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Holding Coronrv for WterA Wntwtr

Alorandris Wstr Compry (AWCO)

Central laboratory
Sector of Laboratories and serch

Cent Labortors and Reserch

organic tab

Test Report. EX#(024) A

For Inorganic Analysis

far Le Reneft of Sample code:24012307701

Name »! « Sample ID:+»! is»} Date of samplinq :24/01/2024

Address.Central Lb. • NozhA WTP Sample source: u Date of receiving:24/01/2024

Contact Person: Sampling Department Submitted by: L_] Sampling Lab. Date of analysis :24/01/2024

Phone: +2033801758 Date of reportinq :29/01/2024

l come
Name :l a. I


Parmeter Unit LOQ MU PF A Reference Test Method

ul ----
. . ! 33 4 12 »l) 'u)vu «e

Turbidity NTU SMWwI2At ed/2023/Nephelometric method # 2130

0.2 . - -

pH value pH 7 87 - SMWI24th ed/2023/Electrometric method 4500-4'/8

- -

Electrical Conductivity at 25€ S/cm 07 - $MWw24th ed/2023/Laboratory Method # 2510/8

- -

Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg SMWwI24th ed/2023/E0TA Ttimetrtc Method # 2340/C

- - -

Calcium (as Ca++) mg/l 1.2 $MW24th ed/2023/EDTA Tit1metric Method # 3500-Ca/B

Calcium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg SMWwI24th ed/2023/EDT A Ttrmetnic Method # 3500-Ca/8

- - - -

Magnesium (as Mg+) mg $MWwI24th ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E.

- - -

Magnesium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg $MwwI24th ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E

- - -

Hardness Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg! $MwWr24th ed/2023/EDTA Titrimetric Method # 2340/C
- - -

Hardness, Noncarbonate (as CaCO3) mg . SMW24th ed/2023/EDTA Titrimetric Method # 2340/C

- -

Alkalinity, Total (as CaCO3) mg! 1.65 SMWWI24th ed/2023 /Titration method # 2320/8
- -

Alkalinity. (as CaCO3) mg - SMwWI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8


ADainity, Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg! SMWI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8
- -

Alkalinity, Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) mg SMWW24th ed/2023/ Titratlon method # 2320/8

- -

Alkalinity, Hydroxide (as CO3) mg! SMWwI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8
- - -

Chloride (as CI)

mg 0.5
- - SMW24th ed/2023/Argentometric method # 4500-CI/B

Phosphate (as PO,-P) mg 001 NO SMW2Ath ed/2023/Stannous chloride method # 4500-PD

- - -

Nitrate (as NO,) mgl 1 66.15 - SMWW24th ed/2023/UV Spectrophotometer # 4500-N0,B

- - - -

Nitrite (as NO2-) mg 0.03 0085

- - - EPA/Nitrite spectrophotometric #354.1-N0,/B

Sica (as Si02) mg 0.5 24 - SMWI24th ed/2023/ Molybdosiicate method # 4500-Si0JC

- -

Sulphate (as $S042-) mg 3

- - - SMwI24th ed/2023/ Turbiimetnic method 4500-SO,'IE

Reference Sampling Method Standard Methods tor te Examnaton of Water and Wastewater /24th editon2023/ Method Sampling #1060

For Sample Collection by:

1- Sampling Lb Sarrola & tansportaton emvronmental conditons [] Refer to sampling Report # [TF#033/S]

[v Reterto chain or custudy pTFroos/s]

2- Customer Samoln & transportaton environmental condton not applied

Environmental condition for analysis wrthin acceptable limnts according to lab Acceptance cntena

Sampling according to Sampling Plan for()

C L: Maumum Contaminant mt

All information in tis report agreed wrth the customer request The reported results relate only to the analyzed samples

MU: Measurement uncertainty expressed in percent (%) as expanded uncertainty at confidence level 95% and coveraae factor K=2 ( upon customers request

LO: Lmt of Quanttaton TL: Tolerance Lm (TL=MCL) AL: Acceptance Lmt PFA: Probability of False Acceptance (Upon Customer Request)

Dec+son Rule type can be changed upon •

Deci1ioo<'-<le Applied: [Simple Acceptance

(w=0,PFA «50%)
□ ILAC G8: 2009 Rule

(Binary Statement with Gurad Band W = 1 U , P F A < 2

□ Others Rule

Conformity Surtement_ ((Accepted- Regular Results)M(Rejected= Blod Results Or Results out of Lmits)

mg/l: mllgrams per liter p g/l : Micrograms per Lter NTU: Nephelometnc Turbidity unit Hazen Color Unit Developed in the 1890s by chemst Allen Hazen

SMW: Standard method tor the examnaton of water and wastewater / EPA: Enromental Protecton Agency Referance Test Method Naming Procedure (Ret name/Ed+ton#s sue date/Test

I n: i nte rn al_ Ert E tern al_ N R : Not R ep orte d ND: Not detected Or Value s L OQ NA: Not An aly ze d RW: Raw Water FTW: Fulh Treated Water DEC.: Decanted DI


In Simple acceptance. uncertainty not taken in account

Interpretation & Opinion:

All results are within Acceptable Lmit

Prepared by:Chemist/ Nermeen EI Prince

Reviewed by:TM Of lnorg. Lab. Dr / EISayed EIBably

Revised by: GM Of Central Lab. Dr I Ghada Ahmed

Ay roved ": Head of Laboratories Sector Dr/ Lamiaa Mostafa

This report represents the full analyses performed on the sample(s) Any part(s) that rs taken out from the report shall n
Alandn Wter Company (AWCO)

Tel 03-38601758103-3624089 059624049/ 01J801754 '

Fu 002033914735 +20)1914735 al

TF# 065/N Issue/Amendment # 01/00 Issue date: 01/09/2022 Amendment date: 00/00/0000 Page 1 of 2
Noli Comprry for Witt&tort

Central Laboratory
Mendrin Wst Coray (ANCO)

Sector of Lborstories And Re.rch

Central Lborstoris And RR.rth

nix lab

Iet Report EX(025)A

[gr Ie Benefit at For Inorganic Analysis

Sample code:24012307702
Name:u »! «4
Sample ID:3 »! 4
Address:Central Lab. - Nozhu wIp Date of sampling :24/01/2024
Sample source: +w Date of receiving:24/01/2024
Contact Person: Sampling Department

Submitted by: L_] Sampling Lb.

Phone: +2033801758
Date of analysis :24/01/2024
Date of reporting :29/01/2024

] coom

Unit LOQ
MU PFA Reference Test Method

- - i 50 »j+12 »y u v «
NTU 0.2
- - $Mwn24th ed/202/Nephelometric method # 2130
- -

pH value
- - 772 - - $Mwr24th ed/2023/Electrometric method 4500-M'/B

Electrical Conductivity at 25€ 07

Slcm - SMwr24th ed/2023Laboratory Method # 2510/8
- - - - -

Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg! f

- $MW24th ed/2023/EDT A THr\metric Method # 2340/C
- -

Calcium (as Ca+) mg! 1.2

- - SMwr24th ed/2023/EDA Ttrimetric Method # 3500-Ca/B
- - -

Calcium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg SMwI24th ed/2023/EDTA Ttimetric Method # 3500-Ca/B

- - - -

Magnesium (as Mg++) mg $SMWwr24th ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E.

- - - - - -

Magnesium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg - SMwI24th ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E

- - - - -

Hardness Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg - SMWWI24th e/2023/EDTA Ti#timetric Method # 2340/C

- - - - - -

Hardness, Noncarbonate (as CaCO3) mg - SMWWI24th ed/2023/EDT A TiHrtmetric Method # 2340/C

- - - - - -

Alkalinity. Total (as CaCO3) mg/ 165 - SMWWI24th ed/2023 /Titration method # 2320/8
- - -

Alkalinity, (as CaCO3) mg

- - -
. SMWWI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8
- -

Ahlinity, Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg - SMWWI24t ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

- - - -

Alkalinity, Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) mg - SMwwI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

- - - - -

Alkalinity, Hydroxide (as CO3) mg - SMWwI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

- - -

Chloride (as CI) mg 05 - - SMWW24th ed/2023/Argentometric method # 4500-CI/B

- - -

Phosphate (as PO,-P) mg 001 ND - SMWI24th ed2023/Stannous chlonide method # 4500-PD

- - -

Nitrate (as NO) mg f

- - 64.95 - - SMWWI24th ed2023/UV Spectrophotometer # 4500-N0,IB

trite (as NO2-) mg 0.03 0 049 - EPA'Nitrite spectrophotometric #354.1-N0,/8
- - -

Sica (as Si02) mg 05 78 - SMWI24th ed/2023/ Molybdosilicate method # 4500-Si0,JC

- -

Sulphate (as $042-) mg 3

- SMWWI24th ed/2023/ Turbidimetric method # 4500-SO,'E
- -

Reference Sampling Method Standard Methods for the Examnaton of Water and Wastewater /24th edton/2023/ Method Samplinq #1060

For Sample Colecton by:

1. Sampling Lab Sampling & transportaton emvronmental conditions [ Reterto sampling Report [+o33/s]

[v] Refer to chain or custuy + [Foos.J

2- Customer Samona & transportaton environmental condrton not applied

Emronmental condition for analysis within acceptable lmts according to lab Acceptance crtena

Sampling according to Sampling Plan for L)

CL : Maomum Contaminant limit

Al information in this report agreed wrth te customer request The reported results relate only to the analyzed samples

MU: Measurement uncertainty expressed in percent (%) as expanded uncertainty at confidence level 95% and coverage factor K=2 ( upon customers request)

LOQ: Lm of Quanttaton TL: Tolerance Lmt (TL=MCL) AL: Acceptance Lmt PFA: Probability of False Acceptance (Upon Customer Reauest)

Decision-:'-,:leAppiod: � SlmpleAccepunce □ IL.AC GB: 2009 Rule □ Others Rule

(w=0,PFA < 50%) (Binary Statement with Gurad Band W = 1 U , P F A < 2

Conformity Sutement_ : ((Accepted- Regular Resuts )(Rejected- Blod Results Or Results out of Limits)

mg: mdgrams per liter pg/l: AMcrograms per Lter NTU: Nephelometnc Turbidity unit Hazen Color Unit Developed in the 1890s by chemist Allen Hazen

SMt: Standard method tor the examnaton of water and wastewater / EPA: Enromental Protecton Agency I Referance Test Method Naming Procedure (Ref name/Editon#Issue date/Test method #)

la.internal ExtEternal NR: Not ND: Not detected Or Value s L OQ NA: Not An aly ze d RW: Raw Water FTW: Full Treated Water DEC.: Decanted DIST. Distnbuto

Comment: •

Smce acceptance. uncertain«v not taken in account ","_sys\Lo

Interpretation & Opinion:

All results are within Acceptable Lmt

Prepared by:Chemist/ Nermeen EI Prince

Reviewed by:TM Of lnorg. Lb. Dr I EISayed EIBably

Revised by: GM Of Central Lab. Dr / Ghada Ahmed

oved r: Head of Laboratories Sector Dr/ Lamiaa Mostafa S i a n a t u r e/ d

This report represents the full analyses performed on the sample(s) Any part(s) tat are taken out from the report shall not be«produced without 4p

Alenundr Witt Company (ANCO)

Tel 03-3801754/03-62409

F 002033914715

TF# 065/N Issue/Amendment # 01/00 Issue date: 01/09/2022 Amendment date: 00/00/0000 Page 1 of 2
Holding Company for Weter& Wistwtr

Central Laboratory
Andria Wtr Compry (AWCp

Sector of Laboratories and Research

Central Lbortoris and Research

Inorganic lab

Test Report. EX(026) A

For Inorganic Analysis
far Ihe Befit Sample code.24012307703
Name:w »! «4
Sample D: »! « Date of samplinq :24/01/2024
Address:Central Lb. - Nozha WTp
Sample source: u Date of receivinq.24/01/2024
Contact Person: Sampling Department
Submitted by: L_] Sampling Lab.
Phone: +2033801758 Date of analysis :24/01/2024

Date of reporting :29/01/2024

l caom
Name :-a A I


Prameter Unit LOQ
MU PFA Reference Test Method

- - »ii 4 d%50 43 1 3 shy u + «r

NTU 02
SMw24th ed/2023/Nphelometric method # 21310

pH value pH
----- --
- 787 - SMwI24th ed/202Electrometric method # 4500.4/8
-- -- ,___ -
Electrical Conductivity at 25€ S/cm 07
SMwwI24th ed/2023/Laboratory Method # 2510/8
- -

Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg! f

- SMwwI24th ed/2023/ED1A Ttrtmetric Method # 2340/C
- -

Calcium (as Ca+) mg 1.2

- - SMWwI24th ed/2023/EDTA Tinmetric Method # 3500-Ca/8

Calcium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg SMWwI24th ed/2023/E0TA Ttrimetric Method # 3500-Ca/B

- -

Magnesium (as Mg++) mg! $MWI24th ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E

- - - -

Magnesium Hardness (as CaCO3) mg! $MwwI24t ed/2023/Calculation Method # 3500-Mg/E

- - -

Hardness Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg! SMWWI2A4th ed/2023/EDTA Titrimetric Method # 2340/C

Hardness, Noncarbonste (as CaCO3) mg - SMWWI24th ed/2023/EDTA Tit/metric Method # 2340/C

- -

AIllinity, Total (as CaCO3) mg 165 $Mwwr24th ed/2023 /Titration method # 2320/8

Alkalinity. (as CaCO3) mg SMWWI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

- - -

Alkalinity, Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg

- - - - - SMWWI24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

Alkalinity. Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) mg - SMW/24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

- - -

Alalinity, Hydroxide (as CO3) mg

- - - - - - SMW24th ed/2023/ Titration method # 2320/8

mg 05 - SMwI24th ed/2023/Argentometric method # 4500-CB

Chloride (as CI) - - - -

Phosphate (as PO,P) mg 0.01 ND - SMWWI24th ed/2023/Stannous chloride method 4500-PD

- - -

Nitrate (as NO,) mg! f 71.J - SMWwI24th ed/2023/UV Spectrophotometer # 4500-N0,IB

- - - -

Nrtrite (as NO2-) mg 0.03 1 06 - - EPA'Nitrite spectrophotometric #354.1-NO,/8

- -

mg 400 $Mwwr24th ed2023/ Molybdoslicate method # 4500-Si0JC

Sica (as SO2) 05
- - - - - -

Sulphate (as $042-) mg 3 - SMWWI24th ed/2023/ Turbid\metric method # 4500-$0,'IE

- - - -

Reference Sampling Method Standard Methods for the Examinaton of Water and Wastewater /24t edton/2023/ Method Samplinq #1060

For Sample Collection by:

1- Sampling Lab Sarrolng & tansportaton environmental conditons [ Refer to sampling Report# [TF#033/S]

[v Refer to chain or custudy # [TF+o05/s.]

2- Customer Samolna & transportaton environmental condton not appled

Environmental condrton for analysis wthin acceptable lints accordina to lab Acceptance cntena

Sampling according to Sampling Plan for()

CL : Momum Contaminant mt

A inform.ton in this report agreed wrth te customer request The reported results relate only to the analyzed samples

MU: Measurement uncertainty expressed in percent (%) as expanded uncertainty at confidence level 95% and coverage factor K=2 ( upon customers request)

LO : Lmt of Quanptaton TL: Tolerance Lmt (TL=MCL) AL: Acceptance Lmt PFA: Probability of False Acceptance (Uoon Customer Request)

Deason Rule type can be changed

DIICillioo�a A11piod:

Simple Acceptance

(w=0,PFA < 5 0% )
□ ILAC GS: 2009 Rult

(Binary Statement with Gurad Band W = 1 U P F A < 2

□ Others Rule

Conforry Sternest_ ((Accepted- Regular Resuts)(Rejected= Blod Results Or Results out of Limits)

mg/ mllgrams per liter g/ : Mcrograms per Lter NTU: Nephelometnc Turbidity unt Hazen Color Unit Developed in the 1890s by chemist Alen Hazen

SMW Standard method tor the examuaton of water and wastewater/ EPA: Enromental Protecton Agency IReferance Test Method Naming{"l Editont/Issue date/Test method #]

n . i nternal_ Ent Enemn at N R Not ND: Not detected Or Value s t OQ NA: Not An aly ze d RW: Raw Water DIST Dstbuton FI Fterated


In Simple acceptance. uncertainty not taken in account

lntarJ)rllltion & Oolnion: (.

' /

Prepared by:Chemist/ Nermeen EI Prince
l{ ' L

Reviewed by:TM Of lnorg. Lab. Dr / EISayed EIBably

Revised by: GM Of Central Lab. Dr/ Ghada Ahmed

roved r: Head of Laboratories Sector Dr/ Lamiaa Mostafa

Thi• rtpott repr111nt1 tht fuU 1n■l)'HI perfonntd on tht 11mpl1(1J My part( �\ - l,_.\
Alundri Wt Compay (A4CO) 4l

Tl 0-301754/0-42404% 0 4 o r 0 4 0 1 7 54

Fu 0020319147315 ·20st4rs N

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