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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on smoking research? You're not alone.

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The intricacies of smoking research demand careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of
various factors such as health effects, social impacts, economic implications, and regulatory
measures. Moreover, interpreting statistical data and analyzing scholarly literature further adds to the

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The Biological and Psychological Impact of Smoking Cigarettes I have been set the assignment to
construct a detailed and comprehensive scientific essay. Carbon monoxide is also a poisonous gas
inhaled into the lungs and absorbed by the blood cells of the body. Nicotine is anaturally occurring
colorless liquid that turns brown whenburned and takes on the odor of tobaccowhen exposed to air.
Despite the dangers that accompany the use of tobacco products, advertising tobacco is a morale
enhancer for individuals to continue consuming tobacco. Each year a one-pack-a-day smoker smears
the equivalent of a cup of tar over his or her respiratory track. The study showed that tobacco use
was major public health threat in Indonesia. This study was conducted to explore the different factors
that affect students’ academic performance. The univariate, bivariate (Chi-square and t-test), and
multivariate (ordinal logistic regression) has been tested in this study. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. A battery of critical regulatory genes control this
process in much the same way you control the speed of a car -- some genes act as accelerators,
others as brakes. It can begin in the lining of the bronchi (large airways), or other areas of the
respiratory system. Stroke is caused by many factors like high blood cholesterol, low levels of
physical activity, obesity, diabetes and tobacco smoking. The symptoms of stroke are easy to spot,
sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body, sudden confusion or trouble
speaking or understanding speech (4). Cigarette smoke irritates eyes, nose, throats and gums. They
respond by thickening and undergoing cellular changes. Thus, nicotine dependency seems to be a
direct cause of stress. Abernathy and Massad found out that the dependency existed between the
level of self esteem and subsequent smoking in women. The toxic chemicals in the cigarette smoke
put the ciliated cells lining the lung tubes 'to sleep'(15). The chemicals in tobacco smoke are very
poisonous and toxic. This research was conducted to identify the factors affecting the academic
performance of students at SKSU-Laboratory High School, which would help provide suggestions
that would promote better academic performance that would interest the students in the study area.
Nicotine is a psychoactive drug that has calming effects, especially at times of stress, as well as
effect on hormonal and other systems throughout the body. The “high” and false sense of happiness
is usually short lived which is why the is the need to smoke again to continue that state of euphoria,
or increased productivity or nirvana. Introducing cigarette smoke to the lungs of mice and other
laboratory animals creates mutations in the epithelial cells that line their lungs (and thus are exposed
to the chemicals). In the paper “Women smoking ” the author looks at smoking, which is detrimental
to a woman's health, but unfortunately, statistics show that women are smoking more than ever. This
epidemic as I perceive to call it is a consequence of low prices, the so called image and persona that
comes with cigarettes and finally the addictiveness of cigarettes which hooks people so they cannot
give up. I would recommend the aged patient to join a smoking cessation program. Originality
Value-The study attempts to identify factors other than traditionally studied. Finally Lung cancer,
this is an abnormal, continual multiplying of cells that can result in lumps, masses, or tumours. They
cause a variety of different diseases all other the body. Let us write or edit the research paper on your
topic. The particular cancers associated with, or caused by smoking are lung, bladder, oesophagus,
stomach, pancreas, oral cavity and leukaemia.
It occurs when oxygenated rich blood that supplies part of the brain is suddenly interrupted(ischemic
stroke). Smoking, including second-hand smoke, is the leading cause of lung cancer(3). Our results
suggest that low academic achievers may be more vulnerable to smoking but it is not the dominant
factor affecting academic achievements. Hence we can see the smoking isn’t beneficial in any way
for humans, so why should we smoke. Cancer is a disease where cells grow out of control and
invade, erode and destroy normal tissue (3). This greatly increases the risk of heart pain (angina
pectoris) and heart attack (myocardial infarction). Without controls, the mutated cell divides
continuously, now a cancer cell. Compared to nonsmokers, the chances of smokers dying from
COPD are 12 to 13 times higher. It is an obstructive lung disease, this is the name given to the lung
conditions in which the passage of air is restricted. In the paper “Women smoking ” the author looks
at smoking, which is detrimental to a woman's health, but unfortunately, statistics show that women
are smoking more than ever. For some people these methods have been successful and they were able
to “kick the habit”. Regular cigarettes are also very hard to quit even if a person gets sick from them.
Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett, 2000. Print.p279. Smoking effect on reproduction and fertility
are very serious. They consequently incur Lastly, cigarettes should be banned because they are very
expensive to the people. It may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or
the blood system (3). It is a serious inflammation of the lungs caused by infection with bacteria,
viruses and other organisms. It is sometimes defined by its distribution as lobar or
bronchopneumonia. I would grade myself on the research paper with the highest grade possible
because this article has been thoroughly researched, and has been well thought out, giving a very
comprehensive view of cigarette smoking in history, its birth, its incline, the reasons and
requirements of smoking, and how it has been adapted over the centuries, and has come to be what it
is today. The main effect being nicotine dependency i.e. addiction As you may well know smoking is
an addiction; the tobacco in cigarettes contains nicotine which is an addictive drug. Doweiko,
Harold E. Concepts of Chemical Dependency. The history of the first recorded form of smoking
dates back to 5000B.C. since the onset of this practice, the initial reason for smoking has been
adapted and changed over the years, from medicinal, spiritual enhancement and religion rituals to
recreational use. Thesis: Smoking is effects of smoking essay to nearly all body organs and thus
quitting has health benefits. In conclusion, the causes and effect of smoking, such as being harmful,
deadly, and addicting overpower the fact that people neglect to listen to the old saying and even
though “smoking is bad for you”, it may cause so much more. Cancer, Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, Cigarette 1202 Words 5 Pages Topic: There have been articles in the papers over
the last few days pointing out that counterfeit cigarettes are eroding sales of legitimate cigarettes
and therefore tax revenue collected on cigarettes. Future plan essay My future plan is to be a
pediatrician. According to Gary Ford, it is stated that habit of consuming tobacco is more influential
rather than health consciousness. So users therefore are stuck in a vicious cycle, becoming more
stressed and making the user less capable of dealing with stress in any other way, which just adds to
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Page You are on page 1 of 2 Search inside document. Opium has been used for thousands of years as
medicinal purposes, especially as a pain killer in olden times.
Carbon monoxide from cigarettes competes with oxygen in the body causing hypoxia in the brain,
muscles and organs. The reasons for smoking are an unlimited factor that causes pain not only to
themselves but also to the others that surround them. I would recommend the aged patient to join a
smoking cessation program. The Biological and Psychological Impact of Smoking Cigarettes. When
a heart is forced to work harder while receiving less blood and less oxygen because of smoking, it
becomes damaged and produces chest pain. Future plan essay My future plan is to be a pediatrician.
The bronchi are the air passages connecting the trachea with the alveoli, where oxygen is taken up by
blood, so this means the oxygen uptake is reduced(4). It is estimated that 10-15% of teenagers still
take up smoking on an annual basis. This action will lead to an overall increase in human welfare.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
The reason I choose this paper is that it explicitly states the side effects associated with direct
smoking. Some of the disabilities that can result from stroke include paralysis, cognitive deficits,
speech problems, emotional difficulties, daily living problems, and pain. Nicotine is also considered
to be a stimulant it provides a 'pick me up' that makes smokers feel more alert, but this is only
increasing the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate and unfortunately the effect and last 20
minutes and so the smoker is left craving another 'pick me up'. When the poisons are taking in, they
are, at the same time polluting the environment. More than one-third of people reported as active
smoker. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of many diseases caused by the habit, including COPD,
heart disease, and cancer. The more common cancers are bladder, breast, lung, colon, leukaemia,
prostate the list goes on. Nicotine is a stimulant that increases the load of work in the brain as well as
a person's memory. Cancer is a disease where cells grow out of control and invade, erode and
destroy normal tissue (3). Firstly, smoking is dangerous for smoker, when smokers are smoking, will
take lung cancer. The origins of the smoking of cigars comes from the artifacts of the Mayas from
the Yucatan region of Mexico, and the Spanish noun 'cigaroo' came from the verb 'sikar' which
means to smoke. 1-20)I believe cigar smoking is bad for following three reasons:1. This essay
provides a brief summary of the author's position (James Grehan) on the topic of smoking history,
that helps to reveal his primary argument in which he states that tobacco changed the cultural pulse
of the Islamic nations and brought them into the modern age. It has been proven that smoking is also
a major cause of heart disease for men and women. And the lifestyle of a smoker is very different
than that of a non-smoker. As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system smoking is associated with
osteoporosis (thinning of the bones due to loss of bone marrow) and spinal disk disease (5). There
have been countless research studies in order to find out the effects of smoking and every single one
of them have shown adverse effects on the human health. Unfortunately, this creates the damage to
our human machine. In modern society, TV and movies have glamourized cigarette smoking. I will
make sure I cover each area in great detail, paying particular attention to the effects it has on the
cardiovascular and respiratory system.
Finally, there is shisha, a type of tobacco even though not so common but has its effects on the
health of the user. The history of tobacco and smoking goes back along way to the early 16th century
when tobacco was first discovered by the Spanish explorer's in America. The leaves of the Cannabis
plants are called Marijuana and in slang called pot. Further, smoking can make a woman to
experience difficulties in becoming pregnant. The cigarette and its contents of toxic chemicals was
the cause of many health risks. They consequently incur Lastly, cigarettes should be banned because
they are very expensive to the people. These receptors are large proteins spanning nerve cell
membranes that normally translate the external signal of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into an
electric signal that affects processes inside the nerve cell. School was selected based on the
proportional probability based on the number of students. These receptors are arguable the brains
most important tool. Cigarette, Nicotine, Passive smoking 3576 Words 22 Pages Cigarette Smoking
Should Be Prohibited In this modern world, there are many places in public for everyone to be
entertained, study, and socialize together. The result revealed the prevalence of cigarettes smoking
was 21.5% of experimental and 16.2% of past 30 days. Gender, smoking behavior of mother and
brother were found as significant predictors of cigarettes smoking. It is a disease in which the
arteries are narrowed and hardened as a result of plaque build up. I have learnt how smoking makes
people become addictive and hooked to the substance nicotine inside the tobacco. Effects of
smoking essay Smoking lessens the amount of oxygen for the skin. Each year, smoking kills more
than 2.5 million people. They smoke if they are experiencing high anxiety, high job stress or negative
emotions. The association of cigaret smoking by high school students with poor academic
performance has been investigated in different studies. For many addicted Smokers, smoking
becomes almost like a ritual, they perform the same actions at the same times of the day. Even then
there is still an increase in the consumption of tobacco, in European and south East Asians countries.
Nicotine, nicotianine and tobacco acid are characteristics. Report this Document Download now
Save Save Research Paper Cigarette Smoking For Later 79% (24) 79% found this document useful
(24 votes) 13K views 5 pages Research Paper Cigarette Smoking Uploaded by trishayray Thesis
about cigarette smoking in the philippines. Further detailed chemical analysis shows the tobacco leaf
to contain an unusual number of constituents. This paper analyzes the psychological effects smoking
has on tobacco users, researches the motivations that attract people to smoking, explorers the physical
and social characteristics of smokers. But we can see the differences of male and female smokers, in
average; there is a greater amount of male smokers. Smoking also adds carbon monoxide to the blood
which reduces the oxygen supply to the heart. The history of the first recorded form of smoking
dates back to 5000B.C. since the onset of this practice, the initial reason for smoking has been
adapted and changed over the years, from medicinal, spiritual enhancement and religion rituals to
recreational use. Results: Smoking was more frequent among male than female but the influence of
smoking factor among students who had low academic achievement was insignificance. Dopamine is
the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addiction to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The camel is wearing sun-glasses, a pink
shirt, and a blazer.

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