MP Unit 2 Oneshot

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Hello Friend!
These notes are not free, the fee of these notes is that
you should pray for me.
Please remember me in your prayers
: Dr. Shameem Ahmad
(Sarcastic Teacher)


1. Flag Register(PSW)/EFLAGS

• Carry Flag (CF): This flag is set when the carry is generated out of the MSB.
• Parity Flag (PF): This flag is set if the result contains an even number of 1s.
• Auxiliary Carry Flag (AF): This flag is set when carry is transferred from D3bit (lower
nibble to higher nibble) in 8-bit arithmetic operations.
• Zero Flag (ZF): This flag is set if the result of an operation is zero.
• Sign Flag (SF): This flag is set if the result of an operation is negative.
• Trap Flag (TF): This flag is used to enable single-step mode, which allows the processor to
execute one instruction at a time, which is useful for debugging.
• Interrupt Flag (IF): This flag is used to enable or disable maskable interrupts.
• Direction Flag (DF): This flag is used to control the direction of string operations, such as
move and compare.
• Overflow Flag (OF): This flag is set when the result of an arithmetic is out of range.


1. Flag Register(PSW)/EFLAGS

• Input output privilege level: These two bits

shows the I/O privilege level of current
• Nested Task Flag: the processor shows that the
interrupt or call function is being executed.
• Resume Flag: if SET disables debug
exceptions and gets cleared after first debug
• Virtual 8086mode: it is used to enter virtual
8086 mode.
• 1 :80386 is executing an 8086 program
• 0: otherwise

2. PIN Diagram


2. PIN Diagram • CLK2 is twice the frequency of the actual system clock.
• RESET: This signal is used to reset the 80386.
• 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is used to synchronize the µP with slower
• If 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is = 0, that means device is ready and hence
µP continues.
• If 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is = 1, it means device is not ready hence µP
inserts “Wait States”.

• NMI and INTR are hardware interrupt pins

• HOLD and HLDA are used for DMA purposes. DMA
Interrupts Pins means transferring data directly between Memory and I/O
without involving the µP.
• To do DMA transfer, the DMA Controller requires control
of the system bus. It gives HOLD to the µP (i.e. HOLD =1).
• Now µP finishes the current bus cycle (machine cycle) and
releases control of the system bus, and
gives HLDA.
• PEREQ: (Peripheral Extension Request)
DMA interface • If the coprocessor makes PEREQ = 1, it requests the µP to
initiate the bus operation.
• 𝑬𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑹 : (Co-Processor Error)
• Whenever any of the unmasked errors occur, 80387 makes
𝐸𝑅𝑅𝑂𝑅 = 0.

Coprocessor • 𝑩𝑼𝑺𝒀 : (Co-Processor Busy)

• If 80387 is busy, it makes 𝑩𝑼𝑺𝒀 = 0

• Address Bus (A31 – A2) (output signals).

2. PIN Diagram • 80386 has a “32 bit” address bus. The lower 2
lines A1and A0are used internally by the µP to
produce the four bank-enable signals
• 𝑩𝑬𝟑 … 𝑩𝑬𝟎 - Bank Enable Signals (active low
output signals).
• 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is used to synchronize the µP with
slower peripherals
• If 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is = 0, that means device is
ready and hence µP continues.
• If 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷𝑌 pin is = 1, it means device is not
ready hence µP inserts “Wait States”.
• D31 – D0 (32-bit data bus) (bidirectional signals)
• 𝐵𝑆16 - Dynamic Data Bus Sizing (active low
input signal)if 0:16bit data bus is selected(D15-D0)
• Control Signals: M/ 𝐼𝑂 : 1 = Memory, 0 = I/O
• D/ 𝐶ҧ : 1 = Data, 0 = Control
ത 1 = Write, 0 = Read.
• W/ 𝑅:


• 𝐿𝑂𝐶𝐾 : (active low output signal)

2. PIN Diagram • if a bus request occurs during an
• 1=µP releases the bus just after
finishing the current machine cycle
• 0=µP will only release the bus after
completing the current instruction
• 𝐴𝐷𝑆 : Address Status
• This pin is made low, when a new
address is put on the address bus.
• 𝑁𝐴 : Next Address
• 1= Address pipelining OFF
• 0=Address pipelining ON

3. Memory organization (Banks)

• 80386 has 32bit data bus.
• But one memory location contains only one byte (8bits).
• So to get 32 bits 4 consecutive memory locations will
be used.
• As 32 bit data has to be accessed from 4 locations, the
80386 memory is divided into 4 banks.
• Each bank is enabled by its respective bank enable
signal. Each bank is of 1GB, making it total 4 GB.
• The addresses are distributed in such a way that the 4
consecutive locations carrying 32-bit data are spread
across 4 different chips (banks).


4. Memory management registers

• GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register ) 48bit
• Holds the base address and size of the Global Descriptor
Table (GDT) in protected mode
• LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register) 16bit
• Holds the segment selector for the Local Descriptor
Table (LDT) in protected mode.
• IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register) 48bit
• It is used to search the IDT
• TR
• Holds information about the currently executing task in
protected mode.


On reset, by default PE bit is “0”. It is the only bit of CR0 which

is also available in Real Mode.

• Programmers model:
• In real mode:
• 6, 16-bit segment registers: CS, SS, DS, ES,
Extras: FS and GS.
• 5, 16-bit offset registers IP,SP,BP,SI,DI.
• Processor State after Reset:
• 4, 16-bit data registers :AX, BX CX and DX
• On reset 80386 goes to ROM location
• lower 12-bits of the Flag Register
FFFF FFF0 h, called the Reset Vector
• Only the LSB of CR0 (PE)is available in
Address of 80386 and executes a BIOS
Real Mode
program (also called Monitor Program).
• 8 addressing modes are available
• Additionally 80386 may also execute a
POST (Power-On Self Test), used to test • In Protected mode.
its internal hardware. • six, 16-bit segment registers.
• The Self Test optional. It is only • five, 32-bit extended offset
executed if the BUSY pin is held low registers(EIP,ESP,EBP,EDI,ESI)
during Reset. • Four, 32-bit general purpose registers
• Self Test takes approx 26 milliseconds. EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX
• 32 bit flag register called EFLAGS (or PSW)
• After the test, the result is stored in
EAX register. If EAX = 00H, then the • Four 32bit control registers:
Self Test was successful, else the test CR0,CR1,CR2,CR3
was unsuccessful. • All memory management registers are
available. 8 debug and 2 test registers are


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