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Role Reversal

Eren hated being an Omega almost as much as he hated Titans. Levi thinks he can change his mind.

A different spin on Omegaverse, because I totally think Eren would hate to be an Omega who is expected to be submissive. Thus, Levi makes him feel dominant.

Tags: Eren is given power, so like “power bottom.” Levi allows himself to be tied up to give Eren power. Eren is on top, rides Levi cowgirl.


Levi tugged on the ropes and confirmed his hands were trapped. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t cut off circulation. Besides, if I wanted to, I could break free.”

Eren pouted at that. What was the point in tying Levi up when he could break free if he really wanted to or if his instincts took over? Eren wanted to be in absolute control or he
wouldn’t be able to do this.

Levi scowled at the cute pout. “What? Don’t give me that look. Any tighter would leave marks for days.”

“What if your instincts take over?”

“That won’t happen. I have a good amount of self-control so long as you don’t push me too far.”

“I don’t think I’ll feel comfortable doing this knowing you can just break free at any moment.”

Levi scoffed. “So, you want to tie my whole body too? Tie me to the bed so you can be sure I won’t be able to budge a finger?”

Eren flinched to hear that spiteful tone directed at him which Levi usually reserved for rowdy subordinates. “No…”

“Then trust in me, Eren. I’m more in control than you think.”

That was the truth. Levi was a master of self-control, whereas Eren had none. Levi bet instincts would take over for Eren the moment he would sink down onto his knot. Although
he wanted to give Eren more credit than that, maybe he would depending on how tonight will go.

Eren’s lip quivered, and he seemed to hesitate, but then he nodded in reluctant agreement.

“You’ll see I’m right soon,” Levi promised. “Well, feel free to start. I’m at your mercy.”

These words—I’m at your mercy—sent an erotic shudder down his spine. Eren slid down the toned body, his hands following the muscles and curves of Levi’s waist and hips, and
he started to fumble with Levi’s trousers when he reached the groin area.

Levi watched with a cold look as calloused hands pulled his cock out and suddenly paused at the sight of it. A bead of sweat slid down Eren’s temple, and Levi saw his wide-eyed

“Don’t be scared,” he tugged his hands to remind Eren he was bound, helpless to do anything. “Unless it’s my size you’re scared of, that is, although I’m really not that big.”

Levi was a master of self-control, whereas Eren had none.

No! He couldn’t give in. He would mate with an Alpha over his dead body. To be stripped of his freedom like that, bred like livestock, was the most humiliating and demeaning
thing Eren could think of. He will never submit like other Omegas. Never!

He had goals and dreams. He was not going to give all these up to become some Alpha’s housewife. No matter how painful his heats get, Eren vowed to never be mated, much like
how he had vowed to wipe out the Titans. And Eren’s word was his bond.

His nerves were on fire, the sizzling heat between his legs threatening to boil him alive. Forming a single coherent thought was hard. All he could think about was the instinctive
need to breed, be permanently mated, and stuffed with a knot.

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