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El trabajo debe ser presentado a mano en hoja de papel ministro.

 Escribe una historia de mínimo 1 página, utilizando los siguientes tiempos gramaticales;
presente simple, pasado simple y presente continúo.
 Realizar un cuadro comparativo de los tiempos gramaticales mencionados en el punto
 Completar las siguientes oraciones con los verbos en el tiempo gramatical correcto:
 She ____________ (play) the guitar every evening.
 She ____________ (write) an email to her friend.
 The dog ____________ (bark) loudly last night.
 It ____________ (rain) outside at the moment.
 My parents ____________ (work) at a hospital.
 The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.
 I ____________ (enjoy) watching movies on weekends.
 Cats ____________ (sleep) a lot during the day.
 My friend ____________ (travel) to Japan last year.
 We ____________ (go) to the gym twice a week.
 The teacher ____________ (teach) English at the high school.
 Birds ____________ (sing) in the morning.
 She ____________ (visit) Paris last summer.
 They ____________ (watch) a movie yesterday.
 He ____________ (work) on a project right now.
 He ____________ (finish) his homework before dinner.
 The concert ____________ (start) at 8 PM.
 We ____________ (have) pizza for dinner last night.
 They ____________ (live) in New York City.
 She ____________ (read) an interesting book last weekend.
 She ____________ (read) a book at the moment.
 They ____________ (play) soccer in the park.
 My sister ____________ (study) for her exams this week.
 We ____________ (have) dinner at the restaurant tonight.
 The children ____________ (play) in the garden.
 They ____________ (watch) TV in the living room.
 I ____________ (cook) dinner for my family.
 He ____________ (speak) three languages fluently.

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