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A Project Work submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Application
To the
Periyar University,Salem-11

























(Detailed explanation about the project work)










My sincere gratitude to my internal guide MISS.YOGITA DHAMANE for guiding me

throughout the planning and development phase of the system. Without his strategic
guideline and counseling I would not have reached the final stage of the development.

I would like to thank my close peers and my classmates for being supportive and encouraging
throughout my three-year journey. My sincere gratitude goes to Mumbai university for
providing the platform where I was able to cherish and nurture my compassion and improve
my technical skills.

Finally, yet importantly, I would like to thank my family. Their endless support has been
unconditional. Their hopes and faith on me had me keep going even days were challenging.
Description: Doctor-patient management system


1.1 Project Background:

Big hospitals usually have huge number of staff and doctors. Managing the time,
schedule and proper regularity of tasks becomes very difficult.

In order to have efficient and effective system of doctor-patient interaction, a doctor

patient interaction system is designed that only assists the doctors in their work but
also helps patients in numerous ways like booking doctor appointments and assessing
medical reports and progress of treatment.

The portal permits the doctors to maintain their empty slots for booking by the
patients using the same online system. Patients are requires to look for the empty slots
of doctors using the same online system and reserve the slots using the required

The system maintains records of all the doctors and manages the appointment data of
all the doctors for different times and dates. When a patient visits a doctor his/her date
and time of visit is entered by the doctor in the database.

Also the doctor stores his/her medical progress or reports in the system. In this way
the next time if a patient logs into his/her account he can see his/her complete medical
records from the beginning till the end whenever he needs it.

Similarly when a patient visits a doctor, the doctor can view his medical records of
the patients to have better knowledge of his disease.
The doctor can visit a patient’s history even before the patient visits him. This
automated portal for doctor patient management system requires an online interface.

1.2 Objectives:

To develop a system that allow user to have control over there appointment
making service.
To facilitate the patients with real time healthcare scheduling.
To manage staff resources need for managing appointments.
To make the use of online platform for less customers inconvenience and high
productivity among staff.
To optimize time saving and monetary saving as both staff time and services
translate into expense and revenue.
nEW patients can fill up an online registration form giving all the
details oftheir illness, they are called for physical examination by the doctor on
aspecified date.
After going through all the details, the doctor either confirms the
registration of the patient or rejects it.
All registered patients can book the appointments of the doctors.
doctors are available for consultation only on specific day.

1.3 Purpose , Scope and Applicability :

1.3.1 Purpose :

This document is to describe all the software requirement specification for theClinic-O-
Sight (COS). The system aims to help the patients totall appointment online through internet
and trackt their records throughit.
polyclinic has been facing problems due to its paper-based
appointmentsystem. With he increase in the number of patients visiting.
i t h a s b e c o m e difficult to manage the appointment system manually.
The purpose of thisproject is to solve these complications by creating custom-built
databases o f t w a r e t o m a n a g e t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s y s t e m . f o r t h e r e c e p t i o n i s t i
t m a k e s easy to set date and time for the treatment of the patient to the relevant enters medical prescription and receptionist takesthe print also helps
to maintain
doctors consultation fees ,llaboratories.

1.3.2 Scope :

It may help collecting perfect management in details.In very short time.the collection
will be obvious, simple and sensible.It will helps a person to know the management of
passed year perfectly and vividly. It also helps in current all works relative to doctor
appointment System. It will be also reduced the cost of collection the management &
collection procedure will go on smoothly.

Our project aims at Business process automation, i.e. we have tried to computerize
various processor of doctor Appointment system.

 In computer system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies of the
forms can be easily generated at a time.
 In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly print
it which saves our time.
 To assist the staff in capturing the effort spent on their respective working.
 To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity
 The system generates types of information that can be used for various purposes.
 It satisfy the user requirement.
 Be easy to operate.
 Be easy to understand by the user and operator.
 Have a good user interface.
 Be expandable.
 Delivered on schedule within the budget.

1.3.3 Applicability :

The website can access 24-hours so anytime anywhere we can use it.

 No Location Boundaries. Traffic, gas, parking, waiting for the bus. ...
 It Improving on Self-Diagnoses. ...
 It is a Cost-Effective Solution. ...
 It has easy Prescription Process. ...
 It is Security and Expertise. ...
 It is Comfort and Convenience. ...
 It is Self-Sufficiency and Knowledge

1.4 Achievements :

 This system helps to reduce the waiting time of the patient.

 User can select the appointment time according to his preference.
 Available and booked slots are shown in effective graphical user interface.

1.5 Organization Of Reports :

 It will involve the current technologies used in the hospital sector emerging online as
well as few added benefits which or observed and addressed to provide best possible
medical facilities.



 As a member of the .NET framework, ASP.NET is a very valuable tool for
programmers and developers as it allows them to build dynamic, rich web sites and
web applications using compiled languages like VB and C#.
 ASP.NET is not limited to script languages, it allows you to make use of .NET
languages like C#, J#, VB, etc.

 Why choose ASP.NET for this website:-

ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application framework designed for web

development to produce dynamic web pages.

It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web
applications and web services.


 Why choose visual studio 2015 for this website:-

The Visual Studio 2015 is here and it included many new and great features. They not only
improve the way we work, it also improve the productivity of developers during

There are lot of improvement in tooling including desktop, mobile, web app, Store App and
even more towards the cross platform development

Visual Studio 2015 now allows us to create our own windows layouts and use it one other
devices, screen, without reorganizing it again.

 Why choose C# language for this website:-

C# is a hybrid of C and C++, it is a Microsoft programming language developed to compete

with Sun's Java language.

C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML-based Web services on

the .NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web

C# is intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded systems,
ranging from the very large that use sophisticated operating systems, down to the very small
having dedicated functions.


3.1 Problem Definition :

 Sometimes Network are not Response.

 One of the main advantage of the manual system is that user can buy
medicines at their own responsibility.
 The records were never used to be in a systematic order as manual systems
don’t keep record of customers.
 There used to be lots of difficulties in associating any particular transaction
with particular context.
 Requires more man power to function well.
 There would always be unnecessary consumption of time.

3.2 Requirement Specification :

The basis of appointment scheduled in a hospital about all the functions that dealswith 6atient
Appointment following requirements are specified.

 To provide the functionality to patients to appear for the apply online.

 To provide login interface through which only authorized user can pass by.

 The timer facility should be provide once the patient appears online.

 The web application provide quick access to appoint.

 The system should supports

a s o t h a t a p p o i n t m e n t c a n a c c e p t f r o m anywhere.

 This system should handle multiple patients and users at the same time.

 To functionally enable Admin controller to define criteria and

create Adminand experts.

To functionally enable process Admin to manage scheduled process.

 To functionally enable patient to send their
 The system should be reliable and robust.
 The system should be user friendly.

3.3 Planning and Scheduling :

Gantt Chart :
Gantt chart are a protect control technique that can be used for several purposeincluding
scheduling and planning. Gantt chart is also known bar chart witheach box representing
an activity.

3.4 Software and Hardware Requirements :

 Software requirements:-

 Software requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and pre-
requisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an
 These requirements or pre-requisites are generally not included in the software
installation package and need to be installed separately before the software is

Software Requirements For Present Project:

Web Technology : 10.0

Language : C#

Database : SQL Server

Web Server : IIS

Operating System : Windows 10

 Hardware Requirements:

 The most common set of requirements defines by any operating system or software
application is the physical computer resources, also known as hardware.
 A hardware requirements list is often accompanied by a hardware compatibility
list(HCL),especially in case of operating system.
 An HCL lists tested, compatibility and sometimes incompatible hardware device for a
particular operating system or particular. The following sub-sections discuss the various
aspects of hardware requirements.

3.4.2 Hardware Requirements For Present Project:

PROCESSORS : Intel(R) Core(TM)



RAM : 2 GB


3.5 Preliminary Product Description :

The first step in system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation to determine
the requests. It is not a design study nor does it include the collection of the details to
describe the business system in all respect. Rather , It is the collecting of information that
helps to commits members to evaluate the merits of the project of the request and may can
inform judgment about the feasibility of the proposed project.

Analysis working on preliminary investigation accomplished the following objectives :

 Clarify and understand the project request.

 Determine the size of the project.
 Assess cost and benefits of alternative approach.
 Report the findings to management, with recommendation outlining the acceptance or
rejection of the proposed.

Benefits to Organization :

The organization will obviously be able to gain such as saving, in operating cost, reduction in
paper work, better utilization of human resource and more presentable image increasing good

The Initial Cost :

The initial cost of setting up the system will include the cost of hardware, software (OS, Add-
on software, utilizes) and labor(setup and maintain).

The same has to bear by the organization.

3.6 Conceptual Models :

 A conceptual model is a representation of a system, made of the composition of concepts

which are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model represents
 Conceptual model can easily represent abstract concepts of the relationships between
objects in the system, such as Users and their relationship to accounts.
 In fact, conceptual model within a typical software development life cycle are often
referred to as domain model. A domain model is a type of conceptual model that
incorporates representations of both behavior and data at the same time.



4.1 Basic Modules :

Modules :

 Admin Login
 Admin Registration
 Patient Login
 Patient Registration
 Doctor Login
 Doctor Registration

Description of the modules :

 Admin Login :
The Admin can login and have access to all functionality of doctor and patient
such as taking appointments, Adding doctors and adding new patients in the

 Admin Registration :
The admin first register then and only then they can get user id and password to
use for login purpose in system.
After registration, admin can login in the system.

 Patient Login :
The patient can login then they can start the further treatment of them. They can
select the specialist for their treatment.

 Patient Registration :
The patient first register then and only then they can get user id and password to
use for login purpose in system.
After registration, patient can login in the system.

 Doctor Login :
The doctor can login and then they can see the appointments of the whole day.
They can update the patient’s records in the system.

 Doctor Registration :
The admin first register then and only then they can get user id and password to
use for login purpose in system.
After registration, admin can login in the system.

4.2 Data Design:

Data design is the process of designing a database. The main output of a datadesign is a
detailed logical data model of a database. ... Database analysis takes that model and applies it
to one or more database engines (relational, hierarchical, No SQL). A logical data model is
one of the main outputs of datadesign.

4.2.1 Schema design:

4.2.2 Data Integrity and Constraints :

 Dataintegrity is the maintenance of and the assurance of the accuracy and

consistency of, data over its entire life-cycle, and is a critical aspect to the design,
implementation and usage of any system which stores, processes, or retrieves data.
The term is broad in scope and may have widely different meanings depending on
the specific context – even under the same general umbrella of computing.
 Data integrity is normally enforced in a database system by a series of integrity
constraints or rules. Three types of integrity constraints are an inherent part of the
relational data model: entity integrity, referential integrity and domain integrity.

Admin Registration Table :

Admin Password Data type Email-id Gender

Kaj 4587 Varchar (20) Female

Doctor registration Table :

Doctor Name Password Id Email Id Gender

Dr.Hrishi Kadam 5567 01 Male

Dr.Jay Kumar 8954 02 Male
Dr.Janhvi Singh 6743 03 Female

Patient Registration Table :

Patient Name Password Id Email Id Gender

Yamini Rathod 9045 12 Female

Kiran Yadav 8954 14 Male
Prasad Dethe 0821 18 Male

Online Appointment Table :

Name Id Choose Date Specification Specialized

Kiran Yadav 14 14/10/2018 Cardiologist Dr.Hrishi
Yamini 12 31/10/2018 Family Dr.Janhvi
Rathod physician Singh

Consult Table :

Id Patient Age Gender Diseases Specialized

Name Dr.
20 Dhiraj 34 Male Back pain Dr.Hrishi
21 Sneha 39 Female Cough Dr.Jay Kumar
4.3 Procedural Design :

A unique and valuable resource. The ProcedureDesign Group at NATS specializes in

the design and review of instrument procedures for customers around the world.
The Procedure Design Group is a large team of specialists and includes an aeronautical
cartographer and an aeronautical data manager.

4.3.1 Logic Diagrams :

4.4 User interface design :

User interface design (UI) or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for
machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other
electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience.

. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in
terms of accomplishing user goals (user-centered design).

Good user interface design facilitates finishing the task at hand without drawing unnecessary attention to
4.5 Security Issues :

 Online storage services are no doubt useful to both doctors and patients. They help reduce
the use of paper and allow for more convenient access and updating of patient records.
 The greatest risk with saving sensitive data to an external storage device is security;
particularly with the use of virtual servers, accessible online, known as cloud storage.
Cloud storage services are popping up everywhere online and are quickly becoming an
acceptable means for saving many types of data that would otherwise fill up a large space
on your computer’s hard drive.

 But when it comes to cloud storage it’s important to remember that someone else
is looking after the data, on your behalf. While you will have no control over
where the information is stored or how it’s protected you should be satisfied that
there are reasonable safety provisions in place as data lost or stolen would be a
serious breach of patient confidentiality.

 Consider the patient :

 It’s important to consider whether the advantages of storing patient records online outweigh
the consequences of a security breach - simply put, they don’t. It’s also important to consider
the patient and whether they would consent to their records being saved anywhere other than
the hard drive on your office computer.

 For patient consent to be valid they must have sufficient information to make a
choice. This applies not only to the treatment they receive but the way their private
information is stored and shared.
 Sensitivity towards sharing confidential patient information was brought to light
recently with the proposed roll-out of care. data, a programme which has been
delayed in order to provide the public with a clearer understanding of how their data
will be shared.

 Communication is Key :

 What can be learned from the doctor-patient system is that communication is essential
to the understanding and acceptance of any proposed plans to store patient data
online, whether it is accessible by the patient or not.
 If you intend to keep patient records online you must ask for their consent to do this,
as well as make them aware of what details will be stored and who has access to them.
 When it comes to cloud storage services you must be mindful that you are placing
huge trust in someone else to keep your patient’s information safe.
 The idea of a centralised online storage system, where doctors can upload their
patients’ records that can then in turn be accessed by the patient, could revolutionise
the doctor-patient partnership. But currently, the options available are far from secure
and not advised.

4.6 Test Cases Design :

A TEST CASE is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine
whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of
developing testcasescan also help find problems in the requirements or design of an

1. Verify that the portal for new patient registration has all the mandatory fields required for
registering a patient.
2. Verify that after filling the patient details and successful payment a Patient-Card is
3. Verify that card has information like patient details, department, application number.
4. Verify that after patient information based on the requirement the details are updated in
patient details database.
5. Verify that for existing patient based on application number of the patient, their records
are added/updated in the database.
6. Verify that the system has an admin.
7. Verify that details of existing users can be updated in the system.
8. Verify the billing admin of the system calculates bill based on the patient's unique
application number from the data generated from different systems.
9. Verify that the hard copy of the bill can be generating by printing the bill.
10. Verify that autorised users can also see total day wise billing done.
11. Verify that the admin has the record of all the equipment’s, medicines and the same gets
updated when used or added to the system.

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