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NAME: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Nhi, Nguyễn Thị Khánh Linh

TOPIC 1: A company wants to motivate staff to work harder. Talk about some of the
things the company could do to motivate them and then decide together which three things
would be the best

N: This year, the company's revenue is quite good, but we are being competed by other
companies. I think we need to motivate our staff members because they are a big factor of
making our company better.
B: Oh. I see it, I think we need to find out the sollution as soon as possible!
N: The important thing is fixing staff member treatment.
B:Yes, our company doesn’t have many benefits worthy for the efforts of staff members. We
must bring benefits to them if we want the company grow stronger.
N. Now I have some ideas to do. Do you think about make more training?
B: No, make more holidays is better than more training because we can let’s staff member
participate in more holidays to improve their health and reduce stress.
N: I agree, the next way is higher salaries , company’s cash flow is quite stable, we can use a
portion of profits for them. Do you have any idea?
B: In my opinion, flexible working hours is a good idea. They might choose when and where to
begin and stop to work. These thing can make them feel comfortable to work with ours.
N: Great. In conclusion, we choose to make high salary, flexible working and more holidays.
B: I will make a report of this meeting to CEO.

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