Email II

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Hey there <<first name>>,

Building a big brand is beyond challenging. Especially in the early days before
traction, before momentum, and before money. Naturally, who you have in your
corner on Day One can determine whether that business idea becomes a
reality or another dream destined to slip through your fingertips. So how do you
find key hires and, more importantly, key partners?

In this week’s episode, I chat with Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings, the duo
behind the biggest business podcast in the world, Earn Your Leisure. The
pair discuss the ups and downs of building a brand that sticks, why some
young entrepreneurs can’t make it past square one, and how they found the
best people for their business and their corners.

In this episode, I answer critical questions like:

• How do I know what positions to hire for?

• How do I scale a brand beyond one revenue stream?
• How do I gain traction when I’m just starting out?

We also discuss balancing multiple businesses within a brand, making sure

every employee has a role, and why refusing money can sometimes be the key
to success, sustainability, and true freedom.

Talk soon,

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