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Scalar and Vector Visualization

by RAGOOMUNDUN Neeraj Rai (2320254)

March 04, 2024

Question 1

Question 2:

I. Figure 5.1 (a): Rainbow colormap


 Due to high contrast, we can easily differentiate between dense tissues, represented by
warm colors like yellow, orange, and red, and air, which is indicated by dark blue colors.
 Rainbow colormaps are visually appealing as a wide and vibrant spectrum is covered.


 Warm colors tend to draw more attention than cool colors. However, in certain
applications, these may not be the values we intend to highlight.
 The rate of color change is more rapid per spatial unit in the upper yellow to red-orange
range compared to the lower blue spectrum. A linear signal might be perceived as
nonlinear in this context.

II. Figure 5.1 (a): Grayscale colormap


 The grayscale method directly represents data through luminance, eliminating concerns
related to distinguishing various hues. The color mapping in grayscale follows a natural
progression from dark to bright.
 The process of rendering grayscale images is less susceptible to challenges related to
color reproduction variations across a range of devices.


 Grayscale offers fewer visually distinct shades compared to rainbow colormaps. This can
make it challenging to identify subtle variations in the data, especially for viewers with
limited color vision.
 Grayscale visualizations are perceived as less visually engaging. This might be a
disadvantage if the goal is to create an eye-catching visualization.

Question 3

In the context of a 2D constant scalar field f(x,y)=k, applying marching squares will yield a contour line
that intersects each edge of the cells within the dataset. While marching triangles have no ambiguous
cases, its outcome aligns with that of marching squares in this specific scenario. Additionally, isolines
exhibit no inherent structure concerning the grid on which they are computed.

Question 4

No, two line segments from the same isoline (contour) computed by marching squares will not intersect
within the grid.

 Continuous Isosurface: Marching squares aims to represent a continuous isosurface, a smooth

surface of constant value within the scalar field. The generated isoline segments form a single
unbroken path.
 Edge-Based Intersection Detection: The algorithm analyzes the function values at each square's
corners. It only creates line segments where the chosen iso-value intersects an edge. It wouldn't
generate segments for unconnected edges within a single isoline.
 Grid Connectivity: The marching squares algorithm operates on a connected grid of squares. This
ensures that segments generated from connected edges will naturally follow a continuous path
without self-intersection.

To conclude, the design and implementation of marching squares, focusing on continuous isosurfaces
and a connected grid structure, inherently prevents segments from the same isoline from intersecting
within the grid.

Question 5

I. v1 = (−y, x, 0)
II. v2 = (y, x, 0)

III. v3 = (3x, 3y, 0)

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