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Name: ___________________

Quietly roam around the classroom and find classmates that fit each
statement. Have them write his or her name underneath.
Greet each person that you meet with a handshake! wearing more ...has an older brother. ...has an older sister. ...has a pet. ...has a pet that is
than four not a cat or a dog.
different colors.

...went on vacation ...loves pizza more ...loves to cook or bake. ...had cereal for ...knows a language
this summer. than any other food. breakfast this morning. other than English.

...has lived in their ...was born in a ...plays a sport. ...can sing an entire ...swam on a swim
home less than month that has less song from memory. team this summer.
one year. than six letters.

...can count by ...has lived in ...doesn’t have their wearing shoes ...has a hair color
5s to 100. another country. own cell phone. without laces. different than yours. wearing your an only child. ...has seen the ...shares a room with ...has the same
favorite color. same movie more a brother or sister. favorite school
(Tell them!) than 5 times. subject as you.

©2013 Teaching With a Mountain View

Name: ______________________

Quietly roam around the classroom and find classmates that fit each
statement. Have them write his or her name underneath.
Greet each person that you meet with a handshake!

...can braid hair. ...was born in the first ...has lived in their ...knows how to in Boy Scouts
6 months of the year. home their entire life. play the piano. or Girl Scouts.

...shares a room with ...has spent the ...has taken a ride ...likes bugs. ...has camped in a tent.
a brother or sister. night in a hospital. on a boat.

...wants to be a ...has been inside ...has beat an ...can ride a ...lives far away from
teacher. of a cave. entire video game. skateboard well. their grandparents.

...has met ...knows how to sew. ...can say the ...can whistle. ...has been TO or
somebody famous. alphabet backwards. IN a parade.

...can do a split. ...has a trampoline ...does their own ...has been to Disney ...can name four
in their backyard. laundry at home. World or Land. American Presidents.

©2013 Teaching With a Mountain View

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