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A400 M

MSFS 2020

Preface........................................................................................................................................... 1
Credit............................................................................................................................................. 1
Models-Liveries-Features.............................................................................................................. 2
Engines start ...................................................................................................................................6
NAV COM XPDR...........................................................................................................................7
PFD EFIS navigation.......................................................................................................................7
Front panel labels.............................................................................................................................23


Warning : This product is protected by the relative law in Copyright and by the internationales
agreements.Any reproduction, or partial or total distribution of the software is strictly forbidden.
Every person not respecting these rules will be liable to statutory penalties.
Copyright 2023 - Laborie Roland, Allrights reserved.


Roland Laborie.

- A 400M - France.
- A 400M - Canada.

- A 400M - Germany.
- A 400M - Spain.
- A 400M - Belgium.
- A 400M - Luxembourg.
- A 400M - Malaysia.
- A 400M - Turkey
- A 400M - United Kingdom.
- A 400M - United States.
- A 400M - US coast guard.
- A 400M - US DDAY.
- A 400M - Atlas.
- A 400M - US Alaska.
- A 400M -Antarctica.
- A 400M -Air defender 2023.

The word of the pilot : Jean Pierre Bourgeois «BeeGee»

Span: 42,4 m
Length: 45,1 m
Height: 14,7 m
Wing surface: 221,5 m^2

Empty weight: 76085 kg (in simulation suggested)

Maximum weight: 141000 kg

Fuel capacity: 50500 kg

Engine: Turbopropulseur TP400-D6 11000 HP

Propeller 8 blades Ratier

Maximum crusing speed: mach 0,72

Operational ceiling FL350

Range : Empty 4700 mille nautique

Loading 20 tons 3450 mille nautique
Loading 30 tons 2450 mille nautique


With 44 000 HP for 141 tons, A400M is a good motorised plane, his weight power is very favorable, its active fly
by wire makes it very handy and operating, it flies quickly and transports heavy loads at long distances.

The model of flight of this plane is specific in order to simulate to a certain way the fly by wire, the plane is
calculated to have a stability in neutral pitching, that means the use of the pitch trim is useless, it is neutralized
in normal manual piloting.To summarize , with the launching of the flight, by default the position of the trim is
zero, and it is appropriate for the whole flight envelope, in spite of various speed and configuration of the plane.
In straight and level flight you need only to display the desired trim, without moving the joystick, the plane
will maintain itself this pitch, if it is not the case that means that the joystick calibration is not good, or that
the neutral area is insufficient on the axis of pitching or finaly that unfortunate modifications of the files *.AIR
were made.The trim function however was maintained for the normal functioning of the autopilot, but it will be
automatically neutralized and move back to zero when the A/P is OFF.
This plane profits from protection of the flight envelope in load factor, near to + 3 G and angle of incidence
which prohibits the stall.


Maximum weight takeoff 141000 kg

Maximum weight landing 121000 kg
Maximum weight without fuel 115000kg

Vmo 380 kt
Mmo 0,72 mach

Maximum load factor +3 -1

Maximum operational ceiling FL 350

Vlo Vle 250 kt mach 0,55

Vfe 1 260
Vfe 1+F 220
Vfe 2 218
Vfe 3 195
Vfe FULL 180


Important information: all that is written below is resulting from inflight tests of this model FSX and does not
have relationship with the real plane.



Flaps 3

weight/speed V1* Vr V2 Dist takeoff*

141 tons 140 150 161 1650 m

130 134 143 154 1500 m

120 128 138 148 1250 m

110 123 132 142 1100 m

100 117 125 135 1000 m

90 115 118 128 800 m

· * V1 defined for a balanced takeoff distance, where the stop acceleration distance is equal to the takeoff
distance with engine failure to V1 and crossing of 35ft.
· In acceleration stop with recognized failure with V1, maximum braking applied and full reverse to the 3
engines remaining.
Performances measured at level sea, standard temperature, and null wind.

Page 5

Optimal climb law IAS 260 kt/ mach 0,64 transition level 260


Mach 0,68 – 0,72

Level of optimal flight

140 tons FL 290

130 tons FL 310
120 tons FL 330
110 tons FL 350

Approach landing:

Flaps full, reverse full, maximal braking, Vref = 1,23 Vso

Sea level, standard temperature, null wind.
weight tons Vref KIAS Landing distance height 50 ft **

121 132 1200 m

110 125 1120 m

100 120 1060 m

90 114 960 m

** Distances obtained with maximum braking and maximum reverse,

The pilot must take safety margins to define the minimal lenghts of operational runways as well
in takeoff as with the landing.

Page 6


- CTL + E
- Push crossfeed buttons, 1, 2, 3, 4 (6)
- Push :
- auto-control-pump 1-2, auto control pump 3-4, auto control pump 5-6, auto control pump 7-8,
- stby-pump-left-aux, stby-pump-left-main, stby-pump-right-aux, stby-pump-right-main. (5)

Before starting engines set the propeller levers to OFF.

- Push battery button (1) or apu button (3) or push ext power button (2)
- Push crossfeed buttons, 1, 2, 3, 4 (6)
- Push :
- auto-control-pump 1-2, auto control pump 3-4, auto control pump 5-6, auto control pump 7-8,
- stby-pump-left-aux, stby-pump-left-main, stby-pump-right-aux, stby-pump-right-main. (5)
- Hyd 1, 2, 3, 4, (7)
- Push engines buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, (B)
- Push propeller levers 1, 2, 3, 4, (C)

NAV COM XPDR Frequencies

Press the menu key (1) to display the screen

Set NAV1-NAV2 frequencies with the keys. (B)

****The frequency
frequency 000.00
000.00 NAV1
NAV1 and
and ADF1
must be set from the MCDU. (A)
must be set from the MCDU. (A)
Set COM1 COM2 frequencies with the keys. (C)
- Key (3) swap frequencies NAV1.
- Key (2) swap frequencies NAV2.
- Key (4) swap frequencies COM1 - COM2.
- Key (5) swap frequencies COM1 or COM2.
Set ADF1-ADF2 frequencies with the keys. (B) (C)
Set XPDR frequencies with the keys. (B)

Set ADF1-ADF2 frequencies with the keys. (B) (C)

Set XPDR frequencies with the keys. (B)
- Key (6) Brightness control button. 7
PFD EFIS navigation

Press the keys:

- IR1
- IR2
- IR3
to display screens (A) (B)
(Waiting time= 30s)

- Key (2) .VOR/DME/TACAN info display

waypoint, NDB, ARPT.
- Key (3) Map information mode.
- Key (4) TERR on ND.
- Key (5) ND Range.
- Key (6) Brightness control button.
- Key (7) Brightness control button.
- (C) VOR-ADF switches.
The keys are on the pedestal.

-Actual cabin altitude [ft]

-Selected cabin altitude
target [ft] (blue)
- Landing field elevation mode
- Used landing field elevation [ft
Cabin Differential
Pressure [PSI]
-Actual cabin V/S [ft/min]
System status
-Selected cabin V/S [ft/min] (blue)
Green -> normal
- ORV position (open/closed)
amber -> fault
- OFV Position
CPCS operation mode (% of fully open position)
Pack status - OFV status
Overboard valve status green -> normal operation,
amber -> OFV auto channel

RAPID pushbutton (guarded)
Commands the full opening of the LDG ELEVN rotary selector
outflow valves thus the fast AUTO: The controller
depressurization of the aircraft, automatically uses the FMS
with landing field elevation.
the CPCS mode set to MIL Manual: in case the desired
DEPRESS. landing airport elevation is not
provided by the FMS, the crew
can select it manually
MAN CAB ALT TRGT Rotary MODE rotary selector
selector AUTO: The CPCS controls the
The external ring allows to select cabin pressure.
the incremental/decremental step MIL DEPRESS: Initiates a cabin
of 100 ft or 1,000 ft. depressurization (default 10.000ft)
The internal ring allows to modify SEMI-AUTO: The cabin altitude &
the value vertical speed can be set
MAN: Direct outflow valve control
RAM AIR guarded pushbutton
Controls the ram air inlet that V/S CTL toggle switch
ventilates the cockpit and cabin if It allows to increment/decrement the cabin vertical
both packs have failed. speed target. Controls directly the outflow valves in
MAN mode

X BLEED switch APU BLEED pushbutton

controls the position of the allows the opening of the
cross bleed valve. APU bleed valve
Bleed System
Controls and Indicators

ENG BLEED 1, 2, 3, 4 pushbuttons

allow the manual closure of engine bleed and
provide FAULT alerts to the crew

The Air Systems are composed of:

- The pneumatic system (Bleed system)
- The Air Conditioning System (ACS) made of:
Air Generation System (AGS)
Temperature Control System (TCS)
The Ventilation Control System (VCS)
The Cabin Pressure Control System (CPCS)

Main Functions of the Pneumatic System:
- Regulates bleed air pressure and temperature.
- Supplies compressed air at adequate pressure and
temperature to bleed user systems.
- Protects the systems and structure surrounding
pneumatic elements from over-temperature as a
consequence of leakage in pneumatic ducting.
- Provides pertinent information regarding system
performance or malfunctions to crew members and
maintenance specialists.

Bleed air is normally supplied from:

- The aircraft engines compressor during flight
- The APU, normally on ground, but possible usage
in flight for the pneumatic system supply.
- A High Pressure Ground Connector (HPGC) source
as an alternative to the APU via a standard ground
The bleed air system is controlled by two Bleed
Control Computers (BCC) in the avionics bay.
They perform automatic control of the pneumatic
system in normal operating conditions

Bleed Air User Systems

The Bleed Air System supplies high-pressure air to the
following systems:
- Air-conditioning system (ACS)
- Wing Anti-Ice system (WAI)
- Engine starting system
- Hydraulic-reservoir pressurizing system
- On Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS)
- Optional On Board Inertial Gas Generation System
OBOGS ON indication
OBIGGS ON indication

XBLEED valve

Precooler inlet pressure

Precooler outlet temperature GND connection indication

BPRSOV APU indication


The Air Conditioning System (ACS) is composed of
the Air Generation System (AGS) and Temperature Control System (TCS).
The main purpose of the ACS is to provide air generation and temperature control for the cargo hold,
flight deck, crew rest areas, LMWS and the avionics compartment, as floor heating, by mixing the bleed air
to cool air.
The ACS comprises :
- 2 Air Conditioning Packs in charge of cooling air coming from the bleed air system.
- 2 Air Conditioning Control Units (ACCU), one per pack, that control the flow and temperature of the air
through several temperature sensors and valves.
- 1 mixing unit that mixes the cool air from the pack with air coming from the cabin.

Both Air Conditioning packs cool the bleed air by using the ram air and send this cooled air to the
cockpit, LMWS and the mixing unit.
The mixing unit supplies air to the cabin by mixing the cabin air with fresh air from the packs.

The cabin temperature is regulated by adding hot bleed air from the engines to the mixed air through the
Trim Air Valves.
A Ram Air inlet Flap allows external air supply air in case of failure of the packs.
Two dedicated controllers, the Air Conditioning Control Units (ACCU), and two CPIOM B modules, control
the ACS.
The ACCU uses temperature given by sensors to regulate the opening/closure of valves to regulate the
temperature of the concerned area.
The flight deck and the loadmaster workstation are supplied with fresh air (from the packs) only.

PACK pushbutton 1 (2) Open/close

the pack valves
AIR FLOW switch Controls the pack flow (Hi, Normal, or Low)

HOT AIR pushbutton 1 (2) Open/close

CKPT Rotary Selector Controls the the hot air valves
Cockpit temperature, from 18°C
to 30°C
CARGO Rotary Selector
- In the upper range, the flight crew
controls the cargo temperature
- In the “LOADM” position, the
control is made from the LMWS

The BLEED page contains information linked to the Air conditioning system :
- Pack flow control valve position
- Pack flow indication (needle from LO to HI)
- Air flow target (small cyan circle)
- Pack compressor outlet temperature
- Pack outlet temperature indication
- Emergency Ram Air Inlet indication

The COND page contains information linked to the Air Conditioning System:
- Zone and duct temperatures
- HOT AIR valve status
- COND CTRL status
- PACK status
- FANS status

The Ventilation Control System (VCS) ventilates the different compartments, in particular each tempe-
rature zone, with a sufficient airflow in order:
- To cool permanently the electronic equipment by air flow, and keep ice-free the cargo hold
- To provide the crew/troops with a sufficient comfort level.

AIR SUPPLY guarded

Controls the cargo hold valves
Controls the smoke
removal function


Switches OFF the recirculation DITCHING guarded pushbutton
fans in the cargo hold ceiling Allows to close all relevant ECS
fuselage openings, below the water
line or that may disturb the evacuation

In Normal Mode the VCS operates fully automatically except for the crew foot heaters, cockpit side win-
dows, load master foot heater and the cargo hold floor heating.
The duct heater each have a three position switch (OFF, LO, HI) to allow the crew to adjust the additional
heating to their thermal comfort needs.
For the same reason the cockpit crew/loadmaster can adjust the individual air outlets in the cockpit and the
loadmaster workstation.

Under normal conditions the cabin recirculation fans recircu-

late the airflow.
The avionics extraction fan is running as soon as the aircraft
electrical power is switched ON.
The warm air from the avionics is blown from the ventilated
zone :
- Under and along the cargo floor to heat the cargo floor sur-
face till the ramp door in normal flight operation.
- Or to the outside of the aircraft through the overboard ex-
tract valve in normal ground operation and in flight when the
extraction fan is failed.
In case of avionics smoke detection or extract fan low
flow detection, the Overboard Valve (OBV) is automatically
driven to partially open position. It is ensured that the OBV
and the In Board Valve are not
simultaneously closed.

HYD Control Panel.

The HYD control panel allows to control the four EDP.The FAULT light illuminates amber (associated to an
ECAM caution) in case of reservoir low level, reservoir low air pressure, reservoir overheat or pump low

On ground, engines not running, the Electric Motor Pumps (EMPs) provide hydraulic power to:
- Door and Ramp Actuation System (DRAS)
- Park brake accumulator
- kneeling/raising system.
By manual operation of a selector valve, the hydraulic power can also feed the flight controls and other
consumers. This is for maintenance purposes only.One EMP per circuit can pressurize the system but
only while the aircraft is on the ground and electrical power is supplied by the APU or a ground cart.
The operation of the EMP is automatically controlled by the HSMU

Engines running
The Engine Driven Pumps (EDPs) operate continuously and automatically after engine start.
In case of reduced pump performance, the functionality of the primary flight controls is secured with Prio-
rity Valves (PV).The consumers of the yellow system which are not continuously used during flight (landing
gear, kneeling and nose wheel steering) are isolated from the main supply by the respective Safety/isolation
Valves (SV) until they are required for use.

ELEC Control Panel

The ELEC control panel provides controls for batteries, generators, electrical load management and AC bus
power supply management.

Engine Running Configuration

AC distribution network
- Each of the four VFG supplies its associated AC main bus bar.
- The AC EMER bus bar is supplied from the AC 1 if available otherwise from AC 4.
DC distribution network
The DC 1, DC 2 and DC ESS bus bars are supplied from the associated AC main bus bar through the BCRU.
Electrical Load Management Function:
The ELMF performs electrical load shedding within the normal electrical distribution system in case of ge-
nerator overload, in order to maximize the number of loads supplied with respect to the available power.

On ground, Engines not running
On ground, when engines are not running, the electrical system provides power supply by different means.
Normal mode:
Either the APU generator or an External power can supply the complete system (all main AC bus bars).
- If both APU and external power are connected, the APU generator has priority for the left side buses,
and the external power has priority for the right side buses.
On ground Battery supply:
The electrical network can be supplied by batteries only when the aircraft is on the ground.Provided it is
selected ON, the ESS BAT supplies the DC EMER BUS and also the AC EMER BUS through the Static


The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is a single spool gas turbine, located in a fireproof compartment beyond
the wing.The APU can supply the aircraft with electric and pneumatic power.
- On ground, the APU provides:
- Pneumatic power for starting the engines and for the Environmental Control System (ECS).
- Electrical power for aircraft preparation
- During takeoff the APU can supply bleed air to the ECS in order to provide air conditioning if optimum
engine performance is required.
- In flight, the APU can provide back-up pressurization with restrictions and electrical supply throughout the
whole flight envelope.Since the APU can be started on internal batteries, it makes the aircraft independent
of external pneumatic and electrical power supply. Nevertheless, the APU may also be started with external
power or normal aircraft supply.

APU pushbutton
This pushbutton starts and stops the APU

APU GEN pushbutton
Connects the APU electrical generator to the aircraft systems.
APU BLEED pushbutton
Connects the APU bleed to the aircraft systems.

This page is automatically displayed when the APU pushbutton is set to ON or when pressing APU on the
ECAM control panel.
This page displays:
- APU status (AVAIL if n>95%)
- Voltage and frequency indications
- Bleed valve position and bleed air pressure
- Analogical rotation speed (in %)
- Analogical EGT
- APU fuel and oil warnings.


- FCC status
- Flight control surface positions (ailerons, spoilers, rudder, THS and elevators).
- Flaps side availability and corresponding hydraulic system.

SD WHEEL page.

The SD wheel page displays the following information:

- L/G leg position.
- L/G door position.
- L/G CTL if L/G position disagrees with the lever position.
- UP LOCK appears if the L/G up-lock is engaged when the L/G is down-locked.
- U-TURN status.
- Position of each kneeling actuator.
- Kneeling control status (channels and hydraulic supply)
Controls and Indicators.

-Wheel number.
- Brake temperature (for each wheel) + arc on the hottest wheel.
- Release indication (for each wheel)
- A-SKID status
- ACCU and BRAKES pressures.
- Normal braking control status (channels and hydraulic supply)
- Alternate braking control status (channels and hydraulic supply)
- Accumulator status and pressure.
- Nose wheel steering control status (channels and hydraulic supply)

In normal operation pilots can use the brake pedals to regulate the brake pressure. The brake action is mo-
nitored by the antiskid system which automatically releases the brakes in case of wheel slippery or aquapla-
Retraction Braking
In flight, an automatic process apply brakes during the landing gear retraction if the normal or the alternate
braking mode is available.
Aircraft steering can be achieved with rudder pedals and handwheels but also with asymmetric engine thrust
and differential braking to improve the turning performance.
The rudder pedals are mainly used to align the aircraft on the runway during takeoff or landing (small devia-
tions but high speed). 18
Door Control Panel

RAMP and DOOR toggle switch

- spring loaded in the neutral position (center)
- OPEN starts the opening sequence.
- CLOSE starts the closing sequence.
A sequence continues even if the switch is not maintained in
the corresponding direction.

AIR DEFLECTOR guarded pushbutton/light

- OPEN: when pressed in, commands the air
deflector opening,
- Extinguished: air deflectors retracted.

Door and Ramp details.

Closed and locked.

Ramp lower than the horizontal
position. Ramp horizontal
Door open and unlatched.


Map brightness button

- Key (1) ECAM Engine parameters page.
- Key (2) ECAM Bleed system page.
- Key (3) ECAM Hydraulic system page.
- Key (4) ECAM Electric system - ELAC page.
- Key (5) ECAM Map displaying page.
- Key (6) ECAM EXT power - APU system page.
- Key (7) ECAM Pressurizing system page.
- Key (8) ECAM FCTL system page.
- Key (9) ECAM Electric system - EL/DC page.
- Key (10) ECAM Fuel system page.
- Key (11) ECAM Cond. system page.
- Key (12) ECAM Doors system page.
- Key (13) ECAM Wheel system page.
- Key (14) Clear page.

- Key (1) Speed mach.
- Key (2) Speed units.
- Key (3) Heading.
- Key (4) Autopilot.
- Key (5) Heading/Track.
- Key (6) Autopilot.
- Key (7) Selected Altitude.
- Key (8) Vertical speed control.
- Key (9) All trim reset.
- Key (10) Rudder trim.
- Key (11) LOC mode.
- Key (12) ILS.
- Key (13) Autothrottle.
- Key (14) Flight director.
- Key (15) Expedite.
- Key (16) Aproach mode.
- Press on HUD or use switch.(A) (B)
- Turn on Button.(C)


- APU LED Test Button.(1)

- Engine light test button.(2)
- R.A.T. switch and knob.(3)
- Light switches panel.(4)
- Sunscreen button.(5)


- Safety master caution -warning and display panel.(1)

- Gear lights.(4)
- A.D.I. (3)
- Terrain follow button.(the altitude is hold at an average of 2000 feet above the relief.) (2)
- Com1-com2-nav1-nav2-adf1-mkr. Volume.(5)
- Warning panel (A)
- Automatic display if take-off check is ok.(B)
- Automatic display if the check for landing is ok.(C)

- Cockpit-panel knobs lights.(1)
- Pitch trim switch. (2)
- Pitch trim Reset. (3)
- Rudder trim switch. (5)
- Rudder trim Reset. (4)
- Aileron trim switch. (6)
- Aileron trim Reset. (7)
- Ramp-Door switch.(8)
- Parking brake.(9)
- Accu. test button.(10)
- Unloading vehicles button.(11)
- Doors selector. (12)
- Brightness button.(15)
- NAV selector.(16)
- Speed brake lever.(14)
- Flaps lever.(17)
- Air Deflector switch.(13) (D) 22
- Move payload cursor to display vehicles(P)
- Air Deflector

- Keyboard. (1)
- MCDU. (2)
- Antiskid switch. (3)
- Gear lever. (4)
- Autobrake switches. (5)
- Brightness buttons. (C)

- Oxygen mask. (X)

Copyright 2013

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