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Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science college Akurdi-44
BBA/BBA(CA) Department
Advanced C Programming

Date:-13/3/2024 Submitted Date:-20/3/24

Assignment No-1

Array and Pointer

Q.1 Define Array.

Q.2 Define Pointer. What is pointer initialization?

Q.3 What is relationship between an array name and a pointer?

Q.4 Give the difference between malloc() and calloc().

Q.5 What is a binary search in C?

Q.6 What is a linear search in C?

Q.7 What is searching and Sorting ?

Q.8 List different types of sorting.

Q.9 Write a C Program for Bubble Sort.

Q.10 Write a C program for Linear Searching

Q.11 Write a C Program to swap of two no’s using pointer

Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science college Akurdi-44
BBA/BBA(CA) Department
Advanced C Programming

Date:-13/3/2024 Submitted Date:-20/3/24

Assignment No-2

Structure and Union

Q.1 Define Structure. Write the syntax for structure declaration with an example.

Q.2 Define Union. Write the syntax for Union declaration with an example

Q.3 What is the difference between Structure and Union

Q.4 What are the similarities between Structure and Union

Q.5 Create a structure called "Student" with members name, age, and total
marks. Write a C program to input data of two students, display their
information, and find the average of total marks.

Q.6 Create a structure called "Employee" with members name, salary. Write a C
program to input data of employee, display their information.

Q.7 Explain self-referential structure.

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