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Differential Equations o Equation of First Order and First Degree o Homogeneous Differential Equations Equation of First Order and First Degree Definition A differential equation of the type M+N 2» =0 dx * 5 Where M and N are functions of x and y or constants is called a differential equation of the first order and first degree. Solution of differential equation when variables are separable If an equation can be written in such a way that dx and all the terms containing x are on one side and dy and all the terms containing y on the other side, this is an equation in which variables are separable. such equation can therefore be written as f,(x)de = f,(y)dy and can be solved by integrating directly and adding a constant on either side. Separating the variables we get, dy de l+y? lex? Integrating, we get, dy j de ley 14x? =tan”' y=tan' x+ A, where A is constant, stan! y-tan!x=A 1+ yx are 40 . =?lan 2S = tan 'C, where 4 = tan ' C =constant, + yen J + yx Sy-x=C(I4 yx) Which is the required solution. HomeWorks: Solve The followings 1. Solve & t+ y" dx 14x? i dy ot Solve — =e" + x en dx Solve sec* x tan ydx + sec? y tan xdy =0 dy 2 2) 4. Solve y-x—=al y> += ve Ye (» dx Solve (e* + 1) cos xdx + e” sin xdx =0 wo an Equation Reducible to the Form in which variables are separable Equation of the form dy _ ae f(ax+by +c). (1) can be reduced to and equation in which variables can be separated by putting ax ++ by + ¢ v then, dy lfdv | ———a Then equation (1) get the form, 1 iz . dv sla 9]=fO > dv == bfo)+a in which variables are then easily separable. bf) Problem dy e Solve 7 (4x +y4+1) Solution Here, d Sa Grtytn? : eC) Putting 4x + y + 1 = v in equation (1) and by differencing this with respect to x then 442) av dy _ dv dx dx dx dx So that we can get, oy eg aegy tear? The variables are now easily separable as, au =dx> tan“ (2) =xte ve+4 2 2) 7 a 2 1 stan™ =xte = jtan x Which is the required solution. Problem: r . Solve dy Solve = ~ : che (4x + y +1) Sol dy, oe = sin(x + y) + cos(x + y) Solve (x - y)? oe 2 Solve (x + y)? o. a xdx + ydy _ xdx — ydx Solve xB ys xx? +y? Solve tar aea a yy eee x+y-b} xX+y+b Solve ae (x+y)? dx Solve (e” +1) cos xdx + e” sin xdy = 0 Homogeneous Differential Equation An equation of the form 22 aol AED in which f,(,y) and fo(x,9) are homogeneous functions of x and y of the same dae fo. ' For the solution, this type of equations can be reduced to an equation in which variables are separable by putting, y = vx, so that, &2 = v + xf " Problem Solve (x? + y*)dx + 2xydy = 0 Solution Given, (x? + y?)dx + 2xydy = 0 = (x? +98) + 2xy dy__G@?+y?) Se ee dx 2xy Which is in the homogeneous form. So by putting y = vx, we will get Cpe a coe CED ee were rrr —r—s—Oei—OOCNC*C‘CiCSC“ Citi v? —2v? 1+3v? 2v 2v eo ee ee 1 ‘ = logx = —glog + 3v?) + loge, By Integrating 1 = logx + zlog(1 + 3v*) = loge 1 = logx + log(1 + 3v7)3 = loge i =x(1t+3v7)3=c a Nels =x[1+3@)| =c Which is the required solution. Problem: 1. to wa Solve (x? +? )dx + 2xydy = 0 . dy yh 43x? Solve eee yi t3x'y ax: Solve y? +x? ® Pra dx dx 4. vy? = 23? Jd + x(2y? —x")dy=0 >. Solve 22 2xdx x°+y?=0 6. Solve 24 2G+Y) 9 Ix x 7. Solve x? ydx — x73dy = ydy dy . Sol + yy? =x 8 olve (x + y) Va 9. Solve eBay 10. Solve (xsin ye == sin = 3) 11. Solve (x? + awe? )dx + (y* + 2xy = x7 )dp =0 y iJ) dy 12. Solve (xcos— + ysin—)y=() x # ysin 2 — xeos*)x = x x ay Equation Reducible to Homogencous Form The equation of the form dy _ax+by+c dx Ax+By+C _ can be reduced to the homogeneous form by substituting, x=X+hy=Y +k where h,k being constants dy aY : aetqg be dx = aX and dy =a] The differential equation then reduces to, ad aXt+h +b +k)te aXt+by taht bk +e aX AXFW FBV FI + CANBY + Ah + BK +C Choose h,k so that, ah + bk +c =Oand Ah-+ Bk +0 =0 Then the given equation becomes homogeneous as aY aX +bY aX AX +BY Case of failure 1 = 5 (say) 3 A= am,B = bm Then the given equation becomes, dy axtbytc dx m(ax + by) +C then put, ax + by = z and apply the method of variable separable. Problem solve 2 xt 2¥=3 Oe ax xt y—3 Solution Here, dy x+2y-3 dx 2x+y-3 Put.x = =v+ksothat, %= fe dx=dxanddy=av uix=Xth, y=¥+ksotha, T=, dx = dX and dy = d¥] d¥ (X+A)+2V+h)-3 X+2V+h+2k-3 “aX” 2X+h)+V+k—-3) A+V+2h+k-3 Choosing h, ke so that, h+2k—3=0 and 2h+k— 0 Solving this we get, h = 1, = 1 then, avy _X+2y¥ aX 2X47 Now put,¥=ox,sothat, “ayy x dy dv dv X + 2vx >= = aa 142 ax VEX vtKX Se vy dX OXF OX = Day dv 1+2v 1+ 2v-2y- y2 “RR Qap 2 Oe eaves 1 au >— oy 1—y” ax = 1 =s 2 2t+o* rle-3 ax By integrating both sides we will get 1 3 = zlog( +v) ~ glos(1 —v) =logX + loge = log(1 + v) — 3log(1 — v) = 2logX + 2loge Oty) a = log c*X Sa-» °8 (Q+v) “a= Now by putting Y = vX in this solution we will get tay, ae XH V HCA7(X-Y)B ” anvye = log c2X? Alsoasx =X +h,y=Y+kandh=k = 1,so the final solution becomes Sxty-2=c(x-y)s which is the required solution, Problem: dy x4 2y-3 dx oe +y-3 Solve (1 + 2y)(dx - dy) = dv + dy 1. Solve wv 3. Solve (3x~7y~3) 23y—7047 ds A particular case A differential equation of the form dy avedyae de She thy ek in which coef! ient of y in the numerator is equal to the coefficient of x in the denominator with sigh changed can be solved or be integrated as follows:- (eb thy Ady = (ax + by +e)dv =0 [Rearrange] nv) + (iy + A)dy = (ax + ede = 0 > -b(av) pe" ' tw)-(Lac +e ) Problem = A (it will be the solution) Solve: Solution y Ix-y Given that, & = 28=9 +1 dx x+2y-3 Here the coefficients of x and y are same but opposite in sign in the denominator and numerator respectively, thus, (x +29 -3)dy =(2x—y + Dede =0 = (xdy + ydx) + (2y - 3)dy - (2x + Idx =0 >awayty which is the required soluti Problem 13. solve (2x — y+ Idx = (2y — x — Nd =0

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