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Say “True” If the statement is correct and say “False” If the

statement is incorrect.
1, The period from 1906 up to 1930 was mainly dominated by the power
struggle among Ethiopia’s ruling elites.
2, During the second half of the nineteenth century, foreign powers attempted
to control Ethiopia.
3, Empress Taytu played a significant role in the Ethiopian victory at the
Battle of Adwa.
II. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
4, What was the primary reason for the clash between Emperor Yohannes IV
and the Mahdists of Sudan?
A, Competition for control of the Red Sea ports
B, Religious
C, Ethiopian support for Egyptian troops
D, Mahdist raids on Ethiopian churches and monasteries
5, Who was the Ethiopian Emperor who sent a letter to Queen Victoria
requesting military assistance?
A, Emperor Tewodros II
B, Emperor Yohannes IV
C, Emperor Menilek II
D, Empress Taytu
6, What was the name of the decisive battle that secured Ethiopian
independence from Italy in 1896?
A) The Battle of Metemma B) The Battle of Gondar
C) The Battle of Adwa D) The Battle of Amba-Alage
7, What was the main reason Emperor Menelik ӏӏ abrogated the Treaty of
Wuchale with Italy?
A, He disagreed with the Italian interpretation of the treaty language.
B, He felt the treaty did not adequately protect Ethiopian independence.
C, He was pressured by Ethiopian nationalist to take a stronger stance
D, All of the above
III. Fill in the blank space
8, The Ethiopian general who famously defeated the Italians at the Battle of
Dogali in 1887 was Ras __________.
9, In 1868, after imprisoning British subjects, Emperor Tewodros II was
defeated by a British military expedition led by Sir ________.
10, Following Emperor Yohannes IV's death in 1889, his successor,
Emperor _________, led Ethiopia to victory at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 .
 Answer
 1) True 2) True 3) True

 4) D 5) A 6)C 7) A

8, Alula Engida
9, Sir Robert Napier
10, Emperor Menilek II

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