CHAPTER 1 To 5 Modular Classes

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COVID-19 first appeared on a small scale in November 2019 with the first

large cluster appearing in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. After a short time,

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people

infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and

recover without requiring special treatment. The COVID-19 spread in the Philippines,

especially in Marawi City. After the Declaration of Lockdown to the entire Philippines

especially in Marawi City all the transactions were stopped including the School of

Lake Lanao College, Inc. It was hard to adjust to normal learning the school came up

with alternative learning which is the Modular Class. The students especially the

senior High School Students determine the advantages and disadvantages of

Modular classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Numerous studies have explored the advantages and disadvantages of

modular classes during the pandemic, offering valuable insights into the experiences

of students in this unprecedented educational landscape. The advantages often cited

include increased flexibility in scheduling (Johnson et al., 2020), the accessibility of

diverse learning resources (Hodges et al., 2020), and the ability to maintain

educational continuity while minimizing health risks (UNESCO, 2020).

On the flip side, challenges associated with modular learning have been

reported. Issues such as technological barriers, including limited internet connectivity

and a lack of access to essential devices, have been identified as impediments to

effective participation (Chen et al., 2020; Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020). Reduced

opportunities for social interaction and collaboration, leading to feelings of isolation

among students, have also been documented as drawbacks of the modular learning

environment (Dhawan, 2020). Additionally, the prolonged use of digital devices has

been associated with digital fatigue, impacting students' overall well-being (Rasheed

et al., 2020).

Given the significance of these advantages and disadvantages, it becomes

crucial to examine how senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.

navigate this new educational landscape. This study seeks to contribute to the

existing body of knowledge by investigating the specific experiences of students at

Lake Lanao College Inc. during the pandemic, shedding light on the nuanced

interplay of positive and negative aspects associated with modular classes. By

understanding the unique context of Lake Lanao College Inc., this research aims to

provide valuable insights that can inform educational practices and policies tailored

to the needs of senior high school students in the current modular learning



The main purpose of the study is to determine the Advantages and

Disadvantages of modular classes during the pandemic among senior high school

students of Lake Lanao College Inc. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the advantages of modular classes among senior high school

students at Lake Lanao College Inc. during the pandemic?

2. What are the disadvantages of modular classes among senior high school

students at Lake Lanao College Inc. during the pandemic?


The main objective of this research is to obtain a comprehensive

understanding of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Senior High School

Students context. To achieve this, the study aims to:

1. Identify and analyze the advantages of modular classes as perceived by

senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.

2. Identify and analyze the disadvantages of modular classes as perceived by

senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.


The researchers believed that the findings to be drawn from this study will be

beneficial to the following:

Student. The result of this study will provide guidance and knowledge to students

who are struggling with modular Learning Systems. By understanding good practices

concerning course design, students may make better judgments as to the quality of

instruction they are receiving

Parents. This would help the parents how to understand and handle the students in

terms of their behavior, stresses, and emotions during the modular learning system.

Teacher. The study will be useful for teacher(s) that utilize the modular learning

System To improve on handling their stress and can pave the way to manage the

struggles of each student.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for researchers who

plan to conduct any related study about the Advantages and Disadvantages of

modular classes during a pandemic.


The study focuses specifically on senior high school students at Lake Lanao

College Inc. and their experiences with modular classes during the COVID-19

pandemic. While the insights gained from this research may have broader

implications, the findings are limited to the advantages and disadvantages of

modular classes during the pandemic.


In understanding the advantages and disadvantages of modular classes

during the pandemic among senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.,

it is essential to draw upon relevant theoretical perspectives that illuminate the

dynamics of digital education. This chapter will explore key theoretical frameworks

that provide a foundation for examining the multifaceted nature of modular learning.

Technological Acceptance Model (TAM)

The Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989)

serves as a valuable framework for understanding how individuals perceive

and accept new technologies, such as modular learning platforms. According

to TAM, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness influence users'

attitudes and intentions to adopt technology. In the context of modular

classes, this model helps explain how senior high school students at Lake

Lanao College Inc. perceive the advantages of digital learning in terms of its

ease of use and usefulness.

Social Presence Theory

Social Presence Theory, introduced by Short, Williams, and Christie

(1976), focuses on the degree to which a medium (in this case, modular

classes) fosters a sense of sociability and interpersonal connection. This

theory is particularly relevant when exploring the disadvantages of modular

classes, as it helps frame the challenges associated with reduced social

interaction among senior high school students. The absence of face-to-face

communication may impact the overall learning experience, and this theory

provides insights into the importance of social presence for effective modular


Community of Inquiry Framework

The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, developed by Garrison,

Anderson, and Archer (2000), emphasizes the importance of cognitive, social,

and teaching presences in the modular learning environment. Cognitive

presence focuses on the construction of meaning, social presence on the

ability of participants to project their characteristics, and teaching presence on

the design and facilitation of educational experiences. Applying this

framework to the study helps in comprehensively examining both the

advantages (cognitive presence) and disadvantages (social presence) of

modular classes.

Digital Divide Theory

The Digital Divide Theory explores the disparities in access to and

usage of digital technologies. As articulated by van Dijk (2005), this theory

sheds light on potential inequalities in technological resources among senior

high school students. Understanding the digital divide is crucial when

investigating technological challenges and disadvantages faced by students in

accessing modular classes.


The conceptual framework for understanding the Advantages and

disadvantages of modular classes during the pandemic at Lake Lanao College

Incorporated includes several variables that are hypothesized to contribute to or

influence this behavior.

modular Classes during the Pandemic
Dependent Advantages and Disadvantages of
Variable modular Class

Figure 1. The table shows the relationship of variables.


Advantage. It explains the significance of a feature and how it solves a problem

often in a factual, concrete, or measurable way.

COVID19. Is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Disadvantage. It is an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the

chances of success or effectiveness.

Modular Classes. Is a course conducted over the Internet.

Pandemic. It is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole

country or the world at a particular time.



This chapter presents the related literature and the related studies which

contain significant information about the study.


The global outbreak of COVID-19 prompted educational institutions, including

Lake Lanao College Inc., to implement novel teaching methodologies. Lake Lanao

College Inc. responded by introducing modular classes for senior high school

students. This review aims to provide an in-depth examination of the existing

literature, exploring the advantages and disadvantages associated with the adoption

of modular classes in the context of this particular institution.

Advantages of Modular Classes

Flexibility in Learning: Modular classes, characterized by their self-paced

nature, have been found to provide students with the flexibility to engage with

course materials at their own speed (Smith et al., 2021). This adaptability

caters to various learning styles, allowing students to delve into subjects more

thoroughly and ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the


Individualized Learning Scholars such as Jones and Brown (2020)

emphasize that the modular approach facilitates individualized learning

experiences. By allowing students to tailor their study plans based on

personal interests and challenges, modular classes contribute to a more

student-centric educational environment, potentially enhancing overall

academic performance.

Reduced Screen Time One notable advantage of modular learning is the

reduction in screen time, as pointed out by Lee (2020). In contrast to

traditional modular classes, modular classes encourage students to engage

with printed materials and offline resources. This not only addresses concerns

related to digital eye strain and fatigue but also promotes a healthier balance

between modular and offline activities.

Disadvantages of Modular Classes

Limited Interaction Despite its advantages, the modular approach may

present challenges related to limited face-to-face interaction, as observed by

Garcia and Rodriguez (2019). Reduced opportunities for in-person

discussions and collaborative learning might hinder the development of

interpersonal skills crucial for academic and professional success.

Digital Accessibility Challenges Chen et al. (2022) highlight potential

challenges associated with digital accessibility in modular classes. Students

from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds may face difficulties

accessing modular resources, exacerbating existing issues of educational

inequity. Addressing these challenges is vital to ensure equal educational

opportunities for all students.

Lack of Real-time Feedback: Johnson and Smith (2021) draw attention to

the absence of real-time feedback in modular classes. Unlike traditional

classrooms where immediate clarification of doubts is possible, the

asynchronous nature of modular learning may result in delays in identifying

and addressing learning gaps. This could impact students' academic

performance and overall satisfaction with the learning process.

Students' Perceptions of Modular Learning

The advent of modular classes during the pandemic has significantly

influenced the educational landscape, particularly for senior high school students.

Means et al. (2019) argue that students' perceptions of modular learning are crucial

in determining the success of this educational shift. Positive perceptions, such as

increased flexibility and easy access to resources, contribute to a more favorable

modular learning experience. This aligns with the anticipated exploration of

advantages perceived by senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.

Technological Acceptance in Education

Davis's (1989) Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) provides a theoretical

framework to understand students' acceptance of modular classes. Al-Fraihat et al.

(2020) applied TAM to investigate challenges faced during modular exams,

emphasizing the significance of perceived ease of use and usefulness in determining

students' acceptance of digital platforms. This theoretical lens is valuable for

examining how senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc. perceive and

adopt modular classes.

Social Presence and Interaction in Modular Learning

Richardson and Swan's (2003) Social Presence Theory highlights the

importance of social interaction in modular learning environments. Reduced social

interaction is considered a potential disadvantage of modular classes. Understanding

the impact of social presence is crucial in examining the experiences of senior high

school students at Lake Lanao College Inc. during the pandemic.

Challenges Faced in modular Learning

Hodges et al. (2020) explored the challenges of emergency remote teaching

during the pandemic, shedding light on obstacles faced by students and educators.

The study outlines various challenges, including technological issues and reduced

social engagement, providing insights into the potential disadvantages of modular

learning. This research contributes to understanding the challenges senior high

school students may encounter at Lake Lanao College Inc.

Strategies to Enhance modular Learning

Bozkurt and Sharma (2020) and Jung (2014) offer insights into strategies to

enhance the modular learning experience. Strategies such as proactive teacher

involvement, interactive learning activities, and the use of technology to foster

engagement provide valuable considerations for addressing potential disadvantages

and optimizing the advantages of modular classes.


Willey (2021) Modular learning is currently adopted by educational institutions

worldwide to provide students with ongoing education during the COVID-19

pandemic. Even though modular learning research has been advancing in

uncovering student experiences in various settings (i.e., tertiary, adult, and

professional education), very little progress has been achieved in understanding the

experience of the K-12 student population, especially when narrowed down to

different school-year segments (i.e., primary and secondary school students). This
study explores how students at different stages of their K -12 education reacted to

the mandatory full-time modular learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this

purpose, we conducted a province-wide survey study in which the modular learning

experience of 1,170,769 Chinese students was collected from the Guangdong

Province of China. We performed cross-tabulation and Chi-square analysis to

compare students’ modular learning conditions, experiences, and expectations.

Results from this survey study provide evidence that students’ modular learning

experiences are significantly different across school years. Foremost, policy

implications were made to advise government authorities and schools on improving

the delivery of modular learning, and potential directions were identified for future

research into K-12 modular learning.

BSTRACT Simamora,T.P. (2021). An Analysis of the Advantages and

Disadvantages of Using Google Classroom on Modular Learning During Covid-19

Pandemic at Grade Twelfth Ips Of SMAN 8 Kota Jambi. A Thesis. English Language

Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, University of

Batanghari, Jambi, 2021. First Advisor: Kartika Dewi, M.Pd. Ans second Advisor: Efa

Silfia, M.Pd This research aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of

Google Classroom in English subjects. The research is set at Senior High School no

8 Jambi City with twelfth-grade students as the subject. The methodology of this

research is descriptive qualitative. The sample of this research is the twelfth grade of

IPS 4. The sample in this study used purposive sampling. During the Covid-19

pandemic, modular learning has been widely used in process learning. One of the

applications used for modular learning is Google Classroom. However, Google

Classroom has advantages and disadvantages that have not been studied especially

from the student's point of view. Data were collected using interviews supported by

an interview protocol. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

we have added an explanation of the characteristics of the sample in this

study. In this study, data were obtained using a modular survey involving 30 students

from three levels of education, namely junior high school, senior high school, and

college. They are students who are appointed by the teacher as class administrators,

which acts as a regulator of the class, connecting students and teachers' field of

study, through them every teacher communicates all the learning activities, such as

setting the learning time, recording the attendance of students in the classroom, and

also reports on student assignments in one class, submitted to the subject teacher

through them. They are the ones who know a lot about the implementation of

learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to other friends. Schools and

students in remote areas are few, not as many as schools and students in big cities,

so we conclude that the thirty samples are considered representative of the sample

in this study. Introduction, the author summarizes what was found in the study of

students during the pandemic Literature: The author also adds some literature

reviews, to support the research questions discussed in this study. Results; research

results in tabular form, most of which we have deleted, by switching to an

explanation of research results. Discussion: we have added an explanation of the

four themes studied and then added an explanation of the implications that can be

drawn from the research findings. Conclusion: we have also added an explanation to

the conclusion, and rearranged the sentence without changing the previous


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on various aspects of

peoples’ lives, namely in the economic, socio-cultural, and educational aspects. It is

a global problem affecting educational institutions. Since the start of this pandemic, it

has caused shock and disruption to students. The pandemic has forced schools to

close and lessons that were carried out face-to-face have shifted to the modular

world. The use of the Internet and many other significant technologies to create

materials for educational purposes, educational distribution, and program

management constitute modular learning ( Fry, 2001). All educators are asked to

make a transition, due to the closure of school buildings. There is no other choice but

to apply modular learning; even though many feel unprepared during this transitional

period, students must adjust themselves while trying to build meaning amid various

challenges related to the pandemic. Even though learning is carried out modular, it is

hoped that learning outcomes will remain maximal. There is some evidence that

modular learning can lead to higher student success ( Kurucay & Inan, 2017). A

great amount of evidence indicates that there is no substantial difference in the

efficacy of well-designed modular learning relative to well-designed face-to-face

learning ( Clark, 2007).



This chapter includes the research design, the research local, the

respondents, and the method adopted by this present study.


The study made use of questionnaires and collected the data through Survey

Methods, the researchers interviewed and surveyed the Senior High students at

Lake Lanao College Incorporated. The question includes the Advantages and

Disadvantages of modular classes during the pandemic. The researcher’s objective

in this study is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of modular classes

during a pandemic to their academic interest.


The study will be conducted at Lake Lanao College Inc., Basak Malutlut,

Marawi City. It is a private, non-sectarian learning institution. It is ideally located

outside the downtown area which is away from the noise attendant of the city’s usual

economic activities, yet near enough to minor accessibility.

Figure 1. Map of the Lake Lanao College Inc. located at Basak Malutlut, Marawi City


The instrument that the researchers use to accomplish the study, is a Likert

survey questionnaire. The Likert survey questionnaire is a type of questionnaire

providing only one answer to one question. The survey questionnaire is composed of

10 items of questions that are answerable by Yes or No. The survey questionnaire is

randomly distributed among respondents.


The respondents of this study were the selected students among the Senior

High Students of Lake Lanao College Inc., the study makes use of convenient

sampling as it was done through random sampling from Grade 11 to Grade 12

students of the said Institution. The study set the target of only 50 students as the

respondents and was provided with the questionnaires.


To accomplish the study, the researchers executed the following steps:

Identifying the Respondents Profile

The researchers provided a questionnaire that included a portion of which

asked the respondent's age, gender, and year level.

Preparing the Instrument

The researchers made a questionnaire as their instrument and source of the

data collected. The researchers decided that having a questionnaire as their

instrument would be the most effective way to determine the advantages and

disadvantages of modular classes during the pandemic in Senior High School

Students who take modular classes as alternative learning during COVID-19

pandemic classes in Lake Lanao College Incorporated.

Validating the Instrument

The questionnaire provided by the researchers was validated by some

students and professionals in the field.

Administering the Instrument

After the instrument had been through criticism and revisions, the researchers

came to know how the selected students from the Senior High students at Lake

Lanao College Inc. would respond to this study.

Administering followed the protocols:

1. The survey questionnaire was distributed to 50 Individual students from Senior

High students at Lake Lanao College Incorporated.

2. Only 3-5 minutes were given to the respondents to answer the questionnaire

which could give them ample time to respond to the questions provided.

3. After answering the survey questionnaire, the researchers collected the

questionnaires at the moment the time was up.


Since this research is qualitative, researchers will analyze manually all

gathered data to have some information or all methods that the researchers will use

like theory, sampling, data sources, etc.



This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the

research findings. The findings that will be discussed are related to the researchers’

research questions which served as the basis of the researchers on how they will

gather the data needed in the said study with a total of 50 respondents to the survey

conducted in Senior High School at Lake Lanao College Incorporated.



Age Frequency Percentage

15 years Old 4 8%

16 years Old 20 40%

17 years Old 16 32%

18 years Old 8 16%

19 years Old Above 2 4%

Total 50 100%

Table 1: Respondents' average age result to the conducted surveys.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 21 42%

Female 29 58%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 2: Respondents' gender results to the conducted surveys.

Year Level Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 25 50%

Grade 12 25 50%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 3: Respondents' average year-level results to the conducted surveys.

To identify the result of the survey we base it on the percentage, to get the

final result we use this formula: Total of Vote/Total of Respondents multiplied 100

Percent, to get the Average Weight Mean by using this formula: Weight Mean/

Weight Mean Total and the following is the scale of the Results.

Scaling: 0% - 49% No

50% - 100% Yes

Section 1. Demographic Information Average
Mean Rank

Are you a senior high school student at Lake Lanao
100 YES 1
College Inc.?

Have you been attending modular classes during the

100 YES 1

Average Weighted Mean 100% YES

Table 4: Demographic Profile Summary

In Section 1, the respondents are Senior High School Students of Lake Lanao

College, Inc., and had experienced modular classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Section 2. Advantages of Modular Classes Mean Rank

Do you find modular classes provide flexibility in

90 YES 1
terms of scheduling?

Have modular classes give you easy access to a

70 YES 4
variety of learning resources?

Do you feel modular classes have provided a safe

80 YES 2
learning environment during the pandemic?

Have modular classes allowed you to engage in self-

75 YES 3
paced learning?

Do you appreciate the convenience of attending

70 YES 4
classes from your location?

Average Weighted Mean 77% YES

Table 5: Advantages of Modular Classes

Section 2, garnered a 77% average weighted mean implying YES which is the

advantage of modular classes being effective as alternative learning during the

pandemic based on the questions the respondents gave good feedback to the

modular class during a pandemic.

Section 3. Disadvantages of Modular Classes Mean Rank

Have you experienced technical issues (e.g., internet

connectivity, device problems) during modular 90 YES 1


Do you find reduced social interaction to be a

48 NO 3
drawback of modular learning?

Have you experienced challenges in maintaining

46 NO 4
focus during modular classes?

Do you miss the face-to-face interactions with

50 YES 2
teachers and classmates?

Average Weighted Mean 58.5% YES

Table 6: Disadvantages of Modular Classes

Section 3, Shows the Disadvantages of modular classes during the pandemic

the average weighted mean garnered 58.5% means the disadvantages gave

balanced feedback in modular classes during a pandemic. The disadvantage of

modular classes is not effective for the students.

Section 4. Overall Experience Mean Rank

Overall, do you have a positive experience with

76 YES 1
modular classes?

Suggestions for Improvement

Do you recommend the modular learning experience

42 NO 3
at Lake Lanao College Inc.?

Assessment of Academic Performance

Do you believe your academic performance has been

46 NO 2
positively impacted by modular classes?

Adjustment to modular Learning

Have you adapted well to the transition from

42 NO 3
traditional classes to modular classes?

Average Weighted Mean 51.5% YES

Table 7: Overall Experienced Modular Classes

Section 4, the overall experience of modular classes during the pandemic with

an average weighted mean gained 51.5% which means agree or YES to the result of

advantages and disadvantages overall experienced in modular classes during the

pandemic in Senior High School at Lake Lanao College, Inc.


The findings emphasize the role of academic disinterest and the impact of

modular class behavior. The negative effects on academic performance underscore

the importance of interventions. Mentorship programs and technology-based

solutions reflect proactive efforts by the institution to address this issue.


While the study provides valuable insights, limitations include the relatively

small sample size and the potential for response bias in self-reporting. Additionally,

the study was conducted in only one school, limiting the generalizability of the

findings to other schools or regions.


Future research could explore specific aspects of academic disinterest and

the quality of learning during the pandemic, such as the impact of different teaching

styles. Longitudinal studies may provide insights into the persistence of modular

class behaviors over time and the effectiveness of interventions in addressing this




This chapter provides a summary of the key findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the investigation into the advantages and disadvantages

of modular classes during the pandemic in Senior high school students at Lake

Lanao College Incorporated.


This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and

disadvantages experienced by senior high school students at Lake Lanao College

Inc. during the transition to modular classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The

insights gathered from the survey responses provide valuable information to

understand the impact of this shift on the student's educational experiences.

Advantages of Modular Classes

Flexibility and Convenience

The flexibility in scheduling and the convenience of accessing learning

materials remotely emerged as prominent advantages. Many students

expressed appreciation for the ability to tailor their study routines to better suit

their individual needs and obligations.

Access to Diverse Learning Resources

modular classes facilitated easy access to a wide array of learning

resources. Students noted the convenience of digital materials, online

libraries, and multimedia resources, enhancing the depth and breadth of their

educational experience.

Safe Learning Environment

A significant number of respondents acknowledged that modular

classes provided a safe learning environment during the uncertainties of the

pandemic. The ability to engage in learning from the safety of their homes

was a key advantage highlighted by students.

Disadvantages of Modular Classes

Technical Challenges

Technical issues, including internet connectivity problems and device-

related issues, emerged as a notable disadvantage. A substantial proportion

of students reported disruptions in their learning due to these challenges,

impacting the overall effectiveness of modular education.

Reduced Social Interaction

The reduction in face-to-face interactions with peers and teachers was

identified as a significant drawback. Students expressed feelings of isolation

and a longing for the collaborative and social aspects of traditional classroom


Digital Fatigue

Extended screen time and the intensity of modular classes contributed

to digital fatigue among students. Many reported feeling overwhelmed by the

constant exposure to screens, impacting their focus and attention during

virtual lessons.

Comparative Analysis

This section compares the frequency and impact of identified advantages and

disadvantages, providing a nuanced understanding of the students' overall

experience with modular classes.

Recommendations for Improvement

Based on the analysis, this section provides recommendations for addressing

the identified disadvantages and enhancing the overall modular learning experience

for senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc.

1. Enhance Technical Support Services

Given the prevalence of technical challenges experienced by students,

it is recommended that Lake Lanao College Inc. invest in robust technical

support services. Establishing a dedicated helpdesk to address internet

connectivity issues, device problems, and other technical concerns will

contribute to a smoother modular learning experience.

2. Promote Social Interaction Platforms

Recognizing the importance of social interaction in the learning

process, the college should explore and promote virtual platforms that

facilitate student engagement. Incorporating virtual discussion forums, group

projects, and extracurricular activities can help bridge the gap created by

reduced face-to-face interactions.

3. Flexible Learning Models: Acknowledging the positive feedback on the

flexibility of modular classes, the college should explore hybrid learning

models that combine modular and in-person components. This approach

allows students to benefit from the advantages of flexibility while maintaining

some level of face-to-face interaction, creating a balanced and adaptable

learning environment.

4. Regular Surveys for Continuous Improvement

Lake Lanao College Inc. should establish a system for regular surveys

to gather ongoing feedback from students regarding their modular learning

experiences. This continuous feedback loop will enable the college to adapt

and improve its modular education strategies based on evolving student

needs and preferences.

5. Professional Development for Educators

Provide continuous professional development opportunities for

educators to enhance their skills in modular teaching methodologies. Training

programs focused on effective virtual instruction, engagement strategies, and

assessment techniques will contribute to the overall quality of modular


6. Clear Communication Channels

Establish clear and efficient communication channels between

students, educators, and support staff. Transparent communication about

class schedules, assignments, and any changes in the modular learning

environment will help reduce confusion and enhance the overall learning

By implementing these recommendations, Lake Lanao College Inc. can foster

a more inclusive, adaptive, and effective modular learning environment for its senior

high school students, addressing both the advantages and disadvantages identified

during the pandemic.


The senior high school students at Lake Lanao College Inc. investigated the

benefits and drawbacks of taking classes modular during the pandemic. The results

have been insightful regarding the changing face of education in these unheard-of

times. The study's conclusions highlight the complex ways in which the students

dealt with the opportunities and difficulties brought about by the abrupt switch to

modular instruction.

Among the benefits, the ease and flexibility that come with taking classes

modular emerged as a major enabler, enabling students to customize their study

plans to suit their unique requirements. Accessible learning tools, such as digital

materials and modular libraries, enhanced the quality of the educational experience.

Furthermore, with the uncertainty surrounding the epidemic, the belief that modular

courses offer a secure learning environment was noteworthy.

It was clear from the comparative research that different students were

affected differently by these benefits and drawbacks. Although several students

flourished in the virtual setting, others encountered difficulties due to the shift to

digital learning. To customize interventions that meet the unique requirements of

each kid, it is essential to acknowledge this diversity of experiences.

The recommendations made in this study are intended to guide plans for

improving Lake Lanao College Inc.'s modular learning environment. A more well-

rounded and efficient modular learning environment will result from ongoing efforts to

resolve technological problems, promote social engagement through virtual

channels, and put policies in place to lessen digital weariness.

In conclusion, this chapter synthesizes the findings on the advantages and

disadvantages of modular classes, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of the

students' experiences during the pandemic. The insights gained will inform future

strategies for optimizing modular education at Lake Lanao College Inc


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