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The exposition :

"Old Story Time" is a play by Trevor Rhone, not a novel. Set in

mid-20th century rural Jamaica, it explores societal complexities
with the inclusion of race identity, malice and love. Key
characters include Pa Ben, a peacemaker between Mama and
Len; Mama, a market lady invested in Len's education; Len, a
well-educated individual facing personal challenges; Pearl, Len's
friend with 11 children; and Lois, Len's dark-skinned wife
rejected by Mama. The play delves into Jamaican culture,
addressing issues of race, education, and family dynamics within
a specific historical context.

The rising action :

In the novel, rising tensions arise from Miss Aggy's deep-seated

prejudices against black women, shaped by her upbringing.
Conflicts, particularly with Lois, Len's dark-skinned wife,
intensify when Len confronts his mother about scamming
rumours. George's manipulation and racist beliefs lead Miss
Aggy to dismiss Len's concerns, triggering a heated argument.
Len briefly threatens with a chair before apologising. Suspecting
Lois's influence, Miss Aggy reflects reservations about their
marriage. These events highlight the rising actions, exposing
entrenched biases and a strained mother-son dynamic.

The climax :

In Act 2, Scene 2, the climax emerges during Mama and Len's

argument when Mama declares the need to "set Len’s soul free."
Pa Ben steps in to calm Len, advising him to soften his stance
with Mama and give money to George. Len rejects the advice. Pa
Ben reveals Mama's plan to cast a spell on Lois, warning of
potential consequences. Urging Len to intervene, this marks a
pivotal moment leading to the climax.

The falling action :

Len sought help from Obeah woman Rachel to protect Lois from
his mother's spell. While setting up, he faced issues with the spell
placement, prompting a call to Rachel for guidance. After
resolving it, when Lois unexpectedly knocked, Len swiftly
concealed spell-related items to avoid suspicion. This sequence
adds suspense as Len works to shield Lois from the impending
magical intervention.

The Resolution :

In the final part of Act 2, Scene 6, Mama discovers George's

scam and attempts to harm him. As she talks about her soul, Len
and Pa Ben intervene, revealing the truth about Len's past.
Mama panics when she realises her spell will affect her instead
of Lois. To rectify this, Pa Ben, Len, and Lois perform a ritual to
remove the spell from Mama, causing her distress but ensuring
her safety. The scene concludes with Mama free from the spell,
and the situation returns to normal.

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