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I. II.

1. amity - good will 1. chassis- frame, wheels, and motor of a car

2. pensive- quietly sad or thoughtful 2. genre- kind, sort; a category of artistic,
3. pseudo- false musical or literary composition
4. obloquy- verbal abuse characterized by a particular style
5. orotund- resonant in voice 3. bourgeois- social middle class
6. emulate- to imitate 4. cachet- a seal used especially as a mark of
7. endemic- local official approval
8. remunerate- pay 5. labyrinth- maze
9. myopic- nearsighted 6. clandestine- secret
10. odyssey- long journey 7. succinct- concise, brief, terse
11. axiom- basic truth 8. see- the official seat from which a bishop
12. tactical- military force exercises jurisdiction
13. opus- numbered composition 9. unscathed- unharmed
14. cipher- zero 10. mellifluous- sweetly or smoothly flowing
15. sang-froid- composure 11. soiree- an evening social
16. bizarre- very unusual or strange 12. chateau- mansion
17. leery- suspicious 13. demitasse- a small amount of black coffee that
18. ennui- boredom is served in a small cup; also: the cup
19. cache- a hiding place used to serve it
20. visceral- instinctive, not intellectual 14. bouillon- clear broth
21. desiccate- to preserve ( a food) by drying 15. demurrage- delay in shipping
22. quay- wharf, pier, dock 16. acquiesce- to accept, agree, or allow
23. queue- a waiting line of persons or something to happen by staying
vehicles, a braid of hair silent or not arguing
24. precis- concise summary 17. acumen- keenness
25. spelunking- cave exploring 18. affable- pleasant, sociable
19. akimbo- hands on hips
20. a la mode- in fashion
21. alacrity- quick willingness
22. ambrosia- food of the gods
23. amuck- in a mad rage to kill
24. animosity- strong hatred
25. aperture- opening



I. II.

1. arraign- bring to court 1. coiffure- hair style

2. asseverate- declare 2. concupiscence- lust
3. askew- not straight, awry 3. connoisseur- expert especially in the fine
4. asinine- silly, stupid arts
5. au revoir good-bye 4. conspicuous- easy to see
6. bailiwick- one’s field of interest or 5. contemptible- deserving contempt
authority 6. convivial- social; gay
7. ballyhoo- loud, exaggerated talk 7. corpulent- fat
8. beguile- deceive or trick 8. croquette - small mass of meat
9. bestial- like a beast; brutal 9. croquet- game with hoops in the ground
10. besiege- overwhelm 10. cupola- small dome
11. besotted- stupefied 11. cynosure- center of attention
12. bivouac- temporary camp of soldiers 12. cygnet- young swan
13. boudoir- a woman’s private room 13. daub- smear with sticky stuff
14. bouffant- puffed out; full 14. debilitate- make weak
15. brevity- briefness 15. decalcomania- picture for transfer from
16. buccaneer- pirate prepared paper
17. bucolic- rustic 16. deciduous- shedding leaves annually
18. buffoon- clown 17.decrepit- old and worn out
18. caboose- crew’s car on a freight train 18. defray- pay
19. cantankerous- bad-tempered; quarrelsome 19. defraud- cheat
20. capacious- roomy, wide 20. deleterious- harmful to eat
21. carcass- dead body of an animal 21. delicatessen- prepared meats, fish, cheese,
22. carte blanche- full authority etc.
23. caterwaul- wail 22. delineate- draw, sketch
24. cognizance- awareness 23. demise- death
25. cognac- brandy 24. derelict- abandoned
25. deride- ridicule

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