Pages From Boolean-Search-Strings To The Ponit SPDF

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the NOT (“-”) operator.

Add terms based on the irrelevant results you get each


Expand your search

What is Boolean search?
In a nutshell, Boolean search is a structured search process that uses keywords,
or operators, to limit, broaden, or define the desired search results. The goal is
to start with a broad concept (i.e. recruitment) and refine your search query and
the corresponding results to only the information that is relevant to your needs
(i.e. recruitment managers).
Boolean search was invented by English mathematician George Boole in 1847.
He laid out the concept and underlying principles in his seminal work
entitled The Mathematical Analysis of Logic. Since this ground breaking piece,
Boolean has been the tool of choice for virtually all libraries, virtual databases,
and search engines.

How can I use Boolean search in recruitment?

For our purposes, Boolean search in recruitment relates to using these
techniques to search and filter through resumes, search engines, targeted
websites, or ATS systems to find and shortlist candidates that fit your
search parameters.
Boolean search operators can be broken into two levels of complexity: basic
functions and advanced functions. We’ll dig deeper into each shortly. By using
and combining these operators, you can refine or broaden your search results to
your needs.

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