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fundamentals michael jordan Bircher Muesli panificaçao/padaria dummies wikipedi

DRAFTING FUNDAMENTALS - Everything On Drafting For All Levels Of Play - Using

mental drafting planning early mid late game mechanics

Micro - Individual mechanical play(cs trading, landing and dodging skillshots,smite

time,cc chain)noçao de campeao,troca matchup,powerspike,wave
Farming and wave management, Matchups and Champions (knowledge of abilities
and strengths/weakness), Trading/Fighting with your laner (when and how)
Positioning in fights and on lane. Slow pushing/Wave management,Bouncing
Waves,Clicking, Auto spacing ,Freezing,
Cooldown Tracking ,CSing ,Damage Foresight (Knowing your/enemy damage),Farming
Stance (minimize trading,minimize damage take,manage wave,lh)
skill order ,champion limitation abilities, power spikes
Macro - Map-wide decision making(ability tiimer,map awareness rotation,objetive
focus,tp,jungle pathing)
Reading the map and understanding rotations especially jungle movements,F
Keys,Control Wards

adc sup jungle mid top// qeq lvl// abilities
fqaaw w f next to wall when reload e q
zones: spacingoutside range of spells aa spacing click back// click more//make cut
if down on the feet high on the head//caster first left click ward+ left clickhabit
thetering akali buffering
minion aggro(enemy attack allie champ minion enemy minion attack allie minion
turret minion, enmy champ minion close minion close champ) auto and target
vision stop out of range// no under tower// tetherin(ms range atk spd)

basicos do lol djoko, saudaçoes lol, when fight and take objective 50/50,como
gankar,agro minion""shok fundamentals
intro : fun in this game(todo meta se forma por originalidade,build diferentes),
como subir de elo ter mais vvitorias do que derrotas ter constancia como vencer ?
laning wave, trade movement position cd rune items,sums base tming,matchup goal
champion power abilitys,item runes,basic tradind,basic combo, spikes&troughts
synergy counters role in game wave manag,cahmpion identity win condition
game pace roaming adv tradind&macro skirmish basic mid late
tf differencing style adv mid
generals characters and builds, team comp and win condiition, cs and farm,map
awareness, map/vision control ,number advantage

lane: priority wave control, trading(spell baitin(in and out range) cd

punish(even low hp,minion wave,space)space taking)
trade stance(when cs distance time(execution behind hok,ez(avoid hit) away
xerath(cs and hit) contest space trade sidesteps,back off short,minion
aggro(extend,your cd)
avoid trade(,gankableminion damage,/losing=no cd and you win it)
bot(top and bottom) trading triangle same distance stopping engage(damage dealer)
dont fear the reaper trade on carry(farm,less sustain,swap top bottom) side by side
extended trade(minion adv,canon(no cd)second rotation) lvl breakpoint(hid
intencion,pre fight) all in/extend when no pot/mana, minion advantage trigger
when cleaning the wave(minion adv,with dash,bad spot) all in prepare for
retaliation(react animation)
losing lane: dont push(wait for the bounce,fight for wave control,jungle)//correct
losisng concede push faking cs/bait spell to hit the wave
pressure him(aa thin wave space/no cd,spell bait max range) power spikes 3 melee
champs / hp for wave(dont matter if you recall,2 waves time)
top brush side strong in lane(drop aggro)/gank(river) no tread zone brush mindgame
wave side(zoningslow push(lane advantage ,he dont touch wave and canon))juggle and
river side (scuttle contest, control river choke(if push to you not return)) gank
time(windows of strenght to zone,patience to ganks)
away from the wave in the wave block skill/cc, on losin lane(pushed faster, block
skills//position away diyng inions/unhealthy outside)
jungle side hover/away from the other // short side(no minion) mirror(minions
between:even not want trade) zoning(despite minion aggro)
wave first 4 waves contest or leave(xp anvantage/expossure) gap closer kill
pressure leavng dont aa cham/just out of range/ thin the wave(3 extra minions) when
you can
lvl 13 strenght weak average strong(not to far can trade,minion advantage)
junglers (farm/gank(dont do or go quick))
play when you stronger(crash slow(survive gank/crash with level ) or fast(before
power spke))
fast push mid(5 sec act)/slow push stack wave(force opponent 15 s) spare time
(tempo) pre six jungle, tempo recall,tp dive(imediato)(counter/deep vision/stack
mid late: objetives, tf
fruit spawn honey 6-6:30/blastinner 1:15/25 outer9-9:30/ vision 3:30 6 min(1/0.5
acima ou abaixo)

Strong side VS Weak side,Looking at Map, When to take Jungle

Camps(laner),Dragons ,Rift Herald, Jungle Tracking,When to do Baron Scuttle Prio
???:Recall Timers(wave)
Mindset and knowing when to stop playing
vods(intend when go(good even poorlly) execution correctly(bad habits)) optimaly
result vs intension one by one(achieve goals stepsbystep) muscle memory
condiçao de vitoria lanes para focar rotaçao

rts(manejamento recurço) fps fighting psicologico

bomfarmers/sidelaners (70\80) team fighters/bad sides (60/70) stomp90/100

mid first,1 mid 2 jungle,jungle pressure
wave control
engager-> ser puxado, afinar engajar(segura a catapa)
roaming-> bouncing back,1st crash

solos sides-bot mid

follow the boss work to the boss shadowing
go mid=first to rotate(proative) warding
shallow,deep vision
engage=dont hit the tower // caster=can hit(item and scale)
first revel get gold

mid bot either, 14m // mid vision pressure

1 mid 2 camps side// entradas // jungle possition=pressure

how end games

outers- neutral inner inib
va para os strong
mid e posiçao jungler
never leave mid :immobile mages // rarely: enchanters // sometimes: engagers
//often: playmakers, pyke bard
team fightings :mages/enchanters: saty alive // engagers: pick off // playmaker:
your own time


enchanter:survive early, group mid-late,frnt

item:rush bota(ionia/swiftness)
shurelia,burst //moonstone:prolongado
chempunk // turibulo:aa,on hit // staff: ap // mikael // redemption:nenhum dos

3 p laning,max escaling // no stong lane just scale

aery(resolve inspiration(no magicboots|cosmic,biscoito(mana),stopwatch,mercado)) vs

enchanter,guardianvs all in
mana,cabeça, chamuscar/tempestade manaflow e
aa+ abiity,trade cs lead // minion war grass
pokesafe/no cooldown,freeze,help mid visions,desingage,
2 boots,pressure lane,out of bot,save desingage

early advantage,pressure,use fog
engage boots (no mobility)cd team fight engagers
burst evershroud zeke(autoattack)
keep alive relicario(dps)
thornmail anatemas(cc stong)
frozenhart ward
knight vow

engage max,survivel abiliti(leona w 1)

glacial after(so vai)
hexflash,stopwatch, font of life
mercado,minio 3
cd unflinch
cd scale/ap early
short trades,relic 2 wave,freeze,trade flash with adc,stay healthy
cant kill-> maintain the freeze or roam
prio target, patience,vison,track mobility

engager-desingagers // enchanters-allins
jungler -> carry-engager,playmaker // tank-enchanter //fighter-free
adc -> allin-engager // hypercarry->enchanter // short range renataor braum //
immobile and poke-bard leona
top _> split you are weak side(pick that dont want to win early) // tfs you are
stong side()
mid _> set up(lissandra) pressure //assassins()roamer,playmaker
2° minion 3 wave// risk reward
overshove/3wave delayed 3 caster minions 3° wave arriving pre trade() level 3 spike

Nexus > Elder Dragon > Baron Nashor > Inhibitor > Dragon Soul > Towers > Rift
Herald > Dragons
all comps need works by himself, dragon "CAN" change it
risk reward:reset champions,strong sides,summoners,champions
functions(split/side,teamfight,pick off(trap bard nidalee),siege)
dragon stack always: elder hextech(best) fire(pick off,always useful)
percet situational:ocean(vs poke,2 tempos) mountain(tank,true/dominik)
quimtech: quimtech(soul kinda useless,buff not impressive tenacity,enchanter,heal &
2° first buffs prio: hetech>gap>ocean>>Abismo> resto (just extra gold)(quimtech
tanacity/enchanter, mountain tank,fire->cool but meh,cloud->slow)
dragon como recompensa pela luta quem bate/fica no pit e dps adc jungle assassino
suporte guardam a area caça ameaças
arauto mid <- strongside <- solo plate/closest side <- weak side 1 arauto solo
avançar visao conforme avança 2 pinks pos t3

play on they mistakes,push and toy: 1v1 push wave pick offs plit them(side 2 tower
blue work red blink) toy with them
smoother:(you are not strong enough to kill,ultra safe) patience keep in lane
prevent recall prevent action/ jungle gank 1per1/counter gank, (lose lose
lose vision_>push_>recall? reactmap

(late push pressure,dont let him rotate) react first // clearly dont want to
recall_> one skill last hits (tp=match recall post push
how clear// click next to them escape route
roam ward invade reset
footsie baiting cooldown/far to contest farm /bait to another side max range/no
option to dodge in an out
anatomia do mapa
blue buff=safe side(narrow) red buff=expose side (dota lanes) fingir ser time
vermelho roubo baron
pathing pressure shadow

weakside jogar pensar que o time vai tempo para atacar ele(perder o menos e dar o
maximo de info)
janelas(sem rotaçaoinimiga para ele) para matar,tiara wave arauto
levar inib e torre cedo geram caos

janelas de finalizaçao
3-2// 4-1
mid/jungle roam other lanes(get deep vision and clear vision)steal Invade
constantly to determine where the enemy jungler is
when your ahead just make sure you don't die unnecessarily and turn every kill that
you get into objectives for your team

herald dragon: good alocatted gold 3 min baron= 6waves // inib cedo= super minions
tiram seu gold // torre cedo= freeze e cs 1 ouro 2 estrategi
swap bot// sup rotate adc bot(pressure 1v1 or global)
1°to gain the biggest possible advantage snowball(take plates, demolish tower)
2/open the map( siege the midlane turret (or any other outer turret) to open the
map you get another objective.)
If the Baron is already alive and you still have your Herald, you can use it in a
sidelane with a splitpusher
why mid->you invade their jungle, control objectives, and rotate around the map.
survive escape dive
freiar snowball darg=10 min de farm // punir quem esta dentro do pit>quem esta
fora// fake contest
gold> dragon afunilar t1 top baron
lane assigment 131 resposta 4-1 // 4-1 resp 5-0(farm por tempo)
esperar que vai tomar tp por que esta even e nao é possivel tirar todas as wards

jungle tracking prever a posiçao do jungle

pense sobre a match ups qm que vc esta e como o sera se um jungle influenciar ela
sentinela (3/2 ou 1 campos gank, full clear) analise de leash (demora para chegar,
hp lost(most reliable)fake leash)// campeos(single/multi target, udyr graves)

puxar os minions,late game wave control

dont take towes down,gold shared
farm by map awareness
map awareness:miniaturas mapa f1 (janelas para usar as teclas)
ver os campeoes em circulos (AA e skill range) zoning ,aa brush
when ahead team fight(dragon,tower) roam dive gank make safe decisions

hit when he farm(small trade), punish cd(quick vs quick,playon slong cd skill)

play on cd, dont take dumb decision
desviar:mouse perto campeao
dash bata na parede
rio pra terra mire pra baixo, terra pro rio pra cima

cheat recall
lvl 1 ,most important ability, baiting abilitys, tethering

1k recall,spike, can i pressure(match base)

minion buffs, wave posiioning, health (wind up wind back)
front to back: carry ad e mid, 2champs with powerfull cc , at least 1 initiator, 1
can flank,1 tank and bruiser
full dive: champ with dash/tp, powerfull multi target cc, powerfull burst, champion
that can protect
long range poke : long range projectile abilities, backup carry, 1 side lane
trhead, 1 heavy burst damege, 1 zone controll
lane pressure: powerful siege champs, global presence,wave clear, sentinel support
late game: late game champ, low resorce tank, high activitie jungle, enchanter
too popular tier 0 =70 %play rate, ad vs ap: aa enchanced ark spd // need cd mana
low % ratio mage fall off
farm jungle strong at lvl 6// gank strong lvl 3 hybrid
laning phase: spacing,lvl advantage, tempo recall, help last hits(sup)
lvl 1 cheese push(even match, you loselvl 1 just if he is not in lane,win lvl 1 )
max your auto dont stop(on skill matchs) fake ward(press s)
use your prio to push next wave(not to do on map) boot rush (skill shots ,
pression, mvs r) item spike
pressure first movement next tempo go for objectives, not kills

laning phase basic concept: plano de jogo(set a goal) solo e macro micro :better
last hit macro jungle track spacing
matchup knoledge(lvl1 trade,strong at short/long trade,combos),lvl advantage,play
on cd/when go for cs/crucial cd, power spikes
hard matchups
crontrol 3 waves(2 slow push 3 bounce)
wave manegment
slow push : wintrades safe, big crash, recall and freeze,dive(top) position close
to one push to another
wave freeze :no roam,no dive,no jungle farm(top)
hard push : just get out of lane(top)
win :wait team push, fair push group, lost save tp for important fight, pray
on gank :biggest treat cd ad vs ap
short vs long trade: push into you, thin the wave(7 minions), trde defensivily
contest cs, freeze(lvl3 2 minions)(cant go fought )
1. 15 ward mid galos 1:40 foggs 2:20 camp 2.45(buff campo buff campo) 3 00 full
claer/(6 cmpo) 3 30 scuttle 4 10 respawn
ANNOYING MELEE:(yasuo fizz akali,irelia) harass before waves come(ranged
area ),slow push 2/3waves no clear lvl advantage(irelia!!)
atttack based on ranged minions, play around ignite(hit when minion hit) all ins:
be pushed, weak early push and harass
lure first minion = push
RANGED VS MELEE: slow push, harass on the last hits,important cooldwn (hit wave
skill(hen farming) on champs not wave only auto) health awaiting for lvl 3
MELEE VS RANGED:want to be pushed, THIN THE WAVE, stay healthy until lvl 3(hp for
canon) , all in bait you go take lh(only canon)
MELEE VS MELEE: push trade with minions advantage, bounce the wave and all in
asssassin mirror(cd mobility and waveclear)
dont auto better slow push, not garanteed shove aa,2 wave hits, 3 wave hard push
mid:lvl 7 wave clear strong vs freezing ,difficult slow push, fast
push(ganking,vision(clear or deep)) melee assassin(could be risky)
slow push 1 wave agressive lvl 1 crash do something thin the wave, freeze for gank
push short lane, captalize on roam,or roam , fake roam,base(bottom,advantage top)
drafting// prediction skill(baiting in and aout on minion) spacing contesting by
scare/ hp e rg per hp/ full hp vs gank

adc sup mid nao ependentesside mages collect side group mid collect neutro
pressure(her collects)(send someone rotate,more people see the map,no one take the
no drag or baron/ dont rotate duel power escape scout/vision(enemy mindset"counter
action") pathfinder
fix waves/ risk reward kill later
q minions e champs no aggro yasuo
long term lane state :long space for trades conqueror/lethal tempo
(darius,irelia,yasuo cant bullie under tower)aoe abilities push waves
cheat recall:slowpush crash profit, tp on wave push into you: jjungle on your side,
sttrong on 1v1,
on tough let the wave push, or use the wave advantage to win
ranged: mid game (lane control,boot item vs dorans e ventos)harass ealy build cs
lead, punish out of lane(quinn vs malphite, jayce mid)
""gameplan draft warding lane assigment snowball tf:objetvos (preparo)flanco
kiteback engage,choke point, tempos,posicionamento, late game wave management,tempo
bouncing,minion aggro, minion buffdodging skill baiting spells double value of your
abilities, fight back, play around ss
(TOP)rebound wave: crash die, enemy minions away from tower and your nex wave gona
equal wave clear(reseter) fast and reset (small wave reset/big wave
rebound),passive//(pusher) prevent the reset//(lose a trade) overextended
minions superioriti (pusher)can lose trade push and reset//(reset )if lose tower
dive and freezed(play passive let be pushed)
big wave close enemy tower(just push and resetor tower dive,trade death) the guy
act like the tower
mid late support macro
win condition
play around fed player pudsh their advantage
objetives pits give or take// sieging(deep ward,deny outside)
defenfing(defensive wards araud base jungle entrances)
using: provide/deny vision ,waves, enemy/ally position
lock for picks engage deny jugle from pit// avoid 50/50 fight losing:deny
obbjective win the 5050 pink ward ovcer 2all
5 lane fundamentals
skill shots on enemy lh, know when auto aa(close to your minions),lvl 2 and not
scare just back(side to side just the middle), warding(enemyyour jungle,escape
just or freeze
versitile, lane and scale ap nami ap faixa cd tempestade feitiçaria dark seal cd
boot mandate mejai (arabaddon etc) bounce time w on dash ,r an q ms,
wards buy 1 or 2 // combo ossos(kill potencial) poke(winds)
captalize :force interactions(tempo recall) no fast push item overextand wave
clear,make your oponet miserable
(illaoi perma shove and e on cs,freezing vs quiin lvl 6,vlad under tower) adapt
proxy(no jungle no roaming, no objetive) aggro minions to freeze aroud scuttle
ward brush strong lvl 1, diagonal no cd stay healthy 2 minion 3 wave=lvl 3 solo
poke champion want to reset the wave or slow push,
base vs push time item spike on matchup
urgot strong lvl 1(powerspikes),dont take damage for free, illaoi urgot
w onr e on q cd yasuo vs talon
got freezed as melee vs melee pretend something,
not die to assassins daark seal double dorans, map awaraness
good spliter: good 1vs1 farquicly, escape item who gonaa counter time your
pressure(tempo tp), wait on brushs

minion advantage(wave clear advantage on aoe , range to pressure of the

wave,leash,early game bully) aggro by aa ou spell
win fights on minions deficit rebound, keep freezing// leaving lane after a crash
not alow to harass(thin and pokes)// just allow to crash fight on bouncing
hard winning match up big crash at 3 wave both junglers at your sidewhen dont hit
enemy dont attack to much 3 wave big crash
generals:micro macro, condiçao do vitoria
tempo de play no bounce ranged vs melee vs win e loser, ranged vs darius irelia
creators// gods// generals, kings/ supernatural//above natural divine blessings or
special training// skillfull good magic user//

aoe dont stand on wave most wve clear 1harass when go cs 2health lead to
pressure/push 3lvl 6
all in side step for well used skill
bait gank by standing on the other side
go even dont die farm later sides and jungle hited be pushed all in in xp advantage
bounce back// monge
minions aggro
match ups champions tou are(voli,trita) freeze stronger in the lane,vs all ins
quick bounce : chove on tower aa champion (ranged) mvs m stronger//slow// mid late
shove and crash winninon just last hitting 1 min before objt 3 waves
lvl 1 ap vs ad long trade slow and crash jax e reduce aoe damage
ward before crash

never trade on your las hit

1trade aggressivily long before your lh(dc of your abilitys), 2 trade aggressivili
right before you lh(2 aa time and can kite bacck)
3pensar nos 2 last hit trade, 4aa trade aggro for farm, 5take last hit and harass
same time// (defensive) no last hits space enemy auto quite backward,
wave clear breakpoints
lvl 9 clear skil(need dont need items) pre lvl 6 most useful/pratical less mana and
cooldown(ignore lvl 1 2)aa+cd(with runes and items combos)
oly leave your lane when your push your wave
minion mirrored position and windows(second tower-)(inib tower-mid clear
vision,imediate recall)(base-large recall gank,tower,damage next wave)
dont clear fast enought// clear vision deep near vision

farm trick undertower: 7 tower shots 2 shots 1 tower 2 aa

2 wave kill one low another adc focus on healthiest// safe for zoning cancel
freeze// play safe//4 wave 3 level 3 min 3 melee// lvl 6
supo health per adc health triangle close to your adc 500g, lvl 2 boots 2 pink/
trade flash before dive
paralel to adc, deny vision crash push in roam recall top close to your tower, hold
mid wave first herald 8 min, gank your own lane(bad state for mid battle)
aa and walk// wave pushing into you roam pushim to your enemy dont roam(aggresive)
lvl6 on top
jungler, overextendeds, outer tower on mid game can be tanked dive, baron vs inib
warding laning: 2 min mid river ward 3 campo gank pits trick anti ambush ward top
bot ward clear,minions to save vision deep vision
winning: clean river brush pink tri, ward crug/ tri clear river brush/ krugs ward
dragon pinkstoro e pixel brush protect
late:blue side- mid brush ward,encruzilhada red side frente red brushs mid brush
brush galinha entraada galinha rio(pink) red krug(mid ward residual vision,totem
ward owner)
landing aatrox qs,standing still incomplete info
angainst enemy comp volatile(ignite,melee vs melee) cc (itemization, bruiser build
graves selfish, camping wincondition bounce wave)
more option(more concistent follow up hook point and click,slow, pull) ignite vs
tp(agressive, later mid),help crash follow up(renektons, leona trist),stall camp

warding :waterfall bot ward(a bit to theside)/top second grass gromp tri
brush(primeira copa) alinhado no pinstoro abaixo das arvores
white indicator cross pit brush

solo-lvl 2: 1 minion 2° wave/lvl 3 2melee 3°wave// duo:lvl2 1 wave+3 melee lvl3: 3

waves+ 3 melee
lol fundamentals
17 cs= 1 kill// 3 q w max e maxjax fiora
push harass the wve(outside the minions) no push: outside wave (trade pressure per
hp) push posst lvl 7
lose 1v1 side team onesided 20 cs 8 min (hp mistatakes bully cheat recalll dived
segurar repush freeze)
jg track gankers 2/3 farm 3.15 4 min reset 2:15 1 min
mid late :risk reward (if fail ,what they know, wave)
map tab icons f's
mental draft planejamento ealy game lane phase micro farm mid objetices lane
assigment late (jungle track crossmap) jungle times
1 auto r vs m aggro next wave bait to not push wave forward
dont force obj group play pressure lane rotate beettter(reduce risk of throw
miniize impact) cross map map awareness
baiting use skills pattern
boot- mid inib t3/ no boot mid inib behind t3
tf 1v1 2v2 3v3 make it unfair sandwich isolated track your team maters
predict ponto futuro sidestep adapt // next corrido what they do hard cc dodge
pattern grab fantsma when cs
gold -> pressa(lane kill jungle) kill(xvx roaming , jungle) cmpos(pressao lane,
jungle match)
comp pick off visao e pick(trap sem visao na rotaçao deles no
caminho,tempo,limitada)/ split tf spike 6 controle objetivo scaling prioridade de
siege prio farm range control terreno
lvl 2(second wave vs aggresive) kill cheat recall (passive)// same goal, lose

click pos max range,reset 1 agro(leash 147) 8 min arauto sup, enable sup, plai on
map awareness, combo based(meat ball)/condition overgroth overheal
neutral matchup/gank
push 6/6:30
rebound stay healthy, drag the wave to therr side, thinbefore crash
use your push, minimize wast time(funçao)// priority(close o you), learne to leave,
team for bait
space area aroud you wall brush(aggresivefront/deafensive back ) initiation fight
positioning safe area(they cant fight) all in(su-p) agressive space
control space choke little to no kiting power defensive jungle

volatility lane priuiority(pressure) jungle match gankability, go b acess to river

from behind opposite side (info tempo),learn to give up obj(ahead snowball/behind
stabilize) avoid fight(freeze wave)
make your oppoent miserable force interation(recall zoning,control wave) proxy no
jungle ,objective,roaming
what your want what her want(illaoi push, vlad be pushed,renekton dive,freeze vs
quinn,illaoi vs yasuo)
greed,ward place, not being effficient overstaing, dragon ocean,hextech,cloud//

tempo: running out base/recall(snowball afap lead only exist on items) resources
minions waves objectives and jungle 8 sec recall(5 10//10 sec run)
attack defend(your camps) minimap show(gank full clear objectives,, they gonna do
other thing oppose)
they go all ways full clear path(where he go out base)(farm pattern) i have atack
or need defense
kaisa passiva r w q aa//
no path to enchantress time cinstaint they can contest/ pss throught vision what
they gonna do (camps, ganks)
make them vhose bad decisions and punish give a inch take a mile force choice//
struggle(jump krugs gromp) clean health dont force
supports player tunnel vision trade(setup fight) /roamer srategy / passices
captalize on mistakes
long lane (need level mages(lane size)1 v2wave)
skill shots:range ms(olhando pro enemigo, espaço menos fechado)
jogos de luta hit box frames lolipop effect// rts fight speedruning
mirar em baixo pes,dodge patterns,melhores zonas em paralels inves
diaggonal,cliques curtos,cc,farmar,grab fantamade fenix
ward pink on mid brush, inside pit ward, move your vision with
pressure(deep(opportunit) yellow close red) no auto pilot
shallow (frozen) deep (stronger) wave state
right click after attack side ways, click close,click more(unredavble) accuracy-
>more clicks, node comera(camera movespeed, move to top lane/river(straith))
river to lane feet low// lane to river above the head straight
wave turns 1 push 1 turn one thing(b/ward gank) next wave position clear speed
(when she is forced to base)(tp base match up) freezing cant push canon minion
roam push wave(suns hp number) fasted form of push farm enemy push// push/ deny //
camps/rotate/ward/pressure,participate ojetives
make their job collect zone neutral pressure
green lights spikes advantage presence
mirrowing i will mmake impact(yes ->go)(go _> do something mirroing)

windows choose a power plan high performance,game mode on,xbox gamebar off/ graphic
setting hardware accelerated
low spec mode,client during game always(ctr+f) wait for vertical syncoff anti
alising hide eye candy
hud animation health animation, color blind (best to see) attack move on
cursor,show attack range
ctrl a ctrl c crtl v, movement prediction(projectile when lvl)
smack panning
noc rammus graves olaf
65 map,objective plan,chat size,off set camera offcamera smooth,show loss control
ui,line missile display,show spell cost,time on chat
off recomended jungle path,remove damage shake screen,show neutral bind items
on slots /mutepin all
riotgames->lol client .exe properties compatability disable fullscreen opt change
highdpi overhide high dpi aplication
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6 ponteiro mouse ste opçoes pont 6 50%// 4 sentry click rapido// disabe shadow//
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funçao do hero planejamento lvl 1 jungle

when you are allowed to do things before your opponent can do theirs, therefore
having more agency over what course the game is taking.
power(resorce(hp,mana(low half full )) stats(lvl(behind(12) even ahead(12)))
itemstats(even behind ahead) cooldows(item spell ss(no some all)))/distance objt
power= resorce x(stats items cd)numerador/denomidador
pressure point(fight ganks,area to atttack) on between in base
jungle losing oportuinties tempo only exist if you use it putting pressure on athe
not lose on themap ahead of enemy role
chess, music
pace yoou want to play at(interatition(planing,draft)) stay on beat with your
team(pressure line(matching back,pressure with)),
tempo line heroes in same line front(farest) back(back farming) split push pressure
on beat with enemy(perma match?)
utilizing time(efficient get timer and use)
if opponet reser(find a back,team reset also reset,objetive spaw work to be
there,everyone backs,line of pressure)
bad back,opponent free turn
domino effect-> one overstay dies team make play they die person spawn and die solo

bot :set up all ins and kill(slipers counter engage,range abuse )// shove and
poke// aphelius long range// aery xay
melee engage(wave control hp(thin the wave))/caster ranged(have
push,deepward,parralel position(triangle(pede stay at her side)))
leash the wave(closer to ther side->go back to you(gank)) outer towers mid correct
they error (collect(mages) neutral pressure(splits)jungle camps be the mid)
2v1 or get away
baron trows(number advantage vision(5 pings) death time(jungler/far,2 more menbers
20s)map positions(far 2 jungle one more))farm kill plate(base)->dragon
(setup or ahead) dont fight after(shove) homeguard14m adc jng/sup mid when leave
side(lane bounce, herald,barons spawnin mid)no siege or baron splitpush go mid
akali combo (ioio assassin/ pick off)

hugging->vision, jng, mid of mid(ward jng camp,spot side,dont know-> your jng side,
ward 2 30,deep ward to punish)
wall jumpers/ windows vs vi,hecarim etc// edg of the beush vs lvl2 gank red/raptor
spot/raptor starters
gank full clear ,invading(side of the mmap, buffs, objectives)
1 wave opposite side start hug ward230 4 min(start jungle) base pink(bot/top(bot
baiting(lean knowing and go back) baiting enemy, dont tradewhen your jgn gank
angainst invading vs invading(opposte of your jungle protect,lean to then)
tempo power spike(items prio, matchups)
mechanic farmiming laning teamfight mastery map awareness/ward

weak side jugle path,hold ability run away opposite side pressure adapt , baton
fights, push mid vs dragon
unfair fight, play your strenght, keep wave on tour side cheap components, keep
farm face cheeks no contest fights

TOP/MID - Early levels he is stronger then you but after 6 the matchup becomes
akali favored
- when he goes for e on the minions to gap you can use E to get a free hit(unless
Always wait out the shield after using Q/E before going back with passive/e2 -You
can usually stand in the windwall to get your Q to hit or just positiong yourself
better, it is very inconsistent hitbox
akali vs yone aggresive w r vs eq(er!)// yasuovs yone
r vs r take pressure not->play on bounce

livro de feitiços
no good keys stone, top tank vs rangeds, hard losing mmatchups(tp and reset vs
assasins , cleanse and tp) take your most use(tp not scale, others scale)
6 min first swap(tp cleanse ignite exsaust) long cooldown, side with tp(other
summoner,sel cast summoners) tp ignite/exsaust, tf ghost
vs ranged tip
give cs(1 aa catapa/melee/arnged), misplay set gank regank slow push freeze power

larva snowball kill torre arauto força torre dragao forçar fight(concilidar força)
ate o anciao // mid-> começo de aplicaçao de pressão//how late invade
Navigating the Wilderness: A Comprehensive Guide to Jungle Pathing in League of

r2 htbox ew rq aa qre req diagonal q flash r2/e passive + q after e 2 ult e
syndra gp
conqueror mind last alacrity stand demolsh// fight allwin, ghost tp flash malphite
exausht riven kennen// balacncing wave chase
q on cc 100-0// r akali qe aa q e f w= drop aggo baron r to presure re rf ref
vs tanks-shen,ornn// front to back back singed // good vs dive weak vs range
strong side laner devour evety resource
cc frontline low resource/ with rangeds dive comp// divers long cooldowns mages/
assassins rangeds
strong all win ignite/ ranged, center q gank pre 6, dont give t2
aaq aa canon q e (aa w aa qe)(aa) hammer (q aa)(qw aa e) qwe r aa w aa qe]
qe w canon qw hammer
ap setup/ad low utility/ //tread no multiple
block qe minion vision on her side, first on objetive// hit tower
bully(win lane) scale(poke)
all resources, snowball, not flip lose lane
q flash e canon/melee , q on minions poke wall jump e canceal dashes, hammer e
aa/qw aa eaa e ms to tether from fog q explosion
q e line/ qe hammer form first strike// illusion of play fast
mid game items spike, control mage mentality enemy thread/ no jump q
lucian aa ability aa(basic), e w r(max range finish)/ w r e f(out range,enemy
close), e w aa r(burst)// e aa w aa q aa optimize dps
hard engage burst wf aa q aa e aa r
w f w ctrl 1, w f end animation, pinkstouro w, evolved e cancel target abiitys
rw rq r f(w) aaqwr re, invisiblle r, r jump over wall/ wrf aa// up we crl b, q
spell shied
caitliyn eq eqf(piano,passar parede) ew(move no ar,spam) aa(spam)q
eq flash r flash/ eqr f
lvl 2 grevas(100%crit) q f(sem e com tornado,direçao do q) efq2// q3 eqr q q3 air
blade// key blade eqf eqaar eqf=beyblade eqf eqr q3 eq rkeyblade wall jump
cancelar animaçao do e cortesy pre spin e q aa knock up aa r q stack q vs
pressure early
graves hard cc scale followup (cc) full clear buff a buff out farm
dispel towers single targets// outrange

aa q yasuo
wq(animation cancel ani direction(eqw)) eqr aa r beyblade key/airblade e3 eqr
0.5s wall jump
gragas :
w e/f zhonyas (ranged w tower enemy(f/zhonyas))e f multiknock up w erqaaq fe is
longer e zhonyas(akali)
qfq eqq(in range or a bit laters) q e (hide animation) e r f/ erqq
r faster if closer to the enemy
w ef// q werf aa q(brewing)//insec e(direction insec)f(enemy) qe(max e range q)
(f)raa q
combos: easy w eqaaq oneshot weqrq2aa/werqaaq(no scape)
medium (brewing) q w raae oneshot with f werfqaaq// knock back (brew)q wer(behind
to barrel)aaq
hard oneshot: w e q(behind)r(f)aa //invi wq(side enemy)er(send to barrel)faa
// no knock back w r(long range)eqfaa q
w aafe frost (brew)qr(backward)q
vandal gragas combo on w (tower)
// w aa tower cancel on enemy f/zhonya e(direction)f insec ef fartest e zhonyas
eq(same range) qe
e knock back r(behind close) er qq r longer when enemy close to you w eqrqaa/
w erq aaq(insta) werfqaaq
fast brewing q(brew) w erf aaq/// w e q(backward)r(f)aa// w q(side) e r
f(reposition) aa werqfaaq
w aa f e frost q(brw)rq brw(q wraae// q wer aaq) weq(back)r(f) aa// cestinha w
gragas debochado olhando na direçao personagem mouse no pe barriga barril
familia brasileira :w erq(r) aa // w aa e/f zhonya(small wall)

aa bufffer(behind) (spam aa)er re(spam) e(zhonyas) r2 out
cammile combos:
e q aa // r q graves combo: q w(is faster then reverse) q aa (is fast) f q aa w /
chase aa q e /e q (on reload) // rf on cursor

clanking hit box hurtbox ezreal: e q dont move cursor

aa q // e q aa // e q aa w aa e // aa w r e q aa item first// aa w r gore aa e q aa
e aa// (tank)aa e aa e aa w r q aa renek lvl 1 lost to riven
Lee Sin Tricks You DIDN'T KNOW About
e2 first strike passive under tower w->7 9 q lvl 7 everfrost mid game skirmish
split the fight to a skirmish(1v1) ew e use your wave clearall in
ewcancel zhoonyas tarzan scale 16 e cd after dash(aatrox riven)
akali buffer animationn riven e 2 flash/stasis e aa e2 aa// (spam right click )e r
er cancel e2flash// w edge of wall w cancel r leesin e f q e2q aa
1-3 passive q 4579 force trade on w lvl6 engage sup

0 100 trades force you to fight(conqueror) stndard phase ryush mid (first strike)
melee trade q aa e
desingage melee: e aa wq r aa w 3aa qe/ ranged:qe aa w r e aa q* w aa3
q crtl 3 q e on body ranged
q e w fr / q e aa w e q w 3 aa e
neutral side group kite back cd asseiss thresad hod cd
win lane absorv press push 2-3 items spike, keep them on lane war of attriction
qiyana q flash/ zac qf q a 3/2 jump
keep away from yourr tower (+ dance floor)
trade all in(keep in middle,bleed then out vs passive) zonin passivepush roam
low mid long very long
80/20 rotatorio base de um va i pro poximo

prioridade farm good with good angaist, not good

1 melhores com itens semi carry 2 criar vantagem xp lvl 6 (mobilidade runas, gankou
greeds) 3(tank/semi cary) e 4 encher o saco do 1 inimigo / 5 aquetar o 3e 4 inimigo
5,4,2,3(denying pull cutting ward) (good with/ goo angainst/ bad angaist)
fundamentals destroying base, comunicate hero roles you as noob as your teamates
team game/smoke when fight /push,vision,creep equilibrium,power spike,drafting
fundamentals 5 heroes base/communication hero roles// team game smoke push/fight
vision// creep equilibrium power spikes drafting
viper(lane dominat,snowball)syn(5men,healers, aoecontrol,kill potencial
roamer)angainstvs ap (only slowimmobile lane force fight ppushing snowball//gank
death prophet aoe silence pusher, long fiht,tf,lifesteal,hybrid damage// r cd, no
(with)(good)silence,armor,low hp early reliant(bad)nuke magic,mana
drain,corta cura,pick off(legion),omni,sf blade mail orchid dispel,ethereal
kitable carries(relies on bkb:lifestealer,templar, ursa,swen troll),passive to
survive(dk,pa,huskar,bristle spectre,timeber centaur,bb,underlord)
splitpusher(furion,tinker,terror,am weaver,arc) illusion,mobile(slark lycan
pango clink weaver,am,storm,weaver)
tidehunter tank tf,roshan,melee,clear/malphite r,meteor hammer// tf heroes(medusa
lesh,gyro sf,raio,sand,aa),backline(drow,zeus lina,sniper,weaver)
melee, pickoff, illusion // splitpusher(brood,lone,meepo) stronglaners(ursa
wukong,skywrath,ss) chen io oracle
bb tank,prolonged fight,low cd,space creator// mana early bad stats, high armor,
no cc or nuke,slow farm
hp susterin(io,omni,abbadon,dazzle) disabler, mana giver(kotl,rylai od,io,arcane)
weak laners(slark,rubick,drow,spectre,pa,rylai) low damage ()early mid low armor
cores(lycan visage centaur)
mana drainer(am kotl od lion inv,diffusal) break sd viper,doom silver// legion
razor,necro,void pl
axe tank,initiator,lane flex// resorce,low mobility,magic pure
(nukers) saves(omni,abbadon sfdazzle oracle) medusa
melee heroes,mass units(naga aranha,meepo furion,)dezzle
od sd ap/pure damage(lina,timber,od,lesh,qop,silencer)cancel blink
clock survival,initiator,control,solo kill,ms, vision// early,level dependent,slow
farm difficult
movile ganker(storm qop puck,mirana)lifestealer combo ,mirana,combo
followe(mirana,kunka,invk,jakiro clock) ranged(lina weaver,drow,wind clink, sf)
squishy low mobile(lesh lina drow sniper sf tinker luna pugna skywrath,wind),slow
cast, channeling,low range to escape cogs core, blink dagger initiator
summons, escape,jug lifeste,undiyng,huskar
blood:ms gank pure damage,triunfo,has true sight,rupture (distance travel)// no cc,
weak to cc, tanks
invurable escape skill, illusion,high armor, cc throught imunity// silence
invisible, spell imunes,moveiment abilities
ember :mobility damage,antipush,high ground df,illusion
summons,cc,flexible//squishy, instant cc,magic immune,lane bullies
follow upcc,tf strong,saves// close quarter units,no instant cc,squishy sup no
cc//lane domination,silence cc instant,dispel,magic immunity
movement forcers,nuke, acertar algo
clink :range gank, objetive,lane abadon medusa dazzle,omni,tinker troll,wk//slow
farm,squishy,lvl,aoe,atk animation
tf cc,roamer with cc,damage buff,keep alive support,push core//immobile tfs,easy
harass lane cores,mid afk cores,no cc escape sup
illusion,true sight,mobiles/brood
mirana: tactical versatiliti,flex laner,kill potencial,r,mobility carry
range//inconsistente low ad,survival
arrow setup frontiline with cc//lane(puck druid brood od clink blood ta),silence
long cc, true sight
kitable ,long range aa, channeling skill squishy,x hits to kill
od: good lanehigh damage,carry,astral//inflexibel,fall behind,mana,push
cc healers,pushig/ tank rely on armor mr//slit pusher, initiator+
control(nyx,pugna)(razor,medusa,arc sniperdruid,tinker ,brood,puck lina,clink)
tinker :(nuke,global,anti push,farm,lane,build)// fragile,core items,skill
(heroes give vision,minion tp,cc)(pushers(luna under,gyro sf fdrow troll chen
jakiro),illusions) (heroes give vision,ganker with cath clock)
puck :(elussive tf initiation,strong lane,farm fast,low cd ,fast
animation)//squishy level dependent, magic immunity(boots blink)
q e eul witch blade aghanim hard to catch ekko found trick blink sangue kaya
octarine dota wiki
carrie need cc am lp sven ursa ganker(lifestealer, bountyclock,nyx io slark) aoe
cc( dark seer,tide,sand kunkka aa enigma)
instant cc(dp,ns rubick,lion)lane dominator(razortemplar,viper)
vunerable to silence(weaver qop lifestealer slark storm brew morph)
templar:(lane,survival,map control,item independent,cut waves,farm nd carry)//
refraction, melee,playn behind mid
buffs damage/cc(squishys no escape) // high armor,illusion summons, sups to
mid(razor viper,venom sniper,qop)
jugger : dps hard to kill stable,good stats,pierce spell iminity//high risk high
reward, items vs omnislash ,kiting
pusher(tank or creeps:bb dk centaur chen enchantress) tf cc (magnus tide axe puck
bm) strong early rylao venom lion skywrath ogre buffer(ogre magnus involer)
slow immobile (sf,lina gyro aa, undi)
mobile(waver storm am,morph,pl puck qop) cc throught bkb(bm magnus faceless lion)
blade mail taunt(legion,axe)
spectre :global items elusive,hard to kill,buyback,solo kill//mana depent,
early,slow farm item
space creator, strong sup with cc, global:(tide magnus puck)
am :farm, blink, mana burn// farm nee,noc cc,early mid
gankers (sand night,clock pudge) pusher (chen enigma dk enchant) control (puck
magnus bane enigma),strong lane(ogre bane lich mireska)
without control , mana depend // man fight (ursa sven lifestealer pa) good
disable(doom puck batrider lion bane ss, wind)
alchemist: farm,mid game tank versatile buid aghanim// stats need
gold ,early(ganks),reliable on ult,setup to stun,
slark: slipper,steal stats good vision// weak lane/early(snowball), low stats,no
cc, reflexes need, single target
stong laners(ss,witch, disruptor, bane) buffs omni ogre magnus // squish no
escape( aa lina sniper warlock rylai drow)
pouce counter (force) silveredge(spectre bb hulkar,pa tide) elusive (qop storm am
pl puck) hex
bloodseeker axe aa disruptor void,doom cc
sven : damage farm control survivability wombo combo// cant stick to targets , low
mana, low avarage ms
bunch up enemys(magnus enigma dark seer) aoe initiators(puck tide,axe,enigma
magnus) "taunt" bane enigma rylai
illusion/summons, ad dealers(pa lycan,ck,jugger)
control pierce bkb/ mobility and elusive(nyx weaver puck clink mirana) wyvern roll
ursa: single target,roshan,melee laner/ slow farm,core items ,no cc,not good late
cc heroes,semi carries(ta,tiny,sf,dk,od)
low mobility(lifestealer,huskar,drow,gyro luna,greed), undiyng phoenix
savers(oracle,lich,sd,omni,wyvern) evasion(brew wind, tinker,pa) high armor(sven
terror, dk razor)
wk: high survival,critical lifesteal,estable,stun,builds// mana drain,low mobility
low armor atk spd,singletarget
rangeds(sniper wind,weaver arc,sf qop,lina,zeus,mirana) lane combo on stun aa lina
mirana shaman,lesh
high cd tf ult(void,enigma,silencer zeus,necro)
mana burn ,units(terror ck meepo,brood,pl)
troll 1v1,trynda,melee and range,solo rosh,decent stats//items,single target,no cc
level dependent
buffer(magnus ogre omni aa) armor reduse (sladar templar elder vengeful)
stg low mobility core(troll drow furion dp) (ursa pa sven lifestealer huskar)
team saver wyvern sd pugna od force bkb pierce(naga primal enigma duel axe bane )
evasion damage drain(kotl dbrew underlord razor butterfly halberd crest)
pudge hook, cc on magic immunity,tank, not item dependent// ms,early lvl7, easy to
cc,tem q acertar, low armor
carrie space to farm(am medusa alch spectre) healer (omni abbadon io dazzle) map
control riki beast master bounty nyx setup(shaker rylai bane rubick vengen) invk
split pushers(furion naga luna spectre)(snier drow sf gyro luna) squishy(aa sf
sniper lich drow rylai luna lion furion luna)
tank heroes(wk doom ursa clock sladar centaur dk) mobile(puck storm weaver am
morphiln) initiator(puck shaker magnus tide) silencer ult
ck lane dominance,cc,damage,well with items armor,fast// luck,slow farm,mana,high
syn kill pressure lina dirupt,ss,aa,witch,lion rylai(io)
stg single target(huskar enchantress clinkz,viper arc,urso,drow) squishyno
defene(disrupt sf,drow,sniper,lina,ss,aa skywrath)
aoe cc(tide puck sand,magnus shaker,enigma) aoe(sven magnus gyro medusa elder
timber lich) summons illusion(naga terror lp) tinker terror
razor anti carry, stong lane durable no item// no late game,slow farm, no cc, need
to be tank(qw 6 lvl 8 e )
disablers(tusk bane lion ss clock) static (link naga od sd) 5 men troll tusk
undying bb doom abbadon
mids templar od, tinker invoker,storm dp strong offs bb timber tide underlord no
mobile carry lifestealer, troll pa jugg druid
static link qop,puck mirana zeus, high range arc clinkz sniper illusion(pl ck
terror meepo) speed reposition(force pike dark seer centaur)
void sp(mobile,aoe nuke,aoe cc) //ahead,difficult,super late game
od puck ember lina huskar
space to farm lp arc invk,vunerable to mobile nuker(wind drow aa sd) copias(naga
sf brood terror)
tankys dk dp sven alch templar huskar troll medusa spectre bristle axe legion ns
am under
lion control nuke mana sustein(survival mobility,no anti push slow aoe)
seet up fors spell/ right clicler need cc// squishy but mobiles,kitables,mana
hungty, few illusions// pick ofss,pushers,lane dominant
wind: dps,cc versatile,anti push,mobile survival,animation//squishy,skillshot
cc frontline// manfights,melee kitable//silence ,hard cc, centaur,axe ,spectre,bb
lich: dive control,freeze// mana,ms squishy
melee core aoe cc,stong off//group up,ad armor redsingle target//stong lane bkb
force staff,lotus,glimmer pipe,blade mail
ss cc,lane,pusher//squishhy,greed,mana ms
dps core in lane,core with cc,5 man,high damage ganker,setup need//farm
crrie,elusive//offensive dual,units,tanky off(staff linken,pike)
jakiro mana,push,control,lane,tank//spell imune,no rotation,slow
setup(long,tf combo,tanks)//illusin,kitables,no fights early//magic
immunes,rubick,mobile aggresive,magic immune resistant
rubick steal spell ,spell amp,mana early,control//survive,ms,weak lane
spell setup,right clicker need cc//impact tf spells,long casting
animations,mobility// pick offs,not useful/efficiently spell
enchant lane,survive,pusher,pure damage// fragile slow farm,creeps jungle
as/dps booster,initiator and control,pusher early/mid
aggresion//nuke,gapclose,tank on armor and hp,spell immune,mobile in fight,bipass
kotl antipush aoe tf cc,farm mana// survivability,no cc,inconstant damage
pushers,mana dependents,, cc,split pusher// pusher by units// nyx, pickoffs,magic
timber hard to kill,pure damage,versatile//mana lvl items, no cc
mana problem solver,cc // weak laners, stg heroes, illusions and minions//
silver/viper,mana drain, high damage in lane
rylai versatile ,cc,scale,mana//suishy,comp,mana early items(tusk)
mana problem/spam spell,kill poten mid,tf cc, can solo, gank combo//illusion unit
5 man push, no bkb disable// pick off,bkb pierce aoe disable,stong off,back
shaker(ccinitiation ms item, anti push) weak lane, mana slow cast item early
setup ,tf combo//immobile,escapers relying,unit illusion// early game
mobile,instant cc/mini stuns mess initiation(map control vision/ nyx)
nyx ganker consistant lane, late,versatile/flex// early lvl 6,item,land spells
mobile gankers,global presence,nuke//high int,spell combo, aoe nuker,squishy,mana
dependent // tanks,silence,spells immune
sladar ms,armor fision,roshan, few items,true vision;; farm, team mana
single taget,stun sup, midgame active offs//immobile core,low armor
tank,invi,unpthble terrain,squishy sups//illusin blink cancel dispel immunity
abadon omni
dazzl save, high range,scale, little gold ms spam ability mana//squishy cc lvl 1
mana level
armor reuction,slow to gap close,physical damge sup,early push,illuion summons//
high hp/mid armor,single target// axe aa eul, banishment
Broodmother: lane,pusher fast time,x1 // low mobility,single targets//(bad)
grievous wound,aoe spells,cc(root),hiht mobilit,vanguard,lotus
treant : SETUP,aoe,kitables//blink,aa //tree cutting ,abilities based,dispel ,gem
true sight/rubick
witch doctor
If he cast the Cask, just split up.
If he cast Maledic just back out.
if he cast his ult or shard, just goes into fog, glimmer, ethereal, cc him to stop
the channeling (can't stop the shard so, just wait XD).
kill him first is always a good idea.
Put down a sentry and wards on the battlefield if you guys start a fight always
pays off even if looks dumb.
Armor reduces the ult dmg since it's physical so AC and other cheap armor items
would be good.

tinker(nyx arc ck,naga,bala)banish true sight /reveal,pick off,dispel,bkb,silence

sustain stay lane
orb,blight,boots,stats,wand,raindrop windlace, iron will/ring health/morbid mmask
now or accelerate
5-8 lane anjungle(fragile to gank)/boots
8-12 how survive invade
survival 1 core, wave/jungle clear ,contribute to fight ,tower/rosh threat(focus)
circlet iron branch faeri(trade) attribute/queeling// magic stick skill spammer /
sentry vs sand king(armor chain(phasr) ring(casual) wrt)
2v2 regen vs armor(ring,hp ring(vanguard),bracer) tangos// (agressive
venom(tanks,chase)/defensive(bully)stat,and regen ) stong snowball weak
stop block, see run/sup/ always push lane, stack small camp(57/56),back pack stats
befre heals(agility)sup refil bootle push catapult
weak lowest targets,cut waves(lol concepts: create preassure objetives/vision stole
resouces, force response/ contest// lose your jungle side)
carry safe jungle ->late invade/contest support safe late// (push contest safe)
vision behind creeps team position camp behind towers
mobile, tank,dont matter(make space) next item time
power tread red hp blue mana green both

Dropping stats items before using regen with flat values (mango, bottle, salve,
arcane boots, ...) will increase the effect of the regen item.
force movement vs slark
3/4 cs/m 5 cs/m(10)
hit minion and champ// swing the lane mvs r//spell to cs, bully use skill to farm//
lose cs harass, when block
your job control:control,push,objectives lack of something(ss) late game(items)
. Controlling runes . Taking team fights without good reason (not advantageous
fights). Stop ego kills - low reward high risk kills
. Don’t stick around team. Farm around good enemy matchups. Trying to help
unhelpable lanes.
farm deterrring agression presure
range slow control/damage(punhish when go to carry)/ survivle mobility front
/ draw attention melee high stats attention/ back lines
follow force/////ranged harass thread-> melee stun frontline/// melee stun roam
cath->damge over time// timber pa
draft map awareness
1 hit build dont die networth 2-> active kill 2°carry 3 initiator mid late tank
aura 4 roam fgank tf scale, dissable teamfight(hammer) 5 ward active tank cc win
11+ daedalus// 11- desolator(illusion,dps,kited stick at targed diffusal echo asher
skadi) soca fofo flat boost,build iin crit
bkb farm pressure// jump on you instant diable,ouside vision
right click allys to attack auto repeat right mouse next to die a stop hold right
click spamming sttop key
midas bad start no space to farm bf (survivable,can fight,mobile):flash farm need
space(ocioso) mael(bf of rangeds)farm early fight
winning lane/bad farm lane(diffusal echo corosion armlett)
reactionari->need them commit// preempitivy burst one// who run in one fiht gank
role counter, how play the map play fight(save bacl line jump) kill or survive
powerspike/pace(low cooldow iluusion),scale
select all units, all units control groups, toggle auto select hero next unit
/0last hit_> hit your issue a attack on your unit //smart atacck quick attack
more crit = diffent modifier carry (farm,get bullied,prevent agresion)off
(pressure:kill,objective,harass) 5 (squishy backline,control dmage(prevent deal))
melee survivability/mobility melee draw atention high stat(undiyng abbadon
treant/bane) squish long range 2 melee beat run reliable healp(pa)
4 ranged damage dealer harass thread ss weaver/melee stun frontline melee stuner
cath roam peel(tusk tiny earth shaker)(they fight back and stun them)
ranged dps visage// pa timber(lvl 3 survive)
wave manegement (lane equilibrium)
lone:kill twice grim durable heroe hard carries armor reduction(escape,low
hp,kitable(root)) radiance vyse solar
necro/ spectre: undiyng/ treant: magic damage,jakiro sentry , apperance(high
mobile/gank) silence slark weaver
1 naga(2 A,M) ck(,S,M) pa(1,A,M*) wk( lvl 4 q1 w2 e1 ) drow
2 lina puck dp
3 timber(lvl4,(2,U,M)) visage(3,U,R) underlord() lycan()
4 nyx, phoenix(2,S,R), ss(), undiying(,S,M), enchantress(I,R)
4/5 grim(2,I,R) venge(1,U,R)
5 jakiro(I,R) oracle(U,R) abbadon(grim ,veng)
extra large map quick attack move edge pan/ auto select summon channel ability
right click force attack()enable advance quickacast/auto 3 firsts
slardar: ck(illusions(dif,sun,evasion),shivas,abbadon tide, medusa bs) tinker
zeus(mr,silence,invisibility ult,hp ck,long range gapclose) viper
(ck/wk,haste,summon,mana drain,no passive)
early to mid safe lane mid to late pfflane
nyx shard dagon rqdagon w// boots bottle wand vessel ur midas maelstorm ethos
gleipner travel manta bloodthoern hurricane
mage slayer
emchantress vessel//
telekinesis/hook, vortex stoem/vacuum,skyrain, overload, formless invisible,ms%,no

the meta is be all ways freezed do not push, pull to jungle(1 be pushed double kill
wave, other camp) 1 mage survive->push
aa, auras// deny creep aggro// tank the creeps to not get intto your tower hero
carry semi carry hyper carry
o keep an enemy especially a melee hero(say Ursa) away from you

Kiting is hitting enemy while running away. It's present in other games, so most
people know what it is.
2 waves 2 camps push wave 2 camps(large small near/ medium small behind tower)
(repeat) flash farmers, just push near your tower(behind camp)
near enemy tower(mid position,off solokill,with sup) mid missing(push wave behind
tower)(10 min sups miss/mid inner jungle t2) tp(t2 camps)
pathing araound the wave 2 at same time// losing t2 lane,, relief pressure// open
the map triangle ancient,large ancient(torm)/wave large small(enemys)
pressure safe forcet1: lane enemys play in your jungle, decent tower damage,, dont
feel safe(tormentor) deada lane(your safe lane) take your farm(under control
illusion: own jungle not triangle// split push weaker buy time to your self(kill
thread ,side)not go triangle make pressure, cut waves
pull when the wave is in a possition to push in to your tower, 1v1 off 5 min
unblock rune
camp block (off enchantress)2 ward block unblock , kill theard// pull bring to your
tower if near to your tower don't
unwinnable,pull when kill,nothing happend, even to have lead sstack small camp
pull(on off lane t1), insent more then 4 more 4 -> push ,under tower, 4 less pull//
inside the enemy tower half(2 creeps) dont pull
lave near to your tower(mobile strong, tp) 7min sun ms

eqf eqr ,eqf eqr, aa eqr// nasus -> jjax /sylas// udyr leesin kennen shen
mid lane->
contest(strong) deny(weak spell deny, spell cd), mot freeze vs hipercarrys
pushiment to farm protect ranged /free autos// out of your towe(drag,change
playing safe freeze the wave,, melee aggro lh/spell pressure, shove in//
dont aggro away until yoçur ranged die// order lh deny creep agro(bait,xp/gld,slow
the push) trade
how counter invoker tipos no de sapato, invokation,invoker game,combos
How to Play Mid & get IMMORTAL (NO BS) | Full Guide Dota 2

1000-2500 a click, s h, s to stop spells

smart attack
In DotA it means that you have to slow somebody down and stay out of his
attack/ability range, while still damaging them.
melee <75 damage-> 1 hit 75 no hit>// ranged 3 hits// 75-80 damage catapa(4)
hok mlbb
exp : aparecer na fight pressao
gold: farmar, dps no objetivo late
mid: pressao

heavy medic leader lurker(assassin)(mouse key, econoia mira(controle),sidestep
hear, angles andperspective,shoot modes,throw,preshoot)/competitive, speedrun

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