes, culture or ethnicity, beliefs and alue
• printed copies systems, traditions, etc.)
of the Modified Yellow: our aspirations for Mindanaoan
Blue: issues that impact or influence the identity
Venn Diagram
of a Mindanaoan
• Instrumental
4. The participants in each group will write
music for the down information on the color-coded
activity Concept meta-cards and post them on an assigned
Map area at the front of the room.
• meta-cards in 5. The participants of each group follow the
three colors: format below:
white, blue,
• marking pens
• masking tapes

Modified Venn Diagram

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Module 1: #AKO
Activity: What We Have in Common
1. The leader presents his or her group’s
output. The representative/s share their
bases and reasons for coming up with
their answers.
2. After all the group reporting, the
facilitator asks the participants to identify
common answers in each of the three
areas and post them on a corner specified
by the facilitator.
3. As the meta-cards are transferred,
facilitator verifies whether all majority of
the participants agree with the manner
they are being categorized as under
Issues, Identity/ Core, and Aspirations is
common or true to all.
4. At the end of the process, participants go
back to their seats and the facilitator
reviews the new output.

Process Questions
1. What did you feel while doing the whole
2. What were your thoughts as you
brainstormed for the characteristics of
Mindaoan identity?
3. How were you able to come up with your
Mindanaoan identity? What specific
indicators did you use:
• personal experience?
• vicarious experience?
• school teaching?
• keen observations?
• Others: ___________

4. Why do you think we need to discuss

issues and aspirations in understanding
our identity as Mindanaoan?

5. Who am I now as a Mindanaoan? Focus

on the unique positive traits.

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Module 1: #AKO
Activity Alternative Input

• copy of the The facilitator may play the video entitled,

video entitled, Mindanao: Mga Tinig ng Kapayapaan published
Mindanao: Mga by forumZFD and focus on the role of Catholic
Tinig ng Christians in advocating peace in Mindanao.
1. What part of the video has struck you
most? How do you feel about it?
2. What do you think is the main message of
the video?
3. How does the peace and order situation
in Mindanao affect our identity?
4. As Catholics and Mindanaoans, how can
we contribute to peace building in

Learn from the King of Peace. Notice this teaching

later in the Sermon on the Mount:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for

an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to
resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your
right cheek, turn the other to him also. ...“You have
heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor
and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your
enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those
who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use
you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:38-39, 43-44).

These words could be considered some of the

hardest to apply of all of Jesus Christ’s teachings!
The Gospel accounts show us that Jesus not only
taught this standard, but practiced it (Matthew
10:23; 26:51-53; Luke 4:28-30; John 8:49; 10:39).

Jesus calls Christians to operate on the principle

found in Romans 13:10: “Love does no harm to a
neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the

Jesus Christ’s teachings and practices are very

clear when we honestly read the four Gospel
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Module 1: #AKO
accounts. Christ’s followers are to demonstrate
love for others—and one major way we are to
demonstrate love is through a life of peace and

Jesus Christ wants His followers to put their trust

in Him for protection and to be noted for their
peace and love for others! The Kingdom of God,
the focus of Jesus Christ’s message, is all about
how Jesus will bring peace to the world (Isaiah
9:7) and how we, His followers, ought to do the
same thing.


Closing Synthesis
Time Frame 1. The facilitator asks the participants the read
10 – 15 min. the following aloud:
I am a child of God.
I am gifted and unique.
Activity I am a Catholic.
Materials I am a Mindanaoan.

• copy of the song 2. The facilitator poses this question and have
video entitled each participant answer it one by one:
Prayer for • In one word, what does God call you to do
Generosity today? Use a verb that strongly expresses
• Instrumental music your answer.
for Consciousness

Closing Prayer: Consciousness Examen

The facilitator asks the participants to sit down
in a comfortable position, make several deep
breathings, and have them reflect while reading
the prayer below:
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Module 1: #AKO
In the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen

With gratitude, we thank the Lord for this day. Thank

you, Lord, for the graces received through and in the
interactions I have been into today.

In silence, let us let us be mindful of God’s presence

into our lives and reflect on the following reflection

How has God been preset in my life today? I thank

the Lord for it.

Let us look back to the events of the day:

• In what experience have I seen Jesus Christ


• How have I become like Jesus Christ today?

• How will I be more like Jesus Christ?

Grant me, oh Lord, to be more conscious of your

presence in everything, today and always.

Let us pray the Prayer for Generosity (Play the video).

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit. Amen.

VII. PABAON Create a 3-minute presentation

(dance/play/song/artwork) that will
showcase your identity as a Catholic
youth of your specific region.

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Module 1: #AKO

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