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PROTECT 2024 . IPW .


The oil and gas industry has long been the keystone of
building and driving global economic progress. Empowered by
ever-evolving technology, the industry has undergone an
impressive transformation. However, we cannot turn a blind eye
to the challenges and uncertainties that lurk, especially in the
case of the environment and the sustainability of natural

Amidst this stage of challenges, energy sustainability is

becoming increasingly important. The oil and gas industry
holds a huge responsibility to find innovative solutions that
enable us to achieve global sustainability goals. This requires
both the adoption of new environmentally friendly technologies
and a strong commitment from all parties involved.
As a form of support for the development of the energy
UPer SC joined the organization of Petroleum Integrated Event
and Competition 2024 (PROTECT 2024). PROTECT 2024 will be a
great moment of collaboration with International Petro Well,
and Well Integrity, to encourage the creation of brand new
innovations in the industry.

Project Managers of
PROTECT, IPW, and WI 2024

The Petroleum Integrated Competition 2024 (PROTECT 24)

aims to develop and optimize innovative solutions to overcome
energy challenges for future sustainability. The event
encompasses various components, including the Pre-event,
Main-event, and Post-event, each with its own objectives and
key results. In the Pre-event, activities such as the Smart
Competition, Paper & Poster, and Program for Enhancing
Software Training Through Interactive Networking
(PERFORATION) focus on enhancing participants' ideas, skills in
oil industry development, and software proficiency for
engineers. The Main-event features competitions like Smart
Competition, Well Design, Drilling Fluid Design, Paper and Poster,
and Business Case, targeting global participation from
university students. The post-event activities include a Gala
Dinner and Special Event "Cultural Exploration" to strengthen
inter-university relations. Furthermore, the Social Act "PROTECT
OUR COAST" emphasizes environmental awareness through a
collective beach-cleaning initiative. The overall objective is to
cultivate resilient and intelligent human resources by tapping
into ideas, potential, innovation, and creativity, with the primary
target audience being students from universities worldwide.

The International Petrowell Event 2024 (IPW 2024) is a significant

initiative by the SPWLA Universitas Pertamina Student Chapter
and the Department of Educational Excellence SPWLA Universitas
Pertamina Student Chapter as the organizer. The event comprises
pre-event, main-event, and post-event activities. The pre-event
includes software training sessions for FracCade and PipeSim by
Schlumberger, enhancing participants' skills for the subsequent
competitions. The main-event features the Fracturing Fluid
Design Competition (FFDC) and Petrowell Study Case
Competition (PSCC), challenging teams to design optimal
fracturing fluids and analyze reservoir data. The post-event
includes the Annual Symposium, focusing on industry insights
and sustainability, and the Gala Dinner, serving as the
culmination with performances, competition announcements,
nominations, and the official closure of IPW 2024. The event's
objectives include seamless execution, participants gaining
insights, satisfaction with activities, and building both national
and international relations. The target audience is 150 students
and professionals, with specific targets for each event within IPW
2024. The timeline spans pre-event software training in March,
main-event competitions in May at Universitas Pertamina, and
post-event activities, including the Annual Symposium and Gala
Dinner. The overarching goal is to contribute to the participants'
knowledge in petrophysics and well logging, foster networking,
and recognize outstanding achievements through competitions
and symposium discussions.

Well Integrity 2024 is an event with a pre-event focus on

fostering relationships between organizations, participants,
professionals and companies through software training in
reservoir simulation. The main event revolved around an
exciting competition with interesting themes, aiming to gain
significant participation levels and strong early and late stage
delegates. Post event activities aimed to maintain and
strengthen the relationship between the organization,
participants, professionals and companies, involving a large
number of participants and feedback through questionnaire
responses. The main objective of the whole initiative was to
target national and international students interested in the
Reservoir Simulation Competition, developing their skills and
knowledge. Various activities, including Petro Pinnacle software
training, the Reservoir Simulation Competition, and Petro Safari
company visits, collectively contributed in enhancing
participants' understanding and capabilities in the oil and gas
industry. The event took place over several days, offering a
comprehensive experience and insight into the intricacies of
the field, ultimately contributing to the development of
innovative solutions and expertise for the future of the energy

PROTECT, IPW and WI describe different ways to address

global energy challenges. PROTECT 2024 focuses on developing
innovations for sustainable energy, while IPW 2024 delves into
the complexities of Indonesian oil and gas, addressing both
geology and production issues. Well Integrity 2024 (WI)
prioritizes skills development for global energy transformation
through Software Training, Reservoir Simulation Competition,
and Petro Safari. PROTECT emphasizes broad innovation, IPW
addresses industry-specific challenges in Indonesia, and WI
aligns itself with global energy transformation through
comprehensive skills and understanding enhancement.
Target Participants
Benin University
De Estado University
Palawan State University
Batangas University
Technology University
Gadjah Mada University
Indonesia University
UPNV Yogyakarta
STT Migas Balikpapan
Sriwijaya University
Trisakti University
Bandung Institute of Technology
Diponegoro University
USA PEM Akamigas Cepu
Oklahoma University Padjajaran University
Texas A&M University Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
University of Boumerdes Technology
Philippines PEM Akamigas Balongan
Nigeria Malaysia University of Batangas
University of Benin University of Technology Palawan State Universities
Rio de Janeiro State

Smart competition is one of the branches of competition at the

PROTECT 2024 event. In this competition, a question-and-answer
session was held at a predetermined time. Topics covered include the
world of oil and gas, renewable energy, and challenges in dealing with
renewable energy in the world of oil and gas. These competitions
require critical thinking, agility, teamwork, accuracy, and a high level of


“Broadening Knowledge in Oil and Gas Operations to Navigate

Energy Challenges and Ensure Future Sustainability”


Preliminary Stage
Venue : Online via Zoom Could Meeting
Date : Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Time : 08.00 AM - end (GMT +7)

Semifinal and Final Stage

Venue : Universitas Pertamina
Date : Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Time : 07.30 AM - end (GMT +7)

1. The PROTECT 2024 Smart Competition welcomes undergraduate

students from all universities.
2. Each team is comprised of members from the same university, and
individuals may only join one team.
3. Team members may represent different majors but must be from
the same university.
4. Participants are required to fill out and submit the official PROTECT
2024 registration form before the specified deadline.
5. Each team can have a maximum of three members, with no
substitutions permitted.
6. The Smart Competition PROTECT 2024 will take place online for the
Preliminary Stage via Zoom Meetings and offline for the Semifinal
and Final Stage at Universitas Pertamina, South Jakarta, Indonesia.
7. All communication, both verbal and written, during the
competitions will be conducted in English.
8. All successful contestants must attend a technical meeting, the
schedule of which will be communicated via email by the
9. Any instance of cheating will result in immediate disqualification. At
least one member of each team must attend the Technical
Meeting, the date and time of which will be communicated via
email and the PROTECT 2024 official account.
10. The decisions rendered by the judges are final and conclusive.
11. The winner of the PROTECT 2024 Smart Competition will be
announced during the PROTECT 2024 Awarding Night.
12. All regulations pertaining to PROTECT 2024 are subject to change at
any time under official decision. Any modifications to the rules will
be communicated via email, social media, or during technical
meeting sessions.

Preliminary Upper Stage
During the Preliminary Stage, teams will be assigned to 3
separate breakout rooms, each adhering to their designated
schedule. Teams from the same university will be placed in
different groups and will compete simultaneously. The top team
from each breakout room, a total of 1 winner per room, will
directly progress to the Semifinal Upper Stage.
Preliminary Lower Stage
The loser team will enter the Preliminary Lower Stage. The
mechanism will be the same as the Preliminary Upper Stage.
There will be 1 (one) team winner from every breakout room
who will directly advance to the Semifinal Lower Stage.
The schedule and tournament groups for the competition day will
be established in the technical meeting.
For every two correct answers in a row, one bonus question will be
In the Preliminary Stage, whether in the Upper or Lower Stage,
teams will participate in a single game featuring 15 toss-up
questions. Each question allows a 15-second window for the teams
to respond.

Semifinal Lower Stage
During the Semifinal Lower Stage, teams will be assigned to 3
separate breakout rooms, adhering to their designated
schedules. In each room, two games will take place, each
consisting of 35 questions (20 toss-up questions and 15 main
questions), with a 15-second time limit for responding to each
question. The victor from each breakout room will proceed
directly to the Final Lower Stage.
Semifinal Upper Stage
In the Semifinal Upper Stage, each breakout room will feature
25 questions, comprising five mandatory questions and 20
toss-up questions. The team emerging as the winner in each
breakout room will seamlessly progress to the Final Stage.
Details regarding the compulsory questions will be
communicated during the technical meeting.
For every two correct answers in a row, one bonus question will be

Final Lower Stage
During the Final Lower Stage, teams will participate in a game
featuring 25 questions, consisting of 10 consonant games and
15 toss-up questions. The team that emerges victorious in this
stage will directly proceed to the Semifinal Upper Stage.
Final Upper Stage
In the culmination of the competition, the Final Upper Stage will
feature a game with 29 questions, comprising 9 number game
questions and 20 toss-up questions. The Final Stage will include
three teams, ultimately determining the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
winners based on their performance.


Three judges will assess and assign points both in absolute terms and
in accordance with the competition rules.
The moderator will oversee the entire sequence of competitions and
have the authority to pause the event.
Question Reader
Question readers will read the questions one by one clearly to
The scorekeeper is responsible for establishing the official score, and
the competition may only recommence once the scorekeeper
announces the official score.
A timekeeper will set and monitor the time limit required in the
The Operator
The operator will support participants throughout the competition and
will be responsible for managing and presenting various media
elements, including video conferencing and related tasks.
A host in the meeting room who can change, invite, and delete
participants in the meeting room.


The main question will be provided for each team in every stage.
Every team member may answer the question, but before
answering, the member should say, “The final answer is”, followed
by the final answer.
The correct answer will get 10 points, incorrect answer -5 points,
and if they cannot answer the question (pass), will get 0 points.

There will be toss-up questions for the elimination until the
semifinal stage.
A participant can "buzz in" to respond to the toss-up question.
If a team provides an incorrect answer, the question will be posed
to another team, with the same question repeated and the penalty
for incorrect answers applied.
Each team is allotted 15 seconds to answer toss-up questions.
Correct responses earn 10 points, while incorrect ones incur a
deduction of 5 points. If a team cannot provide an answer
(chooses to pass), they receive 0 points.

A team qualifies for bonus questions if they correctly answer the
toss-up question two consecutive times. During this round, other
teams are prohibited from answering.
Each team is given 10 seconds to respond to the bonus question.
Correct answers earn 10 points, and there are no penalties for
incorrect responses.


Within the Consonant Blends Game, each team will sequentially
select and open questions from a designated box. Subsequently,
the question reader will provide three clues about the chosen
If a team fails to answer, the question will be passed to another
team with a new question.
Teams are allotted 10 seconds to respond to the question following
its reading by the question reader.
Correct answers are rewarded with 10 points, while incorrect
responses incur a deduction of points.


The detail for rules and concept of the game will be informed on
the technical meeting.

Academic/Technical Study
Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary
PetroWiki by SPE
API Glossary
Petroleum Engineering and related (reservoir engineering, geology,
etc.) can be books, e-books, journals, and papers.

Non-academic/Non-technical Study
History, trivia, current event
The Prize Book


Participants must have an electronic device (Laptop or Computer)

and have Zoom Meeting installed.
Participants must prepare a good internet connection and
sufficient device battery during the competition.
Pens, sheets of paper, and calculators can be used for counting
Participants cannot use the electronic device to help them answer
the question.


The time used is the absolute official time.

Fifteen minutes before the commencement of the match, every
player needs to be situated. Any reason for lateness will not be
The competition will begin in accordance with the rundown that
was created.

The moderator will acknowledge only the first response provided

by the participant.
Common acronyms and abbreviations are permitted (such as
chemical symbols and national/international abbreviations),
participants will be prompted by the moderator to expand on such
In cases where there are multiple correct answers, participants
may provide responses in any order, but each solution should be
articulated within a maximum of 5 seconds.


Symbolizing between team members and the surrounding

environment is not allowed. The specific symbols in question
include verbal, written, eye contact, hand, and others. Violation of
the rules regarding special characters will result in a missed
opportunity to answer the throw. Repeated offenses may result in
Any intimidation and blasphemy from participants against other
participants and the tournament will result in the deduction of
points up to disqualification.
Any act of cheating may result in disqualification.

1. Registration will be conducted on the PROTECT 2024 website

2. Each team will fill out a registration form that immediately includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200.000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7).
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to:
BCA : 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA : 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
8. For international delegates, please refer to the USD registration
fees. Please kindly send the payment to our PayPal account:
9. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
10. After making a payment, each team members must upload a
photo using a twibbon and a caption that has been provided by
the committee on the Instagram feed. Each team members must
upload a twibbon from March 4th - 24th, 2024. Make sure that the
instragram account for each team members are not private.
11. For further questions, please ask via the contact person below.

Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
Technical Meeting Preliminary Round : March 30th, 2024
Preliminary Stage : April 20th, 2024
Official Delegates Announcement : April 27rd, 2024
Technical Meeting for Main Competition : May 22nd, 2024
Main Competition : May 25th, 2024
Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st Winner : IDR 5.000.000,00 + certificate

2nd Winner : IDR 3.000.000,00 + certificate
3rd Winner : IDR 2.000.000,00 + certificate


Patrinita Adinda Azzahra

Head of Smart Competition PROTECT 2024
Whatsapp : +62 813 5824 2837
Line ID : paa21
Email :

Well Design Competition encourages students to be able to apply

knowledge in engineering, especially the technique of making
hydrocarbon wells with actual field data, participants must be able to
describe the potential presence of hydrocarbons and the possibility of
problems that can occur based on their geological structure,
determine the shape of the well, selection of casing, selection of
drilling mud, selection cement, to economize wells, and hydrocarbon
drainage strategies from the wellbore to the surface (completion).
Several data are required to support the well design resistivity log,
formation description, chromatograph log, seismic, and drill stem test
data. All data will be taken from real wells, with the renaming of the
Well Design Competition will attract not only petroleum engineering
students, but also geology and geophysics students because the
knowledge about well design is obtained relatively sustainable
between these 3 majors such as drilling engineering, pore pressure
prediction, and formation analysis.


“Enhancing Optimization and Innovation in Constructing Well for

Adaptive and Efficiency Energy Solutions, While Still Considering
Sustainability, Economic Viability, Social, and Environmental
Factors in Energy Transition Era.”


Venue : Universitas Pertamina

Date, Day : Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Time : 07.30 – 15.55 WIB (GMT+7)

1. Well Design Competition is open to all engineering undergraduate

students from any university.
2. In the preliminary stages, the committee does not limit the
maximum number of teams that register for each university
3. The 6 best teams will advance to the final stage.
4. In the final stage, only 3 (three) teams could pass for each
university representative.
5. The team consists of a maximum of 4 (four) students or less, either
from the same major or different major.
6. Each member only registered in one team.
7. The report (.pdf) and presentation (.ppt) files are required from all
8. The report and presentation document must be written in English.
9. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
10. The presentation will be conducted privately.
11. Further information about the competition will be explained at the
technical meeting session.
12. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
technical meeting. The date and time of the technical meeting will
be announced via email and PROTECT 2024 official account.
13. Any form of violation will get punished based on the official
regulation, and the highest punishment is disqualification.
14. The judge’s decision is absolute and cannot be interfered with.
15. The PROTECT 2024 Well Design Competition winner will be
announced through the PROTECT 2024 Awarding Night.
16. All regulations of PROTECT 2024 are subject to be changed anytime
at any condition due to official decision. Any changes related to the
rule will be announced via email, social media, or during technical
meeting sessions.

Well Design Competition consists of 3 (three) stages: Preliminary

Stage, Software Training, and Final Stage.
Preliminary Stage
1. Participants must work on an essay in accordance with the case or
question that will be given by the committee.
2. The essay is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 4 pages (excluding attachments)
References : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the essay submitted did not follow the format above, there will
be a score reduction of 5% points of the total score applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on essay.
5. Essay must be submitted to the committee before April 17th, 2024
at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via website (
6. File Name: WDEssay_Team Name_PROTECT2024
7. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 10% of the total points.
8. The 6 best teams will be selected to compete in the Final Stage.
Software Training
1. Every team that passes to the final stage is required to take part
in Software Training.
2. This software training will be held in collaboration with Halliburton.
3. The software used is Landmark.
4. This software training is free for each team delegation from each
university that passes to the final stage.
5. This software training will be conducted in hybrid.
6. In the final stage, the participants will be asked to complete the
case using the software that had been used in the software
training event.

Final Stage
The Final Stage consists of 2 parts: Final Report Submission and Final
Report Presentation.

Final Report Presentation

1. Each team prepared well for the presentation.
2. All types of communication and presentations must be in English.
3. Each team is given 45 minutes for the Presentation Session. 5
minutes to prepare, 20 minutes for presentation, and 20 minutes
for Q&A.
4. Presentation materials (.ppt) must be in English and submitted to
the committee before May 22nd, 2024, at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via
website ( with the format file name:
WD_PPT_Team Name_PROTECT2024
5. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on presentation power point.
6. The participants who submit the final presentation late will be
given 15% deductions of the final presentation score.
7. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately to
our contact person.
8. All the team members should be present on the presentation day.
9. Competition rules can be changed at times due to official
decisions. Any changes related to the regulation will be announced
via email or during a technical meeting session.
Final Report Submission
1. Each team makes a final report on the well design, which is
analyzed based on the case given by the committee.
2. The essay is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 50 pages (excluding attachments)
References : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final report.
5. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May 22nd,
2024, at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via website (
with format
6. File name: WD_FinalReport_Team Name_PROTECT2024
7. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 15% of the total points.

There will be three (3) judges. Judge's judgments and decisions are
final and cannot be contested.
The moderator will guide the competition. Enforce the rules & have the
right to stop, pause, and continue the presentation from each team
that participates in the competition.
The operator will help each team that participates in the competition
to operate the presentation file & open any file related to the content
of the presentation.
Time Keeper
The timekeeper will remind and enforce the time limit so that the event
can run properly.


Preliminary Stage
1. Report (50%):
a. Innovation and Originality
b. Problem identification and solving
c. Creativity and actuality
d. Completeness
2. Technical Analysis (50%):
a. Question answered
b. Related to the theme
c. Report according to the format
d. Feasibility and suitability of the method
e. Reference appropriateness
Final Stage
1. Content (40%)
a. Identification and problem-solving
b. Feasibility and suitability of the method
c. Originality and innovation
d. Environmental friendliness
e. Well design must be included:
Geology prognoses
Well trajectory
Trajected specification (casing design and drilling fluid)
Cementing design
Well completion
Rational well cost
f. Equipment completeness
g. Reference appropriateness
2. Presentation (30%)
a. Knowledge of material
b. Presentation and time management
c. Speaking skills, good diction, good articulation
d. Creativity in presentation technique and design
3. QnA (30%)
a. Responsiveness
b. Clarity, accuracy, and relevance of the answer
c. Argument strength

1. Each participant should be in the venue (Universitas Pertamina) at

least 30 minutes before the presentation. Any reason for delay is
not accepted.
2. Tardiness of more than three from the scheduled presentation
time may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. Team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
5. The clock used by the committee is the official time.

1. Registration will be conducted on the PROTECT 2024 website

2. Each team will fill out a registration form that immediately includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Essay Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200.000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7).
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to:
BCA : 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA : 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
8. For international delegates, please refer to the USD registration
fees. Please kindly send the payment to our PayPal account:
9. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
10. After making a payment, each team members must upload a
photo using a twibbon and a caption that has been provided by
the committee on the Instagram feed. Each team members must
upload a twibbon from March 4th - 24th, 2024. Make sure that the
instragram account for each team members are not private
11. For further questions, please ask via the contact person below.

Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
Final Stage Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
Software Training : May 4th - 5th, 2024
Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate


Alfahmi Zikri
Head of Well Design Competition
Whatsapp : +62 812 7053 3772
Line ID : alfahmizikri_29
Email :

The rapid advancements in science and technology demand that

students engage with energy issues and their evolving landscape. The
growing population further stresses the energy supply, making
renewable energy a crucial solution for sustainability. As an energy-
focused university, Pertamina University aspires to be a global leader,
tackling national and international challenges by fostering scientific
progress and research in the energy sector.
PROTECT 2024 Drilling Fluid Design Competition challenges teams to
unleash their innovative spirit and engineer drilling fluids for the future.
Themed “Maximizing Wellbore Stability in Drilling Operations through
Innovative Fluid Designs and Environmental Friendly” this competition
seeks solutions that push the boundaries of both performance and


“Maximizing Wellbore Stability in Drilling Operations through

Innovative Fluid Designs and Environmental Friendly”


Venue : Universitas Pertamina

Date, Day : Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Time : 07.30 – 15.55 WIB (GMT+7)

1. Drilling Fluid Design Competition PROTECT 2024 participants are

open to all undergraduate students from any university (Domestic
and International Students).
2. Each university is not limited to registering its team in the
preliminary round. However, only a maximum of 3 (three) teams
from the same university can advance to the final round.
3. Each team consists of a maximum of 3 members.
4. Each team member can come from different majors but must be
from the same university.
5. Each member can only join one team. It is not allowed to change
team members after registration for any reason.
6. Drilling Fluid Design Competition PROTECT 2024 consists of 2
rounds: Preliminary and Final Stage.
7. The best 6 teams will qualify for the final round.
8. All communications, documents, and presentations must be in
9. Cases for the preliminary round and final round will be sent to each
team leader email on the specified date.
10. Essay and final reports are from original works and have not been
distributed or won in other competitions.
11. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
12. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
Technical Meeting. The date and time of the Technical Meeting will
be announced via email and PROTECT 2024 official account.
13. Judges' decisions are final and absolute.
14. The PROTECT 2024 Drilling Fluid Design Competition winner will be
announced through the PROTECT 2024 Awarding Night.
15. All regulations of PROTECT 2024 are subject to be changed anytime
at any condition due to official decision. Any changes related to the
rule will be announced via email, social media, or during technical
meeting sessions.

Drilling Fluid Design Competition consists of 2 (two) stages: The

Preliminary Stage and the Final Stage.

Preliminary Stage
1. Participants must submit an essay according to the committee’s
2. Essay is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 4 pages (excluding attachments)
References : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the essay submitted did not follow the format above, there will
be a score reduction of 5% points of the total score applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on essay.
5. Essay must be submitted to the committee before April 17th, 2024
at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via website (
6. File Name: DFDCEssay_Team Name_PROTECT2024
7. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 10% of the total points.
8. The 6 best teams will be selected to compete in the Final Stage.
Final Stage
The Final Stage consists of 2 parts: Final Report Submission and Final
Report Presentation.

Final Report Submission

1. Each team makes a final report on the mud, which they analyze
based on the case given by the committee.
2. The final report is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Page : 25 pages (excluding attachments)
References : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final report.
5. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May 22nd,
2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via website (
6. File Name: DFDCFinalReport_Team Name_PROTECT2024
7. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
Final Report Presentation
1. Each team prepared well for the presentation.
2. All types of communication and presentations must be in English.
3. Each team is given 45 minutes for the Presentation Session. 5
minutes to prepare, 20 minutes for presentation, and 20 minutes
for Q&A.
4. Presentation materials (.ppt and .pdf) must be in English and
submitted to the committee before May 22nd, 2024 at 23.59 WIB
(GMT +7) via website (
5. File Name: DFDCPPT_Team Name_PROTECT2024
6. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on presentation power point.
7. The participants who submit the final presentation late will be
given 15% deductions from the final presentation score.
8. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately
with our contact person.
9. All the team members should be present on the presentation day.
10. Competition rules can be changed anytime due to official
decisions. Any changes related to the regulation will be announced
via email or during a technical meeting session.

1. Judges
There will be at least 3 judges. All judges’ decisions concern
compliance with the rules and awarding points will be absolute.
2. Time Keeper
The timekeeper will enforce time limits and inform participants every 5
minutes of the presentation.
3. Moderator
The moderator will guide during the Final Stage. Moderators have the
right to start, stop, and continue the presentation from participants.
4. Operator
The operator will help with all participant's constraints during the

Preliminary Stage
1. Content (55%):
a. Originality
b. Essay composition
c. Creativity and actuality
d. Completeness
2. Technical Analysis (45%):
a. Question answered
b. Related to the theme
Final Stage
Content (50%):
a. Identification and problem-solving
b. Feasibility and suitability of the method
c. Originality and innovation
d. Rational cost
e. Environmental friendliness
f. Mud design
g. Risk assessment and control management
h. Equipment completeness
i. Reference appropriateness
Presentations (20%):
a. Presentation management
b. Speaking skills
c. Creativity in presentation technique and design
d. Attitude and proper outfit
QnA (30%):
a. Accuracy of answers
b. Responsiveness
c. Argument strength


1. Each participant should be in the main room at least 15 minutes

before the presentation. Any reason for the delay is not accepted.
2. Tardiness of more than three from the scheduled presentation
time may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. Team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
5. The clock used by the competition official is the official time.

1. Registration will be conducted on the PROTECT 2024 website

2. Each team will fill out a registration form that immediately includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Essay Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200.000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7).
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to:
BCA : 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA : 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
8. For international delegates, please refer to the USD registration
fees. Please kindly send the payment to our PayPal account:
9. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
10. After making a payment, each team members must upload a
photo using a twibbon and a caption that has been provided by
the committee on the Instagram feed. Each team members must
upload a twibbon from March 4th - 24th, 2024. Make sure that the
instragram account for each team members are not private
11. For further questions, please ask via the contact person below.

Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
Final Stage Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate


Dieskha Bilqis Jannah

Head of Drilling Fluid Design Competition
WhatsApp : +62 857 7147 0097
Line ID : dieskhabilqis
Email :

We know that the need for energy each year will continue to
increase. Energy needs that continue to increase require humans to
find solutions so that these energy needs can be met. For this reason,
mature and efficient strategies are needed to meet energy needs
during the current energy transition era. The PROTECT 2024 paper and
poster competitions carry the theme "Overcoming Barriers in
Transformation of Renewable Energy Technologies for Future
Sustainable Energy Development”. Through this competition, it is
hoped that prospective young academics can put their thoughts into
the form of papers and posters to find solutions to this problem.
Paper and Poster Competition consists of two rounds, namely the
preliminary and final rounds. All teams submit abstracts in the
preliminary round, then the team that will proceed to the final round is
based on the abstract selected by the judges. In the final round,
finalists will present their innovations through completed papers in
front of the judges, and there will be a poster voting by Instagram


“Overcoming Barriers in the Transformation of Renewable Energy

Technologies for Future Sustainable Energy Development.”


Venue : Universitas Pertamina

Day, date : Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Time : 07.30 – 15.55 WIB (GMT+7)

1. PROTECT 2024 Paper and Poster Competition participants are

undergraduate students from any university (Domestic and
International Students).
2. Each university is not limited to registering its team in the
preliminary round. However, only a maximum of 3 (three) teams
from the same university can advance to the final round.
3. Each team consists of a maximum of 3 (three) members from the
same university.
4. In the preliminary round, all teams must submit an abstract as the
main procedure for selection before presenting paper in the final
5. Abstract, full paper, and poster must be written and presented in
6. Abstract, paper, and poster must be related to the PROTECT 2024
Paper and Poster Competition theme.
7. Abstract, paper, and poster must follow the given format.
8. Abstracts, papers, and posters submitted in the competition have
never been published or used in professional journals and other
9. Abstract and full paper must be written in APA citation format.
10. Any plagiarism will be disqualified.
11. All participants must attend the Technical Meeting, the time and
platform will be notified by the committee via email and PROTECT
2024 official account.
12. Judge's decisions are absolute and can't be interfered.
13. All PROTECT 2024 regulations are subject to change under any
circumstances due to official decisions. Any changes to the rules
and regulation will notify all participants via social media or email

1. Paper and Poster Competition consist of 2 (two) Rounds. The

preliminary round is the abstract selection, the final round is the
presentation of papers and the poster exhibition.
2. Only 6 abstracts will be selected to advance to the final round and
announced by the committee on April 27th, 2024 by Instagram
3. In the final round, there are only a maximum of three teams
4. from the same university.
5. The 6 selected abstracts need to be developed in paper and
poster in the final round.
6. The poster that gets the most votes and likes on PROTECT2024's
instagram ( will get the favorite
poster prize.


1. Abstract must be written in English and must be submitted as a

pdf file.
2. Abstract should be around 250 - 500 words. Abstracts must follow
the following rules:
Page size : A4 Format
Font style : Times New Roman
Font size : 12
Left : 3 cm
Top : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Line spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
3. The abstract contains information about the author name, major,
and email.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on abstract.
5. Abstract consists of:
Objectives and Scope
Method Procedure and Process
Result, Observation, and Conclusions
Additional Information
6. The abstract should not be much different from the paper. Abstract
file name format: PaperProtect2024_ABSTRACT_Team Name.pdf
7. Abstracts must be submitted before April 17th, 2024 at 23.59 (GMT
8. Abstract are submitted via website
9. Participants can access an example of an abstract format at the
10. Failure to comply with the format or late submission of abstract
may result in a 10% deduction of points.


1. Paper must be written in English following the existing writing

2. The paper must consist of a minimum of 1000 words, maximum
number of words uses is 7000 words (each graphics, diagrams,
tables, and supporting illustrations will count as 300 word)
3. Paper is made in the form of the following information: Title, Name,
and Major.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on paper.
5. The paper should not differ much from the abstract.
6. Paper must follow the following rules:
Page size : A4 Format
Font style : Times New Roman
Font size : 12
Font size for the title : 14
Left : 3 cm
Top : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Line spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
7. Paper must be submitted before May 22nd, 2024 at 23.59 (GMT +7)
8. Format of the paper file name: PaperProtect2024_PAPER_Team
9. Paper that has been submitted cannot be changed, and paper
must be submitted via website (


1. Posters must be portrait design and A1 Paper size.

2. Poster designs and presentation files must be submitted as pdf
files and brought on the competition day.
3. Posters and presentation files must be written in English and
creatively designed.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on poster and presentation power point.
5. Posters and presentation files briefly describe the paper.
6. Posters and presentation files must be submitted before May
22nd, 2024 at 23.59 (GMT +7). Papers that have been submitted
cannot be changed, and papers must be submitted via website:
7. Poster File Name Format: PaperProtect2024_POSTER_Team Name
8. Presentation File Format: PaperProtect2024_PPT_Team Name
9. Late submission of files (paper, poster, and presentation files) may
decrease a score (15%).


1. In the final round, each team will be given a total of 40 minutes (5

minutes for preparation, 20 minutes for presentation, and 15
minutes for QnA session by the judges).
2. During the presentation, the timekeeper will be present to notify or
remind the passage of time (5 minutes have passed, 9 minutes
have passed, 13 minutes have passed, time’s up)
3. The presentation is closed to the public.
4. The order of the presentation will be determined at the technical
5. Paper presentations will be brought offline using the device
provided by the committee.
6. Presentations and QnA must be delivered in English.
7. The judges will evaluate papers and posters from the date of
8. All changes related to the competition format will be informed via
email or during a technical meeting.

1. Judges
There will be three (3) judges. Judge's judgments and decisions are
final and cannot be contested.
2. Time Keeper
The timekeeper will remind and enforce the time limit so that the event
can run properly.
3. Moderator
The moderator will guide the competition. Enforce the rules & have the
right to stop, pause, and continue the presentation from each team
that participates in the competition.
4. Operator
The operator will help each team that participates in the competition
to operate the presentation file & open any file related to the content
of the presentation.


Preliminary Stage
1. Content (50%):
a. Identification & Problem Solving
b. Originality & Innovation
c. Creativity and actuality
d. Exhaustiveness
e. Completeness
2. Technical Analysis (50%):
a. Related to the theme
b. Report according to the format
c. Feasibility and suitability of the method
d. Reference appropriateness
Final Stage
1. Paper (45%):
a. Paper Content: Innovation, creativity, and related to the theme.
b. Report according to the format (15%)
2. Presentation (45%):
a. Knowledge of material: Exhibits knowledge of the subject
matter (20%)
b. Proficiency in answering questions given by the judges (10%)
c. Delivery, gesture, and clarity of communication (15%)
3. Poster (10%):
a. Poster Content (5%)
b. Design (5%)
Favorite Poster
Like on Instagram (


1. Each participant must be in the main room at least 15 minutes

before the presentation starts. Any reason for the delay is not
2. The lateness of more than 3 minutes from the scheduled
presentation time may result in a penalty score.
3. Presentation time will start when participants are ready to start.
Teams that exceed the presentation time will be immediately

1. Registration will be conducted on the PROTECT 2024 website

2. Each team will fill out a registration form that immediately includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Abstract Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200.000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7).
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to:
BCA : 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA : 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
8. For international delegates, please refer to the USD registration
fees. Please kindly send the payment to our PayPal account:
9. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
10. After making a payment, each team members must upload a
photo using a twibbon and a caption that has been provided by
the committee on the Instagram feed. Each team members must
upload a twibbon from March 4th - 24th, 2024. Make sure that the
instragram account for each team members are not private
11. For further questions, please ask via the contact person below.

Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate
Favorite Poster : IDR 500,0000


Tarissa Rezki Editya

Head of Paper and Poster Competition PROTECT 2024
Whatsapp : +62 852-1955-3797
Line ID : tarissa1303
Email :

The rapid advancements in science and technology demand that

students engage with energy issues and their evolving landscape. The
growing population further stresses the energy supply, making
renewable energy a crucial solution for sustainability. As an energy-
focused university, Pertamina University aspires to be a global leader,
tackling national and international challenges by encourage the
progress of science and research, including in the energy business
The Business Case Competition is one of the competitive events
at PROTECT 2024. This year's competition is themed "Implementing
Sustainable Innovation to Drive Business Advantage and Support the
Energy Transition in the Oil and Gas Industry." The theme aims to
encourage students to develop their business analysis skills,
particularly in the context of oil and gas industry case studies, to gain
a deep understanding of industry challenges, market conditions, and
business opportunities.


“Implementing Sustainable Innovation to Drive Business Advantage

and Support the Energy Transition in the Oil and Gas Industry”


Date : Saturday, May 25th, 2024

Time : 07.30 – 15.55 WIB (GMT+7)
Venue : Universitas Pertamina

1. Bussiness Case Competition PROTECT 2024 participants are

undergraduate students from the university (Domestic and
International Students).
2. Each university is not limited to registering its team in the
preliminary round. However, only a maximum of 3 (three) teams
from the same university can advance to the final round.
3. Each team consists of a maximum of 3 (three) members from the
same university.
4. Team member can have different majors, but all must be from the
same university.
5. The report and presentation document must be written in English.
6. Further information about the competition will be explained at the
technical meeting session.
7. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
technical meeting. The date and time of the technical meeting will
be announced via email and PROTECT 2024 official account.
8. Any form of violation will get punished based on the official
regulation, and the highest punishment is disqualification.
9. Judge's decisions are absolute and can't be interfered.
10. All PROTECT 2024 regulations are subject to change under any
circumstances due to official decisions. Any changes to the rules
and regulation will notify all participants via social media or email.

Preliminary Stage
1. Participants must work on an essay in accordance with the case
that will be given by the committee.
2. Essay must follow the following rules:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 4 pages (excluding attachments)
Reference : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the essay submitted did not follow the format above. Otherwise,
a score reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on essay.
5. Essay must be submitted to the committee before April 17th, 2024,
at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via website ( with
the format
File name: BCEssay_Team Name_PROTECT2024
6. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 10% of the total points.
7. The 6 best teams will be selected to compete in the Final Stage.
Final Stage
Final Report Submission
1. Each team makes a final report based on the case given by the
2. The final report is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 50 pages (excluding attachments)
Reference : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final report.
5. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May 22nd,
2024, at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7) via website (
with format
file name: BC_FinalReport_Team Name_PROTECT2024
6. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit,
the points will be deducted by 15% of the total points..
Presentation Guidelines
1. Each team should make a PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) based on
their final report which has been submitted before.
2. Presentation materials (.ppt) must be in English and submitted to
the committee before May 22nd, 2024, at 23.59 WIB (GMT +7) via
website ( with the format
file name: BC_PPT_Team Name_PROTECT2024
3. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on presentation power point.
4. The sender of the presentation must be the team leader and after
submitting each of the presentation file, please verify immediately
to our contact person.
5. The participants who submit the final presentation late will be
given 15% deductions of the final presentation score.
6. In the final round, each team will be given a total of 45 minutes (5
minutes for preparation, 20 minutes for presentation, and 20
minutes for QnA session by the judges).
7. All types of communication and presentations must be in English.
8. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately to
our contact person
9. The order of the presentation will be determined at the technical
10. All the team members should be present on the presentation day.
11. There is no maximum number of slides.

There will be 3 (three) judges, and all judges’ decisions are final.
The timekeeper will enforce time limits and inform participants every 5
minutes of the presentation.
The moderator will guide during the Final Stage. Moderators have the
right to start, stop, and continue the presentation from participants.
The operator will help with all participant's constraints during the


Preliminary Stage
1. Report (50%)
Innovation and Originality
Problem identification and solving
Creativity and actuality
2. Technical Analysis (50%)
Question answered
Related to the theme
Report according to the format
Feasibility and suitability of the method
Reference appropriateness
Final Stage
1. Content (40%)
Identification and problem-solving
Feasibility and suitability of the method
Originality and innovation
Final Report must be included:
Problem identification
Theoretical framework
Solution and innovation
Reference appropriateness
2. Presentation (30%)
Knowledge of material presented
Presentation and time management
Speaking skills, good diction, and good articulation
Creativity in presentation technique and design
3. QnA (30%)
Clarity, accuracy, and relevance of the answer
Argument strength


1. Each participant should be in the main room at least 15 minutes

before the presentation. Any reason for delay is not accepted.
2. Tardiness of more than three from the scheduled presentation
time may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. A team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
5. The clock used by the committee is the official time.

1. Registration will be conducted on the PROTECT 2024 website

2. Each team will fill out a registration form that immediately includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Essay Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200.000/team for domestic student
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7).
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to:
BCA : 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA : 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
8. For international delegates, please refer to the USD registration
fees. Please kindly send the payment to our PayPal account:
9. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
10. After making a payment, each team members must upload a
photo using a twibbon and a caption that has been provided by
the committee on the Instagram feed. Each team members must
upload a twibbon from March 4th - 24th, 2024. Make sure that the
instragram account for each team members are not private
11. For further questions, please ask via the contact person below.

Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
Final Stage Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st Winner : IDR 5.000.000 + certificate

2nd Winner : IDR 3.000.000 + certificate
3rd Winner : IDR 2.000.000 + certificate


Haris Mubarok
Head of Bussiness Case Competition PROTECT 2024
Whatsapp : +62 821 2494 8875
Line : harismu10
Email :

The Fracturing Fluid Design Competition is the main event

of IPW 2024 which is an annual event organized by SPWLA
UPer SC with the theme (IPW theme). The event is a
competition between international Engineering students. The
competition challenges participants to design an optional
fracturing fluid according to a given case. Each team will go
through two stages, namely the Preliminary stage and the
final stage where during the final stage each team will
present its results and findings directly to the jury and the
most optimal, including performance feasibility,
environmental impact, and economic considerations to get
the highest points.


Venue :Pertamina University

Date :Saturday, May 25th 2024
Time :07.15 AM – End (GMT+7)
System : Offline Presentation

1. Participants are registered as active undergraduate students of

2. Each university is not limited to registering its team in the
preliminary round. However, only a maximum of 3 teams from the
same university can advance to the final round.
3. Each team consists of a maximum of 3 members, each team
member can come from different majors and must be from the
same university.
4. Each member can only join 1 team. It is not allowed to change team
members after registration for any reason.
5. Participants must submit their student identity or student card in
the form.
6. Fracturing fluid Design Competition 2024 consists of 2 rounds:
Preliminary and Final rounds. The preliminary will be held online and
final rounds are held offline at Pertamina University.
7. The best 6 teams will qualify for the final round.
8. All communications, documents, and presentations must be in
9. Cases for the preliminary and final rounds will be sent to each team
leader’s email.
10. Participants are prohibited from moving or duplicating the data
provided by the committee for any reason.
11. Abstract and final reports are from original works and have not
been distributed or won in other competitions.
12. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
13. Any late collection from the specified time cannot be tolerated and
will be subject to a point deduction.
14. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
Technical Meeting. The date and time of the Technical Meeting will
be announced via email and the International PetroWell 2024
official account.
15. Dress code using neat and polite clothes and showing the identity
of the university when presenting.
16. Judges' decisions are final and absolute.
17. Participants who violate the above rules will be sanctioned by the
committee with the maximum penalty for disqualification.
18. The Fracturing Fluid Design Competition winner will be announced
through the IPW x PROTECT x WI 2024 Awarding Night.
19. All regulations of International PetroWell 2024 are subject to be
changed at any time at any condition due to official decision. Any
changes related to the rule will be announced via email, social
media, or during technical meeting sessions.


1. The international participants are allowed to compete in an online

system through the Zoom meeting platform.
2. The international participants who are past the preliminary round
must pay for the final stage registration fee.
3. The online presentation of each team will be recorded and
evaluated by the committee and the judges to check the cheating
4. The international participants are required to give a presentation
from the same place in one camera frame.
5. There should be 2 minimum cameras set from different angles
(front and side) before the presentation begins.
6. The international participants are not allowed to mute the
microphone during the presentation and Q&A session.
7. The committee will accept the international participants who enter
the meeting room and arrange for participants to move from the
main hall to the waiting area.

· Preliminary stage
1. At the preliminary stage, each team will be given a case and asked
to analyze and make an abstract according to the case given by
the committee.
2. The abstrac must be written in English with format:
Paper Size : A4
Left Margin : 4 cm
Right, Top, and Bottom Margin : 3 cm
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Paragraph Spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
Columns : One
Reference : American Psychological
Association (APA) Style
Total pages : maximum 4 pages (exclude the
reference and attachment)
File Type : PDF
3. If the abstract submitted does not follow the format above, score
reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on abstract.
5. Abstract must be submitted to the committee before April 17th,2024,
at 23.59 WIB (GMT + 7) via web ( with the
format file name: FFDC_PreliminaryStage_Team Name_IPW2024
6. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the points
will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
·Final stage
The Final Stage consists of 2 parts: Final Report Submission and Final
Report Presentation.

·Final Report Submission

1. The 6 teams that qualify for the final round will present their
presentations to the judges.
2. At the final stage, each team will be given the same case and
asked to analyze and make a full report and slide presentations
according to the case given by the committee.
3. The final round report has following the format as below:
Paper Size : A4
Left Margin : 4 cm
Right, Top, and Bottom Margin : 3 cm
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Paragraph Spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
Columns : One
Total pages : 50 Pages max (exclude the
Reference : American Psychological
Association (APA) style
File Type : PDF
4. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 10% points of the total score will be applied.
5. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final report.
6. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May
22nd, 2024 at 23.59 (GMT+7). via web(
with the format file name:
FFDC_FinalReport_Team Name_IPW2024
7. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit,
the points will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
·Final Report Presentation
The final round presentation slide has following the format as below:
1. All types of communication and presentations must be in
2. The presentation must be delivered in full English.
3. Each team prepared well for the presentation.
4. Each team is given 40 minutes for the Presentation Session. 5
minutes to prepare, 15 minutes for presentation, and 20
minutes for Q&A.
5. Page one must show the research title, the IPW 2024 logo will
be given on the first page of the report template. Any university
name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final repoet presentation.
6. There is no specific format demand, make your slides as
creative as possible.
7. Presentation materials (ppt) must be in English and submitted
to the committee before May 22nd , 2024 at 23.59 (GMT +7). Via
web ( with the format file name:
FFDC_PPT_Team Name_IPW2024
8. The participants who submit the final presentation late will be
given 15% deductions from the final presentation score.
9. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately
with our contact person.
10. All the team members should be present on the presentation
11. Competition rules can be changed at times due to official
decisions. Any changes related to the regulation will be
announced via email or during a technical meeting session

1. Judges
There will be at least 3 (three) judges. All judge's decisions
concerning compliance with the rules and awarding points will be
2. Moderator
The moderator will guide the entire competition, enforce the rules
and regulations, and has the right to stop, pause, and continue the
3. Timekeeper
The timekeeper will enforce and supervise time limits.
4. Operator
The operator will help the participants to operate the presentation


Prelimenary Round
1. Delivery (20%): Evaluate the effectiveness of conveying ideas
and solutions within the essay, and adherence to the essay’s
2. Content (80%): Assesses the conciseness relevance, compre-
hensiveness, and innovation of the provided solution to a given

Final Round
1. Presentation (25%): Encompasses the fluency of explanation,
systematic, time management, creativity, and the participant's
demeanor during the presentation
2. Content (40%): Examines problem identification, appropriateness
of the chosen method, the innovative and original solution to the
given problem, and the proper and the proper use of references.

1. Each participant should be in the venue (Pertamina University) at

least 30 minutes before the presentation. Any reason for the delay is
not accepted.
2. Tardiness of more than three hours from the scheduled presentation
time may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. Team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
5. The clock used by the committee is the official time.


1. Tournament official decisions are absolute and final.

2. Results of all the competitions will be announced at the Awarding
3. All participants will have access to the final score after the
Awarding Night


1. Registration will be conducted in the registration form on the

PROTECT 2024 website: (
2. Each team will fill out a registration form that includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Abstract Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
free for International student
2nd Batch : IDR 200,000/team for domestic student
free for International student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR 550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR 300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2023 23:59 pm (GMT+7)
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to :
for domestic students
Bank BCA: 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA: 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
for international students
Paypal :
8. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
9. For further questions, please ask via contact person below.
10. After making payment, each team member must upload a photo
using the twibbon and caption provided by the committee on the
Instagram feed as a registration requirement.
1 . Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024
2. Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
3. Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
4. Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
5. Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
6. Final Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
7. Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
8. Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
9. Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
10. Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024

1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate


Diva Hajar Annisa

Head of Fracturing Fluid Design Competition
Whatsapp : +62 858 3068 5020
E-mail :

The oil and gas industry is one of the vital sectors in

supporting national energy security. To meet the increasing
energy needs, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon
reserves are key. Petrophysics, a science that studies the
physical properties of rocks and the fluids within them, plays
an important role in the process. Reservoir petrophysical
analysis is important in evaluating reservoir quality by
determining interval zones that potentially contain
hydrocarbons, estimating well performance, and planning
optimal production strategies. The Petrowell Study Case
Competition at IPW 2024 is a forum for students to hone their
skills and creativity in the field of reservoir petrophysical
analysis faced with real field case studies to conduct
lithological analysis, determine potential hydrocarbon zones,
analyze and calculate reservoir petrophysical parameters,
and formulate optimal exploration and exploitation


Venue :Pertamina University

Date :Saturday, May 25th 2024
Time :07.15 AM – End (GMT+7)
System : Offline Presentation

1. Participants are registered as active undergraduate students of

2. Each university is not limited to registering its team in the
preliminary round. However, only a maximum of 3 teams from the
same university can advance to the final round.
3. Each team consists of a maximum of 3 members, each team
member can come from different majors and must be from the
same university.
4. Each member can only join 1 team. It is not allowed to change team
members after registration for any reason.
5. Participants must submit their student identity or student card in
the form.
6. Petrowell study case Competition 2024 consists of 2 rounds:
Preliminary and Final rounds. The preliminary will be held online and
final rounds are held offline at Pertamina University.
7. The best 6 teams will qualify for the final round.
8. All communications, documents, and presentations must be in
9. Cases for the preliminary and final rounds will be sent to each team
leader’s email.
10. Participants are prohibited from moving or duplicating the data
provided by the committee for any reason.
11. Abstract and final reports are from original works and have not
been distributed or won in other competitions.
12. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
13. Any late collection from the specified time cannot be tolerated and
will be subject to a point deduction.
14. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
Technical Meeting. The date and time of the Technical Meeting will
be announced via email and the International PetroWell 2024
official account.
15. Dress code using neat and polite clothes and showing the identity
of the university when presenting.
16. Judges' decisions are final and absolute.
17. Participants who violate the above rules will be sanctioned by the
committee with the maximum penalty for disqualification.
18. The Fracturing Fluid Design Competition winner will be announced
through the IPW x PROTECT x WI 2024 Awarding Night.
19. All regulations of International PetroWell 2024 are subject to be
changed at any time at any condition due to official decision. Any
changes related to the rule will be announced via email, social
media, or during technical meeting sessions.


1. The international participants are allowed to compete in an online

system through the Zoom meeting platform.
2. The international participants who are past the preliminary round
must pay for the final stage registration fee.
3. The online presentation of each team will be recorded and
evaluated by the committee and the judges to check the cheating
4. The international participants are required to give a presentation
from the same place in one camera frame.
5. There should be 2 minimum cameras set from different angles
(front and side) before the presentation begins.
6. The international participants are not allowed to mute the
microphone during the presentation and Q&A session.
7. The committee will accept the international participants who enter
the meeting room and arrange for participants to move from the
main hall to the waiting area.

·Preliminary stage
1. At the preliminary stage, each team will be given a case and asked
to analyze and make an abstract according to the case given by
the committee.
2. The abstrac must be written in English with format:
Paper Size : A4
Left Margin : 4 cm
Right, Top, and Bottom Margin : 3 cm
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Paragraph Spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
Columns : One
Reference : American Psychological
Association (APA) Style
Total pages : maximum 4 pages (exclude the
reference and attachment)
File Type : PDF
3. If the abstract submitted does not follow the format above, score
reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on abstract.
5. Abstract must be submitted to the committee before April 17th,2024,
at 23.59 WIB (GMT + 7) via web( the
format file name: PSCC_PreliminaryStage_Team Name_IPW2024
6. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the points
will be deducted by 15% of the total points
7. If the essay submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 15% of the total points
·Final stage
The Final Stage consists of 2 parts: Final Report Submission and Final
Report Presentation.

·Final Report Submission

1. The 6 teams that qualify for the final round will present their
presentations to the judges.
2. At the final stage, each team will be given the same case and
asked to analyze and make a full report and slide presentations
according to the case given by the committee.
3. The final round report has following the format as below:
Paper Size : A4
Left Margin : 4 cm
Right, Top, and Bottom Margin : 3 cm
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Paragraph Spacing : 1.5
Alignment : Justify
Columns : One
Total pages : 50 Pages max (exclude the
Reference : American Psychological
Association (APA) style
File Type : PDF
4. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 10% points of the total score will be applied.
5. University name and logo, or any institution logos are not allowed
on final report.
5. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May
22nd,2024 at 23.59(GMT+7). via web (
with the format file name:
PSCC_FinalReport_Team Name_IPW2024
6. After submitting the final report, please verify it immediatel with
our contact person.
7. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit,
the points will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
·Final Report Presentation
The final round presentation slide has following the format as below:
1. All types of communication and presentations must be in
2. The presentation must be delivered in full English.
3. Each team prepared well for the presentation.
4. Each team is given 40 minutes for the Presentation Session. 5
minutes to prepare, 15 minutes for presentation, and 20
minutes for Q&A.
5. Page one must show the research title, and should include the
IPW 2024 logo. Any university name and logo, or any institution
logos are not allowed on final report presentation.
6. There is no specific format demand, make your slides as
creative as possible.
7. Presentation materials (.ppt) must be in English and submitted
to the committee before May 22nd, 2024 at 23.59 (GMT +7) on
the official PROTECT website ( with
the format file name: PSCC_PPT_Team Name_IPW2024
8. The participants who submit the final presentation late will be
given 15% deductions from the final presentation score.
9. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately
with our contact person.
10. All the team members should be present on the presentation
11. Competition rules can be changed at times due to official
decisions. Any changes related to the regulation will be
announced via email or during a technical meeting session

1. Judges
There will be at least 3 (three) judges, and all judges’ decisions are
final. All judges’ decisions concern compliance with the rules and
awarding points will be absolute.
2. Moderator
The moderator will guide during the Final Stage. Moderators
have the right to start, stop, and continue the presentation from
3. Timekeeper
The timekeeper will enforce time limits and inform participants
every 5 minutes of the presentation.
4. Operator
The operator will help the participants constraints during
the presentation.


1. Prelimenary Round
a. Content (50%):
Innovation and Originality
Problem identification and solving
Creativity and actuality
b. Technical Analysis (50%)
Related to the theme.
Report according to the format
Feasibility and suitability of the method
Reference appropriateness
2. Final Stage
a. Content (40%):
Fit Rules
Problem Identification and Solving
Innovation and Ideas
Novelty and Impact
Language and Writing
Reference and Literature Appropriateness
b. Presentation (30%)
Knowledge of material
Presentation and time management
Speaking skills, good diction, good articulation
Creativity in presentation technique and design
Attitude and proper outfit
c. QnA (30%)
Manners and Style
Argument Strength
Error in logic or facts


1. Each participant should be in the venue (Pertamina University) at

least 30 minutes before the presentation. Any reason for the delay is
not accepted.
2. Tardiness of more than three hours from the scheduled presentation
may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. Team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
5. The clock used by the committee is the official time.

1. Tournament official decisions are absolute and final.

2. Results of all the competitions will be announced at the Awarding
3. All participants will have access to the final score after the
Awarding Night


1. Registration will be conducted in the registration form on the

PROTECT 2024 website: (
2. Each team will fill out a registration form that includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Abstract Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000/team for domestic student
free for International student
2nd Batch : IDR 200,000/team for domestic student
free for International student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR 550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR 300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2023 23:59 pm (GMT+7)
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to :
for domestic student
Bank BCA: 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA: 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
for international students
Paypal :
8. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
9. For further questions, please ask via contact person below.
10. After making payment, each team member must upload a photo
using the twibbon and caption provided by the committee on the
Instagram feed as a registration requirement.


1 . Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – 10th, 2024

2. Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – 24th, 2024
3. Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
4. Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
5. Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
6. Final Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
7. Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22nd, 2024
8. Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 22nd, 2024
9. Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
10. Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate


Icha Theresia Sagala

Head of PetroWell Study Competition
Whatsapp : +62 812 6090 6428
E-mail :

The increasing global energy demand has driven the oil and gas
industry to explore unconventional resources such as shale gas,
tight gas, and oil sands. These resources are often found in hard and
dense rocks, requiring more sophisticated approaches in
management and exploitation. Conventional techniques in reservoir
simulation often prove ineffective in understanding the fluid
behavior in these complex reservoir environments. Under the theme
“Optimizing Reservoir Simulation Techniques for Enhanced
Unconventional Resource Recovery”, Industry players are expected
to be able to optimize simulation techniques, which will be key to
facing future challenges in exploiting unconventional resources.
Increased resource recovery and production efficiency will help
meet global energy demand and reduce dependence on
increasingly scarce conventional resources.
The Reservoir Simulation Competition is the main competition of
Well Integrity 2024 and the main activity of the event. The
competition challenges participants to design high-precision
reservoir simulations, considering crucial factors such as rock
permeability and fluid properties, to optimize oil and gas production
in a realistic simulation environment. This competition requires
critical thinking skills, creativity, innovation, proficiency, as well as
problem solving in communication, logical and systematic
presentation of something. The purpose of this competition is to
explore innovations from participants in reservoir simulation
modeling to support sustainable development in the future, with the
hope that these ideas can be developed to drive progress in the oil
and gas industry.


Venue :Pertamina University

Date :Saturday, May 25th 2024
Time :07.15 AM – End (GMT+7)
System : Offline Presentation

1. Reservoir Simulation Competition is open to all engineering

undergraduate students from any university.
2. In the preliminary stages, the committee does not limit the
maximum number of teams that register for each university
3. The 6 best teams will advance to the final stage.
4. In the final stage, only 3 (three) teams could pass for each
university representative.
5. The team consists of a maximum of 4 (four) students or less, either
from the same major or different major.
6. Each member only registered in one team.
7. The report (.pdf) and presentation (.ppt) files are required from all
8. The report and presentation document must be written in English.
9. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
10. The presentation will be conducted privately.
11. Further information about the competition will be explained at the
technical meeting session.
12. Team representative (at least 1 one person) must attend the
technical meeting. The date and time of the technical meeting will
be announced via email and WELL INTEGRITY 2024 official account.
13. Any form of violation will get punished based on the official
regulation, and the highest punishment is disqualification.
14. Judges decision is absolute and cannot be interfered with.
15. WELL INTEGRITY 2024 Simulation Reservoir Competition winner will
be announced through the WELL INTEGRITY 2024 Awarding Night.
16. All regulations of WELL INTEGRITY 2024 are subject to be changed
anytime at any condition due to official decision. Any changes
related to the rule will be announced via email, social media, or
during technical meeting sessions.

Preliminary stage
1.Participants are required to answer the questions based on the data
and inquiries provided in the prekimenary case by the committee.
2.The answer of preliminary case is written in English using the
following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Page : Consist of 6 pages (exclude the attachment)
Reference : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the answer submitted did not follow the format above. Otherwise,
a score reduction of 5% points of the total score will be applied.
4. Answer must be submitted to the committee before April 6th, 2024,
at 23.59 WIB (GMT + 7) via Google form submission ( ) with the format file
name: RS_PreliminaryStage_Team Name_WELLINTEGRITY2024
5. All calculation must be attached in Microsoft excel (.xls) or (.xlsx)
with format bellow:
6. If the answer submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the points
will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
7. The 6 best teams will be selected to compete in the Final Stage.
Software Training
1. Every team that passes to the final stage is required to take part in
Software Training.
2. This software training will be held in collaboration with Rock Flow
Dynamics (RFD).
3. The software used is Tnavigator.
4. This software training is free for each team delegation from each
university that passes to the final stage.
5. This software training will be conducted in hybrid system.
6. In the final stage, the participants will be asked to complete the
case using the software that had been used in the software training
Final Stage
The Final Stage consists of 2 parts: Final Report Submission and Final
Report Presentation.

Final Report Submission

1. Each team makes a final report on the reservoir simulation, which
is analyzed based on the case given by the committee.
2. The final report is written in English using the following format:
Paper size : A4 Format
Top : 3 cm
Left : 3 cm
Right : 3 cm
Bottom : 3 cm
Paragraph alignment : Justify
Font Style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12
Heading Font Size : 14
Spacing : 1.5
Columns : One
Total Pages : 50 Pages max (excluding attachments)
Reference : APA Style
File Type : PDF
3. If the Final Report does not follow the format above, a score
reduction of 10% points of the total score will be applied.
4. Data model simulation(Software) file should be submitted in (.zip)
format with locked file on May 23rd ,2024 , before 23.59 (GMT +7).
5. Final Report must be submitted to the committee before May 23rd,
2024, at 23.59 (GMT + 7) via Google form submission
( with format file name:
RS_FinalReport_Team Name_WELLINTEGRITY2024
6. If the Final Report submission exceeds the predetermined limit, the
points will be deducted by 15% of the total points.
Final Report Presentation

1. Each team prepared well for the presentation.

2. All types of communication and presentations must be in English.
3. Each team is given 45 minutes for the Presentation Session. 5
minutes to prepare, 20 minutes for presentation, and 20 minutes for
4. Presentation materials (.ppt) must be in English and submitted to
the committee before May 23rd, 2024, at 23.59 (GMT + 7) via Google
form submission ( with the
format file name:
5. The participants who submit the final presentation more than May
23rd, 2024, at 23.59 (GMT + 7) will be given 15% deductions of the final
presentation score.
6. After submitting your presentation, please verify it immediately to
our contact person.
7. All the team members should be present on the presentation expect
the delegates has provided a reason for their absence to the
8. Competition rules can be changed at times due to official decisions.
Any changes related to the regulation will be announced via email or
during a technical meeting session.
9. When delivering a presentation,kindly ensure to bring printed copies
of the final report.

1. Judges
There will be at least 3 (three) judges. All judge's decisions
concerning compliance with the rules and awarding points will be
2. Moderator
The moderator will guide the entire competition, enforce the rules
and regulations, and has the right to stop, pause, and continue the
3. Timekeeper
The timekeeper will enforce and supervise time limits.
4. Operator
The operator will help the participants to operate the presentation


Preliminary Round

Report (50%)
o Innovation and Originality
o Problem identification and solving
o Creativity and actuality
o Completeness
Technical Analysis (50%)
o Question answered
o Related to the theme
o Report according to the format
o Feasibility and suitability of the method
o Reference appropriateness
Final Round
Content (40%)
o Identification and problem-solving
o Feasibility and suitability of the method
o Originality and innovation
o Environmental friendliness
o Reservoir Simulation must be included:
o Geology Finding and review
o Reservoir Description
o Reserve and Production Forecast
o Field development Scenarios
o Project Schedule
o Economical Assumption
o Conclution
o Attachments
o Equipment completeness
o Reference appropriateness
Presentation (30%)
o Knowledge of material
o Presentation and time management
o Speaking skills, good diction, good articulation
o Creativity in presentation technique and design
QnA (30%)
o Responsiveness
o Clarity, accuracy, and relevance of the answer
o Argument strength

1. Each participant should be in the Pertamina University at least 30

minutes before the presentation. Any reason for delay is not
2. Tardiness of more than three hours from the scheduled
presentation time may result in a scored penalty.
3. The presentation time will start when the participants are ready to
4. Any other delay more than 6 hours from the deadline will result in
team disqualification.
5. Team that exceeds the presentation time will be immediately
6. The clock used by the committee is the official time.


1. Tournament official decisions are absolute and final.

2. Results of all the competitions will be announced at the Awarding
3. All participants will have access to the final score after the
Awarding Night


1. Registration will be conducted in the registration form on the

PROTECT 2024 website: ( ).
2. Each team will fill out a registration form that includes
participant data collection. Contains proof of payment and
participant identity cards (ID card/passport and student ID card).
3. Registration Date
1st Batch : March 4th – March 10th, 2024
2nd Batch : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
4. Registration fee (Abstract Selection)
1st Batch : IDR 150,000 per team
Free for international student
2nd Batch : IDR 200,000 per team
Free for international student
5. The teams that are selected for the final stage must pay the
remaining fees:
Full Accommodation : IDR550,000/USD 36 per person
No Accommodation : IDR300,000/USD 20 per person
6. All Participants who qualify for the final stage must make full
payment before May 7th, 2023 23:59 pm (GMT+7)
7. All payments are conducted by transferring to :
For domestic students
Bank BCA: 2480582520 a/n Prayers Yoel Mart Tulangow
DANA: 081339104693 a/n Archangela Fedriani Eva Kasi
For International Students
Paypal :
8. Refunds of registration fees are not permitted after receiving a
confirmation email as an official delegate.
9. For further questions, please ask via contact person below.
10. After making payment, each team member must upload a photo
using the twibbon and caption provided by the committee on the
Instagram feed as a registration requirement.

1 . Open Registration Competition Batch 1 : March 4th – March 10th, 2024

2. Open Registration Competition Batch 2 : March 11th – March 24th, 2024
3. Preliminary Case Distribution : March 25th, 2024
4. Preliminary Stage Submission Report : April 17th, 2024
5. Official Delegates Announcement : April 27th, 2024
6. Final Case Distribution : April 27th, 2024
7. Technical Meeting for Final Stage : May 22th, 2024
8. Final Stage Report Submission Deadline : May 23th, 2024
9. Competition Day : May 25th, 2024
10. Gala Dinner : May 26th, 2024


1st winner : IDR 5,000,000 + certificate

2nd winner : IDR 3,000,000 + certificate
3rd winner : IDR 2,000,000 + certificate


Dhiesta Aurelia Sheralyn

Head of Reservoir Simulation Competition
Whatsapp : +62 852 3266 1942
E-mail :


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