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ISSN 0016-7029, Geochemistry International, 2017, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 205–210. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017.

Original Russian Text © A.L. Lebedev, V.L. Kosorukov, 2017, published in Geokhimiya, 2017, No. 2, pp. 171–177.

Gypsum Solubility in Water at 25°C

A. L. Lebedev* and V. L. Kosorukov
Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Received November 12, 2015; accepted December 2, 2015

Abstract—The analysis of published data and our experimental results showed that the existing estimates of
gypsum solubility in water (C m↑ ) at 25°C range from 0.0147 to 0.0182 M. Such a scatter (more than 20%) is the
result of a combined influence of experimental conditions and ability of gypsum to form supersaturated solu-
tions. This influence appears most noticeable during gypsum dissolution in a dispersed state. Under such
conditions, equilibrium is determined with a precision of no better than ±4.5%; if a flat surface similar to nat-
ural one is dissolved, the (C m↑ ) value is characterized by the minimum scatter (±1%). According to experimental
data (25°C), the solubility of gypsum particles in water is inversely proportional to their size at r < 1 μm and is
r-invariant for larger grains. The invariance of (C m↑ ) at r > 1–5 μm is supported by the data of analytical cal-
culations using the approximate Ostwald–Freundlich equation. It is supposed that the difference of the con-
centrations of dissolved gypsum at the boundaries of the field of metastable state of gypsum-saturated
groundwater can be 1–5%. The results of our study can be used for the description of gypsum dissolution in
the models of mass transfer between gypsum-bearing rocks and groundwater.

Keywords: gypsum, distilled water, solubility, dispersed state, lithological varieties, metastable field, mass
transfer, groundwater
DOI: 10.1134/S0016702917010062

INTRODUCTION (Hardie, 1967). This scatter in C m↑ (~5%) is probably

During the solution of mass transfer problems in due to the gypsum ability to produce oversaturated
groundwater, the computation of gypsum dissolution
is based on its equilibrium concentration. Using the solutions (Budnikov, 1943). The C m↑ values obtained in
principles of chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium such a way can be considered only as minimum con-
solubility, i.e., the limiting amount of gypsum dis- straints, and the accurate values can be determination
solved in water under given conditions, can be deter- at a similar transition from the region of supersatura-
mined. Experimental values (pseudoequilibrium, tion (supersaturation → saturation, i.e., C m↓ ). Accord-
Levenshpil’, 1969) characterize only the end of gyp- ing to an overview of Hardie (1967), the difference
sum interaction with solution near the thermody-
namic equilibrium from either of two sides: from the between C m↓ and C m↑ for calcite, aragonite, and amor-
phous silica can be at least 5%.
region of undersaturated solutions (C m↑ ) and from
supersaturated solutions (C m↓ ) . Therefore, the results
Such metastable states (fields) are widespread in
hydrochemical systems (Krainov and Shvets, 1980).
of mass transfer calculation in groundwater are largely There is no crystallization in a stable (undersaturated)
based on the equilibrium constraints (C m↑,C m↓ ) . state. In a labile state (supersaturated solutions), crys-
Most experimental studies on gypsum solubility in tallization is inevitable. These states are separated by a
water were conducted under static conditions at 25°C. field of metastable states, in which the concentration
Synthetic or natural gypsum in the form of powder, of solution is higher than or equal to equilibrium one,
granules, or individual monocrystals was used. The and crystallization is practically impossible.
spontaneous reaction caused the dissolution process Investigations of the stability of supersaturated
to pass from the region of undersaturated solutions to solutions are usually focused on, first, the determina-
the region of gypsum saturation under the conditions tion of experimental conditions affecting supersatura-
of open and closed (to air) systems. Equilibrium in the tion; second, the estimation of the degree of supersat-
solution was evaluated by the measurement of mainly uration as a function of particle size; and, third, the
the concentration of Ca2+, C m↑ = 0.0149–0.0157 M calculation of the boundaries of the metastable region


1 tration forms. In this paper, the C m↑ and C m↓ values are

2 presented in the molar scale.
3 The gypsum solubility is defined as the saturation
4 concentration of its solution under given conditions.
The boundaries of the field of metastable state are C m↑
and C m↓ values obtained under the conditions of the
undersaturation → saturation and supersaturation →
r > 2 μm r = 0.2–0.5 μm saturation transition, respectively.


IN WATER (r < 1 μm)
0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019
Solubility, mol/L There are only a few experimental investigations
of the influence of the size of gypsum particles on its
Fig. 1. Solubility of gypsum in water at 25°C, (4) calculated solubility in water. According to the most frequently
and (1–3) measured under certain experimental condi- cited studies of Hulett (1901) and Dundon and Mack
tions. Dissolution of dispersed gypsum: (1) under the con- (1923), the solubility of gypsum in distilled water
ditions of C m↑ dependence on particle size, C m↑ = C m↑ (r), increases significantly at r < 1 μm, and the maximum
and (2) under the conditions when such an effect is absent, value 0.0182 M was observed at r = 0.2–0.5 μm
C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r); (3) dissolution of a flat gypsum surface simi- (C m↑ = C m↑ (r), 25°C, interval 1 in Fig. 1). An increase
lar to natural one (unfilled symbols are C m↓ , and filled sym-
in gypsum particle size to 2 μm depresses the solubil-
ity to 0.0153 M (25°C), when the solubility becomes
bols are C m↑ ). Solid horizontal lines are gypsum solubility probably independent of the particle size, which is
values under given conditions. Dashed vertical lines are the supported by the data of Christoffersen and Christof-
boundaries of the range of most common C m↑ values deter- fersen (1976): 0.0152–0.0153 M (25°C) at r = 50–
mined under conditions 2. 300 μm.
A lower C m↑ value of 0.0148 M was reported by
on the basis of the general thermodynamic interpreta- Sung-Tsuen Liu and Nancollas (1971) for solutions of
tion of this phenomenon (Khamskii, 1975). suspensions with r = 80–120 μm (25°C, distilled
water, 1 mL of suspension contained 74 mg of gypsum
This study is an attempt to interpret experimental crystals).
data on gypsum solubility in water for the determina- In the experiments of Kuznetsov et al. (1957), par-
tion of the boundaries of the field of metastable solu- ticle size fractions of 1000–500, 500–200, 200–90,
tion states. The goal of our study was to determined C m↑ and <90 μm were blended with distilled water in gyp-
sum : water proportions of 1 : 10, 1 : 20, and 1 : 50.
and C m↓ values (25°C) for their use in constructing
Solutions with suspended particles prepared in such a
models of mass transfer between gypsum-bearing way were supersaturated by approximately 5% of gyp-
rocks and groundwater. sum solubility (18°C), and the concentration of solu-
Based on the analysis of published data, we distin- tion decreased in 1–2 h to a certain constant value,
guished three intervals of parameters constrained by and the supersaturation increased with decreasing
experiments and one interval obtained by calculations water : gypsum ratio. A similar effect was observed by
(1–4 in Fig. 1). Interval 4 (Fig. 1) was obtained from Dundon and Mack (1923).
the calculation of gypsum solubility in water using the Theoretical solutions are obtained on the basis of
standard free energy of the reaction, activity coeffi- considerations used for the deduction of the Ostwald–
cients, and solution ionic strength: 0.0151 M (Drever, Freundlich equation (known as the Thompson–Gibbs
1982), 0.01525 (Raines and Dewers, 1997, using the effect or Gibbs–Kelvin equation). For a monocrystal
PHRQPTZ program), 0.0153 (Levchenko, 1950; of arbitrary geometry in equilibrium with an electro-
Zverev, 1967), and 0.0154 (Marshall and Slusher, lyte, this dependence can be expressed as (Enustun
1966). The conditions of C m↑ and C m↓ determination for and Turkevich, 1960)
intervals 1–3 are briefly characterized below. log(a/ao) = (2/3(Mαδ))/(2.03RTpνχ), (1)
In the available studies, data on gypsum solubility where a and a0 are the activities (defined as solubili-
in water (~2 g/L, 25°C) are expressed in weight, ties) of a face with the characteristic size χ and an
molal, or molar concentrations. Given the small infinitely large face, respectively; M is the molecular
amount of dissolved matter, changes in solution den- mass of the crystal; α is the characteristic geometrical
sity can be ignored during the calculation of concen- coefficient; δ is the mean interface tension; R is the gas



constant; T is the temperature; p is the crystal density; 10

Number of experimental studies

and ν is the number of ions formed at the dissociation
of one mole of the electrolyte. 8
Equation (1) can be used also in the case of a set of
particles. Enustun and Turkevich (1960) studied the 6
solubility of a mixture of SrSO4 crystals in water at
25°C and showed that the solubility of a mixture of 4
crystals of varying size is controlled by the finest frac-
tion. In the case of a population of geometrically uni-
form particles, α = p(SΣχ3)/(Σχ2), where S is the reac- 2
tion surface.
Calculations based on Eq. (1) indicate that gypsum 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.55 1.57 1.59 1.61
solubility in water increases significantly at r < 0.01– C↑m 102, mol/L
0.1 μm and is practical size-invariant at r > 1–5 μm
(0.0151 M at 20°C; Baldin and Grushevskii, 1976; Sri-
kantan, 1949). However, at r < 1 μm, the reliability of Fig. 2. Distribution of C m↑ values (r ~ 10–500 μm, 25°C).
the calculated values of gypsum solubility is question-
able to a certain degree, because the current estimates
of δ values differ by several orders of magnitude. For publications. Therefore, it is impossible to determine
instance, δ = 12 erg/cm2 was obtained from data on
the formation of crystal nuclei (Ratinov and Ivanov, the dependence of C m↑ on particular characteristics.
1969), whereas the dissolution of small gypsum parti- The histogram of Fig. 2 appears almost symmetri-
cles yielded δ values of 370 and 1050 erg/cm2 (Enustun
and Turkevich, 1960). cal. The mean value is C m↑ = 0.0153 (±4.5%) M. The
most frequent C m↑ values fall within the range 0.0151–
0.0154 M (25°C).
IN WATER (r = 10–500 μm)
The following is the range of C m↑values based on the OF LITHOLOGICAL GYPSUM VARIETIES
data of 17 most comprehensive studies conducted IN WATER
under the condition C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r) at 25°C (interval 2, Interval 3 is composed of two segments defined by
Fig. 1): 0.0142 M (Voznesenskii and Biktimirov, C m↑ and C m↓ values (Fig. 1). Data for C m↑ were obtained
1957), 0.0147 (Nakayama and Rasnick, 1967), 0.0148 in previous investigations of the kinetics of gypsum
(Sung-Tsuen Liu and Nancollas, 1971), 0.0151 (Mar- dissolution in water (Lebedev, 2015). Fifteen litholog-
shall and Slusher, 1966), 0.01513 (Madgin and Swales, ical varieties represented by practically pure gypsum
1956), 0.0152 (Sturn, 1975; Christoffersen and Chris- were collected at the coastal zone of the Kama reser-
toffersen, 1976; Bock, 1961), 0.0153 (Bennett and voir (P1ir) and from drill cores (10–70 m depths) at the
Adams, 1972; Hulett and Allen, 1902; Shternina,
1949; Levchenko, 1950), 0.01535 (Zdanovskii and region of the Kafirnigan River (N1kf1, Tajik Republic).
Spiridonov, 1967), 0.01536 (Shternina and Frolova, Experiments were conducted in a periodically active
1945), 0.0154 (Karazhanov, 1959), 0.0158 (Raines and cell under continuous stirring of a thermostated solu-
Dewers, 1997), and 0.0161 (Blok and Waters, 1968). tion (Fig. 3). In all the experiments, almost identical
Natural or synthetic gypsum (r = 10–500 μm) was C m↑ values of 0.0151 M (±0.5%, 25°C) were obtained;
used in these studies. they correspond to the lowest values from the main
database on gypsum dissolution in a dispersed state
The distribution of these values is shown in the his-
togram of Fig. 2 (value of 0.0142 M obtained by (C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r), Fig. 1).
Voznesenskii and Biktimirov (1957) was rejected as
For the determination of C m↓ , gypsum-saturated
least reliable). The C m↑ scatter of ~9% (0.0147–0.0161 M,
solution was produced in the cell at 30°C and then
Fig. 2) is probably due to the combined effect of exper-
imental conditions. The following characteristics were cooled to 25°C. The stabilization of Ca2+ concentra-
used for their description: quantity and quality of reac- tion in the solution (C m↓ = 0.0152–0.0153 M, 25°C)
tants, geometry of the reaction vessel, rate of solution
was observed within 2–3 h. The scatter of C m↑ , C m↓ , and
stirring, preparation of gypsum particles for experi-
ments, etc. However, only a “selective” quantitative C m↓ – C m↑ values (~0.7%) was comparable with the error
description of these parameters was given in most of the of solution analysis.



expected from calculations using Eq. (1), i.e., larger

than 0.01 μm. Perhaps, such elevated solubility is
4 related to gypsum dehydration and/or a change in the
structure of the surface layer of grains during their
mechanical treatment (crushing and grinding), which
resulted in the chemical activation of the reaction sur-
face (gypsum powder may lose up to 8% H2O during
1 grinding; see a review by Budnikov, 1943).
This feature explains the temporary supersatura-
3 tion of solutions with large suspended crystals
observed in the experiments of Kuznetsov et al.
(1957). Furthermore, since sieves were used in these
2 experiments for the separation of fractions, particles
much smaller than 90 μm could appear in the solu-
tion; this is indicated by a subsequent rapid decrease in
solution concentration, which can be explained only
Fig. 3. Cartoon of the experimental setup: (1) thermostated by the growth of these smaller crystals. It is believed
cell; (2) sample; (3) stirrer; and (4) recording instruments. that such growth of finely dispersed particles is charac-
teristic mostly of crystal hydrates (Enustun and
Long experiments (up to one year) were conducted Turkevich, 1960).
at ambient temperature with water preliminarily satu- The analytical solution on the basis of the Ost-
rated or unsaturated with air using hermetic glass wald–Freundlich expression (Eq. 1) is approximate
flasks without solution stirring and thermostating. because its derivation involved the assumption that
Gypsum samples with untreated and treated flat sur- solutions can be described by ideal gas laws, and the
faces were used. During the chemical analysis of water δ value is independent of particle size. Another unre-
samples at t = 21.5°C, a precipitate of small transpar- solved issue is the influence of electric charge (Knapp
ent gypsum crystals of tabular shape was observed in effect) and adsorption on the particle surface of any
the solutions. In all the experiments, the difference in active substances on the solubility of particles. This is
probably why the gypsum solubility in water calculated
Ca2+ concentration (C m↑ ≈ 0.0147 M) was no higher using Eq. (1) is consistent with experimental data only
than the precision of the chemical analysis of solution. at r > 1 μm.
These values are ~1% lower than those obtained in
Adamson (1976) argued that a relation similar to
short experiments (2–3 h) at continuous solution stir-
Eq. (1) is not theoretically justified and proved even
ring and gypsum dissolution from a flat surface
for the excess solubility of small ionic crystals in a dis-
(0.0149 M) at 20°C (Lebedev, 2015).
persed state, although the method of experimental
Thus, the influence of experimental conditions on determination of surface tension from solubility has
the solubility of a flat gypsum surface analogous to become rather widespread. For the dissolution of a
natural one appeared to be insignificant. The experi- polymineralic surface of fractures and pores in gyp-
ments with solution stirring and in stagnant water, at sum-bearing rocks in groundwater, such dependence
durations from a few hours to one year, and with dif-
ferent sizes of reaction vessels and lithological charac- is only hypothetical. For instance, the C m↑ values
obtained for the dissolution of flat surfaces of different
teristics of natural gypsum yielded a scatter in C m↑ , C m↓ , lithological varieties of gypsum in water appeared to be
and C m↓ –C m↑ of approximately 1%. practically identical (Lebedev, 2015).
In lithological varieties with even micro-grained
textures, the fraction of particles with r < 1 μm is very
DISCUSSION limited (Lebedev, 2015). During the dissolution of
rocks with such textures, a state of supersaturated
The widest range of experimental C m↑ values was solution can probably be attained only for a short time
obtained under the conditions when the particle size of
after which C m↑ approached gradually “normal” values
dispersed gypsum affects its solubility (r < 1 μm, C m↑ = for given conditions; this was observed in the experi-
C m↑ (r), Fig. 1). At r > 1 μm, the solubility is indepen- ments of Kuznetsov et al. (1957). Therefore, the
results of experiments on the dissolution of larger gyp-
dent of particle size, C m↑ ≈ 0.0153 ± 4.5% M at 25°C, sum grains (r > 10–500 μm) are most useful for the
and the maximum solubility was reached at r < 0.2– solution of problems of mass transfer in groundwater.
0.5 μm (0.0182 M, 25°C); i.e., an order of magnitude
decrease in particle size is accompanied by a solubility Most of the investigations of gypsum solubility in
increase by 16%. Such a degree of supersaturation was water (C m↑ , 25°C; Fig. 2) were performed under the
obtained for particle sizes much larger than could be conditions when the solubility is independent of parti-



cle size, C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r). In these investigations, the com- sum in water under the condition C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r), and the
position and stability of supersaturated solutions are minimum difference can be estimated from the data
controlled by a combined effect of experimental con- obtained for the dissolution of the flat surfaces of lith-
ditions. The influence of particular factors (i.e., gyp- ological varieties of gypsum. Similar data on the solu-
sum mass, solution volume, their proportion, geome- bility of some minerals in water were reported by Har-
try of the reaction vessel, intensity of solution stirring, die (1967). Thus, the C m↑ – C m↓ range is approximately
presence of insoluble admixture particles, preparation 1–5%, depending on the certain “safety margin” for
of particles for the experiment, etc.) on C m↑ is the solution of mass transfer problems.
unknown. The most common solubility values
(0.0151–0.0154 M, Fig. 2) correspond to the results of
calculation (interval 4) and experimental data on the CONCLUSIONS
dissolution of a flat gypsum surface (interval 3, Fig. 1).
Such a correspondence is probably due to a combined Most of the investigations of gypsum solubility in
effect of some common experimental features (factors water at 25°C provided C m↑ values, and there are almost
above). no data for C m↓ . Therefore, the filed of metastable states
The most important problem in the experimental of gypsum-saturated groundwater cannot be currently
investigation of the solubility of finely dispersed parti- determined from experimental data. Supposedly, the
cles is their preparation for experiments, i.e., prepara- difference of the concentrations of dissolved gypsum
tion of fractions with a more or less uniform composi- at the boundaries of this field is 1–5%.
tion (both in particle shape and size). Under such con-
ditions, the true value of supersaturation or saturation The estimates of gypsum solubility in water at 25°C

cannot be measured, because a monodispersed fraction (C m) range from 0.0147 to 0.0182 M. Such a scatter of
cannot be obtained (solution concentration changes
continuously). In fact, the measured values approach C m↑ values (more than 20%) results from a combined
more or less closely true values and are considered effect of experimental conditions. Their influence is
appropriate for practical applications (Khamskii, 1975). most prominent for the dissolution of dispersed gyp-
sum and very weak for the dissolution of a flat surface
Therefore, the range of C m↑ = 0.0147–0.0161 M (~9%, of lithological varieties of gypsum similar to natural
Fig. 2) characterizes the precision of C m↑ determination ones. In the latter case, the precision of C m↑ is up to
(~4.5%) at the dissolution of dispersed gypsum in water ±1%, and it can be used for modeling mass transfer
under the condition C m↑ ≠ C m↑ (r). between gypsum-bearing rocks and groundwater.
Such an uncertainty of gypsum solubility determi- The reverse dependence of the solubility of gypsum
nation (~4–5%) may appear insufficient for the solu- particles in water on their size was experimentally
tion of problems of mass transfer in gypsum-saturated established (25°C) at r < 1 μm. As the grain size
groundwater. For instance, the path length of solution increases to r > 1 μm, C m↑ decrases to a constant value
saturation in gypsum in a 0.1-cm wide fracture at a under the given experimental conditions. The results
flow rate of <10–1 m/s can increase by up to 30% in
response to a concentration increase by 1% (Lebedev of theoretical calculations of C m↑ using the approximate
and Lekhov, 1999). Ostwald–Freundlich equation are consistent with
experimental data only at r > 1 μm. In the case of a
Under the conditions of the dissolution of a flat polymineralic surface of fractures or pores, such
gypsum surface similar to natural one, the influence of dependence is still hypothetical.
experimental conditions on C m↑ appeared to be negligi-
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