40 Most Used and Time Saving Shortcuts in Excel

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Microsoft Excel

40 Most Used and

Time-Saving Shortcuts in Excel
Windows - English

Save Ctrl + S Close a Spreadsheet Ctrl + W or Alt + F4

Select Used Range of Active

Cut - [Cell or Object] Ctrl + X Ctrl + * or Ctrl + A

Copy - [Cell or Object] Ctrl + C Format as Table Ctrl + L or Ctrl + T

Paste Ctrl + V Add Thousands and Decimals Ctrl + Shift + !

Undo Ctrl + Z Filter Insert/Remove Ctrl + Shift + L

Redo/Repeat Ctrl + Y Toggle Formula Bar Ctrl + Shift + U

Fill Down Ctrl + D Current Date Ctrl + Shift + ;

Fill Right Ctrl + R Current Time Ctrl + Shift + :

Fill The Selected Cell Range

Ctrl + Enter Select Interrelated Cell Range Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
With The Current Entry

Create a New Workbook Ctrl + N Auto Sum Alt + Shift + =

Open Format Settings Ctrl

Ctrl + ! Add or Edit a Cell Comment Shift + F2

Insert [Row - Column -Cell] Ctrl + Plus Insert Function Window Shift + F3

Delete [Row - Column - Cell] Ctrl + Minus Create a New Worksheet Shift + F11

Print Activesheet Ctrl + P Move Cells to Other Pages Alt

Open a Workbook Ctrl + O Edit The Selected Cell F2

Start a New Line Paste Name of Created Named

Alt + Enter F3
in The Same Cell Range

Find Window Ctrl + F Repeat Last Action F4

Replace Window Ctrl + H Go to Specific Cell F5

Insert Chart Alt + F1 Recalculate All Open Workbooks F9

Save As Option for Active

Select From Drop-Down List Alt + ▼ Ctrl

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