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NEBOSH NGC1 Local Exam Paper 31st March 2014

1 An accident has been attributed to the failure of an employer to implement an appropriate permit-to-
work system.
(a) Identify the key elements of a permit-to-work system. (4)
(b) Outline FOUR types of work situation that might require a permit-to-work system,
giving reasons in EACH case. (8)
(c) Describe the actions that an enforcing authority could take in this situation. (6)

2 Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organisation might be improved. (8)

3. An employee who works on a production line has notified her employer that she is pregnant.
Outline the factors that the employer should consider when undertaking a specific risk
assessment in relation to this employee. (8)

4. With reference to Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, outline the general
duties of designers, importers, manufactures and suppliers of articles and substances for use at
work to ensure that they are safe and without risk to health. (8)

5 An organisation can monitor its health and safety performance using a variety of means.
(a) Identify FOUR active monitoring methods. (4)
(b) Identify FOUR reactive monitoring methods. (4)

6. (a) Outline SIX possible defences to a civil law claim of negligence. (6)
(b) Explain the circumstances in which an employer may be subject to vicarious liability. (2)

7. Identify the information that should be contained in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health and
safety policy. (8)

8. In relation to a risk assessment undertaken to comply with the Management of Health and
Safety Regulations 1999:
(a) Identify FIVE criteria that will determine whether it is ‘suitable and sufficient’; (5)
(b) Outline THREE circumstances that may require a risk assessment to be reviewed. (3)

9. (a) Outline the reasons why accidents should be reported and recorded within a workplace. (4)
(b) Outline factors that might encourage employees to report workplace accidents. (4)

10. (a) Give the meaning of the term ‘health and safety audit’. (2)
(b) Outline THREE advantages AND THREE disadvantages of an external auditor
carrying out a health and safety audit. (6)

11. (a) Outline the purpose of employers’ liability insurance. (2)

(b) Outline SIX costs of a workplace accident that might not be insured. (6)

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