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Background of the Study

Disabled individuals are among the highest-priority groups in every country, as per

the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD). This group

encompasses people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments,

which, when combined with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation

in society on an equal basis with others. In the Philippines, an estimated 1.44 million people,

representing 1.57% of the population, are considered disabled, with males constituting 50.9%

of this total (Department of Health, n.d.). When someone is paralyzed, they cannot move

some parts of their body because something has gone wrong with their connection to their

brain. It comes in different forms, temporary or permanent, or even ones that will appear and

disappear (Slivinski, 2021).

According to Slivinski (2021), strokes are the most common cause of paralysis, often

resulting from a blocked artery in the neck or brain. Injuries to the brain or spinal cord, such

as those sustained in auto accidents or sports-related incidents, can also lead to paralysis.

Paralysis comes in four main types. Complete paralysis involves the loss of movement and

control in all muscles, rendering the patient immobile. In contrast, partial or incomplete

paralysis allows the patient to retain some muscle movement and sensation in specific areas.

Localized paralysis affects only one region of the body. Lastly, generalized paralysis is more

likely to affect multiple areas of the body when two or more regions are afflicted, depending

on the location of the injury in the brain or spinal cord.

On the other hand, quadriplegia is a generalized paralysis symptom that affects all of

a person's limbs and body from the neck down. A spinal cord injury in the neck is the most

common cause of quadriplegia, but it can also be caused by other disorders. Quadriplegia is

sometimes curable, although the majority of cases, particularly those caused by injuries,

result in permanent paralysis (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). People who have quadriplegia are

forced to only move their heads, and usually, patients use a wheelchair as their mode of going

from one place to another with the help of others. Many people with quadriplegia require

extensive care and assistance, including medical equipment and devices, physical therapy,

and personal support.

Machangpa and Chingtham (2018) utilized the MPU-6050 Triple Axis Accelerometer

and Gyroscope to detect head movement, using its Digital Motion Processor for precise

calculations and six degrees of freedom for output values. Additionally, Ultrasonic sensors

are used as proximity sensors. They can be found in parking technology and anti-collision

safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also used in robotic obstacle detection systems and

manufacturing engineering. Compared to infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing

applications, ultrasonic sensors are less susceptible to interference from smoke, gases, and

other airborne particles (Robocraze, 2022).

Furthermore, the Arduino microcontroller is an affordable open-hardware computer

widely available on the market. It serves as a versatile tool that empowers individuals to

delve into computing and human-machine interaction. To connect the MPU6050, the general-

purpose input/output (GPIO) pins, as well as the SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line), are

utilized on the Arduino microcontroller. The data transmitted by the gyroscope is processed

within the Arduino, which then sends signals to the relay, facilitating the control of the

wheelchair's movement (Machangpa & Chingtham, 2018).

This intelligent machine that controls a powered wheelchair through head motion

using an accelerometer, monitors the user's heart rate, sends SMS alert notifications, and

stops when an obstacle is detected ahead, is programmed using an Arduino microcontroller.

Machinery, including robotics, needs batteries to function. Once the battery has drained it can

no longer be used unless the user charges the batteries themselves. The instrument that

measures the voltage or potential difference in volts is known as the voltmeter (Archana,

2017), therefore this study will monitor the battery life span using a voltmeter which can be

recharged by installing a charging plug to its batteries. Its development represents a

significant technological advancement, as the Arduino microcontroller is more cost-efficient

than the Raspberry Pi and is widely used in school projects due to its programming


Moreover, this technology has the potential to enhance the quality of life for

individuals with disabilities by providing them with greater autonomy and independence. It

also offers a new level of safety and security by accurately responding to changes in the

user's condition and ensuring the user's safety through its obstacle-detection capability. Using

head motion to control the wheelchair through sensors also provides a more natural and

intuitive interface for users, making the experience of using a powered wheelchair more

comfortable and enjoyable. This research is an enhancement of the previous study of the

researchers entitled “An Arduino-Based Head-Controlled Wheelchair using an Accelerometer

for Quadriplegic Patients with an Arduino-based Heart Rate monitor, and SMS Alert


The objectives of this study are to verify the following objectives:

1. analyze the reaction time of the HeCo Wheel in determining the direction of

wheelchair movement;

2. test whether the HeCo Wheel can detect head motion using the MPU 6050;

3. analyze the capacity of HeCo Wheel’s Heart Rate monitor’s SMS Alert Notification in

sending a message to the registered mobile number when the patient exhibits

abnormal heart rate;

4. analyze whether the HeCo Wheel can accurately display real-time results of heart rate

when it detects abnormality;

5. analyze the battery’s voltage after being recharged;

6. test whether the HeCo Wheel will stop using the ultrasonic sensor when an obstacle is


7. analyze whether the “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate

monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of the

Medical Professionals using ISO 9126 standards; and

8. analyze whether the “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate

monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of

Quadriplegic Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).


This study’s chapter covers the step-by-step approach for the entire conduct process.

It also comprises the appropriate statistical analysis and modified methodologies for the

validation of data.

Collection of Materials

As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo

Whe l’s Bat ery

Assembly of the ultrasonic obstacle detector sensor

As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo

Whe l’s Bat ery

Assembly of the Battery Charger and the Voltmeter of the HeCo

Wheel’s Battery
As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo
Whe l’s Bat ery

Testing the HeCo Wheel’s Heart Rate Monitor and SMS Alert Notification

As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo

Whe l’s Bat ery

Testing the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor, Battery Charger, and

the Voltmeter of the HeCo Wheel

As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo

Whe l’s Bat ery

Assessing the Medical Professional using ISO 9126 Standard and

Quadriplegic Patients using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

As embly of the Bat ery Charger and theVoltmet r of the HeCo

Whe l’s Bat ery

Statistical Analysis

Figure 1. Methodological Flowchart 5

Collection of Materials

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor was bought at layadcircuits, the battery charger was

obtained at a local store in Guimba, and the voltmeter was bought at an online store.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are used as proximity sensors. They can be found in

parking technology and anti-collision safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also used

in robotic obstacle detection systems and manufacturing engineering. Compared to

infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing applications, ultrasonic sensors are less

susceptible to interference from smoke, gases, and other airborne particles

(Robocraze, 2022).

Battery Charger and Voltmeter

A battery charger is a device or piece of equipment designed to recharge or

replenish the energy stored in a rechargeable battery. It works by supplying an electric

current to the battery, which forces electricity back into the battery's cells, effectively

reversing the chemical reactions that occur when the battery discharges its stored

energy. While voltmeter is an instrument or device used to measure the electrical

potential difference, or voltage, between two points in an electrical circuit. It is one of

the most common and fundamental instruments in electronics and electrical

engineering. Voltmeters are essential for diagnosing and monitoring electrical circuits

and systems.

Assembly of Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

Arduino Microcontroller

Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 2. Circuit Diagram of the Assembly of Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

(Source: fritzing)
The core components of the Obstacle Detector are the Ultrasonic Sensor and the

Arduino Microcontroller.

The 5v is connected to the VCC, GND would be connected to the GND, Pin 2 is

connected to the Echo and the pin ~3 is connected to the Trig of the Ultrasonic Sensor.

Assembly of Battery Charger and Voltmeter

Battery Charger HeCo Wheel’s Voltmeter


Figure 3. Block Diagram of the Assembly of Battery Charger and Voltmeter

The Battery charger will be connected to the battery’s terminals to allow the

rechargeable ability of the battery. The voltmeter would also be connected to the battery’s

terminals to generate and show the current life span of the HeCo Wheel’s Battery.

Testing the HeCo Wheel’s Heart Rate Monitor and SMS Alert Notification

The Head-Controlled Wheelchair using an Accelerometer and the Heart Rate

Monitor’s real-time results will be tested by the researchers. The Heart Rate Monitor and the

SMS Alert Notification will be tested by a person who had an abnormal heart rate to

determine the alertness of the monitor.

Testing the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

The Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor will be tested by the researchers in terms of

its alertness once an obstacle is detected and how fast the HeCo Wheel stops once an obstacle

is detected.

Testing the Battery Charger and the Voltmeter

The Battery Charger will be tested by the researchers to evaluate the ability of the

battery charger to recharge the battery of the HeCo Wheel and test how long it takes the

battery to meet its max capacity. To test the Voltmeter, the researchers will provide the current

battery life of the battery depending on how long it has been used.

Assessing the Medical Professional using ISO 9126 Standard and Quadriplegic Patients

using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

The researchers will seek 9 Medical Professionals in different Rural Health Units

(RHU) in Guimba to assess them with the development of the HeCo Wheel: Head-

Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients using ISO

9126 Standards. The researchers will also seek 5 Quadriplegic or any type of Paralyzed

patients in Guimba to assess them in the development of the HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled

Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients using the Technology

Acceptance Model (TAM). The data would be gathered using a weighted mean with different


Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis involves the use of statistical methods and tools to analyze the data

collected during a research study. The proposed system, "HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled

Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients," encompasses multiple

components and data sources. The researchers intend to utilize a t-test, weighted mean, and

efficiency level to gather information concerning the proposed system's components,

including its Obstacle Detector, Battery Charger, Voltmeter, adherence to ISO 9126

Standards, and the assessment using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Researchers will employ a t-test for the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor to

determine if there are significant differences in the results to be gathered. The researcher will

analyze the reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated in determining the direction

of wheelchair movement (X1 – Left, X2 – Right, Y1 – Forward, and Y2 – Backward). The

weighted mean will be used to collect data related to the time it takes the battery to recharge,

the time it takes for the result to be shown on the OLED of the heart rate monitor when an

abnormality is detected, the average time of the SMS Alert Notification. For the analyzation

of the HeCo Wheel’s direction to the head motion, the researchers will use average

percentage of accuracy. The evaluation of Medical Professionals according to ISO 9126

Standards, and the assessment of Quadriplegic or other paralyzed patients using the

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), where interpretations may vary based on the

assessment results.


This study focuses on the development of an intelligent system utilizing an Arduino

Uno R3 microcontroller to control a powered wheelchair through head motion via an

accelerometer. The system also monitors the user's heart rate and sends SMS alert

notifications. The choice of Arduino Uno R3 is highlighted for its cost-efficiency, widespread

use in school projects, and programming capabilities. The technology is seen as a significant

advancement, holding the potential to enhance the quality of life for disabled individuals by

providing greater autonomy and independence.

The researchers used the Arduino Software (IDE) for programming and conducted

various analyses to address the research questions and objectives. The proposed design was

evaluated for the accuracy of wheelchair control based on head movement, real-time heart

rate monitoring for abnormality detection, successful SMS alert notifications, voltmeter

functionality for displaying battery voltage, battery charger effectiveness, obstacle detection

leading to wheelchair stoppage, medical professional assessment using ISO 9126, and

quadriplegic parents' acceptance using the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM).

The overall goal of the study is to validate the effectiveness and usability of the

developed system in improving the lives of individuals with mobility challenges, providing a

natural and intuitive interface for wheelchair control, and ensuring safety through various

features like obstacle detection and health monitoring.

Table 1: The average reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated in determining the
direction of wheelchair movement. (Y-Axis)
Axis T1 T2 T3 Mean

Y1 (Forward) 1.02s 0.78s 0.59s 0.79s

Y2 (Backward) 0.57s 0.83s 0.97s 0.79s

Mean 0.80s 0.81s 0.78s 0.79s

Table 2: The average reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated in determining the
direction of wheelchair movement. (X-Axis)
Axis T1 T2 T3 Mean

X1 (Sideward-Right) 0.84s 1.01s 0.63s 0.87s

X2 (Sideward-Left) 0.71s 1.00s 0.90s 0.84s

Mean 0.78s 1.00s 0.77s 0.85s

Table 1 and 2 shows the average reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated

in determining the direction of the wheelchair movement. As seen in the table, the results

show small discrepancy with each other, especially the average reaction time of Y 1 (Forward)

and Y2 (Backward) with both weighted mean of 0.79s. The discrepancy is due to the user’s

speed of motion in accordance to the direction of the wheelchair, in simpler words, it is about

how fast the user will tilt its head.

As also observed in the table Y-Axes (Forward and Backward) is faster with a mean

of 0.79s, while X-Axes (Sideward-Left and Sideward-Right) accumulated 0.85s as its mean.

The reason behind this, is y-axis will be rotating first as interpreted as y to x-axis. The

researchers concluded that as the reason why y-axes are a little bit faster than x-axes because

of the given conversion of axis.

Table 3: Accuracy between head motion and the movement of the HeCo Wheel using an
Direction of the wheelchair

Head Motion Forward Backward Right Left

Forward ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘

Backward ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘

Sideward (Right) ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘

Sideward (Left) ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔

The table 3 shows the accuracy between the head motion and the movement of the

HeCo Wheel. As shown in the table above, researchers concluded that the MPU6050 can

detect head motions accurately. This is because of the provided logic that is required to

handle the head-control feature in any user. As an accelerometer measures all forces that are

acting on the object and even a small force working on the object will produce data (Sikkim,

2018). This data is then transmitted to the Arduino Uno Microcontroller for it to transmit the

signals and the right directions to the system, making the directions accurate.

Table 4: The average time of the HeCo Wheel heart rate monitor results in real time.

T1 T2 T3 Mean

Heart Rate 7.17s 11.10s 5.48s 7.92s

Table 4 displays the average time taken by the HeCo Wheel heart rate monitor to

provide real-time results for a patient. The calculated mean is 7.92 seconds, indicating that

the results shown from T1 to T3 depend on the level of heart rate when an abnormality is

detected. This efficiency in real-time monitoring is crucial for promptly identifying and

responding to any abnormalities in the patient's heart rate, contributing to the overall

effectiveness of the system in ensuring the user's well-being while using the system.

According to Electronics hub (2017), monitoring heart rate and blood pressure are the basic

things that we do in order to keep us healthy, and considering the results in table 4, it implies

that the system can monitor the well-being of the patient.

Table 5: The HeCo Wheel Heart Rate SMS Alert Notification’s reaction time in sending a
message to the registered mobile number when abnormalities are detected.
Alert Notification T1 T2 T3 Mean

Heart Rate 2.65s 2.41s 2.17s 2.41s


Table 5 shows the reaction time of the HeCo Wheel Heart Rate SMS Alert

Notification in sending a message to the registered mobile number when abnormalities are

detected. The table reveals the average time taken for the SMS alert notification to be sent

upon detecting irregularities. The calculated mean, as obtained by the researchers, is 2.41

seconds. However, it is essential to note that this result may vary based on the patient's

location due to potential network-related issues. The system's ability to instantly notify

abnormalities in the heart rate underscores its capability, although external factors like

network conditions might influence the observed reaction time.

Table 6: Analyzation of the battery’s voltage after being recharged.

Hours B1 B2 B3 Mean

1 8v 7v 7v 7.33v

2 13v 13v 13v 13v

Table 6 displays the voltage of each battery at specific times. As observed in the table

below, each battery exhibits almost the exact same voltage. In the “2 hours” column, it is

evident that every battery registers 13V, providing strong evidence that the batteries in the

system can reach a full charge.

Table 7: Analyzation whether the HeCo Wheel will stop using the ultrasonic sensor when an
obstacle is detected.
T1 T2 T3 Mean

Time 0.32s 0.59s 0.38s 0.43s

Table 7 displays the time at which the HeCo wheel comes to a stop when an obstacle

is detected. The table illustrates that it stops quite swiftly, with a mean time of 0.43 seconds.

Despite minor discrepancies, attributed to the delay in the sensor's ability to detect obstacles,

the researchers can confidently conclude that the system operates at a rapid pace. The quick

response time ensures that the wheelchair stops with no delay upon detecting an obstacle,

minimizing the risk of collisions and accidents. This contributes to the overall safety of the

user or patient.

Table 8.1: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

Usability Weighted Qualitative
Mean Rating
1. User - 4.00 Very Good
2. Easy to Use 4.30 Excellent
3. Pleasing to
the eyes of 4.00 Very Good
the user
MEAN 4.1 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.1 presents the evaluation of the effectiveness of the "HeCo Wheel: Head-

Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients" based on the

assessment of Medical Professionals, utilizing ISO 9126 standards. The findings indicate that

Medical Professionals perceive the HeCo Wheel as easy to use, as evidenced by the survey

results yielding a weighted mean of 4.1. Additionally, the Medical Professionals rated the

usability of the HeCo Wheel as "Very Good." These assessments collectively suggest that the

HeCo Wheel is deemed effective for quadriplegic patients by Medical Professionals.

As stated by Bell (2019), "Improving the quality of life for people with severe

paralysis and lasting spinal cord injuries is one of healthcare’s biggest challenges." The

favorable evaluation of the HeCo Wheel's ease of use implies the success of its user-friendly

design. This aspect is crucial for ensuring that quadriplegic patients can operate the

wheelchair independently and with minimal effort, thereby contributing to their overall

autonomy and quality of life.

Table 8.2: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

Effectiveness Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Ability to maintain 4.30 Excellent
user’s electronic
personal information
2. Ability to detect 4.30 Excellent
head motion and
analyze direction for
efficient movement.
3. Ability to provide 4.50 Excellent
efficient data
regarding Heart

MEAN 4.36 Excellent

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.2 illustrates the efficacy of the HeCo Wheel in detecting head motion and

efficiently providing Heart Rate data. According to assessments from Medical Professionals,

the HeCo Wheel was rated as "Excellent" with a mean score of 4.36. This rating suggests that

Medical Professionals perceive the HeCo Wheel as a highly valuable and effective tool for

individuals with quadriplegia.

The positive evaluation further indicates that the HeCo Wheel successfully meets all

the standards and criteria that Medical Professionals require in order to classify it as an

excellent device. This underscores the significance of the HeCo Wheel in addressing the

specific needs of quadriplegic individuals, highlighting its utility and effectiveness in

enhancing their overall well-being. The endorsement from Medical Professionals adds

credibility to the device's capabilities, making it a promising solution for those with mobility


Table 8.3: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

Efficiency/Accuracy Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Ability to produce Excellent
electronic data and 4.50
2. Ability to respond Excellent
to user’s requests. 4.30
3. Ability to Excellent
withstand the
duration of use in 4.30
performing its
MEAN 4.36 Excellent
Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.3 presents the Efficiency and Accuracy ratings of the HeCo Wheel. "Medical

Professional" pertains to the ability of the HeCo Wheel to generate electronic data and

information, with a weighted mean of 4.5, indicating an excellent level of performance. This

implies that Medical Professionals express higher satisfaction with the data and information

displayed when utilizing the HeCo Wheel.

The overall mean for Efficiency/Accuracy is 4.36, also interpreted as excellent. This

signifies that Medical Professionals are highly satisfied not only with the accuracy but also

with the efficiency of the HeCo Wheel in its overall performance. The combined excellence

in both efficiency and accuracy reinforces the positive experience and satisfaction levels

among Medical Professionals while using the HeCo Wheel.

Table 8.4: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

Accessibility Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Ability to be executed in 4.16 Very Good
different areas.
2. Ability to accommodate 4.30 Excellent
the user.
3. Ability to be used in 4.00 Very Good
different types of
working environment.
MEAN 4.15 Very Good
Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.4 details the Accessibility of the HeCo Wheel, with a focus on its capacity to

accommodate users. The highest weighted mean, at 4.3, is attributed to the ability of the

HeCo Wheel to cater to users, as interpreted as excellent. This finding is derived from the

feedback of Medical Professionals from the Rural Health Unit in Guimba. Consequently, it

can be inferred that Medical Professionals exhibit a heightened level of satisfaction with the

HeCo Wheel's capability to effectively accommodate users.

The overall mean for Accessibility is 4.15, interpreted as Very good. This indicates a

substantial level of satisfaction among Medical Professionals regarding the HeCo Wheel's

accessibility in its comprehensive performance. The noteworthy positive response suggests

that Medical Professionals, particularly those in the Rural Health Unit in Guimba, find the

HeCo Wheel to be highly satisfactory in terms of user accommodation and overall


Table 8.5: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

Assistive Technology Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Ability to prompt and 4.30 Excellent
inform user’s if error
2. Ability to prompt and 4.50 Excellent
inform user’s what
action is done.
3. It provides precise 4.30 Excellent
4. Ability to prompt user 4.50 Excellent
what to do in some
MEAN 4.4 Excellent
Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.5 outlines the performance of the HeCo Wheel in terms of Assistive

Technology. Notably, Assistive Technology garnered the highest overall mean, scoring an

impressive 4.4. This is attributed to its various functionalities, including the ability to

promptly inform users about errors on the HeCo Wheel, provide guidance on what actions to

take in certain scenarios, and furnish precise information. Medical Professionals have rated

the Assistive Technology of the HeCo Wheel as excellent, indicating that it meets the

standards expected for an excellent device tailored for use by quadriplegic individuals.

The implication of the high rating is significant, suggesting that the Assistive

Technology integrated into the HeCo Wheel plays a crucial role in enhancing the user

experience for quadriplegic individuals. The features such as error notification, user

guidance, and provision of accurate information contribute to the overall excellence

perceived by Medical Professionals. This positive evaluation indicates that the HeCo Wheel

not only meets but exceeds the expectations for assistive technology in serving the needs of

quadriplegic users. The endorsement by Medical Professionals underscores the effectiveness

and reliability of the HeCo Wheel's Assistive Technology in empowering users with enhanced

control and accessibility.

Table 8.6: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


ISO 9126 STANDARDS Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Usability 4.1 Very Good
2. Effectiveness 4.36 Excellent
3. Efficiency/Accuracy 4.36 Excellent
4. Accessibility 4.15 Very Good
5. Assistive Technology 4.4 Excellent
MEAN 4.27 Very Good
Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating

4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 8.6 presents a summary based on ISO 9126 standards, encompassing Usability,

Effectiveness, Efficiency/Accuracy, Accessibility, and Assistive Technology. Notably,

Assistive Technology stands out with the highest weighted mean of 4.4, earning an excellent

verbal interpretation. The Medical Professionals from Rural Health Unit in Guimba assessed

the overall mean at 4.27, interpreting it as Very Good.

The implication of these findings is that the HeCo Wheel excels across various ISO

9126 standards, particularly shining in the domain of Assistive Technology. This indicates

that the device goes beyond meeting the specified standards and achieves excellence in

providing assistance to users, especially those with specific needs, such as quadriplegic

individuals. The high rating and positive assessment by Medical Professionals underscore the

device's effectiveness in meeting quality standards, highlighting its potential to significantly

enhance the overall user experience. The emphasis on Very Good across the standards

reinforces the HeCo Wheel's well-rounded performance, making it a commendable choice for

users, as endorsed by the healthcare professionals involved in the assessment. The results just

really imply that as people with quadriplegia are totally dependent on caregivers (Tsang,

2021), this system can improve the quality of life.

Table 9.1: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Perceived Ease of Use Weighted Mean Qualitative

1. Learning to operate the HeCo 4.20 Excellent
Wheel is easy.

2. The instruction of the HeCo 4.00 Very Good
Wheel system is clear and
3. I find the HeCo Wheel system 3.80 Very Good
flexible to interact with.
4. I find it easy to access HeCo 4.00 Very Good
Wheel system.
5. It is easy for me to become 4.00 Very Good
skillful at using HeCo Wheel
MEAN 4.00 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 9.1 shows the perspectives of registered nurses regarding the functionality of

the HeCo Wheel, particularly focusing on its ease of use. According to the survey responses,

quadriplegic patients expressed that operating the HeCo Wheel was remarkably intuitive,

even considering its unorthodox design. Respondents found it easy to navigate and control

the system.

During the briefing on the controls, the nurses encountered no difficulties in operating

and managing the HeCo Wheel. The survey's numerical result of 4, indicating a "Very Good"

rating, further reinforces the notion that the HeCo Wheel is user-friendly. This positive

feedback suggests that the unique features and functions of the HeCo Wheel did not affect its

ease of use, demonstrating its adaptability and accessibility for healthcare professionals.

Table 9.2: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Intention to Use Weighted Mean Qualitative

1. I am completely satisfied in 3.80 Very Good
using the HeCo Wheel system.
2. I feel very confident in using 4.20 Excellent
the HeCo Wheel system.
3. I find it easy to access and 4.20 Excellent
input information using HeCo
Wheel system.
4. I can accomplish the task 3.80 Very Good
quickly using this prototype.
5. I believe that from the use of 4.60 Excellent
HeCo Wheel system will
improve autonomy and
independence of the patient.
MEAN 4.12 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 9.2 presents the perspectives of quadriplegic patients regarding their sentiments

toward the utilization of the HeCo Wheel. The survey findings indicate a high level of

satisfaction among the patients with the HeCo Wheel's performance. They express confidence

in the system's ability to enhance the autonomy of quadriplegic patients. Moreover, the

numerical result of the survey stands at 4.12, denoting a rating equivalent to "Very Good."

These positive responses underscore the effectiveness of the HeCo Wheel and suggest

that quadriplegic patients perceive it as a valuable tool in improving the quality of care for

them. The high satisfaction level and confidence expressed by the patients in the survey

results bode well for the successful integration of the HeCo Wheel into healthcare practices,

ultimately contributing to enhanced patient autonomy and overall well-being.

Table 9.3: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Perceived of usefulness Weighted Mean Qualitative

items/Accuracy Rating
1. The HeCo Wheel system 3.80 Very Good
enables effective movement of
direction and provides real-
time heart rate updates.
2. The HeCo Wheel system 4.20 Excellent
enables efficient detection of
head motion.
3. The HeCo Wheel system is 4.20 Excellent
beneficial in the life quality of
the patient.
4. The HeCo Wheel system 3.80 Very Good
engage more comfortability
and interface.
5. Using technology would 4.40 Excellent
enhance the independence of
the patient by implementing
the HeCo Wheel system.
MEAN 4.08 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good

2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 9.3 presents the viewpoints of quadriplegic patients regarding their opinions on

the HeCo Wheel concerning its usefulness and accuracy. The survey indicates that the

patients believe the system can enhance their mobility effectively, leading to an improvement

in their overall quality of life. The numerical result from the survey is 4.08, indicating “very

good”. In simpler terms, patients feel that the HeCo Wheel is beneficial for patients, making

it easier for them to move and significantly enhancing their quality of life.

Table 9.4: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Attribute of usability items Weighted Mean Qualitative

1. It is easy to interact with HeCo 4.20 Excellent
Wheel system.
2. It provides precise movement 4.00 Very Good
information for effective
direction using the HeCo
Wheel system.
3. It provides precise information. 4.00 Very Good
4. I found the various function in 3.80 Very Good
this system well-integrated,
allowing for seamless head
control and detection.
5. I would like to use this system 4.20 Excellent
always as needed.
6. I would like to recommend this 4.20 Excellent
system to others.
MEAN 4.06 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair

1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 9.4 displays the perspectives of quadriplegic patients regarding the usability of

the system and its various attributes. The survey reveals that patients hold highly positive

views about patients utilizing the HeCo Wheel. The numerical results indicate a favorable

score of 4.06, signifying “very good”. In essence, patients from these healthcare units express

strong support for them incorporating the HeCo Wheel, emphasizing its usability and

indicating a high level of approval with a mean of 4.06

Table 9.5: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Technology Acceptance Model Weighted Qualitative

Mean Rating
1. Perceived ease of use 4.00 Very Good
2. Intention to use 4.12 Very Good
3. Perceived of usefulness 4.08 Very Good
4. Attribute of usability items 4.06 Very Good
MEAN 4.12 Very Good

Numerical Qualitative
Rating Rating
4.23 – 5.00 Excellent
3.42 – 4.22 Very Good
2.61 – 3.41 Good
1.80 – 2.60 Fair
1 – 1.79 Poor

Table 9.5 presents the overall score or mean obtained by the HeCo Wheel in the

survey conducted by researchers at Guimba. The numerical result, 4.12, indicates that the

system is highly rated, falling into the "very good" category. This suggests that, from the

perspective of patients, the HeCo Wheel has been immensely beneficial to the patients using


Examining the specific attributes, it is visible that the intention of use accumulated the

highest mean. This underscores the patient’s confidence in the system's ability to provide a

positive experience for them. The accumulated data strongly supports the notion that the

HeCo Wheel has proven to be a valuable asset, as perceived by quadriplegic patients. Their

high level of confidence in the system, particularly in terms of intended use, reinforces the

belief that they can expect a positive and effective experience when utilizing the HeCo



This chapter of this study states the conclusion and recommendations based on the

findings and objectives of this study.


From the information that were based on the collected data of the study entitled

“HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quadriplegic

Patients”. The conclusion of this study can conclude that:

1. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can determine wheelchair movement.

2. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can detect head motion using the MPU 6050 accurately.

3. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can show results of heart rate when it detected abnormalities.

4. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can send SMS Alert Notification to the registered mobile

number when it exhibits abnormal heart rate.

5. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can accurately show the voltage of the battery using voltmeter.

6. The HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for

Quadriplegic Patients can accurately stop when an obstacle is detected using the

ultrasonic sensor.

7. The Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate

monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of the

Medical Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.

8. The Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate

monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of the

quadriplegic patients.


1. The researchers suggest utilizing alternative motor type instead of imploying wiper

motor that would be compatible to the project structure.

2. The installation of GPS trackers is strongly recommended by the researchers to ensure

that the patient’s relatives are aware of the patient's whereabouts.

3. The researchers suggest utilizing solar panels as a source of power for battery

recharge capabilities.

4. The researchers suggest improving the wiring system of the HeCO Wheel to ensure

the user's safety concerning potential fire-related issues.

5. The researchers strongly recommend the installation of a fire detection feature. This is

to ensure that the user will be alerted when a specific event occurs.

6. Adding an SpO2 monitor would be a valuable feature for the HeCO Wheel. This is to

monitor not only the heart rate but also the oxygen level of the patient.

7. The researchers suggest adjusting the position of the sensor to enhance the detection
of smaller obstacles.

8. The researchers suggest tightening the wheel chain to improve the mobility of the

Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Quadriplegia (Tetraplegia): Definition, Causes & Types. tetraplegia

Department of Health website. (2014). Persons with


GeeksforGeeks. (2023, July 27). ISO/IEC 9126 in Software Engineering.

Head Gesture Controlled Wheelchair for Quadriplegic Patients. (2018, June). Head
Gesture Controlled Wheelchair for Quadriplegic Patients - ScienceDirect.

International Labour Organization. (2022, March 28). Philippine National Women

With Disabilities Day: An Advocate for Disability Inclusion in the Philippines.

Measure Heart Rate and SpO2 with MAX30102. (2019, February 6.).
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OWWA Member. (2022, April 2). DSWD Programs and Benefits for Persons with
Disabilities (PWD).

Open Access @ Newcastle University. (2023). Technology Acceptance Model.

Robocraze. (n.d.). What is Ultrasonic Sensor? is-

ultrasonic-sensor (2020, December 22). Quadriplegia & Tetraplegia: Definition, Causes,

Symptoms, and Treatment. tetraplegia

UPMC. (n.d.). Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms and Treatment.

WebMD. (2021, March 18). Types of Paralysis.
i74fPPJAreV9Xjzn1g1K67BUDLtMs7S- No8J-r8GfwhyrwNw

Circuit Globe. (n.d.). Voltmeter.

DSWD Field Office I Official Website. (n.d.). PWDs.


Appendices A
HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor for Quardiplegic

Marc Sebastien D. Esguerra

Aryan Jovic C. Domingo
Althea Ashanti O. Felipe
Micha Shane G. Mayo
Normalyn M. Bautista
Ericka Rose S. Roderos
Shean Elizander V. Mañebog

Jobelle Ann B. Nacino, PhD

Research Adviser

January, 202

A. Rationale

Disabled individuals are among the highest-priority groups in every country, as per

the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD). This group

encompasses people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments,

which, when combined with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation

in society on an equal basis with others. In the Philippines, an estimated 1.44 million people,

representing 1.57% of the population, are considered disabled, with males constituting 50.9%

of this total (Department of Health, n.d.). When someone is paralyzed, they cannot move

some parts of their body because something has gone wrong with their connection to their

brain. It comes in different forms, temporary or permanent, or even ones that will appear and

disappear (Slivinski, 2021).

Also, according to Slivinski (2021), strokes are the most common cause of paralysis,

often resulting from a blocked artery in the neck or brain. Injuries to the brain or spinal cord,

such as those sustained in auto accidents or sports-related incidents, can also lead to paralysis.

Paralysis comes in four main types. Complete paralysis involves the loss of movement and

control in all muscles, rendering the patient immobile. In contrast, partial or incomplete

paralysis allows the patient to retain some muscle movement and sensation in specific areas.

Localized paralysis affects only one region of the body. Lastly, generalized paralysis is more

likely to affect multiple areas of the body when two or more regions are afflicted, depending

on the location of the injury in the brain or spinal cord.

On the other hand, quadriplegia is a generalized paralysis symptom that affects all of a

person's limbs and body from the neck down. A spinal cord injury in the neck is the most

common cause of quadriplegia, but it can also be caused by other disorders. Quadriplegia is

sometimes curable, although the majority of cases, particularly those caused by injuries,

result in permanent paralysis (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). People who have quadriplegia are

forced to only move their heads, and usually, patients use a wheelchair as their mode of going

from one place to another with the help of others. Many people with quadriplegia require

extensive care and assistance, including medical equipment and devices, physical therapy,

and personal support.

Machangpa and Chingtham (2018) utilized the MPU-6050 Triple Axis Accelerometer

and Gyroscope to detect head movement, using its Digital Motion Processor for precise

calculations and six degrees of freedom for output values. Additionally, Ultrasonic sensors

are used as proximity sensors. They can be found in parking technology and anti-collision

safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also used in robotic obstacle detection systems and

manufacturing engineering. Compared to infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing

applications, ultrasonic sensors are less susceptible to interference from smoke, gases, and

other airborne particles (Robocraze, 2022).

Furthermore, the Arduino microcontroller is an affordable open-hardware computer

widely available on the market. It serves as a versatile tool that empowers individuals to

delve into computing and human-machine interaction. To connect the MPU6050, the general-

purpose input/output (GPIO) pins, as well as the SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line), are

utilized on the Arduino microcontroller. The data transmitted by the gyroscope is processed

within the Arduino, which then sends signals to the relay, facilitating the control of the

wheelchair's movement (Machangpa & Chingtham, 2018).

This intelligent machine that controls a powered wheelchair through head motion

using an accelerometer, monitors the user's heart rate and SpO2, sends SMS alert

notifications, and stops when an obstacle is detected ahead, is programmed using an Arduino

microcontroller. Machinery, including robotics, needs batteries to function. Once the battery

has drained it can no longer be used unless the user charges the batteries themselves. The

instrument that measures the voltage or potential difference in volts is known as the voltmeter

(Archana, 2017), therefore this study will monitor the battery life span using a voltmeter

which can be recharged by installing a charging plug to its batteries. Its development

represents a significant technological advancement, as the Arduino microcontroller is more

cost-efficient than the Raspberry Pi and is widely used in school projects due to its

programming capabilities.

Moreover, this technology has the potential to enhance the quality of life for

individuals with disabilities by providing them with greater autonomy and independence. It

also offers a new level of safety and security by accurately responding to changes in the user's

condition and ensuring the user's safety through its obstacle-detection capability. Using head

motion to control the wheelchair through sensors also provides a more natural and intuitive

interface for users, making the experience of using a powered wheelchair more comfortable

and enjoyable. This research is an enhancement of the previous study of the researchers

entitled “An Arduino-Based Head-Controlled Wheelchair using an Accelerometer for

Quadriplegic Patients with an Arduino-based Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor, and SMS Alert


B. Research Questions/Hypotheses/Engineering Goals/Expected Outcomes

B1. Research Questions

This research study entitled HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart

Rate and SpO2 Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients aims to answer the following questions:

1. Can the wheelchair’s voltmeter show the battery life of the HeCo Wheel based on its

current battery life?;

2. How fast can the battery be recharged after getting drained?;

3. Can the HeCo Wheel stop if there is an obstacle ahead using an ultrasonic sensor?;

4. Is the “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor

for Quadriplegic Patients” effective according to the assessment of the Medical

Professionals to ISO 9126 standards?; and

5. Is the “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor

for Quadriplegic Patients” effective according to the assessment of Quadriplegic

Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)?

B2. Hypotheses

This study aims to validate the tests with the following hypothesis:

1. The wheelchair’s battery does not show the battery life of the Heco Wheel;

2. The battery did not recharge after getting drained;

3. The Heco Wheel does not accurately stop when there is an obstacle ahead using an

ultrasonic sensor;

4. The “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor

for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of the Medical

Professionals using ISO 9126 standards; and

5. The “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor

for Quadriplegic Patients” is effective according to the assessment of Quadriplegic

Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

B3. Technological Goals

This research aims to further improve the past designed HeCo Wheel to further give

quadriplegic patients an increase in autonomy and independence further improving their

quality of life. The current implementation of this research allows patients to monitor their

heart rate and spo2 level will be improved in terms of its physical design and added new

features to the current capabilities of the HeCo Wheel. The research aims to develop an

easily rechargeable HeCo Wheel to provide quadriplegic patients convenience, adding a

charger can help quadriplegic patients go to any location as long as there is electricity,

through the installation of a voltmeter the user can easily gauge the amount of battery life left

or needed for it to function, We also plan to install an ultrasonic sensor that makes the system

stop if it scans any obstacles needed in its path. These technological goals help the

improvement of the HeCo Wheel giving quadriplegic people the convenience of providing a

better quality of life. This research also aims to gather the insights of Medical Professionals

using ISO 9126 standards and Quadriplegic Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model

(TAM) to have a better reliability source in using this technology advancement.

B4. Expected Outcomes

At the end of the study, the researchers expect to use the HeCo Wheel for quadriplegic

patients to detect accurate head motion in the direction of the wheelchair. The researchers

also expect to use the Arduino-based heart rate and SpO2 monitor and SMS alert notification

to show real-time results and send a message to the registered mobile number in case the

heart rate and SpO2 of the patient went abnormal. The researchers expect the batteries to be

recharged with the use of its own plug after getting drained and the voltmeter accurately

shows the actual remaining battery voltage of the batteries after and before using the system,

the researchers expect the HeCo Wheel would stop once an obstacle is detected and provide

the insights of Medical Professionals and Quadriplegic Patients in using the HeCo Wheel

using ISO 9126 standards and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

B5. Significance of the Study

Quadriplegic Patients

This study can help quadriplegic patients enhance the independence and

autonomy of people with disabilities and improve their quality of life. Additionally, it

offers a higher level of protection and safety.


The system can ease the work of caregivers. With its SpO2 monitor, caregivers

can monitor their patient's condition anytime. Additionally, the system can alert

caregivers when the patient is at risk of danger.

Future Researchers

This study can serve as a valuable reference for future research in the field of

intelligent machines that assist disabled individuals.

B6. Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to improve the HeCo Wheel which can currently monitor heart rate

and SpO2, and SMS alert notification to the registered mobile number via arduino

microcontroller, develop rechargeable batteries with a voltmeter to monitor the life of the

batteries, and implement an ultrasonic sensor that once an obstacle is detected the HeCo

Wheel would stop using an Arduino microcontroller.

The study delimits the accessibility of quadriplegic patients in specific environments,

such as public spaces. This is because the testing of the system will be conducted in flat and

spacious areas. Due to certain factors, such as time constraints, the study may not assess the

long-term use or durability of the HeCo Wheel.


This study's chapter covers the step-by-step approach for the entire conduct process. It

also comprises the appropriate statistical analysis and modified methodologies for the

validation of data.

Collection of Materials

Assembly of the ultrasonic obstacle detector sensor

Assembly of the Battery Charger and the Voltmeter of the HeCo

Wheel’s Battery

Testing the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor, Battery Charger and

the Voltmeter of the HeCo Wheel

Assessing the Medical Professional using ISO 9126 Standard and
Quadriplegic Patients using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Statistical Analysis

Figure 1. Methodological Flowchart

Collection of Materials

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor was bought at layadcircuits, the battery charger was

obtained at a local store in Guimba, and the voltmeter was bought at an online store.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are used as proximity sensors. They can be found in

parking technology and anti-collision safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also used

in robotic obstacle detection systems and manufacturing engineering. Compared to

infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing applications, ultrasonic sensors are less

susceptible to interference from smoke, gases, and other airborne particles

(Robocraze, 2022).

Battery Charger and Voltmeter

A battery charger is a device or piece of equipment designed to recharge or

replenish the energy stored in a rechargeable battery. It works by supplying an electric

current to the battery, which forces electricity back into the battery's cells, effectively
reversing the chemical reactions that occur when the battery discharges its stored

energy. While voltmeter is an instrument or device used to measure the electrical

potential difference, or voltage, between two points in an electrical circuit. It is one of

the most common and fundamental instruments in electronics and electrical

engineering. Voltmeters are essential for diagnosing and monitoring electrical circuits

and systems.

Assembly of Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

Arduino Microcontroller

Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 2. Circuit Diagram of the Assembly of Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

(Source: fritzing)

The core components of the Obstacle Detector are the Ultrasonic Sensor and the

Arduino Microcontroller.

The 5v is connected to the VCC, GND would be connected to the GND, Pin 2 is

connected to the Echo and the pin ~3 is connected to the Trig of the Ultrasonic Sensor.

Assembly of Battery Charger and Voltmeter

Battery Charger HeCo Wheel’s Voltmeter


Figure 3. Block Diagram of the Assembly of Battery Charger and Voltmeter

The Battery charger will be connected to the battery’s terminals to allow the

rechargeable ability of the battery. The voltmeter would also be connected to the battery’s

terminals to generate and show the current life span of the HeCo Wheel’s Battery.

Testing the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor

The Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor will be tested by the researchers in terms of

its alertness once an obstacle is detected and how fast the HeCo Wheel stops once an obstacle

is detected.

Testing the Battery Charger and the Voltmeter

The Battery Charger will be tested by the researchers to evaluate the ability of the

battery charger to recharge the battery of the HeCo Wheel and test how long it takes the

battery to meet its max capacity. To test the Voltmeter, the researchers will provide the current

battery life of the battery depending on how long it has been used.

Assessing the Medical Professional using ISO 9126 Standard and Quadriplegic Patients

using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

The researchers will seek 9 Medical Professionals in different Rural Health Units

(RHU) in Guimba to assess them with the development of the HeCo Wheel: Head-

Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients

using ISO 9126 Standards. The researchers will also seek 5 Quadriplegic or any type of

Paralyzed patients in Guimba to assess them in the development of the HeCo Wheel: Head-

Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients

using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The data would be gathered using a

weighted mean with different interpretations.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis involves the use of statistical methods and tools to analyze the data

collected during a research study. The proposed system, "HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled

Wheelchair with Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitor for Quadriplegic Patients," encompasses

multiple components and data sources. The researchers intend to utilize a t-test, weighted

mean, and efficiency level to gather information concerning the proposed system's

components, including its Obstacle Detector, Battery Charger, Voltmeter, adherence to ISO

9126 Standards, and the assessment using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Researchers will employ a t-test for the Ultrasonic Obstacle Detector Sensor to

determine if there are significant differences in the results to be gathered. The weighted mean

will be used to collect data related to the time it takes the battery to recharge, the evaluation

of Medical Professionals according to ISO 9126 Standards, and the assessment of

Quadriplegic or other paralyzed patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),

where interpretations may vary based on the assessment results.

The efficiency formula will be employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the

Voltmeter design. The desired outcome of this system is to provide reliability in the results of

the voltmeter. The input required to achieve this output involves the use of a battery and

voltmeter. To calculate the system's efficiency, it is necessary to determine the actual output

achieved and the input required to attain it. The output achieved will be the results displayed

on the voltmeter used in the HeCo Wheel's battery, and the actual output will be the results

shown in a voltmeter used in most electronics with the aim of achieving the most reliable

results possible. This test is also conducted to identify any differences in the voltmeters used.

Once the actual output and output required are determined, they can be plugged into the

efficiency formula, which is Efficiency = (Output / Actual Output) x 100%.

Appendix B
Materials and Equipment Used

Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller MPU-6050

SIM800L V2 Buzzer

MAX 30102 OLED LCD 0.91”

Jumper Wire Ultrasonic Sensor

Driver Motor

Lead-Acid Battery Charger

Appendix C

Appendix D
Other Tables and Analysis Results

Table 1: The average reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated in determining the
direction of wheelchair movement. (Y-Axis)
Axis T1 T2 T3 Mean

Y1 (Forward) 1.02s 0.78s 0.59s 0.79s

Y2 (Backward) 0.57s 0.83s 0.97s 0.79s

Mean 0.80s 0.81s 0.78s 0.79s

Table 2: The average reaction time of the HeCo Wheel when accelerated in determining the
direction of wheelchair movement. (X-Axis)
Axis T1 T2 T3 Mean

X1 (Sideward-Right) 0.84s 1.01s 0.63s 0.87s

X2 (Sideward-Left) 0.71s 1.00s 0.90s 0.84s

Mean 0.78s 1.00s 0.77s 0.85s

Table 3: The average percentage of accuracy between head motion and the HeCo Wheel
using an MPU6050.
Direction of the wheelchair

Head Motion Forward Backward Right Left

Forward ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘

Backward ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘

Sideward (Right) ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘

Sideward (Left) ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔

Table 4: The average time of the HeCo Wheel heart rate monitor results in real time.
T1 T2 T3 Mean

Heart Rate 7.17s 11.10s 5.48s 7.92s

Table 5: The HeCo Wheel Heart Rate SMS Alert Notification’s reaction time in sending a
message to the registered mobile number when abnormalities are detected.
Alert Notification T1 T2 T3 Mean

Heart Rate 2.65s 2.41s 2.17s 2.41s


Table 6 : Analyzation of the battery’s voltage after being recharged.


Hours B1 B2 B3 Mean

1 8v 7v 7v 7.33v

2 13v 13v 13v 13v

Table 7: Analyzation whether the HeCo Wheel will stop using the ultrasonic sensor when an
obstacle is detected.
T1 T2 T3 Mean

Time 0.32s 0.59s 0.38s 0.43s

Table 8.1: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


Usability Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
4. User - Friendly 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 Very Good
5. Easy to Use 5 4 3 4 5 5 4.3 Excellent
6. Pleasing to the 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 Very Good
eyes of the user
MEAN 4.1 Very Good

Table 8.2: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


Effectiveness Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
4. Ability to maintain 5 4 3 4 5 5 4.3 Excellent
user’s electronic
personal information
5. Ability to detect 4 4 4 4 5 5 4.3 Excellent
head motion and
analyze direction for
efficient movement.
6. Ability to provide 5 4 3 5 5 5 4.5 Excellent
efficient data
regarding Heart

MEAN 4.36 Excellent

Table 8.3: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


Efficiency/Accuracy Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
4. Ability to produce 5 4 3 5 5 5 4.5 Excellent
electronic data and
5. Ability to respond to 4 4 3 5 5 5 4.3 Excellent
user’s requests.
6. Ability to withstand 4 4 3 5 5 5 4.3 Excellent
the duration of use in

performing its
MEAN 4.36 Excellent

Table 8.4: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


Accessibility Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
4. Ability to be executed in 4 4 3 5 5 4 4.16 Very Good
different areas.
5. Ability to accommodate 5 4 3 5 5 4 4.3 Excellent
the user.
6. Ability to be used in 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 Very Good
different types of
working environment.
MEAN 4.15 Very Good

Table 8.5: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


Assistive Technology Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
5. Ability to prompt and 5 4 3 5 4 5 4.3 Excellent
inform user’s if error
6. Ability to prompt and 5 4 3 5 5 5 4.5 Excellent
inform user’s what
action is done.
7. It provides precise 5 4 3 4 5 5 4.3 Excellent
8. Ability to prompt user 5 4 3 5 5 5 4.5 Excellent
what to do in some
MEAN 4.4 Excellent

Table 8.6: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of the Medical
Professionals using ISO 9126 standards.


ISO 9126 STANDARDS Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

6. Usability 4.1 Very Good

7. Effectiveness 4.36 Excellent
8. Efficiency/Accuracy 4.36 Excellent
9. Accessibility 4.15 Very Good
10. Assistive Technology 4.4 Excellent
MEAN 4.27 Very Good

Table 9.1: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Perceived Ease of Use Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

6. Learning to operate the HeCo 5 4 3 5 4 4.2 Excellent

Wheel is easy.
7. The instruction of the HeCo 4 4 4 5 3 4 Very Good
Wheel system is clear and
8. I find the HeCo Wheel system 4 3 5 3 4 3.8 Very Good
flexible to interact with.

9. I find it easy to access HeCo 3 4 4 5 4 4 Very Good
Wheel system.
10. It is easy for me to become 4 3 5 4 4 4 Very Good
skillful at using HeCo Wheel
MEAN 4 Very Good

Table 9.2: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Intention to Use Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

6. I am completely satisfied in 4 3 4 4 4 3.8 Very Good

using the HeCo Wheel system.
7. I feel very confident in using 4 3 5 4 5 4.2 Excellent
the HeCo Wheel system.
8. I find it easy to access and 4 4 4 5 4 4.2 Excellent
input information using HeCo
Wheel system.
9. I can accomplish the task 4 4 4 4 3 3.8 Very Good
quickly using this prototype.
10. I believe that from the use of 5 4 5 4 5 4.6 Excellent
HeCo Wheel system will
improve autonomy and
independence of the patient.
MEAN 4.12 Very Good

Table 9.3: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Perceived of usefulness Weighted Verbal

items/Accuracy Mean Interpretation
6. The HeCo Wheel system 4 3 4 4 4 3.8 Very Good
enables effective movement of
direction and provides real-
time heart rate updates.
7. The HeCo Wheel system 4 4 5 4 4 4.2 Excellent
enables efficient detection of
head motion.
8. The HeCo Wheel system is 4 5 4 3 5 4.2 Excellent
beneficial in the life quality of
the patient.
9. The HeCo Wheel system 3 4 4 4 4 3.8 Very Good
engage more comfortability
and interface.
10. Using technology would 4 5 5 4 4 4.4 Excellent
enhance the independence of
the patient by implementing
the HeCo Wheel system.
MEAN 4.08 Very Good

Table 9.4: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Attribute of usability items Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
7. It is easy to interact with HeCo 4 5 4 4 4 4.2 Excellent
Wheel system.
8. It provides precise movement 4 4 4 4 4 4 Very Good
information for effective
direction using the HeCo
Wheel system.
9. It provides precise information. 5 3 4 4 4 4 Very Good
10. I found the various function in 4 3 4 4 4 3.8 Very Good
this system well-integrated,
allowing for seamless head
control and detection.
11. I would like to use this system 5 5 3 4 4 4.2 Excellent
always as needed.
12. I would like to recommend this 4 4 4 4 5 4.2 Excellent
system to others.
MEAN 4.06 Very Good

Table 9.5: Assessment of “HeCo Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate
monitor for Quadriplegic Patients” effectiveness according to the assessment of Quadriplegic
Patients using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Technology Acceptance Model Weighted Verbal Interpretation


5. Perceived ease of use 4 Very Good

6. Intention to use 4.12 Very Good
7. Perceived of usefulness 4.08 Very Good
8. Attribute of usability items 4.06 Very Good

MEAN 4.12 Very Good

Appendix E
Scanned Data Book

Appendix F
ISO 9126 and Technology Acceptance Model
Heco Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor
for Quadriplegic Patients

Name (Optional):

Direction: Please evaluate the developed prototype based on

ISO 9126. Use the scale described below.

Descriptor Scale
There is a very strong evidence
on the existence of the quality
There is a strong evidence on
the existence of the quality.
There is evidence on the
existence of the quality.
Some evidence is lacking 2
There is no evidence 1

5 4 3 2 1
1. User - friendly
2. Easy to Use
3. Pleasing to the eyes of the user.
1. Ability to maintain users’ electronic
personal information.
2. Ability to detect head motion and analyze
direction for efficient movement.
3. Ability to provide efficient data
regarding Heart Rate Monitor.

1. Ability to produce electronic data and
2. Ability to respond to user’s requests.
3. Ability to withstand the duration of use
in performing its functions.
1. Ability to be executed in different
2. Ability to accommodate the user.
3. Ability to be used in different types of
working environment.
Assistive Technology
1. Ability to prompt and inform users if
error occur.
2. Ability to prompt and inform users what
action is done.
3. It provides precise information.
4. Ability to prompt user what to do in some

Heco Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair with Heart Rate Monitor
for Quadriplegic Patients

Name (Optional):

Direction: Please evaluate the developed Prototype of a Heco

Wheel: Head-Controlled Wheelchair System based on Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM). Use the scale described below.

Descriptor Scale
There is a very strong evidence
on the existence of the quality
There is a strong evidence on
the existence of the quality.
There is evidence on the
existence of the quality.
Some evidence is lacking 2
There is no evidence 1

Perceived ease of use

5 4 3 2 1
1. Learning to operate the Heco Wheel system
is easy.
2. The instructions of the Heco Wheel system
is clear and understandable.
3. I find the Heco Wheel system flexible to
interact with.
4. I find it easy to access Heco Wheel
5. It is easy for me to become skillful at
using Heco Wheel system.
Intention to Use
1. I am completely satisfied in using the
Heco Wheel system.
2. I feel very confident in using the Heco
Wheel system.
3. I found it easy to access and input
information using Heco Wheel system.
4. I can accomplish the task quickly using
this prototype.
5. I believe that from the use of Heco Wheel
system will improve autonomy and
independence of the patient.

Perceived of usefulness items/Accuracy
1. The Heco Wheel system enables effective
movement of direction and provides real-
time Heart Rate updates.
2. The Heco Wheel system enables efficient
detection of head motion.
3. The Heco Wheel system is beneficial in
the life quality of the patient.
4. The Heco Wheel system engage more
comfortability and interface.
5. Using technology would enhance the
independence of the patient by
implementing the Heco Wheel system.
Attribute of usability items
1. It is easy to interact with Heco Wheel
2. It provides precise movement information
for effective direction using the Heco
Wheel system.
3. It provides precise information.
4. I found the various function in this
system well-integrated, allowing for
seamless head control and detection.
5. I would like to use this system always as
6. I would like to recommend this system to


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