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Attendance Request Report

05-Aug-23 to 05-Aug-23

Hussnain Ali
Employee Information
Employee Code : N0117 Station : Lahore

Department : Salesforce Group : Head Group

Designation : Backend Software Engineer Date Of Joining : 06-March-2023

Attendance Request Comparison

Preivous Data Current Data

Status Date Time Status Date Time

SignIn SignIn 05/Aug/2023 10:00:00 AM

Signout SignOut 05/Aug/2023 08:00:00 PM

Change Type :New Request

Reason :Engaged in product assignment and implementing filtration for the MX store. Worked on resolving bugs within the card page of the EN store.

Approval Routing
Requested By : Hussnain Ali Requested For : Hussnain Ali

Employee Name Status Action Routing Date Remarks

Hussnain Ali Requested - 21-Aug-23 01:47:39 PM -

Imran Munir L1Approval Pending 21-Aug-23 01:47:39 PM -

Umer Naeem EmployeeApproval - -- -

Attendance Request Report

8/24/2023 5:02:01 PM Page 1 of 1

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