Parcor Recit Reviewer

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Acquisition by a partnership of juridical

personality Amount appropriated

o Partnership commences to exist upon o reimburse the amount taken from the
the execution of the partnership partnership coffers
contract—because it is a consensual o pay interest converted for his own use
contract. from the time of conversion
o partners may still stipulate date when the o pay damages suffered by reason of the
partnership begins to exist. conversion

Kinds of partnership as to duration APPRAISAL

o for a fixed term- duration is fixed by partners. o act or process of determining the value of a
after the date fixed, deemed dissolved. property as of a specific date for a specific
o for a particular undertaking- certain undertaking purpose.
o at will- may be terminated at anytime. may be: o appraised to be credited to the capital amount
§ when partners did not agree on term or of the partner who made the contribution
specific undertaking
§ when undertaking have expired and the Manner of appraisal
partners continued the business. Effects: o goods contributed shall be appraised according
- rights and duties remain the same as to:
they were at such expiration of term of the - manner stipulated in the contract
undertaking - absence of stipulation—made by chosen
- the absence of settlement or expert according to current prices
liquidation—evidence of the continuation
of the partnership
Effects of changes subsequent to contribution
- improvement or diminution—for the
TO CONTRIBUTION - decrease—shall be borne by
Specific things partnership
o to deliver the property promised at
- increase—benefit of the partnership
the time it was executed or date
o to take care of the property before the RIGHTS OF PARTNERS TO ENGAGE IN A
delivery (diligence of a good father BUSINESS OF THEIR OWN
of a family)
Right of an industrial partner to engage in
o to be liable for damages in case of
business apart from the partnership
o to answer for eviction incase the
o cannot engage in business for himself
partnership is deprived of the
unless the partnership expressly
contributed property
permits to do so.
o to be liable for the fruits from the time
o reason:
they should have been delivered
without the need of demand - partner must devote all his
industry to the partnership
otherwise the partnership
o to deliver the money promised at the
business would be prejudices
time it was executed or date
stipulated not only to attention that will be
divided but also the priority or
o to pay interest on the amount he had
promised to contribute from the time preference that may be given
he should have complied with his to the business over the
obligation property
o to pay damages suffered by the
partnership by reason of default
Effect if industrial partner engages without financial condition does not
the permission of partnership permit him to do so.
o may avail the following remedies:
- exclude himself, with a right to Rule when payment is made by a third
damages person who owes separate demandable
- avail themselves of the benefits debts to partnership or partner authorize to
obtained from the business he collect the credits of the partnership
engaged in, with a right to o partner authorized to receive payment
damages issues the receipt of the
partnership—payment applied in its
Right of capitalist partner to engage in entirety to the partnership credit
business apart from the partnership o partner authorized to receive payment
business issues his own receipt—payment
o can engage in other business different applied to two credits proportionately.
from the partnership business—even o reason: should not place his interest
without the consent of other ahead of that partnership
o cannot engage in the same business
unless there is a stipulation—reason: When payment is applied in its entirety to
deemed competing with the partnership the partner’s credit
business o when debt is owed by the third person to
a partner not authorized to collect the
ex: computer business—restaurant= YES credits of the partnership
o when debt to the partnership is not yet
computer business—computer business=
NO (unless there is a stipulation)
o when debt is owed by the third person to
a partner authorized to receive
Effect if a CP engages in the same kind of payment is more onerous to the debtor
business without the consent of the other and the latter avails himself of the right
o CP shall bring to the common fund any to apply the payment to such credit
accruing profits from his transaction
o he shall bear all the losses
- loss in his own business A partner who has received, in whole or in
part, his share of a partnership credit, when
- loss in the partnership business
the other partners have not collected theirs,
shall be obliged, if the debtor should
Obligation of partners to contribute equal thereafter become insolvent, to bring to the
shares partnership capital what he received even
o oblige to contribute equally unless they though he may have given receipt for his
agree to contribute different amounts. share only.
o not applied to industrial partner
(contribute services) unless a capitalist
Application of the provision: requisites
partner at the same time.
o partners agreed to divide a
partnership credit among
Obligation to contribute additional capital themselves
o in case of imminent loss, each partner o partnership has not been dissolved
obliged to contribute additional share to o partner has collected his share of
the capital to save the business. credit
o does not apply to: industrial partner and o other partners have not collected their
capitalist partner (agreed upon to not respective shares by reason of the
give additional contribution) debtor’s insolvency
- if capitalist partner
refuses—obliged to sell his
Reason for bringing amount collected to the
interest to other partners unless
o partnership is formed for the common - if only profits agreed
benefit of the partners. the partner upon—losses shall be in same
who collected his share of credit proportion as of the profits
must share such benefit with the - if no agreement—profits and
other partners losses shall be in proportion to
their contributed capital
Liability of a partner for damages suffered by
the partnership due to his fault ● there is/are industrial partners profit:
o partner shall be liable for the - must be divided according to their
partnership for damages suffered agreement
through his fault - (IP) first receive a just and
- cannot be compensated with the equitable share and thereafter
profits and benefits—to ensure (CP) shall share in the profits in
that partner exercises proportion to his capital
reasonable care and skill in losses:
carrying out his duties
- (IP) shall not share in losses
- liability—cannot be eliminated
- (CP) as follows:
but may equitably reduced by
* profits & losses must be divided
according to their agreement
* if only profits agreed upon—losses shall
When partnership bears risk of loss
be in same proportion as of the profits
o fungible things or those that cannot
kept without deteriorating *if no agreement—profits and losses shall
o things contributed to be sold be in proportion to their contributed capital
o things brought & appraised in the
inventory, unless stipulated ● there is/are capitalist-industrial partner/s
When partners bears risk of loss - must be divided according to their
o not fungible agreement
o contributed to the partnership - (CIP) first receive a just and
equitable share and thereafter
- use and fruits—for the common
(CP and ICP) shall share in the
profits in proportion to his
Obligation of partnership to partners
o pay for the amounts disbursed on behalf of the - ICP- share in capacity as
partnership with interest from the time of capital partner losses:
expenses were made - according to their
o pay obligation which a partner may have agreement--(ICP) share in
contracted in good faith in the interest of the his capacity as capitalist
partnership business. partner
o to answer for risks in consequence of the - (CP and ICP) shall share in
management of the partnership business. the losses in proportion to
his capital--(ICP) share in his
Reason: capacity as capitalist partner
- each partner is an agent of the
partnership in pursuit of its business ICP shall not share in the losses in his
capacity as industrial partner
Rules on division of profits and losses
● All capitalist partners Designation of share in the profits and losses
- profits & losses must be divided by a third person
according to their agreement

o if the designation has been entrusted to **usually done through a resolution adopted by
a third person— the same shall be partners
binding upon the partners and may be o scope of authority
impugned only when manifestly - managing partner may execute all the acts but
inequitable. in case of opposition, the partner owning the
o it can no longer be impugned: control interest may resort to voting for his
- by a partner who began to removal as manager
execute it o revocation of the authority of the
- by any partner if 3 months had managing partner
already lapsed from the - may be removed with or without just or lawful
moment he obtained the cause by the vote of partners owning the
knowledge controlling interest
- reason: partner is only an agent whose
Designation of share in the profits and losses authority may be revoked by his principal
entrusted to one of the partners (partnership)
o designation to one of the partners is
Two or more partners have been intrusted
o reason: profits and losses must be with the management of the partnership
divided among the partner without specification of their respective
Stipulation which excludes one or more
partners from any share in the profits or
losses is void. Application of the provision
o two or more partners appointed as
Exclusion of one or more partners from managers
sharing in the profits and losses o no specification of specific duties or that
o industrial partner is excluded in the one of them shall not act without the
sharing of loss since the law itself consent of the others
provided that IP shall not be liable in
the losses of the partnership Scope of authority
o each manager may separately execute
When a partner is granted as manager in the acts of administration
articles of partnership
o scope of authority Rule in case of opposition by the other
- managing partner may execute ALL acts managers
despite the opposition of his partners unless he o decision of the majority of the managing
acts in bad faith partners shall prevail
o revocation of the appointment of the o if tie—vote of the managing partners
managing partner owning the controlling interest shall
- with just or lawful cause prevail
● can be revoked by vote of the partners
owning the controlling interest Stipulated that none of the managing
- without just of lawful cause partners shall act without the consent of the
● can be revoked only with the consent of others
ALL the partners because such
revocation=novation of the partnership’s Application of the provision
articles o two or more partners appointed as
When a partner has been appointed manager o there is a stipulation that none of the
after the constitution of the partnership managing partners shall act without the
consent of the others

Time of inspection
Rules of management under provision o at reasonable hours on any business
o concurrence or consent of ALL shall be day throughout the year
necessary for the validity of the acts
o absence or disability of any one of them Partners’ obligation to render information
cannot be alleged
o each partner has an obligation to render
true and full information of all things
ex: mangoes to sell because the partnership affecting the partnership in view that
might be in the peak of loss. partners may they are founded on mutual trust and
decide even one is not there confidence, making them incumbent to
disclose matters affecting the
Rules when management has not been partnership between them
agreed upon
o all partners shall be considered agents Partners’ obligation in respect to benefits or
of the partnership profits
- none of them may make any o every partner has an obligation to
alteration in the immovable account and hold as trustee for the
property of the partnership partnership without the consent of other
without the consent of others partners from:
even it may be useful for the - any transaction connected wt
partnership information, conduct or
o whatever any one of them may do alone liquidation of partnership
shall bind the partnership - any use by him of partnership
o in case of opposition: property
- decision of majority—prevails
- in case of tie—decision of ex: gamit ng truck ng partnership to render
partners owning the controlling service for personal use—yung profit must
account for the partnership kasi yung truck is
property of the latter (unless with the partners
Right of a partner to associate another
person with him in his share
o partner may enter into agreement of
other person to associate in his share Accounting
of his personal property (only between o statement showing the financial
the partner and the associate). transactions and dealings of the
o no privity of contract between the partnership and status of its assets
partnership and he does not become a
partner unless the partners consent Partner’s right to a formal account of
o reason: delectus personae partnership affairs
o any partner shall have the rights to a
Partner’s right to inspect the books formal account of partnership affairs in
o every partner has an inherent right—to the following cases:
inspect and copy the books—he is - 1-4 in the provision
entitled to obtain true and full infos - 3: any profits derived by him
about the partnership affairs. without the consent of the other
partners from any transaction
Where partnership books are kept connected with the formation,
conduct, or liquidation of the
o books shall be kept at the principal
partnership or from any use by
place of business unless there is a
stipulation to keep it elsewhere him of its property.

Property rights of a partner Conveyance of partner’s interest
o Right in specific partnership property o partner may voluntarily assign, sell,
- refers not only to those donate or convey his interest in the
contributed but also to those partnership to a third person—no
properties alienation of interest
acquired/made/manufactured o assignment does not support to transfer
by the partnership itself an interest in the partnership but only
a future contingent right to a portion of
o Interest in the partnership the residue as the assignor may
become entitled to receive by virtue of
- partner’s interest in the
partnership in his share of his proportionate interest in capital
profits and surplus
Effects of conveyance of partner’s interest
o Right to participate in the management o conveyance does not itself dissolve the
- unless agreed upon, each partner partnership
has an equal rights to manage o transferring partner shall continue to be
and conduct the partnership a partner and shall enjoy the rights and
business: be subject to the liabilities of a partner
- reason: each one is an agent of o assignee or transferee does not become
the partnership a partner unless others consent. but he
has no right to:
- interfere in the management of the
Right in specific partnership property
o partner is a co-owner wt his partners of
- require any info of partnership
specific partnership property= tenancy
in partnership transaction
o only a co-owner of the ENTIRE - inspect the books
partnership property but not the SOLE
owner of any part of it. Rights of assignee
o the co-ownership has the following o receive profit to which the assigning
incident: partner would otherwise be entitled
- each partner has equal right to o avail himself of the usual remedies in
possess and use property only case of fraud in the management
for partnership purposes unless o if dissolved: require an account from the
others consent date only of the last account agreed to
- right in specific property is not by all the partners
Charging of a partner’s interest
- right in specific property is not o judgment creditor may ask the court to
subject to attachment or issue a charging order
o partnership creditors enjoy preference
- right in specific property is not over a partner’s property rights
subject to legal support including his interest in the
Partners’ interest in the partnership o individual partner’s judgment creditor
o partner’s interest=his economic interest will receive payment only after
in the firm partnership liabilities have been
o consist of share in his profits and surplus satisfied
o surplus—funds and other assets of the
partnership after it has been dissolved Appointment of a receiver and other orders
and liabilities has been settled. o in issuing the charging order, the court
- appoint a receiver of the
partner’s share of the profits
and of any other due or to fall
due to him in respect of the
- make all other orders, directions,
accounts or inquiries which the
debtor partner might have
made, or which the
circumstances of the case may

Redemption of the interest charged

o redemption—payment due in order to
discharge the lien on the interest
o interest charged may be redeemed at
any time before foreclosure or in case
of sale directed to court:
- wt separate property of any one
or more of the other partners
- wt partnership property by any
one or more of the partners wt
the consent of all the partners
whose interest are not so
charged or sold

Availment by a partner of exemption laws

o the partner whose interest is charge
may avail himself of the exemption
laws since such interest is his personal

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