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During teenage years, Erik Erikson talks about a big challenge called "Identity vs.

Confusion." This happens when you're between 12 and 18 years old. It's when teens try to figure out who
they are while also dealing with social stuff. Erikson says the main job during this time is to build a strong
sense of self. Teens ask themselves questions like "Who am I?" and "What do I want to do with my life?"
They try different things and ideas to find where they fit. It's like going on a journey to learn about
yourself and set goals.

As teenagers get closer to being adults, they have more responsibilities for themselves. It's
important for them to accept who they are and stay healthy. This helps them become stronger and feel
surer about themselves. Also, having good relationships with family and being kind to others can make
their interactions with people easier and better

Also, it's important to care about society and do your part to make things better. This means
developing your own values and morals that help you make good decisions when dealing with big issues
in society. Becoming an adult can be really hard, and having support from family, school, and community
is super important. Being emotionally ready and having people who support you is key to reaching your
goals in life.

Professor Robert J. Havighurst from the University of Chicago had another idea. He said that
people grow and change through different stages, and each stage has its own challenges to overcome. If
you can overcome these challenges, you'll feel proud and happy, and it will help you move on to the next
stage of life. Havighurst calls these challenges "developmental tasks," and if you can't handle them, it
might make it harder to deal with the next set of challenges.

Havighurst identified eleven Developmental Tasks of Normal Adolescence associated with the adolescent
transition. However, he believes that adolescence do not progress through these multiple developmental
tasks separately because adolescence tasks may vary with early, middle, and late periods of the transition.

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