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Part I

Choose the correct word

1. My brother is training to be a tutor/ paramedic/ judge because he wants to help people when
they are hurt.
2. Amy works full-time/ overtime/ part-time from 9 AM until 1 PM every day.
3. My little sister gets freckles/ wrinkles/ features on her face when she spends a long time in
the sun.
4. John is a loyal/ responsible/ fair friend and he is always there for me.
5. Adam’s daily wage/ salary/ bonus is about £40.
6. The Hobbit was shot/ led/ downloaded/ directed by Peter Jackson.
7. Last year, I saw my favorite band perform live/ standard/ whole/ life- like at the stadium.
8. Nobody thought the hero would lose the last fight in the film – a(n) advanced/ classic/
sudden/ unexpected ending.
9. My brother is plump/ overweight/ fat/ well-built because she goes to the gym.
10. When we go to the department store, Mum always buys clothes for my dad from the
menswear section/ outlet/ store/ branch.
11. My parents give money every month to develop/ raise/ attract/ support the charity.
12. Emily has really curly hair, but she made it shoulder-length/ thin/ straight/ short for her
13. My grandma has got grey hair and beard/ freckles/ wrinkles/ mustache under her eyes.
14. Jane is unfair/ cowardly/ lazy/ irresponsible because she always forgets to lock the door
when she leaves the shop in the evenings.
15. My sister is very loyal/ fair/ honest/ helpful because she always does the chores for our

1. Choose the correct item.
1. My best friend is the most honest/ more honest person I know.
2. Mrs Jones is better/ the best teacher in the school.
3. Tom fly/ flies/ is flying/ don’t fly to New York next week.
4. Is this your school bag or is it she/ her/ hers/ yours?
5. That’s the girl which / who/ who’s / whose dad is a hepatologist.
6. How few/ many / little/ much sugar do you need for the cake?
7. Many famous actors do all the dangerous film stunts by ourselves / themselves/ yourself/
8. Not all of the seventh Harry Potter films shoots/ is shot/ shoot/ were shot in 3D.
9. Where is Mark? I’ve looked somewhere/ anywhere/ nowhere/ everywhere for him!
10. I am taller than you, haven’t I/ am I/ am I not/ aren’t I?
11. The film Avatar uses amazing digital technology, hasn’t it/ isn’t it/ doesn’t it/ won’t it?
12. Don’t look so sad, won’t you/ will you/ are you/ didn’t you?
13. The X Factor is watching/ watches/ watched/ is watched by around 10 million people every
14. Luke is/ are/ is being/ are being very lazy today!
15. Daisy’s hair is by far longer/ very longer/ the longest/ much longer than her sister’s.

Everyday English

For each situation choose the appropriate response.

1. How do you tell your friend that you like fantasy films?

A I can’t stand fantasy films.

B I’m keen on fantasy films.
C I find fantasy films difficult.

2. How do you ask about the story of a film?

A What’s the main plot?

B. Have you read the book?
C Is the cast any good?

3. Your friend invites you to the theater, but you don’t want to go. How do you answer?

А That’s a pity.
В Let’s watch something else.
С Sorry, but I don’t feel like it.

4. What do you think I should do?


A. That’s not a bad idea.

B. You could talk to her about it.
C. I am not sure about that.

5. ………………………
Yes. One thing you can do is lock your things away.

A. Any ideas what to do?

B. What am I supposed to do?
C. What do you think I should do?

6. If I were you, I had to sit somewhere else.

You ……………………………..
Well then, you could try talking to the teacher.

A. That sounds like good advice!

B. Yes, I suppose so.
C. I don’t think that will help.
Part III


Read the text below. For every paragraph (1-3) choose the right headline (A-D). Write
appropriate letters (A, B, C or D) in the paragraph numbers. One headline is extra and does not
match any of the paragraphs.


1. _________________

Once again, Superman returns to our screens, this time played by British actor Henry Cavill in Man
of Steel. Cavill is joined by many other famous names, such as Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe.
Michael Shannon plays Superman‘s enemy, General Zod, and Amy Adams is curious reporter Louise

2. __________________

Man of Steel takes a closer look at Superman‘s past, where he was born and how he found out about
his amazing powers. Viewers will get to know Superman‘s family and the events in his childhood that
made him become a hero for good.

3. __________________

The script is poor at times and some of the acting feels forced, but the special effects are fantastic.
There are a lot of impressive fight scenes between Superman and his enemies that are sure to take
your breath away. If it’s adventure you’re looking for, Man of Steel is the film for you!

A. The background story.

B. The film's weaknesses.
C. An action-packed film.
D. A star-studded cast.

Part IV


Your English-speaking friend often argues with his/her sister, who keeps taking his/her
things without asking. Write an email to your English speaking friend (80-100 words). In
your email:

● sympathise with the problem

● give advice (lock bedroom door, talk to parents, etc.)
● wish him/her good luck

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