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Dictionary of Business Basics Communication Terms

Blogs : a regularly updated website or web page, typically

one run by an individual or small group, that is written in
an informal or conversational style.

Cellphones : noun Telecommunications. a wireless

telephone using a system of low-powered radio
transmitters, with each transmitter covering a distinct
geographical area (cell ), and computer equipment to
switch a call from one area to another, thus enabling
broad-scale portable phone service.

Diagrams : a simplified drawing showing the appearance,

structure, or workings of something; a schematic

Discussion : the act of talking about something with

another person or a group of people : a conversation
about something. [count] The class was involved in a
heated discussion about politics. I hope to have a
discussion with them about the matter soon.

Email : is the exchange of computer-stored messages

from one user to one or more recipients via the internet.
Emails are a fast, inexpensive and accessible way to
communicate for business or personal use.

FlowChart : A flowchart is a type of diagram that

represents a workflow or process.A flowchart can also be
defined as a diagrammatic representation of an
algorithm, a step-by-step approach to solving a task. The
flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and
their order by connecting the boxes with arrows.
Graphs : a diagram showing the relation between
variable quantities, typically of two variables, each
measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.

Interview : a meeting of people face to face, especially

for consultation.

Invitations : a written or verbal request inviting someone

to go somewhere or to do something.

Letter : a written, typed, or printed communication, sent

in an envelope by post or messenger.

Meetings : Meetings are used to provide their purposes

in specific transactions that are involved in any meeting
schedules. They may be used to confirm a meeting
schedule, relay the information about the specific
meeting that is to happen, or request for the presence of
an individual to attend a meeting.

Pie Chart : A pie chart is a type of graph that represents

the data in the circular graph. The slices of pie show the
relative size of the data, and it is a type of pictorial
representation of data. A pie chart requires a list of
categorical variables and numerical variables. Here, the
term “pie” represents the whole, and the “slices” represent
the parts of the whole.
Presentation : a speech or talk in which a new product,
idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an

Report : give a spoken or written account of something

that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.

Roadmap : is a visual way to quickly communicate a plan

or strategy. Every team has a plan and strategy built
around doing what pushes the business goals forward.

Speech : A speech that is delivered in the workplace or

any business organisation for some specific purpose is
known as business speech. This is one of the forms of
business communication and the audience has to sit
quietly while the speech is being delivered.

Text Message : short message sent electronically usually

from one cell phone to another.

Video : a recording of moving visual images made

digitally or on videotape.

Voice mail : is a digitally recorded message. When you

dial someone and they aren't there, you record into a
digital mailbox a digitally stored voice message to be
retrieved by the owner of the mailbox.

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