Space Chase Level 2 Presentation

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Space chase level 2


Project name-
My information

Name- Dhivyashree. Loganathan

Grade- 7

School- Indian School Sohar


Project name- dhivyashree7indianschoolsohar

1. Purpose of the
➔ It helps the astronauts to move and
research further from their settlement
on the moon.

➔ If the astronauts want to discover the

moon further and perform the
experiments suggested by
universities, they could do it with the
help of this rover

➔ It is well equipped that collected

samples can be stored or
experimented from the rover and also
transfer data to earth
2.Instrument &
their function
➔ Infrared imager- this helps the
astronauts to know the temperature
outside or soil

➔ High resolution cam- it helps in

capturing images of the moon surface

➔ Earth sensor- it helps the antenna to

face the earth every time
3. Parts of the
➔ Controlling system for the whole rover

➔ Communication system

➔ Air and pressure control system

➔ Power system

➔ Instrument and equipment holder


➔ This contains a panel for delivering the

data and receiving commands from the

➔ It also has telemetry antenna to send

and receive signals. This is the main
part of the communication system as
this helps to connect the earth

➔ The antenna connects the earth for

navigating the rover.
5.layers of
➔ Kevlar

➔ Led

➔ Space grade plastic

➔ Aluminium

➔ Titanium

➔ Aluminized mylar

➔ Spandex

➔ nylon
6. How do astronauts
fulfill their needs
➔ Food and water- they are kept and
stored in the food strap

➔ Air- there are air vents and oxygen

supply for astronauts in the rover

➔ They have sanitary supplies (if needed)

in one hour travel.

➔ Instruments and equipments are

provided in the tool strap. There are
astronaut suit for going out of the rover
and collect samples manually.
7. All about pressure, power
and temperature control of
➔ The atmospheric pressure maintained
will be 1

➔ The thermal control is done by fluids

and layers of insulation which will help
the rover to be in the room temperature

➔ Power is produced by solar panels. The

energy is stored in battery for the rover
8. Lastly about control panel
of the rover
It controls:

➔ The air and power supply

➔ Makes the rover move
➔ Gives warning if somethings wrong with
the rover
➔ Controls the door
➔ It is connected with the highresolution
cam which helps in finding obstacles on
the way.

These are the things it could control.

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