Optical Tooling Applications, PART 1 - The Ontario Land Surveyor, Spring 1983

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'Optical Tooling Ap

E ditors Note: The following thesis w as INTRODUCTION that the reader has an understanding
prepared for the Dept, of C ivil T echnology, Optical tooling became widely ac­ of the basic optical tooling instruments
Ryerson P olytechnical Institute for the cepted in industry after World War 11 used in industry. The report will, how­
partial fulfillment of the reguirem ents for because of the necessity to build large ever mention a few of the newer instru­
the Bachelor of Technology D egree in numbers of planes and ships. In the ments, which have recently appeared on
S u rvey Engineering. It w as a w a rd ed the past few years, it has become even more the market, and which are best suited
A.O.L.S. First Prize for 1982 for such m a­ important because of the demand to build for performing certain operations.
terial prepared at Ryerson. components to greater accuracies. The
optical principles involved provide the It must be pointed out that optical
O ptical tooling has becom e an im ­ tooling also provides an alternative means
needed accuracy, and as of yet, no other
portant field in su rveyin g in recent ye a rs of solving existing measurement prob­
system is capable of obtaining better
due to the increased dem an d for producing lems, which are very difficult or impos­
m anufactured products to greater accura­ sible to solve by other conventional
cies, for the precise alignm ent of large rol­ The purpose of this thesis is to methods.
lers in factory mills, etc. etc., and is a field utilize the optical tooling principles,
that appears to h ave been la rg ely over­ mainly autocollimation, in an attempt The procedure to adopt in the solu­
looked b y m em bers of this A ssociation. to assess the rotational accuracy of the tion of any particular problem, must be
shop lathe. The major principles and decided on the basis of the degree of
The paper is presen ted in two parts. accuracy required. The accuracy attain­
procedures in optical tooling, most of
Part 2 will a ppear in the next issue of ed will then depend on how well the
which are relevant to the lab project,
the Q uarterly. procedure is implemented (this requires
will be discussed first.
a comprehensive knowledge of optics),
The beginning part of this thesis, the instrumentation used, and the geom­
deals with tolerances and errors and etry of the instruments involved.
H E PURPOSE of this investi­

T gation was to carry out an

experiment to determine if

of the shop lathe, by using auto-

their significance in optical tooling. The
next major section discusses a few im­
portant optical principles and the various
there was any wobble in the optical
axis tooling procedures, along with
several applications. Emphasis has been
In optical tooling, the aspect of
tolerances associated with measurements
becomes very important, in fact more
collimation procedures. An explanation placed on the autocollimation procedure. important than in surveying because of
of autocollimation and several other im­ The final section is devoted to the lab the higher accuracies that must be ob­
portant procedures used in optical tool­ project which is performed by using tained. “ In general, the accuracy that can
ing were also presented in this thesis. autocollimation procedures. be attained is 1 part in 200,000.” This
These topics provide the theoretical back­
ground knowledge which is necessary means that for a point distant 2 metres
for example, the distance and align­
for the comprehension of the methods Optical tooling is a branch of sur­
ment can be located within a tolerance
utilized in the lab experiment. veying where the primary function is to
of + — 0.01mm., as shown below.
establish and control the size and align­
The results of the lab showed that ment of structures and manufactured At 2 metres: 2,000mm = 1 = 0.01mm
there was a definite wobble in the lathe
products to high accuracies and small 200,000 HX)
axis, although the amount could not be
tolerances. This is achieved by utilizing
determined numerically. The wobble was The same procedure can be used
very precise instruments which are similar
symmetrical about the rotational axis, to compute the allowable tolerance at
to precise surveying instruments, but
as indicated by the final plot. are capable of performing many opera­ any distance. For example, at 30 metres
It was also found that the resultant tions which surveying instruments cannot (approximately 100 feet), the tolerance
mirror inclination (total m irror misor- perform. This report will not discuss would be
ientation), must be known before the in any detail the types and uses of 30,000mm = _1_ = 4- — 0.15mm
wobble of the axis can be determined. instrumentation because it is assumed 200,000 6.667


To obtain this accuracy (1: 200,000)
for the direction of a line, the line must
be correct to one second of arc, as Tangent
shown in Diagram No. 1 for the case
of a thirty metre line. Line of sigh t

The reason for such high accurac­

ies and tolerances is due to the fact that
modern industry operates on the basis
all subsequent measurements are taken DC is a level surface which is per­
of interchangeable manufacturing. This
from this line. To do this effectively, pendicular to the line of gravity.
means that parts must be manufactured
to such a degree of accuracy as is neces­ the baseline should be as long as pos­
DB is a line of sight through air which
sary to permit the proper functioning sible. Any intermediate points would then
has a constant vertical temperature gra­
and assembly of the parts without ad­ contain proportionally less error than
ditional machining required, even though in the total baseline. If on the other
the individual parts may have been made hand, a short baseline is used for mak­ DA is a line of sight through air of
in different places and at different times. ing measurements on targets which are constant density or in a vacuum.
further away from the instrument than
In actual practice however, it is the target which was used to establish AC is the deviation of a level surface
not possible to make parts and products the baseline, the errors and tolerances from the truly straight tangent to the
that are perfectly interchangeable be­ in these pointings will increase propor­ earth's surface. This can be regarded as
cause many errors still exist. Not only tionally with distance. Therefore short accurate.
do machines have inherent inaccuracies baselines should be avoided. AB is the amount of refraction of a
line of sight from the tangent. This value
varies with the atmospheric conditions
and therefore only m ean values are given.
BC is the combined effect of refraction
and curvature of earth. Subject to varia­
tion and only m ean values are given.

Distance AC AB BC
*d * in in mm. in mm. in mm.

Diagram 1 2.5 0.00056 0.000075 0.00049

5 0.0023 0.0003 0.002
10 0.009 0.0012 0.0078
25 0.056 0.0074 0.049
built into them, but every measurement CORRECTIONS
50 0.23 0.03 0.2
or machine setting made by a human In optical alignment and vertical
is also subject to slight inaccuracy. All angle measurement, the effects of earth 75 0.51 0.067 0.44

optical tooling instruments have manu­ curvature, and curvature of the light 100 0.9 0.12 0.78

facturing tolerances associated with them, ray due to atmospheric refraction may
Table 1. Corrections for Curvature of Earth and
which affect their accuracy. These tol­ not be negligible. Even though these
Atmospheric Refraction in mm. (Source: Dagnall)
erances are fairly small and can usually effects are generally thought to be ap­
be neglected or eliminated by some pro­ plicable only over long lines, they may In Table 1. the corrections (BC)
cedure, i.e. (double centring in the case become significant in optical tooling are of most significance and importance.
of a theodolite). In any case, the instru­ where relatively short lines are used, Depending on the allowable tolerances,
mental tolerance must be related to the depending on the required accuracies. this value can either be neglected or
accuracy required in the work for which See Table 1. applied as a correction where necessary.
it is utilized, because if it isn’t, a more
appropriate instrument should be chosen Tem perature gradients in the at­ Local temperature variations are
to do the job. For example, a tolerance mosphere caused by differential heating another source of error encountered in
of 0.01mm in a measurement made and cooling of air layers, can cause optical tooling which must be accounted
at 30 metres is negligible if the toler­ refraction or bending of the light ray. for. False datums or baselines may re­
ance required at this distance is 0.05mm Currents of air of varying temperatures sult if precautions are not taken to
However in some cases, tolerances may crossing the line of sight will cause prevent relative movement between the
be additive, and can also be magnified the image to shimmer, making it dif­ measuring instrument and the work be­
to an unacceptable value by improper ficult to obtain an accurate measurement. ing checked. This relative movement is
procedures. It is important that the effect The index of refraction of air generally usually caused by structural movement
of all likely errors be assessed in the fluctuates in a random manner because of one part of a jig relative to another.
planning stages of the job, and to give of air turbulence and temperature An example of this is shown in Figure
careful consideration as to the procedures changes. To reduce the effects of re­ 2 where a temperature gradient of 10°F
to adopt, in order to minimize the errors. fraction and shimmer, fans should be exists from the floor to the top of the
“Even if the errors cannot be avoided, directed away from the line of sight jig. A temperature difference of this
it may be sufficient to know the approx­ if possible. In certain cases the line magnitude is not uncommon in plants
imate magnitude of any error so that of sight may be protected by passing with concrete floors and overhead heat­
the precision of the result can be esti­ it through a tube. In severe conditions ers. In this example, both the top and
m ated.” where a line of sight of considerable bottom members of the jig are 20 feet
length passes near boilers or furnaces, in length when at the same temperature.
Baselines should be established with it may be necessary to enclose the line Due to the temperature difference, the
the greatest possible accuracy because of sight in an evacuated tube. top member has expanded by 0.015 inch


to 20.00125 feet, and the sides have inal position by twice the angular ro­ ment. The reason for this is that the
gone 20 seconds out of parallel. With tation of the mirror. The proof for this autoreflection target, which fits either
a telescope and collimator attached to is shown below; directly onto the objective end of the
the opposite sides of the jig, a false telescope or on the inside surface of the
datum line has been established which is Incident angle RS has a glancing objective, has a distinct outline whose
displaced by 0.03 inch from the orig­ angle of ‘b \ reflection is clearly seen, even at long
inal jib datum. M irror M ’N ’ is rotated through an distances. The centre of the target should
It can be seen that errors of this angle ‘d’ to M 2N 2. intersect with the principal point of the
type are not always negligible, in fact objective lens (the line of sight) to give
When the glancing angle is ‘b \ the accurate results. Since this condition is
they could cause large errors in setting deviation angle ‘TSR’ is 2b.
up. This points out the importance of not always satisfied, the method lacks
making frequent checks back to a datum After rotation, the glancing angle the accuracy associated with autocollima-
target. These errors of course are a func­ is (b + a) and therefore the deviation tion. Possible inaccuracies could also
tion of the thermal coefficient of ex­ angle is 2(b + a). exist between the optical axis and the
pansion of the material from which the Therefore the reflected ray is ro- mechanical axis of the telescope.

it rotation anglt

Diagram 3

jig is made. An inch length of the When an object is to be positioned

average ferrous material will alter by using autoreflection, an optically flat
0.000006 (6 millionths) inch with each target mirror is mounted on the part
Fahrenheit degree change in temperature. to be positioned in such away that its
A similar figure for aluminum is 13 reflecting surface is parallel to the refer­
millionths and copper 9 millionths.” ence plane on the part, and so that it
will be in the line of sight of the align­
Therefore the structural stability of ment telescope. In order that the auto­
a jig depends on the material from which reflection target is visible, it must be
it is made. illuminated from behind. The telescope
PROCEDURES AND APPLICATIONS Front Su rfa c e M ir r o r must be focused to twice the distance
Before the various optical proce­ between the mirror and the objective
dures are discussed, it is important to lens of the telescope, in order to get a
Diagram 2 reflection from the mirror. If a reflection
mention a few basic optical principles
which are common to both autoreflection is obtained, the part can be tilted and
and autocollimation. turned in an appropriate manner until
tated by the crosshairs of the telescope become
When dealing with plane reflecting c = 2(b + a) — 2b = 2a superimposed with the image of the tar­
surfaces (such as autocollimation and get mounted on the end of the telescope.
autoreflection mirrors), the angle of in­ The part will then be positioned perpen­
cidence is equal to the angle of reflection Autoreflection provides a method
of establishing perpendicularity, and dicular to the axis of the telescope.
when a light ray is reflected from the
surface. Angle ‘b’ is referred to as a measuring small angles of tilt, fairly When parts have to be positioned
glancing angle. (Diagram 2) accurately. By using optics, absolute at certain offsets from a line of sight,
right angles can be established. This optical planes which are perpendicular
When the reflecting surface is ro­ method does not achieve the same ac­ to the line of sight can be established
tated from the incident ray, and the curacy as autocollimation which will be at the required stations. This can be
incident ray is held constant, each angle described later, but it gives greater clarity accomplished by autoreflection with a
is changed by the amount of rotation. of results when the object is greater jig transit or by using a pentaprism at­
The reflected ray deviates from its orig- than 50 feet from the checking instru- tachment on the theodolite.


The same type of mirror targets ciple is utilized whenever the lines of
are used for both autoreflection and sight of two instruments are brought
autocollimation and will therefore be parallel. When collimated light rays from
discussed in further detail in the auto- a collimator are viewed with a second
collimation section. instrument (a telescope) focused at in­
finity, an image of the illuminated cross­
One application that will be con­ hairs of the first instrument (collimator)
sidered here is the method of checking appears on the reticle. If the line of
parallelism and alignment of a shaft by sight of the collimator is parallel to the
autoreflection, using an alignment tele­ line of sight of the telescope, the cross­
scope. The same basic application is hair image of the collimator will coin­
considered in the lab project except that cide with the telescope crosshairs,
it is done by autocollimation. Therefore, irrespective of whether there is a dis­
the procedure by autoreflection will be placement between the two lines of
included to give a general comparison (a ) sight.
between the two methods. This procedure If the axis of the collimator is
assumes that there is no wobble in the tilted with respect to the telescope axis,
axis of the shaft. the crosshair image will appear off-
centre. In this case, the collimator could
Procedure: This operation allows a be used as a device for determining and
line of sight to be established along the measuring tilt with respect to the tel­
shaft axis as a datum line. This is useful escope axis.
in such operations as checking the align­
ment of a bore. The telescope is . set up Since parallel rays are involved in
in a position facing the end of the shaft. collimation, the distance between the
A mirror target is mounted on the end two instruments is of no importance,
of the shaft in such a way that it is ie. one could be directly in front of the
concentric with the axis of rotation. This other. Therefore collimators are very
can be accomplished using a locating useful in establishing reference lines for
shoulder. The telescope is focused to angle measurement, when sighting dis­
twice the distance between the telescope tances are limited. They can also be
and mirror, and the target illumination used as references against which levels
is turned on. The micrometers are set and theodolites can be checked and ad­
to zero. By using the adjusting screws justed.
on the telescope bracket, the image of
the cover glass target is centred on the
(b) In autocollimation, the same rules
apply which have just been described in
crosshairs. This makes the line of sight the procedure which utilized a collimator
perpendicular to the mirror although the and a telescope. The only difference is
mirror may not yet be perpendicular to that there is only one telescope used,
the axis of rotation. The axis is rotated since the other can be referred to as
through 180°. If the mirror is not per­ the mirror image of the actual telescope.
pendicular to the axis of rotation, the
The process of autocollimation is
image of the target will move away from
using a telescope focused at infinity, and
the crosshairs by the amounts kh’ and V
sighting an optically flat mirror. The
as shown in Figure 3(a).
reticle which lies in the focal plane of
the lens must be illuminated from the
W ithout further rotating the axis,
eyepiece side. This results in the rays
the telescope is adjusted to eliminate
of light leaving the objective lens as
half of the error in each direction.
parallel beams, as mentioned previously.
(Fig. 3(b) ) The mirror is now adjusted
If these parallel light rays are directed
to eliminate the other half of the error.
at a mirror, an image of the crosshairs
(Fig. 3(c) ) The previous three steps are
will be seen somewhere in the focal
repeated again until all the error is gone (c ) plane. If the mirror is exactly perpendic­
and the target image remains centred
ular to the line of sight, the light rays
on the crosshairs as the shaft is rotated.
will be reflected back along their orig­
The line of sight is now parallel to the AUTOCOLLIMATION inal paths, forming an image of the
axis of rotation but not necessarily coin­ The principle of collimation will crosshairs exactly on the actual cross­
cident. The target illumination is turned be outlined first, since the operation of hairs themselves. Autocollimation is ob­
off and the telescope is focused onto any autocollimating instrument is based tained when this occurs.
the mirror target. If the image is dis­ on this principle.
placed from the crosshairs, it means that As was mentioned earlier, auto­
the line of sight is not coincident with The term collimate means to collimation is not possible unless the
the shaft axis. produce parallel rays. This is accom­ telescope is focused at infinity. When a
plished in an instrument where a mirror is placed outside of the shortest
This offset can be measured by source of light is situated at the prin­ focusing distance of the instrument, an
using the horizontal and vertical micro­ ciple focus of a converging lens. Light image of the crosshairs can be formed by
meters. The telescope can now be dis­ rays emanating from any point in the focusing to the mirror, however this
placed by the amount of the offsets to focal plane of the lens will emerge from image cannot be used for autocollima­
bring the line of sight in line with the the lens as beams parallel to the prin­ tion. “It can be easily distinguished from
axis. ciple axis. In optical tooling this prin­ the autocollimation image by the fact


that it does not move in relation to the position. To measure the angles through
telescope crosshairs as the theodolite or which the mirror moved, the crosshairs
mirror is turned.” and their image are again brought in to
coincidence by autocollimation, and the
When a reflected image is obtained circles are read again (Hz2 and V2)
from a mirror surface, the reflected The amounts by which the mirror was
crosshairs will be of the same thickness turned in the horizontal and vertical is
as the actual crosshairs because the AHz and AV respectively where A Hz
magnification is 1:1. This condition holds = H zl — Hz2 and AV = VI — V2
true for any distance of separation be­
tween the mirror and the telescope. Even though it is not the intent of
This consistency of image size is import­ (a) this report to deal specifically with lasers
ant in maintaining pointing accuracy. in optical tooling, it must be stressed
When the mirror is positioned close to that these principles which have been
the objective lens, a return image of discussed, apply to lasers as well. Auto-
the complete reticle is seen. “ However, collimating lasers use the conventional
View through E re c tin g target mirrors. The only difference In
as the distance between the mirror and T elescop e
the objective increases, the size of the this system is that a centring detector
image — or, perhaps more correctly, built into the laser head, gives an indi­
the portion of the reticle of which the cation of the relative angular position
image is formed — decreases. The dia­ of the mirror with respect to the laser
meter ‘s’ of the image in seconds of arc beam. In other words if the mirror is
is approximately exactly perpendicular to the beam, the
centring detector will indicate a null.
If the mirror is tilted with respect to
2D sin 1" the beam, the angular displacement in
where d = diameter of telescope object­ the two axis can be read from the two
ive (b) meters.
D = distance between instrument ADVANTAGES
and mirror Autocollimation provides the most
Fig. 4 Autocollimation accurate means of determining perpen­
If a T2 theodolite with a 40mm a. Mirror is tilted by 'a'. Reflected rays dicularity. In autoreflection, there is al­
objective is 50 metres from the mirror, are moved through '2a'. Crosshairs and ways the possibility of the cover glass
the diameter of the image will be about im age no longer coincide. target not being exactly centred and
80" seconds. If one considers that the b. In (a) the im age appears below the therefore a slight error may be intro­
double vertical hair of the T2 reticle crosshairs, and in (b) when view ed duced.
subtends about 40", it will be realized through the eyepiece, the reflected
that the image at 50m is small, although Since this target is not used in
crosshairs being inverted are now above autocollimation, no error is involved and
autocollimation measurements can still the actual crosshairs.
be made comfortably.” Autocollimation therefore this method provides greater
can easily be done at a distance of “50m accuracy especially for very short dis­
The position of the reflected image tances. Also in autoreflection an error
or more from the mirror and the dis­
in the focal plane is not dependent on may be introduced if there exists a
tance has sometimes been up to 100m”
the distance of the mirror from the ob­ curvature in the line of sight as a result
Seldom does any machine part in indus­
jective. In other words, if the mirror is of having to focus at different distances.
try have to be positioned at a greater
moved gradually away from the tele­ In autocollimation, this error does not
distance than 100m, and if such a case
scope, and maintaining its original tilt, exist because the telescope is always
exists, it can be done by alternative pro­
all the reflected images will fall at the kept at infinity focus. With the focus
same point. In summary it can be stated set at infinity, there is no minimum dis­
Up to now, only the case of exact that “when the beam is parallel and tance for autocollimation. Pointing errors
perpendicularity between telescope and passes through the lens, the position of at infinity are virtually nonexistent and
mirror has been considered. If the mirror the image depends only on the direction this is why autocollimation is used so
is now tilted through an angle ‘s’, the or angle of the parallel beam relative extensively in industry. When using auto­
reflected ray will deviate by ‘2s’ (Refer to the instrument’s optical axis, and not collimation for precise angle measure­
to optical principles mentioned earlier). the position at which the reflected beam ment, exact centering of the theodolite
An image will be created in the same strikes the lens.” over a point is not necessary. The same
perpendicular plane as the light source One of the most important uses of applies to pointing on the mirror. It is
(focal plane) provided the mirror hasn’t autocollimation is for measuring angular not important where the line of sight
been tilted too far to prevent the re­ tilts (i.e. tilts of the mirror when it is intersects the mirror, except that if the
flected rays from entering the telescope positioned on a machine part). This mirror protrudes only partially into the
objective. The resulting image will be technique forms the basis for the lab bundle of rays, the reflected image will
displaced with respect to the telescope be weaker. The angular relationship be­
crosshairs and will be inverted. (Figure tween two mirrors does not change by
4a and b) The theodolite is pointed at the autocollimating to two different points
mirror, and by using both horizontal and on the mirror. The accuracy of pointing
In Figure 4 the reflected crosshairs vertical tangent screws, the reflected with an autocollimator as opposed to a
are inverted because “the reflected erect image is made to coincide with the collimator is increased two times by
virtual image is inverted when imaged crosshairs. Both horizontal and vertical the fact that a reflected ray from a mirror
by the lens. Both real and reflected circles are read (Hzl and V I). The is deflected through 2a for an angular
crosshairs will be again inverted by an mirror or the item fitted with the mirror tilt ‘a’ of the mirror. Since there are
erecting eyepiece.” is now tilted or turned into its second virtually no errors associated with point­


ing, the accuracy of an angle measure­ reticle plate at the focal plane. Special the vertical plane it serves as a retro-
ment is dependent solely on the operat­ diagonal autocollimation eyepieces are reflector. In other words, accurate or­
or’s ability to set the micrometer and also available for tasks where autocolli­ ientation of the prism in the vertical
on the accuracy of the circle and micro­ mation measurements have to be made plane is not im portant because the light
meter graduations. “With a Wild T2 with steep lines of sight. Automatic rays are returned parallel. “Whereas a
theodolite, a good observer will certainly plumbing instruments such as the Wild m irror defines a reference line, the auto­
measure to about + 1"; with a Wild T3 Z L and N L when fitted with autocolli­ collimation prism defines a reference
theodolite, to about + 0.5".” mation eyepieces can be used to position plane.” Therefore the advantage of us­
a mirror horizontally. Levels such as ing an autocollimation prism is that
AUTOCOLLIMATION the Wild N3 and NA2 can also be used autocollimation can always be obtained
INSTRUMENTS for autocollimation procedures. and horizontal angle measurements can
be taken from this vertical reference
The use of an autocollimation theo­ plane, irrespective of the inclination of
dolite is superior to using an alignment the telescope and the height of the in­
telescope because the telescope can only strument.
be used for alignment in one direction
at a time, while a theodolite can be The Wild GAP1 Autocollimation
used for alignment of any point in the prism is one of the most recent develop­
horizontal or vertical plane. ments in optical tooling utilizing a 90°
prism. It consists of a roof prism mount­
MIRRORS AND PRISMS ed in the standards of a theodolite as
Autocollimation mirrors must be shown in Figure 5.
front surface mirrors and they must be
optically flat (to within a few millionths
of an inch). Rear surface mirrors are
not suitable because they produce un­
wanted reflections which deteriorate the
sharpness of the reflected image.
The larger the diameter of the mir­
ror, the more suitable it is because it
allows a greater tolerance in positioning.
It will also reflect more light rays back
For interchange with telescope e y e p ie c e . to the instrument resulting in a strong
1. E yepiece lam p. 2. Autocollim ator e y e ­ image. When a small mirror is used,
piece. 3. Laser eyep iece. (i.e. smaller than the objective) the re­
verse is true. Therefore mirrors which
Some manufacturers have produced are at least the same size as the objective
special instruments just for the purpose should be used.
of autocollimation. It is usually more
desirable however to have a standard As the distance between the in­
theodolite equipped with an autocollima­ strument and mirror increases, the re­
tion attachm ent unless autocollimation flected image becomes fainter. Therefore
measurements are made frequently. The it is advantageous to have the mirror
necessary attachm ent interchanges with as dark as possible.
the standard telescope eyepiece and con­ It must be remembered that in
sists of a lamp, beam splitter and a autocollimation and autoreflection, the
front surface of the mirror is made
perpendicular to the line of sight, and W ild GAP1 Autocollim ation Prism.
not the surface on which the mirror is
located. To make sure that this surface The prism can be tilted to any in­
is made perpendicular, it is necessary clination. The 90° edge of the prism is
that the two surfaces of the m irror be positioned parallel to the tilting axis.
parallel. “A mirror target having faces “With the 10" per 2mm plate level,
parallel to within 2 seconds must be the instrument can be levelled up pre­
used.” cisely, thus setting the roof edge of the
prism horizontal.” The prism can be
There are two basic types of prisms roughly aligned to the autocollimation
used for autocollimation; the 90° roof theodolite with an optical sight. The fine
or Porro prism and the corner prism. adjustment is done with the horizontal
The corner prism is not as common in tangent screw. The rear surface of the
industry, because although the reflected prism contains a scale graduated in mil­
ray returns parallel to its original direc­ limetres with the zero of the scale exactly
tion, it is displaced by a certain distance. on the vertical axis of the instrument.
This scale is useful in measuring offsets
The roof prism forms an ideal
of the prism or the autocollimation in­
reference mark for alignment and hori­
strument from a baseline. This is achiev­
zontal angle measurement at different
ed by first obtaining autocollimation to
instrument heights. A plane mirror can
the prism and then focusing to the scale
not be used in such an instance. In the
and reading the offset. •
W ild T2 with horizontal plane, the roof prism functions
A utocollim ator E yepiece G0A2. as an autocollimation mirror while in to b e continued


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