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Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

in the local manufacture of ready-to-use therapeutic

foods (RUTFs)

C. Jeya K. Henry and Janice Lim Wen Xin

Abstract RUTF is a broad term that includes spreads and other

high-fat, high-energy foods. The idea of developing
The local manufacture of ready-to-use therapeutic foods local, low-cost RUTFs, rich in protein, energy dense,
(RUTFs) is increasing, and there is a need to develop and suitable for feeding to young children and other
methods to ensure their safe production. We propose vulnerable groups, arose in the early 1950s [1]. The
the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control simplest recipe for an RUTF has only two ingredients:
Point (HACCP) principles to achieve this goal. The a cereal or root crop combined with a legume. Other
basic principles of HACCP in the production of RUTFs constituents, however, need be added to this basic mix
are outlined. It is concluded that the implementation of in order to prepare a multimix that is nutritionally suit-
an HACCP system in the manufacture of RUTFs is not able for the treatment of acute malnutrition [2].
only feasible but also attainable. The introduction of A nutritionally suitable multimix for RUTF has four
good manufacturing practices, coupled with an effective basic ingredients:
HACCP system, will ensure that RUTFs are produced in » A staple (carbohydrate-rich) as the main ingredient,
a cost-effective, safe, and hygienic manner. preferably a cereal
» A protein source from plants or animals (e.g., beans,
groundnuts, milk, meat, chicken, fish, eggs)
Key words: Aflatoxins, food safety good manufactur- » A vitamin and mineral mix
ing practices, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point » A rich source of energy (e.g., fat, oil, sugar)
(HACCP), ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), In addition, an ideal RUTF formulation must have
Salmonella the following attributes:
» Good nutritional quality (i.e., protein, energy, and
micronutrient content)
Ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs) » Free from pathogens and toxins
» Long shelf life
During the past decade, home treatment of childhood » High palatability and acceptability
malnutrition has been made possible largely due to » Consistency and texture suitable for children
the development of RUTFs. The application and use » Requires no additional processing prior to feeding
of RUTFs in a wide range of countries and settings » Amino acid complementation for maximum protein
have been reviewed in other papers in this Supplement. quality
» Product stability at tropical temperatures and
» Easily available ingredients
The authors are affiliated with the Clinical Nutrition The extensive adoption of locally produced RUTFs
Research Centre, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, has raised two significant food safety questions. Is it
Agency for Science, Technology and Research, 14 Medical possible to develop small-scale production of RUTF in
Drive, #07-02, Singapore 117599. a hygienic and aflatoxin-free manner? Are there meth-
Please direct queries to the corresponding author: C. Jeya
K. Henry, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Singapore Insti- ods that can be adopted to ensure food safety? This
tute for Clinical Sciences, Agency for Science, Technology paper will concentrate on the development of Hazard
and Research, 14 Medical Drive, #07-02, Singapore 117599. Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles in
e-mail: the production of RUTF.

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 2 © 2014 (supplement), The Nevin Scrimshaw International Nutrition Foundation. S57
S58 C. J. K. Henry and J. L. W. Xin

Hazard analysis: Critical control point in food safety is not compromised [3]. Figure 1 can be
RUTF manufacture used to identify potential critical control points at
each manufacturing stage [6]. Figure 2 indicates the
HACCP originated in the early 1960s when the US main processes in the manufacture of an RUTF. This
space program needed to provide its astronauts with figure illustrates the RUTF production flow and enables
nutritious and safe food. It was pioneered by the HACCP to be applied at each processing stage with the
Pillsbury Company in cooperation with the National CCPs identified to control potential hazards.
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Since
then, HACCP has progressed to become a universally Principle 3: Establish critical limits
accepted method of ensuring food safety [3]. HACCP This step involves establishing criteria that must be
is a scientifically based risk management system in met for each CCP. Critical limits can be thought of as
which food safety is addressed through the analysis boundaries of safety beyond which the food product
and control of biological, chemical, and physical haz- is at risk of becoming compromised and unsafe, and
ards from procurement and handling of raw materials should be rejected and discarded. Critical limits are
to production, distribution, and consumption of the commonly set for parameters such as temperature,
finished product in a systematic manner [4]. A robust time, physical dimensions, water activity, titratable
HACCP plan should also take into account how the acidity (pH), viscosity of the food, and presence of
food will be treated and consumed after being sold, as preservatives [3].
this can influence how foods are prepared or processed
at the manufacturing plant [3]. HACCP team members Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures
need to have managerial and supervisory skills for Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or
implementing and maintaining the HACCP program measurements used to assess whether a CCP is always
consistently [4]. The two major food safety concerns in under control and to produce an accurate record for
RUTF manufacture are the presence of aflatoxins and use in future verification procedures. There are three
the risk of pathogenic microbial growth. Both fungal main purposes of monitoring [3]:
and microbial growth can be eliminated or minimized » It tracks the system’s operation so that a trend toward
by the application of a sound HACCP system. a loss of control can be recognized and corrective
action taken to bring the process back into control
Concepts and principles of HACCP before a deviation occurs;
» It indicates when loss of control and a deviation have
Hazard analysis serves as the basis for establishing criti- actually occurred, and corrective action must be
cal control points, i.e., those points in the process that taken;
must be controlled to ensure the safety of the food. The » It provides written documentation for use in verifica-
following seven principles will facilitate the develop- tion of the HACCP plan.
ment and implementation of an effective HACCP plan
for RUTF [3]. More details of the principles of HACCP Principle 5: Establish corrective actions
can be found in the Food Code [3]. When there are deviations from the prescribed critical
limits to any established CCP of the food production
Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis chain, immediate specific corrective actions should be
A hazard is a biological, chemical, or physical property taken to ensure that the particular process once again
that can cause a food to be unsafe and may present comes under control of the CCP. Importantly, any food
a health risk to consumers. The analysis of hazards product that is derived from that deviation should be
requires the assessment of two factors: the likelihood inspected for any compromise to food safety, so that no
of the hazard occurring and its severity when it does unsafe product reaches distribution [3].
occur [3, 4]. Table 1 indicates how a typical HACCP
analysis is carried out to identify the potential haz- Principle 6: Establish verification procedures
ards [5]. Extra care and constant monitoring checks Verification procedures are needed to ensure that
are required for processes such as the purchase and the HACCP system is functioning effectively and is
receiving of raw peanuts and ingredients, the roasting properly followed by the food manufacturer. An effec-
process, the mixing of ingredients, and the packing of tive HACCP system that is consistently reviewed and
the RUTF into sterile containers for storage. improved requires little sampling of the end product
because preventive measures will have already been
Principle 2: Determine the critical control points taken to eliminate any potential hazard [3].
A critical control point (CCP) is a point, step, or pro-
cedure at which control can be applied to a food safety Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and documentation
hazard (identified in principle 1) to prevent, eliminate, procedures
or at least reduce the hazard to acceptable levels where The requirement to record events at CCPs on a regular
Hazard analysis principles in the manufacture of RUTFs S59

TABLE 1. Example of HACCP worksheet in the production of RUTF

Process step Item Potential hazard B, P, C measure Severity Likelihood
Purchasing Raw peanuts and Aflatoxin C Acquire certifi- High High
ingredients cate of analysis
from supplier
Salmonella B Roasting High High
Foreign material P Cleaning Medium High
(metal, glass,
or stones)
Infestation B Pest control Low Low
Receiving Ingredients Infestation B Pest control Low Low
Storing Ingredients Infestation B Pest control Low Low
Cleaning Raw peanuts Foreign material P Foreign material Medium High
Roasting Peanuts Salmonella B Thermal High High
Cooling Peanuts — — — — —
Grinding Peanuts Metal P Metal removal by Medium Low
Mixing Raw ingredients Salmonella, for- B, P Personal hygiene High High
(oil, sugar, eign material observance,
milk powder, foreign material
vitamins, removal
Grinding RUTF Metal P Use of screen, Medium Low
metal detector
Filling RUTF Foreign material B, P Foreign material Medium Medium
Packaging and RUTF Foreign material P Foreign material Medium Medium
labeling (plastic, paper) removal
Source: Adapted from CAC/RCP 1-1969 [3].
B, bacteriological; C, chemical; HACCP, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point; P, physical; RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic food

basis ensures that preventive monitoring occurs in a production of RUTFs that contain peanuts as one of the
systematic way. The procedures [3] include ingredients. Aflatoxins are toxic mycotoxins produced
» Listing members of the HACCP team and assigned by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which proliferates on
responsibilities; peanuts and other crops under conditions of heat and
» Describing the product and its intended use; drought stress [7]. Eighteen types of aflatoxin have
» Creating a flow diagram of food preparation, indicat- been identified. The most potent are B1, B2, G1, and
ing CCPs; G2 [8, 9]. B1 is the most ubiquitous and toxic [10,
» Naming hazards associated with each CCP and pre- 11], and its consumption can lead to gastrointestinal
ventive measures; problems, fatal liver failure, and cancer [11]. Aflatoxins
» Setting critical limits to control hazards at each CCP; proliferate in peanuts that are not stored properly or are
» Setting monitoring protocols to identify deviations exposed to a wet climate, high humidity, and high tem-
from critical limits at each CCP; peratures [12]. This is especially so for shelled peanuts,
» Formulating corrective actions for deviations from where the natural protective barrier of the kernel has
critical limits at each CCP; been removed. Peanuts can also become contaminated
» Keeping proper records; if they become moist or damaged accidentally. Foods
» Verifying the HACCP system to ensure its efficacy. for human consumption are permitted to contain 4 to
30 μg/kg of aflatoxin, depending on the country [13]. In
1998, the European Union set a more stringent control,
Food safety in RUTFs with tolerance limits of 2 μg/kg for B1 aflatoxin and 4
μg/kg for total aflatoxins [14]. The Codex Alimentarius
Aflatoxin contamination Commission suggested a limit of 15 μg/kg for total
aflatoxins in food [15]. The international standard sug-
Aflatoxin contamination has been a major issue in the gests that products containing concentrations as high
S60 C. J. K. Henry and J. L. W. Xin

Q1. Does a control measure(s) exist for the hazard identified?

Is control at this step Modify the step,
necessary for safety? process, or product

Not a CCP Stop

Q2. Does this step eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the likely
occurrence of a hazard?


Q3. Could contamination with the hazard(s) occur in excess of acceptable

level(s), or could it increase to an unacceptable level(s)?

Yes No
Not a CCP Stop

Q4. Will a subsequent step eliminate the hazard(s) or reduce its likely
occurrence to an acceptable level?

Yes No
Not a CCP Stop


FIG. 1. Codex Alimentarius decision tree for the determination of critical control points (CCPs) in
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans. Source: adapted from Scott and Stevenson [6]

as 10 μg/kg of aflatoxin B1 would be acceptable for all discolored, and moldy peanuts, thereby significantly
types of food products if the total level of aflatoxins reducing mycotoxin levels.
does not exceed 15 μg/kg [16, 17]. The production of Substantial amounts of fungal-infected peanuts can
peanut-derived RUTF should be constantly monitored also be removed by immersion in water, where the
against aflatoxin contamination to minimize the risk of contaminated peanuts float because they have a lower
food-borne illnesses. density [19]. Shetty and Bhat [20] suggested adding salt
to the water during removal of contaminated maize, as
Managing aflatoxins in peanuts salt may increase the efficacy of the flotation, and this
method may be applicable to peanuts used in RUTF
Postharvest handling and processing procedures, such manufacture. Other researchers mention the use of
as sorting, washing, shelling, dehydrating, and cooking, ultraviolet light to detect various types of mycotox-
are fundamental in controlling fungal infection and ins and the removal of mycotoxin-infested peanuts.
mycotoxin production, as these procedures can sig- Minicolumns and scanning of crushed samples for
nificantly reduce aflatoxin proliferation. A significant blue–green–yellow fluorescence with a black light (UV
proportion of the aflatoxins found in peanuts comes lamp) have been used extensively as an initial screening
from small, moldy, and shriveled seeds. These can be test for aflatoxins [9]. The major types B1, B2, G1, G2,
removed by sorting [18] and removal of visibly broken, and M1 can be identified by this method [9]. A possible
Hazard analysis principles in the manufacture of RUTFs S61

Purchasing shelled peanuts values above 0.90), whereas molds and yeasts can thrive
and ingredients* in a wider range of aw values from 0.70 to 0.90 [22, 23]
(table 2). In drier foods, such as RUTF, bacterial spoil-
age is unlikely, but molds and yeasts can still proliferate,
Receiving causing spoilage if moisture is accidentally introduced
into the food by poor handling [24]. Otherwise, given
the relatively low moisture content in RUTF of less than
Storing 5.0% and an aw value of approximately 0.25 [2], micro-
organism contamination can be reduced or eliminated.
The optimal conditions for growth of A. flavus are
12% to 35% moisture at 27° to 38°C. Shelled peanuts,
which should be kept at a lower relative humidity to
maintain low moisture and stored in a cool environ-
ment, can be kept for a maximum of 18 months,
whereas unshelled peanuts can be kept for a maximum
of 24 months [12]. High-temperature treatment before
processing has been shown to prevent aflatoxin con-
Cooling tamination during storage [9]. Roasting reduces the
moisture content of peanuts to a very low value, which
makes it difficult for most bacteria and molds such as
Grinding A. flavus to grow [12]. There are two types of roasting:
dry and oil roasting. Dry roasting at approximately
160°C for 25 to 60 minutes cooks peanuts [12]. In
Ingredients added oil roasting, the peanuts are fried at 140°C for 3 to 10
(oil, icing sugar, milk powder, minutes [12]. Importantly, peanut-derived products
vitamins, and minerals)* should also be safeguarded against postprocessing
Pathogenic microbial growth

Peanut products have been known to be contaminated

Filling into jars or pouches* with Salmonella spp. [25]. Salmonella are bacteria that
are sensitive to heat, and inactivation can be achieved
by heating foods to approximately 71°C for a few sec-
Packaging and labeling onds, or in the case of peanuts, by roasting. Salmonella
contamination can also occur during processing and
has been detected in end products where no further
FIG. 2. Example of flowchart for production of ready-to-use thera- heat treatment is given [12]. Salmonella was found to
peutic food (RUTF).
*Indicates that the process is a critical control point (CCP)
survive in heat-treated peanut butter at 90°C, despite
the low aw value of the peanut butter [26, 27]. It was
postulated that the fat contained in the peanut butter
disadvantage of UV scanning for aflatoxins is that it may have provided a protective barrier for Salmonella,
may only be useful for the rapid detection of fungal thus preventing its destruction. Therefore, heat treat-
pathogens rather than the mycotoxin itself [9]. UV light ment of RUTF is not as effective in the prevention
has also been employed to destroy mold growth [21]. of Salmonella entry into RUTF as the maintenance
of good manufacturing practices. It is imperative to
Water activity and food safety maintain good sanitation in manufacturing plants and
to use only safe water for food production [12].
Water activity (aw) describes the presence of available
water for hydration. In other words, it indicates the
water available for microbial growth or chemical reac- Future developments
tion. An aw value of 1.00 indicates pure water, and an
aw value of 0 indicates the absence of available water. Given the increasing interest in the local production of
Water activity can be useful in predicting microbial RUTF, the challenge is to develop RUTF using locally
growth in foods, as microorganisms have a specific available cereals, legumes, and tubers. RUTF may
range of aw values in which they can grow. Bacteria also act as a vehicle to deliver additional micronutri-
require relatively high levels of moisture for growth (aw ents, such as antioxidants, and probiotics. The future
S62 C. J. K. Henry and J. L. W. Xin

TABLE 2. Influence of water activity (aw) of food products on growth of pathogenic microorganisms causing food spoilage
and endangering consumer health
aw Microorganisms that grow at this aw and above Food prone to such microbial contamination
0.95 Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, many spoilage Highly perishable foods (fresh and canned fruits, veg-
organisms, some yeasts etables, meat, fish), milk, cooked sausage, bread
0.91 Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, Lactobacillus, some Some cheeses (cheddar, swiss), cured meat
0.87 Many types of yeast Fermented sausages, sponge cakes, dry cheese,
0.80 Most molds, most Saccharomyces spp., Staphylococcus Most fruit juice concentrates, condensed milk, syrup,
aureus flour, high-sugar cakes, some meat jerky products
0.75 Most halophilic (salt-tolerant) bacteria, mycotoxigenic Jam, marmalade, glace fruits, marzipan, marshmal-
aspergilli lows, some meat jerky products
0.65 Some molds Rolled oats with 10% moisture, jelly, molasses, nuts
0.60 Some yeasts, few molds Dried fruits with 15%–20% moisture, caramel, toffee,
0.50 No microbial growth Noodles with 12% moisture, spices with 10% moisture
0.40 No microbial growth Whole egg powder with 5% moisture
0.30 No microbial growth Cookies, crackers, bread crusts with 3%–5% moisture
0.03 No microbial growth Whole milk powder with 2%–3% moisture, dehydrated
Source: adapted from Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences [23].

challenge is to develop low-cost RUTFs using simple and the harnessing of the international network of food
technologies and the application of HACCP. The shar- research institutes, the production of a microbiologi-
ing of good manufacturing practices will facilitate the cally safe RUTF will become a reality.
production of RUTFs that are both nutritious and
microbiologically safe in various emerging countries.
Conflicts of interest

Conclusions The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest.

The HACCP system is a proven strategy that can be

employed at the local level within the community to Authors’ contributions
produce safe RUTF. The methods of detection and pre-
vention of aflatoxins in peanuts do not require sophis- C. Jeya K. Henry conceived and developed ideas related
ticated technology and can be implemented easily to to the application of HACCP in RUTF manufacture;
ensure that aflatoxins are kept to a negligible level Janice Lim Wen Xin collaborated in the write-up and
during production. With proper food safety programs collation of information.

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