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[03/15, 01:11] Mai Gwekwerere:

*13 March 2024*

*Multiplication by two digit

_Example_ :
X 25
146 280 _first multiply 7
314 by 20_
+ 36 570 _then multiply
7314 by 5_
182 850 _add the two
numbers ( 146 280 + 36 570)_

_Practice exercise_
1. 6 344
X 67
2. 5 314
X 23

3. 6 192
X 37

4. 11 000
X 25

5. 10 925
X 63

6. 15 702
X 45

7. 15 136
X 57

8. 12 243
X 72

9. 15 000
X 63

10. 12 000
X 81


*Structure and functions of

central government*

The central government is made

up of three arms that help to
regulate the functioning of the
These are the executive,
legislature and the judiciary.

*The executive*
🔺The executive is made up of
the administration of the
🔺 It is made up of the president,
Cabinet and law enforcement
agencies of the country.
🔺It is involved in the day to day
running of the government.
Examples of
professionals that
make up the executive are the
police, the military and the
prisons service. Other
government workers also make
up the executive

*The legislature*
🔺The legislature is made up of
the members of parliament
(MPs) which has two chambers
called House of Assembly and
the Senate.
🔺These are law makers.
🔺MPs are chosen in an election.
🔺They represent the people in
different constituencies.
🔺They listen to the people’s
needs and help to make sure the
needs are addressed.

*The judiciary*
🔺The judiciary is made up of law
🔺They help to interpret laws in
the country.
🔺 The law courts decide if one
arrested is guilty or not.
🔺Examples of law courts in
Zimbabwe are Magistrate court,
High court and Supreme Court.

1. The government of Zimbabwe

has ➖arms.
2. ➖ Is made up of law makers.
3. The executive is also made up
of the ➖ of the government.
4. The cabinet belongs to which
arm of the government?
5. Which arm is made up of
police and law courts?
6. Who represents a
7. Who arm is made up of law
8. Which arm of government is
in charge of the day to day
running of the country?


*Entering data into* *Excel*

# A formula is a mathematical
equation that shows the
relationship between values,
such as adding or subtracting
two values.
#In Excel your formulas must
begin with an equal (=) sign, for
example {=B4+C4}
#Excel contains a number of built
in formulas called functions, e.g
# When entering data into a
spreadsheet you always follow
three steps:
1. Click on the cell where you
want the data to go.
2. Type your data into the cell.
3. Press the ENTER key on the
keyboard or click on another cell
with the mouse or use the cursor
control keys.

1. What is a formula?
2. Built -in functions are known
3. State any two examples of
a. _______
b. _______
4. Write any two steps used in
entering data into a spreadsheet.
a. _______.
b. _______.
5. One can use the cursor control
keys in place of a ➖to click
another cell.
6. Enter the data given below in
an excel worksheet. Use excel
formulas to find the total of the
*Name* . *Mark*
*Agriculture Revision*

1. Which branch of agriculture

deals with the business aspect of
2. Growing of garden crops,fruits
and flowers is done under which
3. Why are tools coated with
4. Which tool is nor kept on a tool
5. Where are farm implements
and other large farm tools, kept?
6. The colour red on
agrochemical container means...
7. The list of tools is called....
(inventory/financial record/profit
8. We measure rainfall using
9. The growing of crops and
rearing of animals, mainly for sell
10. Zimbabwe has......natural
farming regions
11. Give two reasons why
agriculture is important at
national level
12. Name two sources of water
13. Name two materials that can
be used as mulch

_Read the following passage and
answer the questions that follow_

Bravo,the King of Mesrship set

out from Sisho with twelve ships
and hundreds of men. Soon he
began to lose them. One day he
saw two islands in front of them.
They landed on the smaller
island and spent the day eating
and drinking.

The next day Bravo chose twenty

four of his bravest men and
sailed across to the other
island,on which he could see
of sheep, herds of cattle and
Leaving the rest to look after the
ship,Bravo set out with twelve of
his men to see who lived in the
caves. It so happened that this
island was the home of race
giants who had only one eye set
in the middle of their foreheads.

1. Bravo was the king of....
2. How many men did he set out
3. What did they see ahead of
4. Where did Bravo and twenty
four men go?
5. Where did he leave the rest of
the men?
6. Who lived on the big island?
7. How many eyes did the island
*Write a summary of the story
that you read. Your summary
should not be more than 35
words. Remember not to change
the story*

*Summary writing*

📌 A summary is a brief outline of

a given passage. This is a
means of highlighting the main
points of a story or topic.
📌How to write a summary
🔹Pick out important facts from
each paragraph.
🔹 Arrange the facts in order of
🔹 Write a paragraph using the
facts from the passage.
🔹Make sure the paragraph is
written in short sentences and to
the point.
🔹Make sure the summary adds
up to the stipulated length in
terms of number of words.
🔹 The sense of the text must
[03/15, 01:11] Mai Gwekwerere:
*Chitatu 13 Kurume 2024*


*Nyora zvirevo zvinotevera

patsva uchitsiva mazwi
akanyorwa nerunyoro rukobvu
nedudziro yakanaka
yaunosarudza kubva mune

1. Vamwe vanhu havambofunga

kuti ivo *mbune* vangavewo

*pachavo; hameno ;

2. Gamba rinoratidza hunyanzvi

nehushingi *hwakakomba.*
*hwemhando ; hwakasimba
chaizvo ; hwechokwadi*

3. Makanaka naTanatswa vakaita

*mahwekwe* neshumba.

*mawiran'ombe ;
masanga ;mangange*

4. Makanaka *akateterera* kuti

aperekedze murume wake

*akapopotera ; akakumbira
nemwoyo wese ; akateverera*

5. Shumba *yakasvetukira* pana


*yakananga ; yakakwakukira ;

6. Tanatswa akasara

*achigwesha ;
achingoumburuka ;

7. Makanaka akabata ruoko

rwemurume wake uyo akanga
akuvara *ndokumusesedza*
vodzokera kumusha kwavo.

*ndokumusumudza ;
ndokumufambisa zvishoma
nezvishoma ; ndokumhanyisa*

8. Tanatswa *akakokorodza*
hama dzake nevavakidzani vake.
*akayambira ; akasheedza
nekuunganidza ; akataurira*

9. Tanatswa akavataurira nezve

*pfumvu* yaakabuda nepaburi
*njodzi ; rwendo ; nyaya*

10. Vanhu *vainyomba*

Makanaka vachimuti muroyi
akadyisa murume mupfuhwira.

*vaitaura zvairwadzisa ; vaivenga

; vaifadza*
[03/15, 10:27] Mai Gwekwerere:
*Science revision 15 March

1. What name is given to the

female reproductive cell?
2. The union of s sperm and egg
called......(ovulation/fertilisation, /
3. Which part of the male
reproductive system is used to
inject a sperms into a woman's
body? (Scrotum/testes/penis)
4. ......are responsible for growth
and the
repair of worn out tissues
5. What is a balanced diet?
6. Goitre is disease caused by
lack of the body
7. ......fight against diseases that
attack the body
8. How is HlV spread?
9. The ability of the body to resist
infection is
10. What is used for covering
wounds of an injured person?
11. A.....change occurs when a
substance changes from its
original form
12. Hydro electricity is generated
13. A nuclear power plant generate power
14. Which of the following is not
a solute?
15. A mixture of salt and water is


_Choose the correct answer to

complete each sentence below._

1. *(Respect/Fidelity)* is the
quality of being faithful.
2. *(Honest/Religion)* strengthen
3. In a marriage, the partners
need *(respect/finance)* because
it shows that they admire and
love each other.
4. Possible causes of marital
disputes are
finances, infidelity and
*(honesty/external interference)*.
5. Conflicts between siblings can
be solved by *(parents/school
6. In Zimbabwe Ndau language
is mostly spoken in
7. The constitution of Zimbabwe
recognises *(18/16)* languages.
8. Sign language is spoken in
*(towns/rural areas/ the whole
9. Police force use *(English/Sign
language)* when directing
motorist to stop at a police check
10. *(ChiShona/English)* is used
as an official language in
11. In Zimbabwe *(sons-
in-law/daughters-in-law)* pay
12. A Headman is nominated by
the *(village head/chief)* for
13. A chief *(is voted/inherits)*
14. Chiefs are installed by the
*(District Adminstrator/Minister)*
representing the President.
15. Zimbabwe's natural heritage
site is *(Great Zimbabwe/Victoria
16. Zimbabwe's cultural heritage
site is *(Mana Pools/Great
Zimbabwe Monuments)*.
17. One of Zimbabwe's five world
heritage site is *(Matopo
Hills/Chinhoyi Caves)*.
18. Njelele is found in
*(Matebeleland North/South)*
19. Heritage sites are preserved
using modern and
20. *(Freedom Camp/Dlodlo
Monuments)* is associated with
Zimbabwe war if liberation.

1. One shows ➖ when he/she
helps the needy in the
A pride B wealth C Kindness D
2. Which of these do not have
A. Elderly B Disabled C Children
D Street kids
3. Communities now share roles
in projects to make work ➖
A difficult B Expensive C easy D
4. Good neighbours help and
➖each other.
A neglect B protect C fight D
5. People greet each other as a
sign of ➖
A hate B empathy C Support D
6. Who kneels while greeting in-
laws to show respect in
indigenous communities?
A Son in-law B Grandmothers C
Elders D No one
7. People with different cultures
or religions should lean to
➖_each other as to live in
An ignore B tolerate C fight D
8. To deal with language
differences ➖ can be used when
communicating in communities.
A teacher B an interpreter C a
pastor D a leader
9. Religion is the belief and
worship of a ➖
A God B Tree C Cow D Church
10. Which of the following is an
example of a religion?
A Muslim B Jew C Judaism D
11. Which religion is practiced
by the indigenous people of
Islam B Judaism C Christianity
D Indigenous Religion (ATR)
12.Religion gives a person a
sense of ➖
A slavery B belonging C anger D
13.Animals are usually used as
symbols of people’s ➖
A surnames B groups C Origins
D totems
14. ➖ Is not a cause for family
A. Divorce. B. War C.
Employment D. People
15. A ➖ specialises in traditional
A. Traditional healer. B.
Midwife C. Chief. D. Spirit

*Revision mixed concepts*
_Write the following in Arabic
1. Seventeen.
2. fifty
. _Write the following Arabic
numbers in Roman numerals_
3. 346
4. 978

5. Add 234, 345and 0.211

6. 0, 5+ 3+ 2, 54
_Use <,>or =_
7. 3.56 ∆56.3
8. 0.212 ∆ 0.303
_Round off to the nearest 1000_
9. 67435
10. 2111
11. 568797
12. What is the result of
reducing $3 400 by 20%?
13. Bread costs $2.38 per loaf.
The price is reduced by $0.97.
What is the new price
of bread?
14. What is the product of 280 by
15. 36 X ➖ = 910

*English revision*
_Read the passage below and
answer questions that follow_
The bushmen were excellent
hunters. After killing some
animals,they would have a big
feast. They ate until there was no
meat left. Sometimes they could
not find any animals to shoot.
This did not worry them much as
they were able to go without food
for a long time.
When unable to get meat,they
ate locusts, wild
plants,fruits,birds, roots,eggs and
honey. They hunted animals in
two different ways. Large
animals like elephants and
hippos were caught by digging
deep pits into which they fell.
For smaller animals they used
their bows and arrows. For
arrows they used reeds with
arrow heads made of bone or
stone. These points were
covered with a deadly poison
and only a small wound meant
death to the animals.

1. What lasted until there was no

2. What else did the bushmen
eat besides meat?
3. How did they hunt large
4. How did they hunt smaller
5. What did the Bushmen use to
make arrows?
6. Why did only a small wound
mean death?
7. Name any animal mentioned
in the passage

8 . We have......the guns nor the
spears to
go hunting. (,either/neither)
9. wash your clothes or
you clean the house today.
10. Besides,l enjoy.......
cooking nor washing clothes

*Fill in with His, Her, or Its*

11. The dog wagged.....tail
12. Anne helped.....mother to
wash the clothes
13. The hen called.....chicks
14. Dick is shorter
15. She went to visit
16. The boy.....broke his arm is in
hospital (whose/which/who)
17. She has lost the pen......she
bought last week
18. I....not know where she lives.
19. often go to the
cinema. (Do/does)
20. My father.....not use a tractor

[03/15, 10:27] Mai Gwekwerere:

*15 Kurume 2024*

*ChiShona Dzokororo*

*Verenga ndima inotevera

ugopindura mibvunzo muzvirevo

Wati wamboona here vanhu

vachiita nyama yekurasa kuti
imbwa dzinonge kana hwahwa
huchiteurwa pasi kunge mvura
ine tsvina? Izvi ndizvo zvakaitika
pamabiko aive pamusha
paVaMagomo , imwe shoroma
ine purazi rizere nen'ombe
nezakwatira remari
mumabhangi , nemusi
weMugovera wapfuura.

Mukunda waVaMagomo ,
Sarudzai akadzoka kubva mhiri
kwemakungwa kwaakange
achidzidza kwemakore mashanu

Akadzoka ava chiremba

wezvemutemo , gweta guru
rinokwanisa kumiririra vanhu
mumatare edzimhosva
epamusorosoro. Aya aive mabiko
ekuti " madzoka zvakanaka

1. Sarudzai aiva chii

2. Munhu anopiwa zita rokuti

*shoroma* munhu akadini?
3. Nderipi izwi riri mundima
rinoreva mwanasikana?

4. Zvinorevei kuti vanhu vaiita

nyama yekurasa?
5. Mari inochengeterwa pai?

6. Mutambo wakaitwa riinhi?

7. Matambo wakaitwa uyu waive


8. Ibasa rei rakanodzidzirwa


9. Sarudzai akatora makore

mangani mukudzidzira basa

10. Mhosva dzinotengerwa pai?

*Sarudza izwi rakanaka
rekuzadzisa naro pakashama.*

11. Ambuya vangu vabika ➖

wedoro renhimbe.
*mukonde ; mupeta ; mutoro*
12. Pwere dzekumaruwa
dzinoswera ku➖ dzichidya hute.
*jiri ; gute ; jakata*

13. Chipo akati , "➖makadini?"

kuhanzvadzi yababa vake.
*Tete;Ambuya; VaHanzvadzi*
*Sarudza izwi rinoreva
zvakafanana nerakanyorwa
nemavara makobvu.*

14. VaChitepo vakafara zvikuru

*mukorori* wavo awana basa.

15. Motokari dzinodhura kudaro
dzinotengwa *neshoroma.*

16. Mari inotambirwa nevashandi
inofanira *kututsira.*

*kubhadharwa; kupamhidzirwa;
*Sarudza zita rakakodzera
kuzadzisa naro pakashama.*

17. Hair diki yokubikira usavi

hwemhuri inonzi ➖ .

18. N'ombe hadzi yakura

isingabereki inonzi ➖ .

19. Munhu achembera

anowanzofamba ne➖ .
*rutanda;mudondo; mutswi*
20. *Sarudza chirevo
nerakanyorwa zvakanaka*

A. Tanatswa akazvarwa ari

mwana mumwechete.

B. tanatswa akazvarwa ari

mwana mumwe chete.

C.Tanatswa akazvarwa ari

mwana mumwe chete.

*Sarudza zviperengo
zvakanyorwa zvakanaka.*

21. A. dete dete

B. detedete
C.makomo makomo

B. akasiyanasiyana
C. akasiyana siyana

*Pedzisa tsumo dzinotevera.*

24. Kakara kununa ➖ .

*huona kanwe; hudya kamwe ;
kuti ndionekwe*

25. Mvura yebopopo ➖.

*idiva kamwe ; tiza ichiri kure ;
haina n'anga*


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