Technical Booklet GB-ML 800 D em

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GB-ML 800 D EM

N. 09557


The monoblock structure includes:

- aluminium body casing
- mounting flange with insulating seal
- flame tube in special steel for high temperature
- flame stabilizer disk
- air combustion fan directly coupled to the electric motor
- two poles electric motor for fan operating
- ignition transformer with safety base
- high insulation ignition electrodes
- spray nozzle at a variable capacity with central backflow and 1-3 ratio
- opening oil electro-magnet
- oil pump
- oil filter
- air- oil combustion mixing head
- progressive and continuous regulation group of the air- oil
- capacity completed with the order transmission to air locks and oil adjustment
valve with electronic motor
- multiple throttle lock combustion air opening
- photoelectric cell


Built-in electric board for the burner command and control:

- mechanic protection degree IP40
- flame protection logic
- boiler safety circuit ( specifications to be comunicated)
- state optical signals


GB-ML 800 D EM 0 0 0 0


FGR Low NOx flue gas external recirculation
LX Low NOx internal recirculation
LP Low pressure fuel SPECIAL VERSION
DF Double air flow
SF Short flame
A Compressed air
AC Combustion hot air (only Monoblock burner)
/2 Two stages
MC Mechanical cam
EM Electronic cam
D Diesel oil
G Natural Gas
N Heavy oil
GN Dual fuel gas / heavy oil
GD Dual fuel gas / diesel oil
ML Monoblock burner
S Monoblock burner
SP Plate Monoblock burner
SR Flame register
SRO Flame register octagonal shape
SRP Plate flame register
SRPO Plate flame register octagonal shape



1350 - 8000 min-max [kW]

180 - 715 min-max [kg]

1.5 °E at 20 °C - 6 cSt at 20 °C °E - cSt
60°E at 50°C - 450 cSt at 50 °C °E - cSt
135 - 810 min-max [m3n/h]
490 mbar
DN80 diameter
1 - 6 Gas 1 - 4 Diesel oil 1- 4 Heavy oil
-15°C +50°C min-max [°C]
230 V - 50 Hz V - Hz
13000 V - 35 mA V2 - l2mA
8000 V - 20 mA V2 - l2mA
2900 RPM’
11 kW
1450 RPM’
2,2 kW
IP 54 IP
2006/42/CE - 2006/95CE- 2011/65/CE - 2004/108/CE
EN 60204-1 / EN 62233 / EN 61000-6-2
EN 61000-6-4 / EN 60529


GB ML 800


Furnace backpressure [mbar]




0 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000
Burner capacity [kW]


We hereby declare that our gas, oil, heavy oil and dual fuel, gas-heavy oil or gas- oil, burners are
manufactured conforming with existing CE, CEI and UNI standards as per separate documentation.

General Bruciatori guarantees that CE certification featuring this burner is also carrying “CE” gas train
and gas line accessories when requested.

The declaration is not binding when burners have been ordered non complying with EC or UNI
standards for installation in special application and or special purposes

Current regulations
UNI-CIG 8041 STANDARD 8041 Pressure air gas burners – terms and definitions.
UNI-CIG 8042 STANDARD Pressure air gas burners – safety rules
UNI-CIG 7128 STANDARD 7128 Home gas systems, supplied by distribution network – term and
UNI-CIG 7129 STANDARD 7129 Home gas systems, supplied by distribution network – planning,
installation and care.
UNI-CIG 7130 STANDARD 7130 Liquefied petroleum gases domestic systems not supplied by
distribution network – Terms and definitions.
UNI-CIG 7131 STANDARD 7131 Liquefied petroleum gases domestic systems not supplied by
distribution network – planning, installation and maintenance.
UNI-CIG 7824 STANDARD One-block liquid fuel spraying burners – features and test methods.
UNI-CIG 6579 STANDARD Liquid fuels for technical and industrial and civil uses classification and
UNI-CIG 8364 STANDARD 8364 Heating system – checking and maintenance.
UNI-CIG 9317 STANDARD 9317 Heating system – management and control.
UNI-CIG/CTI 9221 STANDARD Pressure air burners liquid fuel and gas operated for heat generators
used in beauty farms.
D.P.R. April 27th, 1955 n°547 Rules for the prevention of accidents at work.
LAW December 6th, 1971 n°1083 Fuel gas usage safety rules.
LAW July 13th, 1966 n°615 Regulation against atmospheric pollution.
D.P.R. December 22nd, 1976 n°1391
Enforcement of law July 13th, 1966 n°615.
LAW April 30th, 1976 n°373 Rules for the containment of the buildings technical uses energetic

D.P.R. June 28th, 1977 N°1052 Rules for the enforcement of law April 30th, 1976 n°373
LAW MAY 29th, 1982 n°308 Regulations for the containment of the energetic consumption, the
development of the renewable energy sources and the operating of power plant supplied with
combustibles other than hydrocarbons.
LAW MARCH 5th, 1990 n°46“System safety rules.
D.M. JANUARY 26TH 1981 Reference value of the combustion efficiency of the heating plants.
MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR – CIRCULAR LETTER 11/25/71 N°68 Safety rules for thermal
plants connected to gas pipe network.
MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR – CIRCULAR LETTER 7/29/71 N°73 Oil or Diesel fuel thermal
plant-rules for enforcement of the regulations against atmospheric pollution; dispositions for fire
D.P.R. November 15TH 1996 N°660 Executory regulation of 92/42/EEC directive on the efficiency
requirement of new hot water burners, supplied with liquid or gas fuels.
D.P.R. November 15TH 1996 N°661 Executory regulation of 90/396/EEC directive on gas
3580000 SANTIAGO -

Certificato n. 2018C0058

(All. 2A 2006/42/CE)

Noi, GENERAL BRUCIATORI S.r.L operante nel settore della costruzione, installazione e
riparazione bruciatori industriali con sede in via Azzali n. 10 - Parma - P. Iva 01750730341,
iscritta al registro ditte della CCIAA di Parma al n. 176081

dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il bruciatore Industriale:

tipo GB-ML 800 D EM /serie 09557 è conforme alla direttiva 2006/42/CE del
Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 17 maggio 2006, relativa alle macchine.
Il bruciatore è a servizio continuo e non necessita di nessun fermo macchina.
(Complies with the requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 May 2006 on machinery).


(Complies also with the requirements of the following European Directives):

o Compatibilità elettromagnetica (DIRETTIVA 2014/30/UE)

(2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatibility)

o RoHS 2 (DIRETTIVA 2011/65/CE)

(2011/65/EC RoHS 2)

43100 Parma – Italia – Via Azzali ,10 1

Telefoni: (0521) 772051 – 772056 - Telefax: (0521) 774700 – e-mail:
Reg. Soc. Trib. Parma n. 21610 – C.C.I.A.A. Parma n. 176081 – codice Fiscale e Partita IVA n. 1750730341
Capitale Sociale 46.000,00 i.v.
(Complies with the requirements of the following harmonised standards):
o EN ISO 12100:2010
o EN 267:2009+A1:2011
o EN 676:2003+A2:2008
o EN 746-2:2010
o EN 60204-1-2006+A1:2010
o EN 61000-6-2:2006
o EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2013


43100 Parma – Italia – Via Azzali ,10 2

Telefoni: (0521) 772051 – 772056 - Telefax: (0521) 774700 – e-mail:
Reg. Soc. Trib. Parma n. 21610 – C.C.I.A.A. Parma n. 176081 – codice Fiscale e Partita IVA n. 1750730341
Capitale Sociale 46.000,00 i.v.

Certificato No./Certificate No.: Data prima emissione/Initial date: Validità/Valid:
74392-2010-AQ-ITA-SINCERT 31 gennaio 2010 25 giugno 2015 - 25 giugno 2018

Si certifica che il sistema di gestione di/This is to certify that the management system of


Via Azzali, 10 - 43100 Parma (PR) - Italy

È conforme ai requisiti della norma per il Sistema di Gestione Qualità/

has been found to conform to the Quality Management System standard:

UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 (ISO 9001:2008)

Questa certificazione è valida This certificate is valid

per il seguente campo applicativo: for the following scope:
Progettazione, produzione, installazione Design, manufacture, installation
e assistenza post vendita and after-sales servicing
di bruciatori industriali of industriai burners

(Settore EA : 18) (EA Sector : 18)

Luogo e Data/Piace and date: Per l'Organismo di Certificazione/

Vimercate, 18 settembre 2015 Far the Certification Body

SGQ N ° 003 A EMAS N ° 009 P

SGA N ° 003 D PRD N ° 003 B
SGE N ° 007 M PRS N ° 094 C

Membro di MLA EA per gli schemi di accreditamento

per gli schemi di accreditamento SGQ, SGA, SSI, FSM
e PRD e di MRA ILAC per gli schemi di accreditamento

Vittore Marangon
Management Representative

La validità del presente Certificato è subordinata al rispetto delle condizioni contenute nel Contratto di Certificazione/
Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalici.
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. Via Energy Park, 14, 20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy. Tel: 039 68 99 905.




The instruction handbook supplied with the boiler is an integral and essential part of the product
and shall be handed in to the user.
Carefully read the handbook and the warnings therein as if provides important information
regarding the installation, use and maintenance of the burner.
Carefully store the handbook for further reference.
Only professionally qualified staff may carry out the installation pursuant to the regulations in force
and following the manufacturer's instructions. Professionally qualified staff means those staff
members having technical skills in the area of heating systems for industrial and private use and
for the production of hot and sanitary water. Installation by manufacturer's approved service
centers is preferred.
Wrong installation may cause damages to people, animals or properties and the manufacturer
shall not be held liable for such damages.


After having removed each packing, make sure the contents are not damaged. In case of doubt do
not use the equipment and contact your supplier.
Packing items (wood cage, nails, clips, plastic bags, polystyrene foam, etc.) should be kept out of
the reach of children since they are a potential source of danger and pollution. They should be
collected and disposed of in specifically designated areas.

The burner must be installed in suitable premises with adeguate ventilation openings are provided
by current regulation and sufficient to obtain a correct combustion.
Do not obstruct the premises vent opening, the fan suction grids or any air ducting in order to avoid
two dangers:
1. stagnation in the boiler room of possible toxic and/or explosive mixtures.
2. lack of air in the combustion; it is dangerous, toxic, expansive and polluting.
The burner must be protected from rain, snow and ice.
The room where the burner is located must be clean and free from volatile solid substances which,
recalled from the fan, can obstruct the burner internal ducts or the combustion head.

The burner must be supplied with the type of fuel provided, as shown in the equipment plate and in
the user’s handbook.
Fuel supply features and pulverization pressure should be those described in the manual.
The burner combustible delivery system must be calibrated to the burner maximum delivery and
equipped with all the safety and control devices provided by current regulations.
Before entering the combustible to the burner supply duct, carefully clean it and set a suitable filter
in order to avoid possible residuals to jeopardize the burner correct functioning.
Also check the duct correct inside and outside seal.
The liquid combustible tanks must be suitably protected from water and impurity infiltration. During
summer store the tank filled with combustible in order to avoid humidity condensation.
Carefully clean the tank before filling it with combustible.
Protect from ice the tank and the burner supplying duct.
The tank must be built and placed in compliance with current regulations.
Special warnings for the use of gas
Have professional staff verify that:
 the supply line and gas ramp comply with rules and regulations in force.
 That all gas connections are tight.
 That the boiler room vent openings size guarantees the outflow of air as provided by
regulations in force (specify) and is suitable for obtaining a perfect combustion.
Do not use gas piping as grounding for electric equipment.
When not needed, do not leave the burner unnecessarily on and always close the gas cock.
In case of user's extended absence, close the main gas delivery cock of the burner.

Check the burner power supply corresponds to the one specified on the burner plate and in the
The equipment electric safety is obtained when it is correctly connected to an efficient and
compliant with current regulations grounding system. It is necessary to check this essential safety
In case of doubt, ask a professional to carry out an accurate inspection of the electric system, as
the manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damage caused by not grounding the equipment.
The electric system must be suitable to the maximum power absorbed by the equipment shown on
the plate. In particular check that the cable size suits the power absorbed by the equipment.
For the equipment connection to the main power system:
 do not use adapters, multiple outlets, extension cords;
 use an omnipolar switch as provided by current safety norms.
In case of damages to the cable, turn off the equipment and contact a professional to replace it.
Do not touch the equipment with wet or moist body parts and/or with bare feet.
Do not pull electric cords.
Do not expose the equipment to weathering (rain, sun, etc.) unless expressly provided for.
Prevent children or inexperienced persons from using the equipment.

The burner must be used only for the purposed expressly provided by the manufacturer. Any other
use shall be considered as misuse hence dangerous. More specifically:
 Applied to burners, hot air generators, furnaces or other similar fireboxes, located in an area
protected from weathering.
 Fuel type and pressure, the power voltage and the supply electric current frequency, the
minimum and maximum delivery to which the burner is adjusted, the furnace pressurization,
the furnace size, the ambient temperature, must remain within the values stated in the
instruction handbook.
For any equipment with optional kits, (including electric assemblies) use only original accessories.
It is forbidden to change the equipment in order to modify its efficiency or intended use.
It is forbidden to open or tamper its parts except for those parts included in the maintenance.
Only those parts designated by the manufacturer can be replaced.
Do not touch the burner hot parts. Such parts are usually positioned near the flame and the
combustible pre-heating system – if available – and become hot during operation and remain hot
even after a long shut down of the burner.
In case you decide not the use the equipment for a certain amount of time, it is advisable to turn off
the main power switch of all system parts which use electric power (burner pump, etc.) and to
close the manual valve of the fuel supply duct of the burner. Otherwise, if you decide not to use the
equipment any more, trained staff will have to perform the following operations:
 disconnect the power supply by removing the power cable from the main switch.
 close the fuel supply using the interception manual valve and remove the control hand
wheels from their housing.
Should the equipment be sold or assigned to another owner, or in case of move out, make sure
that this handbook always accompanies the equipment in order to be used for reference by the
new owner and/or installer.

For safety reasons the equipment must be stopped every 24 hours for flame control cheching.

In case of repeated burner lockout do not make more than 3 unlock attempts, but contact a
In case of the above and/or equipment bad functioning disconnect it avoiding any type of direct
intervention or repair.

Exclusively contact a professional. In case the burner needs to be repaired, such repair can be
exclusively done by manufacturer Service Center using original spare parts only.

The non-compliance of the above can only jeopardize the equipment safety.

If you smell gas:
 close the gas main manual gas valve;
 do not operate the electric switches, the phone or any other object that could cause
 immediately open doors and windows in order to create an air current that purifies the room;
 Ask for professional staff intervention.

If you find oil leaks:
 close the main connection to the oil line;
 do not provoke fire;
 immediately clean the parts involved with oil, clean and dry the floor and open doors and
windows in order to purify the air in the room;
 Ask for professional staff intervention.



• All handling operations have to be carried out by specialised personnel.

• Whenever these operations are not handled properly, beware of the risk of burner overturn or
fall down
• Ensure that the burner is moved with suitable means according to its weight
• When unpacked the burner must be move and lifted by means of fork lift


When installing the burner on to the boiler please proceed as follows:

1 check boiler’s door hole dimension, fix the 4 stud bolts according to the drilling template as shown
in the chapter “BURNER DIMENSION”
2 ensure that the burner blast tube dinetion can match boiler’s hole dimention
3 place the gasket on the burner’s flange
4 install the burner on to the boiler
5 fix the burner to the stud bolts with fixing nuts
7 when burner is secured ensure and seal space between blast tube and refractory lining with
insulating material


1 Burner
2 Fixing nut
3 Washer
4 Sealing gasket
5 Stud bolt
6 Blast tube


• Ensure that the burner is matching required heat output by checking working fields chart
• Ensure that the matching point is met according to combustion chamber back pressure
• Check combustion chamber size and verify flame dimensions


Prior to proceeding to installation make sure that:

1) the chimney is build following the section and height values supplied by the boiler manufacturer.
Always pay attention to the following:
a) the boiler-chimney pipe fitting must be short and heavy sloped;
b) do not use external iron plate or asbestos cement material made chimneys; without
insulation coating as they can cause condensation in case of soot at the chimney outlet.
Low temperature in these chimneys cannot assure a good draft;
c) the course of the chimney should not have air seepage;
d) free the top of the chimney from any obstacle. Arrange the cap to let the exhaust-gas
flow out freely ;
e) in mountain areas, chimney sections must be increased by 10% each 500 m. of height
a.s.l; please consider that based on the height above see level, the burner fan efficiency
is reduced and therefore there is a reduction in the burner maximum capacity. The
table contains the approximate values;

Height above Fan capacity

sea level in meters reduction as %

1000 - 6 %
1500 - 11 %
2000 - 16 %
2500 - 21 %
3000 - 27 %
3500 - 32 %

f) prefer circular or beveled angle squared section; using rectangular sections avoid the
bigger side – smaller side ratio to be over 1,5.

2) If you need to line the firebox with firebricks (should it be required by the boiler type) always follow
the instructions of the boiler manufacturer. The lining around the burner stokehole must be carried
out following the burner manufacturer instructions.

3) Burner power supply must be realized following our wiring diagram; prearrange the electrical
connection for the power supply voltage.

4) Fuel tubing must be built following General Bruciatori's diagrams.

5) The nozzle applied to the burner should be suitable to the boiler capacity and replaced if
In no event the amount of fuel delivered should exceed the boiler maximum required quantity and
the maximum permitted quantity for the burner.
Make sure that the nozzle spray angle must be such as not to cause any trouble (flame
detachment, plate or combustion stokehole fouling, violent ignition etc.), otherwise replace nozzle
with other one having a suitable spray angle. The fuel delivery must never exceed the maximum
delivery provided for the boiler.

6) Check the stokehole to fit in the firebox as per boiler manufacturer instructions.


The fettling lining in the combustion chamber allows the developing around the flame of a very high
temperature in order to support combustion and protect the boiler dry parts.
It is recommended using good quality fettling material with thermal resistance higher than 1500 °C
(42% ÷ 44% of alumina).

a) an excessive extension of the lining. This is an insulating layer which reduces thermal exchange,
therefore reducing the boiler efficiency;

b) an arrangement which considerably reduces the furnace volume, in order to avoid combustion a
good combustion for lack of space.

Please consider that the current trend among boiler manufacturers is not to provide a fettling lining.
As regards the lining, always follow the instructions of the boiler manufacturer.
The lining around the burner stokehole must be carried out following the burner manufacturer


It is not possible to connect the burner directly to the (low pressure) gas pipe network. Thus the
Distributing Company requires the installation of a <<controller>> with gas meter and reducing valve
connected to the medium pressure gas pipe network (some Kg/cm2).
The <<controller>> can be supplied by the Distributing Company or by the user itself following the
specific instructions of the Distributing Company.
The <<controller>> reducing valve must be sized to supply the requested gas delivery at the constant
pressure value estimated for the burner.
We recommend to use huge size reducing valve to attenuate the big increase of pressure that occurs
when the burner stops (by law the gas valves must shut completely in less than a second time). Use
a reducing valve with a delivery capacity (m3/h) double than the maximum estimated for burner..
We recommend to install a reducing valve for each burner.
The gas pipe must be properly sized as a function of the quantity of gas to be delivered. Flow
resistance must be kept within small values.
Install an automatic overflow valve and relevant outer conveying pipe in you estimate or discover
later on that the gas pressure as burner stops reaches unacceptable values. The end of the
conveying pipe must be protected from rain and provided with flame trap.
The overflow valve must be connected with a proper section pipe in the length between the

reducing valve and the first gas interception valve. The overflow valve must be set to completely
release the exceeding pressure.
Flow resistance as a function of the total length and diameter of the pipe are reported in the diagram.
After securing the burner to the boiler (notice that the stokehole must fit in the firebox as per boiler
manufacturer requirements) you can connect it to the gas pipe.
We recommend installing on the pipe a three-part union or a couple of flanges, near to the burner, in
order to easily allow the opening of the shutter and the disassembly of the burner.
Before closing this connection, purge any air left in the piping.
It is essential to install, near the burner, a proper filter. Upstream the filter place a gas interception
(ball) cock.
All the pipes must be perfectly sealed and properly tested before testing the burner.


The following only takes into account the essential requirements for a correct operation. The
regulations and Firefighters' orders to observe in order to comply with the anti smog laws should be
searched in the published laws in force at the date of testing of the system.

The burner thrust pump should receive the fuel from a suitable supply circuit with auxiliary pump. The
pressure at the inlet of the thrust pump required for a correct operation is 0.5 ÷ 1 Kg/cm2. The value
of the fuel supply pressure to the thrust pump (0.5 ÷ 1 Kg/cm2) should be checked both with the
burner stopped and operating at the minimum and maximum fuel delivery required by the boiler.
The above can be obtained by installing a <<ring>> supply circuit, an auxiliary pump.On such circuit it
is possible to install a steam pre-heater with temperature adjustment.
If high viscosity fuel oil (higher than 1.5°E at 20°C), or fluid fuel is being used, the auxiliary pump
must be always in operation or operated at burner startup and stopped at burner shut down.

Always observe the following instructions:

- Install the auxiliary pump as close as possible to the liquid to be sucked up.
- The pump head should be suitable to the relevant system.
- A capacity at least equal to the burner thrust pump capacity is recommended.

- Connection piping should be suitably sized base on the auxiliary pump delivery.
When using a fuel oil amount the viscosity of which exceeds the pumping limit, it is necessary to heat
it at a temperature which allows it to flow in the piping. Pre-heating in the tank can be done using a
steam coil or a hot water coil.
The coil should be applied near the suction piping and be suitably positioned so that it can be
plunged even with the tank at minimum level. The amount of the above pre-heating can be
determined by making reference to the viscosity-temperature diagram.
It is necessary to pre-heat the oil until its viscosity value falls below the line defining the pumping
maximum limit.
A slight pre-heating of the tank is always useful although it involves using some fluid oils (3-5°E).


Burner installation and calibration shall be carried out by professionals and pursuant to the rules and
regulations in force since a wrong installation can cause damages to persons, animals or properties
for which the manufacturer shall not be held liable.

Make sure that the installer has securely anchored the burner to the heat generator so that the flame
is formed only inside the furnace of the generator itself
Before starting up the burner and at least once a year, have a professional perform the following
 calibrate the combustible delivery according to the power required by the heat generator and
within the generator delivery range established in the handbook .
 adjust the comburent air delivery in order to obtain a burning efficiency that is at least equal
to the minimum required by current standards.

 perform the furnace check in order to avoid the forming of harmful or polluting non-burnt
materials that are beyond the limits permitted by current standards.
 check the functionality of adjustment and safety devices.
 check the correct functionality of combustion products exhaust duct.
 once all adjustments are completed, check that the mechanical blocks of all adjustment
devices are correctly tightened.
 Make sure that burner use and maintenance instructions are available in the boiler room as

 The burner fuel delivery system should be calibrated to the burner required capacity and
equipped with all the safety and control devices provided by current regulations.
It is hereby waived any contractual or non contractual manufacturer's liability, for damages caused
during installation and use and however for any non-compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Before carrying out any cleaning or maintenance operation, disconnect the equipment from the mains
using the equipment switch and/or through the specific interception means.

Do not obstruct suction or dissipation grids.


Electrical connections should always be made using flexible cables.

The three phase and neutral supply line - of section suitable to the power absorbed by the burner -
should be protected by short circuit, earth dispersion.
All electric lines must be protected with a sheathing and run distant from high temperature parts.
Check that the power supply voltage and frequency is suitable to the burner requirements.
For further details, see each model relevant electric diagram.
Quick Refernce for Burner Tronic
Endusers BT3....

Sensors uad Systems

for Combustion Engineering
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1 Validity of these Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Life Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Disposal Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 German Law on Device Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Safety Instructions - Common Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 FOR YOUR SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.1 Mounting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.2 Security Advice - Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.3 Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.4 Electrical Connection Flame Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.5 Commissioning Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.5.1 Fuel/Air Ratio Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5.2 Basic Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.6 Tasks fulfilled by "authority on the subject" during Approval Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.6.1 Checking for Correct Parameterisation in System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6.2 Checking the Fuel/Air Ratio Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6.3 Checking Burner Sequencer Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5 OPERATING CONTROL AND DISPLAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.1 UI300 User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.2 Menu Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.3 Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.4 Information Menu Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.4.1 Burner Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.4.2 Recall Fault History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.4.3 Software Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.4.4 Display of Check Sums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4.5 Serial Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4.6 Positions of Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.4.7 Check Digital Inputs/Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.4.8 Digital Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Table of Contents

5.5 Manual Menu Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.6 Settings Menu Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.6.1 Enter Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.6.2 Program Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.6.3 Other Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

6 LEAKAGE TEST FOR MAIN GAS VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

6.1 Calculation Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

6.2 Leakage Test with Ventilation Via Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

6.3 Exhaust of Test Line Over the Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

7 TECHNICAL DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.1 Technical Data BT300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.2 Actuators 662R550... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

7.3 Actuators 662R5001... / 662R5003... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

1 General Information

1 General Information
1.1 Validity of these Instructions

This manual is valid for the burner control system BurnerTronic BT300 in any configuration.
The information contained in this document refer to the software versions BT300 v and
v 3.1 and UI300 v 3.1. If you use any other software version as mentioned previously some of
the described functions may not be available or some available functions are not described in
this manual.

1.2 Life Cycle

BurnerTronic BT300 burner management system has a designed lifetime * of 250,000 burner
start-up cycles, which, under normal operating conditions in heating mode, correspond to ap-
prox. 10 years of usage (starting from the production date given on the type plate).
This lifetime is based on the endurance tests specified in standard EN230/EN298 and the ta-
ble containing the relevant test documentation as published by the European Association of
Component Manufacturers (Afecor) (
The designed lifetime is based on use of BT300 according to the manufacturer’s basic docu-
mentation. After reaching designed lifetime in terms of number of burner start-up cycles, or
the respective time of usage, the BT300 must be replaced by authorized personnel.

1.3 Disposal Notes

The unit contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of
together with household waste. Observe local and currently valid legislation.

* The designed lifetime is not the warranty time specified in the Terms of Delivery

2 Safety

2 Safety
2.1 German Law on Device Safety

The German Law on Device Safety regulates the following:

Note the instructions for use!
Use the device only in compliance with the instructions, which are contained in this document
for BT300 (publication no. DLT1206-13-aEN-008).

Use the device only for the purpose described in this documentation.

Used by trained personnel only.

Only persons whose knowledge and training qualifies them to do so, are allowed to operate
and service the device. Note the safety regulations of the burner manufacturer.

To be used in a grounded power line network only!

Electrical connection with devices not mentioned in this manual - only after direct inquiry to
the manufacturer or an authorized expert.

Liability for the function of the device shall be transferred to the owner or user.

Liability for the function of the device shall be borne by the owner or user insofar as the device
has been used by persons without the necessary knowledge, has been improperly used, ser-
viced or repaired or has been handled in a manner that does not conform to proper use.
Modifications to the device with type approval render the type approval null and void. Inputs
and outputs of the device and associated modules may only be connected as indicated in this
LAMTEC GmbH & Co. KG is not liable for damages occurring as a result of non-compliance
with the above instructions. Compliance with the above instructions shall not entail any ex-
tension to the warranty and liability provisions of LAMTEC GmbH & Co. KG's terms of sale
and delivery.

Insofar as reference is made to laws, regulations and standards, the basis for these shall be
the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

2 Safety

2.2 Safety Instructions - Common Information

The following symbols are used in this document to draw the user's attention to important safe-
ty information. They are located within the chapter where the information is required. It is es-
sential that the safety information is adhered to, and that applies, in particular, to the warnings.

This draws the user's attention to imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it will result in death or
very serious injury. The plant or something in its surroundings could be damaged.

This draws the user's attention to the possibility of imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it may
result in death or very serious injury. The plant or something in its surroundings could be dam-

This draws the user's attention to the possibility of imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it may
result in minor injuries. The plant or something in its surroundings could be damaged.

This draws the user's attention to important additional information about the system or system
components and offers further tips.

The safety information described above is incorporated into the instructions.

In this connection, the operator is requested to:
1 Comply with the accident prevention regulations whenever work is being carried out.
2 Do everything possible in the circumstances to prevent personal injury and damage to

3 For Your Safety

3 For Your Safety

Please observe the safety instructions to avoid personal injury and damage to property and
the environment!
The BT300 is a safety device! The device must not be opened, interfered with or modified.
LAMTEC assumes no liability for damages arising as a result of unauthorised interference!
• After commissioning and after each maintenance action check the exhaust gas values
across the entire power range.
• Qualified specialist staff are required to carry out all activities (assembly, installation, ser-
vicing, etc.).
• The burner or boiler manufacturer will ensure that the BT300 base unit is compliant with
protection class IP40 or IP54 for outdoor use in accordance with DIN EN 60 529.
• Before working in the connection area, switch off the power supply to the plant from all
poles. Ensure that it cannot be switched back on and that the plant is voltage-free. There
is a risk of electric shock when the plant is not switched off.
• Place and secure the protection against contact on the BT300 and on all connected elec-
trical parts. The cover must fulfil the design, stability and protection requirements of
EN 60730.
• Plug connectors X30 - X34 have no protective separation from the mains voltage. To re-
place or disconnect the plug connectors, all poles of the plant must be disconnected from
the mains.
• After each activity (e.g. assembly, installation, servicing, etc.) check the wiring and
parameterisation to make sure it is in good working condition.
• If the equipment is dropped or suffers impact, you should no longer commission it. The
safety functions may also be impaired but fail to show any obvious external damage.
• When the ratio curves are being programmed, the adjuster will continually monitor the
quality of the plant's combustion (e.g. using an exhaust gas analysis station). In the event
that the combustion values are inadequate or the conditions are potentially harmful, the
adjuster will take suitable action, e.g. switch off the system manually.
• These operating instructions describe many possible applications and functions and
should be used as guidelines. Carry out functional tests on the test bench and/or in the
plant application to ensure correct functioning and document the results.
Follow additional instructions to guarantee safety and reliability while operating the BT300:
• Condensation and humidity are to be avoided. If necessary, make sure that the installation
is sufficiently dry before you switch it on.
• Avoid static charge having a destructive effect in case of touching the device's electronic

LAMTEC recommends that you use ESD equipment while working on electrics/electronics.

3.1 Mounting Notes

• Please consider protection against contact when installing the BT300. Protection classes
as IP 40 - IP 54 are minimum requirements for outdoor use in accordance with EN 60529
and therefore obligatory.
• The protective cover of the BurnerTronic may only be opened by trained, qualified person-
• Make sure that settings for safety-relevant parameters are set in line with the requirements
applicable to each type of combustion requiring monitoring and conform to the applicable

3 For Your Safety

standards (by checking device parameters via operating elements or using remote-control
software after commissioning). To verify settings you should also refer to manufacturer’s
documentation of the combustion plant. Protecting the parameters in level 1 by setting a
password will prevent any unauthorised change.
• Save setting values for the actuating elements across the power range of the burner as
– Quantity of fuel
– Quantity of air
– All additional, safety-relevant actuating variables of the combustion
– While burner is modulating with at least five different firing-rate points
• Make sure that the combustion equipment operates stably and safely throughout the pow-
er range and in all combustion modes. For this purpose you should adjust the following
values correctly:
– Actuating elements
– Parameter settings of the CO/O2 controller
– Combustion chamber pressure
– Fuel pressure
– Temperature
– Pressure of combustion air
– Heating value of fuel
• Ensure the connection between the actuators and control valves is form-fit throughout,
gearing this towards the maximum controlling torques of the actuators.
• Only use external flame monitors compliant with DIN EN 298 or DIN EN 230 and author-
ised for continuous operation. Safety time of flame monitor must not extend 1 s.
• If the valve testing system is activated, connect the supply-side solenoid valve to terminal
X01 and the burner-side solenoid valve to terminal X02. Connect the pressure monitor of
the valve testing system to terminal X05. Adjust the gas pressure monitor and the dimen-
sions of the test section in order to make sure that the valve testing system is detecting a
maximum leakage gas volume of 0.1 % in relation to the gas flow rate (minimum 50 dm³/
h) at maximum combustion heat output.
• Consider the potential danger depending on installation situation and position where the-
pressure equipment is being installed. Bear in mind the risk of external fire and the impact
from traffic, wind and earthquake.
• When fixing duomodul plug-in connectors to insulation displacement technology (IDT) use
HZ-M35 a modular crimping tool from Lumberg (see

3.2 Security Advice - Mounting

• Compliance with national safety regulations and standards is obligatory at all times.
• During the assembly and installation process, you must meet the requirements of stand-
ards DIN VDE 0100, 0550 and DIN VDE 0722
• To mount the BT300 basic unit, use screw fittings with an M4 thread (UNC32) or an M5
thread (UNC24) and a maximum tightening torque of 1.8 Nm for fastening at all four fixing
points. Keep in mind that housings have improved mechanical stability when connected
on surrounding contact surfaces.
Connect generally to an even mounting surface.

3 For Your Safety

3.3 Installation Notes

• Lay high-voltage ignition cable always separately and in safe distance from device and
other cables.
• Only trained, qualified personnel may open the BurnerTronic’s cover.
• Observe local and national regulations when wiring the electric cables inside the burner.
• Tighten the screw terminals of the BT300 using a tightening torque of > 0.5 Nm.
• Supply the feed cable with L, N and PE only. The N neutral conductor must not have po-
tential difference to the PE protective conductor.
• The pre-fuse for the BT300 should be max.10 A slow-blow.
• Phase, neutral and central point conductors must not be interchanged (this would lead to
dangerous malfunctioning, loss of protection against contact, etc.).
• The strain relief for the connected cables must comply with standards (e.g. DIN EN 60730
and DIN EN 60335).
• Make sure that no spliced strands can come into contact with any of the adjacent connec-
tions. Use appropriate end sleeves.
• The burner manufacturer is obligated to supply unused connections on the BT300 with
dummy plugs.
• To replace or disconnect the plug connectors, all poles of the plant must be disconnected
from the mains.
• Make a form-fit connection between the actuators and actuating elements for fuel and
combustion air, as well as a form-fit connection for any additional actuator element.
• Optional components with safety extra low voltage (SELV) must be safely separated from
the mains. Otherwise this can cause an electrical shock or damage the device due to a
• You may connect only passive devices or devices without feedback effects at the 230V
outputs of the BT300 (like relays without additional voltage connection). In case of error it
must be guaranteed that BT300 is not feeded with 230 V by this terminals.

3.4 Electrical Connection Flame Sensor

Interruptions and losses in signal transmission need to be minimised:

• Do not wire the sensor cable with other cables.
Flame signal is reduced through line capacities.  Use a separate cable.
• Consider the permitted length of sensor cables.
• The ionisation flame sensor supplied from the mains is not protected against contact. Pro-
tection against accidental contact is therefore obligatory.
• Earth the burner according to instructions – earthing the boiler itself is not sufficient!
• Position ignition electrode and ionisation flame sensor where spark cannot hit ionisation
flame sensor (risk of electrical overloading).

3 For Your Safety

3.5 Commissioning Notes

• Check all safety functions during commissioning!

• There is no feature to prevent RASTx connector plugs being transposed. Therefore en-
sure the correct assignment of the plant's plugs prior to commissioning.
• Check electromagnetic emissions specific to the application.
• While installing and commissioning the plant, the person in charge of the plant/heating
technician needs to document the following:
– Parameterised values
– Setting values (e.g. curve progressions)
– Values describing the fuel/air ratio control.
This data can be printed using LSB remote software or alternatively being kept as a hand-
written note.
Retain this documentation and have it checked by the "authority on the subject".

For BT300 parameterisations which deviate from the application standards can be carried out
in access level 2. For this reason, check whether the parameterisation is consistent with the
corresponding application standards (e.g. EN 298, EN 230, EN 676, EN 267, etc.) or the re-
spective plant has to be approved separately.

While unlocking the safety interlock chain in the mode "BURNER OFF" BT300does not lock
the system. BT300 prevents a burner start-up until safety interlock chains are locked.
 In case your application needs an interlock of the plant while unlocking the safety interlock
chain also in "BURNER OFF" mode you must take suitable measures at the plant.

3.5.1 Fuel/Air Ratio Control

• Guarantee proper operation by ensuring adequate excess air.

In order to do this, set values for fuel and combustion air in such as
– combustion chamber pressure
– fuel pressure
– temperature and the pressure of the combustion air
to ensure proper operation through the entire range of burner firing-rate until next periodic
• Pay attention to wear and tear of actuators and actuator elements.
• Measure characteristic values of combustion process to document proper operation.

3 For Your Safety

3.5.2 Basic Device

Check the following items prior to commissioning:

• Valves must be assigned correctly to valve outputs on BT300.
• Correct setting of time parameters (especially safety and pre-ventilation times).
• Flame sensor functioning well in case of flame blow-off during operation (incl. flame-out
response time) or when parasitic light is present during pre-ventilation period and also at
a missing flame formation while end of safety period starts.
• Activated leakage control function of gas valves and correct leakage measurement, when
required by an application.

3.6 Tasks fulfilled by "authority on the subject" during Approval Test

By specifying the assigned DIN registration number and product ID number the manufacturer
confirms that model BT300 burner control system is consistent with type-tested system.
The connection between actuators and actuator elements for fuel and combustion air and also
to any additional actuator elements used must be form-fit.

3.6.1 Checking for Correct Parameterisation in System

While installating and commissioning the plant the person in charge of the plant/heating tech-
nician needs to document the following:
• Parameterised values
• Setting values (e.g. curve progressions)
• Values describing fuel/air ratio control.
This data can be printed using LSB remote software or alternatively being kept as a handwrit-
ten note.
Retain this documentation and have it checked by the "authority on the subject".

For BT300 parameterisations which deviate from application standards can be carried out in
access level 2. For this reason, check whether the parameterisation is consistent with the cor-
responding application standards (e.g. EN 298, EN 230, EN 676, EN 267, etc.) or the respec-
tive plant has to be approved separately.

3.6.2 Checking the Fuel/Air Ratio Control System

Save setting values (curve parameters) for actuator elements, fuel and combustion air through
the complete range of burner firing-rate in sufficient number.
Select setting values of fuel and combustion air considering combustion chamber pressure,
fuel pressure, temperature and pressure of the combustion air in order to guarantee proper
operation with adequate excess air through the entire range of burner firing-rate.
The burner/boiler manufacturer has to document this by measuring reference values of the
combustion process.

3 For Your Safety

3.6.3 Checking Burner Sequencer Part

Check the following:

• Correct setting of time parameters (especially safety and pre-ventilation periods).
• Whether an ionisation flame sensor or a corresponding flame scanner is used since only
these are capable of running in continuous operation.
• Functioning of flame sensor in case of flame blow-off during operation, parasitic light being
present during pre-ventilation period and missing flame formation at the end of the safety-
• Check the performance of all available and/or essential incomming signals, such as for:
– Air pressure
– Gas pressure - min/oil pressure - min
– Safety interlock chain (e.g. STB)
• Activated Leakage control function for gas valves if required for application purposes.
– If necessary, ensure a correct leakage quantification.

4 Functional Description

4 Functional Description
BT300 combines the benefits of an electronic fuel/air ratio control system with up to three mo-
torised actuator elements and optional modules like an analogue output for speed control of
the combustion air fan with an electronic burner control unit. The leakage test, flame monitor-
ing system, power control unit and (optional) CO/O2 controller for control and optimisation of
an oil or gas-fired forced-draught burner are all integrated.
BT300 is suitable for virtually all combustion plants. Safety interlock chains, monitors (e.g. gas
and air pressure) and sensors are wired directly to the BT300. This greatly reduces the cost
of additional relays and wiring. The BT300 is designed to be attached to the burner. The short
wiring paths also save money. As a result, BT300 is particularly suitable as standard equip-
ment for monoblock burners.
The compact design of BT300 burner control system also has its advantages during commis-
sioning. Standardisation of wiring and operator interface minimises sources of errors right
from the start. Moreover, intelligent display information is making search for errors much eas-
The BT300 is available in five designs:
• BT320 2 motorised control outputs
1 continuous output 0 ... 10 V, 0/4 ... 20 mA for speed control of the
combustion air fan using VSM100 (optional)
intermittent operation
• BT330 3 motorised control outputs
1 continuous output 0 ... 10 V, 0/4 ... 20 mA for speed control of the
combustion air fan using VSM100 (optional)
Approved for continuous operation only in combination with
flame sensors capable of running continuously
• BT331 Same range of functions as BT330 but including following certificates:
DIN EN 61508:2002 parts 1-7 for SIL 3
Performance Level PLE according DIN EN ISO 13849-1
• BT340  3 motorised control outputs
Oil-gas dual-fuel operation via DFM300
1 continuous output 0 ... 10 V, 0/4 ... 20 mA for speed control of the
combustion air fan using VSM100 (optional)
approved for continuous operation only in combination with
flame sensors capable of running continuously
• BT341 Same range of functions as BT340 but also including following certificates:
DIN EN 61508:2002 parts 1-7 for SIL 3
Performance Level PLE according DIN EN ISO 13849-1
Burner sequencer and fuel/air ratio control can be adjusted for a wide range of combustion
conditions by setting parameters. The BT300 for oil and gas can be set to start with and with-
out pilot burner. The integrated leakage test can be run before ignition or after shutting down
the burner.
Starting without pre-ventilation using gas is available in accordance with EN676.
The setting of fuel/air ratio curves can be optimised using optional CO/O2 control during op-
eration. This helps to counteract conditions that interfere with combustion. This ensures a per-
manent burner operation at the greatest possible efficiency.
Operating and fault messages are displayed by symbols and numbers on UI300 User Inter-
face. Plant-specific configurations and settings of fuel/air ratio control curves are operated via
menu of UI300 User Interface.
An operating and start-up counter is integrated.
The optional LCM100 power control unit with two setpoints, external setpoint shift (control by
atmospheric condition) and start-up control is also available.

5 Operating Control and Displays

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.1 UI300 User Interface

1 Display
2 BACK key
3 Cursor keys
4 ENTER key

Fig. 5-1 User Interface

The display shows in pictograms:
• the menu structure
• operating status
• parameters
• error messages

Back key

Jump to previous window.

Cursor keys
You navigate in the menu using cursor keys.
You use "left'' and ''right'' keys to move step by step in a selected row. At
the end of the selected row the cursor jumps down to the next row, if possi-
In a multiline menu use "up" and "down" keys to switch to other rows.
To display parameters, switch between various fields.

ENTER keys
Press ENTER to call up a menu on the start screen. Select a sub-menu in the menu
window. Transfer setting values by pressing ENTER key in a parameter window.

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.2 Menu Functions

The menu is divided into three paths:





Select INFO path for information about the following:

• Burner
• Faults/Fault history
• Software version
• Display of check sums
• Serial number
• Actuator positions (current damper position for each channel)
• Digital inputs/outputs


Select MANUAL to:

• start and stop burner by hand
• adjust internal burner firing-rate


Select the SETTINGS path for getting information/make changes to:

• Password
• Burner settings (display and settings)
• Actuator elements settings (display)
• Air/fuel control system
• Deletion of curve sets
• Display settings

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.3 Main Menu

1 INFORMATION menu path [selected]

2 Display of fuel type
3 Bar graph of internal firing-rate in %
(0 - 100)
4 MANUAL menu path
5 Access level 2
6 SETTINGS menu path
7 Window number
Fig. 5-2 Main menu
1. Use cursor keys to select a menu and press ENTER to confirm.

5.4 Information Menu Path

1. Use cursor keys to select path and press ENTER to confirm.

The display shows a menu overview.

1 Burner information [selected]

2 Serial number
3 Fault history
4 Configuration of actual value of actuating
outputs (display only)
5 Software version
6 Digital inputs/outputs
7 Check sum display
Fig. 5-3 Display Menu overview

5.4.1 Burner Details

Display operating hours

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "System Information" menu window.

1 Display operating hours [selected]

2 No. of burner start-ups

Fig. 5-4 Display "System information"

5 Operating Control and Displays

2. Use keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.

The display shows the "Display operating hours" menu window.

1 Pictogram operating hours

2 Total number of operating hours
(device connected to mains voltage)
3 No. of operating hours, oil operation
4 No. of operating hours, gas operation

Fig. 5-5 Display "Operating hours"

Display burner start-ups

1. Use keys in System Information menu to select menu and press ENTER
to confirm.
The display shows the "Start-up counter" menu window.

1 Pictogram burner start-up

2 No. of burner start-ups, oil operation
3 No. of burner start-ups, gas operation

Fig. 5-6 Display "Start-up counter"

5.4.2 Recall Fault History

Display burner faults

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Fault history selection" menu.

1 Burner fault pictogram [selected]

Fig. 5-7 Fault history selection menu

2. Use keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Fault history" menu.

5 Operating Control and Displays

1 Error code-display pictogram

2 Fault code (Last 10 faults are stored,
no. 01 is the latest fault)
3 Diagnostic code 1
4 Diagnostic code 2
5 No. of operating hours when fault has oc-

Fig. 5-8 Fault history menu

Information concerning fault and diagnostic codes you may find in the list of fault codes.
For fault analysis a fault code and diagnostic code D1 or D2 is required.

5.4.3 Software Version

Display software version

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "Software version" menu.

1 Software version pictogram

2 UI300 software version (User Interface)
3 BT300 software version (BurnerTronic)

Fig. 5-9 Software version menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.4.4 Display of Check Sums

Display check sum

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "CRC16 check sums" menu.

1 Check sums pictogram

2 Check sum, access level 0
3 Check sum, access level 1
4 Check sum, access level 2
5 Check sum, access level 4

Fig. 5-10 CRC16 check sums menu

5.4.5 Serial Number

Display serial number

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "Serial number" menu.

1 Serial number pictogram

2 User Interface serial number
3 BurnerTronic serial number

Fig. 5-11 Serial number menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.4.6 Positions of Actuators

Display positions of actuators

1. Use the cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "Actuators" menu.

1 Actuator pictogram
2 Actuator channel 1 (oil)
3 Actuator channel 2 (air)
4 Actuator channel 3 (oil)
5 Optional channel (OFF;
control of frequency converter)
6 Actuator’s actual position
Fig. 5-12 Actuators menu

The assignment of channels is depending on configuration settings!

5.4.7 Check Digital Inputs/Outputs

Check digital inputs

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "Digital inputs/outputs" menu.

1 Digital inputs pictogram [selected]

2 Digital outputs pictogram

Fig. 5-13 Digital inputs and outputs menu

2. Select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the 1st page of inputs":

5 Operating Control and Displays

1 Digital inputs pictogram

2 Jump to next page
3 Fuel selection oil [no]
4 Fuel selection gas [yes]
5 Burner start [yes] - terminal X10

Fig. 5-14 Page 1 of inputs menu

Signals of points 3 and 4 are "logical" signals and not "physical" ones. Background informa-
tion: Some signals may have more than one source (terminal, LSB, field buses, parameters).

Call up 2nd page of inputs

1. Use cursor keys to select the next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the 2 page of inputs:

1 Digital inputs pictogram

2 Jump to next page
3 Oil pressure min present [no]
- terminal X05
4 Gas pressure min present [yes]
- terminal X05
5 Air pressure min present [yes]
Fig. 5-15 Page 2 of inputs menu - terminal X08

Call up 3rd page of inputs

1. Use the cursor keys to select the next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the 3rd page of inputs:

1 Digital inputs pictogram

2 Jump to previous page
3 Jump to next page
4 Safety interlock chain oil closed [no]
- terminal X06
5 Safety interlock chain gas closed [no]
6 Safety interlock chain boiler closed [no]
Fig. 5-16 Page 3 of inputs menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

Signals of points 4 and 5 in Fig. 5-15 Page 2 of inputs menu are "logical" signals, not "physi-
cal". The BT320/330 supports either oil or gas operation, but cannot be switched. Therefore
no separate signals for the oil or gas safety interlock chain are generated. The signal on ter-
minal X06 is thus generally known as burner‘s safety interlock chain.

Call up 4th page of inputs

1. Use cursor keys to select next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the 4th page of inputs:

1 Digital inputs pictogram

2 Jump to previous page
3 Flame signal present [no] - terminal X21
4 Fault release [no] - terminal X10

Fig. 5-17 Page 4 of inputs menu

5.4.8 Digital Outputs

Check digital outputs

1. Use the cursor keys to select the menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Page 1 digital outputs" menu:

1 Digital outputs pictogram

2 Jump to next page
3 Fan [on] - terminal X25
4 Error [off] - terminal X24
(adjustable with P 809)
5 Ignition transformer [off] - terminal X04

Fig. 5-18 Page 1 digital outputs menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

Call up 2nd page of outputs

1. Use the cursor keys to select the next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Page 2 digital outputs" menu:

1 Digital outputs pictogram

2 Jump to previous page
3 Jump to next page
4 Oil valve 1 [on] - terminal X01
5 Oil valve 2 [off] - terminal X02
6 Oil valve 3 [off] - terminal X03

Fig. 5-19 Page 2 digital outputs menu

Call up 3rd page of outputs

1. Use the cursor keys to select the next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Page 3 digital outputs" menu:

1 Digital outputs pictogram

2 Jump to previous page
3 Jump to next page
4 Ignition valve [on] - terminal X03
5 Gas valve 1 [off] - terminal X01
6 Gas valve 2 [off] - terminal X02

Fig. 5-20 Page 3 digital outputs menu

Call up 4th page of outputs

1. Use the cursor keys to select the next page and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows "Page 4 digital outputs" menu:

1 Digital outputs pictogram

2 Jump to previous page
3 Oil pump [off] - terminal X26
4 Fuel selection oil [off] - terminal X24
(adjustable with P 809)
5 Fuel selection gas [off] - terminal X24
(adjustable with P 809)
Fig. 5-21 Page 4 digital outputs menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.5 Manual Menu Path


Select MANUAL path to carry out actions as follows:

1 Switching burner ON and OFF
2 Presetting of burner firing-rate

Display MANUAL menu

1. Use cursor keys to select path and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the "Manual operation" menu.

1 Pictogram Manual operation

2 Start burner manually [off]
3 Adjust burner firing-rate
4 Pictogram confirm settings

Fig. 5-22 Menu manual operation

The "Burner ON" control loop does not need to be switched on to start the burner from this
menu. The user interface assumes control in this menu.
If there is no "Burner ON" signal from other sources (terminal X10.2) software switches off the
burner when you exit the menu.

If you carry out a manual start-up via display BT300 no longer responds to "Burner ON" signal
input at connector X10.2. Therefore that limiters, monitors and other similar safety functions
must not be operated with this input!

Leaving of window will terminate manual burner operation!

Adjust burner firing-rate

1. Use cursor keys to select adjustment of burner firing-rate in % and press ENTER
to confirm .
2. Change burner firing-rate with the cursor keys and press ENTER to confirm.

Changes of burner firing-rate are possible only while burner is running.
If you want to adjust burner firing-rate remember to start-up the burner first.

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.6 Settings Menu Path

Display SETTINGS menu

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the menu overview.

1 Password pictogram (selected)

2 Delete curves
3 Display program settings
4 Firing-rate controller settings
5 Configuration of read-out
actuator outputs
6 Password settings
7 Curve settings
Fig. 5-23 Menu overview 8 Display settings

5.6.1 Enter Password

Display menu password entry

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the password entry menu.

1 Password pictogram (selected)

2 Enter password
3 Access level 2 displayed with access au-

Fig. 5-24 Enter password menu

2. Use the cursor keys to select password field you wish to change.
3. Change the number with cursor keys .
4. Confirm password with ENTER .

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.6.2 Program Sequence

Configure program sequence

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the program sequence overview.

1 Duration of pre-ventilation [selected]

2 Pilot burner oil operation
3 Duration of post-ventilation
4 Valve leakage test
5 Pilot burner gas operation

Fig. 5-25 Overview program sequence

Set pre-ventilation period

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the pre-ventilation period menu.

1 2 3

1 Pre-ventilation period pictogram

2 Setting pre-ventilation time
3 Accept value by pressing ENTER

Fig. 5-26 Period of pre-ventilation menu

Pre-ventilation starts as soon as damper reaches pre-ventilation position and - if you use a
VSM - the last but one point of fuel/air ratio curve is passed.

The second to last channel’s position must be lower than the position of the last curve point.

2. Use cursor keys to select the number you want to change.

3. Change the numerical value with cursor keys .
4. Confirm the entry with ENTER .
The countdown starts.

5 Operating Control and Displays

1 UI300 pictogram
2 BT300 pictogram
3 Cancel (backwards)
4 Parameter number UI300
5 Parameter number UI300
6 Transfer by pressing ENTER (flashing)
7 Value for UI300
Fig. 5-27 Secure data transfer
8 Value for BT300

Apply value only if the values for UI300 and BT300 are identical!
The parameter value must be confirmed by pressing ENTER within the countdown (8 s)!

5. Accept or discard the entry.

The following sequence of events for confirming or discarding the entry is exactly the same
for all parameter entries. Therefore this process is not illustrated again in following explana-
tions of parameter settings.
You will simply find this text: "Accept or discard the entry!"

a) Press ENTER in time to confirm.

The value is accepted.
The display shows the following page:

1 Pictogram UI300
2 Pictogram BT300
3 Parameter number UI300
4 Parameter number BT300
5 Pictogram discard parameters
6 Value BT300
7 Value UI300

Fig. 5-28 Display after successful data transfer

The parameter change is transferred to the burner control system!

If both values are identical you apply the value by pressing ENTER. In case of a discrepancy
of values terminate the storage process.

b) Cancel parameter changes.

Select the Back key .
The change made to the parameter is not accepted.
The following page appears:

5 Operating Control and Displays

1 Pictogram UI300
2 Pictogram BT300
3 Parameter number UI300
4 Parameter number BT300
5 Pictogram apply parameters
6 Value BT300
7 Value UI300

Fig. 5-29 Display of invalid data transfer

Set duration of post-ventilation

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the post-ventilation period menu.

1 Post-ventilation period pictogram

2 Setting post-ventilation time
3 Press ENTER to acceppt setting

Fig. 5-30 Post-ventilation period menu

2. Use cursor keys to select number you wish to change.
3. Change the numerical value with cursor keys .
4. Confirm entry with ENTER .
Accept or discard the entry!

Leakage test functions

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the valve leakage test menu.

1 Leakage test ON/OFF

2 Leakage test before ignition
3 Leakage test after ignition
4 Leakage test period

Fig. 5-31 Leakage test menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

You require access level 2 to make settings in this function!

Accept or discard the entry!

Activate valve leakage test prior to ignition

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
2. Change the functional state ON/OFF using cursor keys and press ENTER .
The display shows the valve leakage test menu before ignition:

1 Valve leakage test before ignition picto-

2 Display valve leakage test (ON)
3 Press ENTER to accept settings

Fig. 5-32 Valve leakage test prior to ignition menu

The valve leakage test is set!

You require access level 2 to make settings in this function!

Accept or discard the entry!

Activate valve leakage test after flame OFF

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
2. Change the functional state ON/OFF using cursor keys and press ENTER .
The display valve leakage test is shown after flame OFF menu.

1 Valve leakage test after flame OFF picto-

2 Display valve leakage test (ON)
3 Press ENTER to accept settings

Fig. 5-33 Valve leakage test after flame OFF menu

The valve leakage test is set!

You require access level 2 to make settings in this function!

Accept or discard the entry!

5 Operating Control and Displays

Valve leakage test period

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the valve leakage test period menu.

1 Valve leakage test period pictogram

2 Set valve leakage test period
3 Press ENTER to accept settings

Fig. 5-34 Valve leakage test menu

2. Use cursor keys to select the number you wish to change.
3. Change the numerical value with cursor keys .
4. Press ENTER to confirm.
Accept or discard the entry!

Activate pilot burner in gas operation

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
2. Change functional state ON/OFF using cursor keys and press ENTER to
The display shows the menu: "pilot burner in gas operation".

1 Pilot burner in gas operation pictogram

2 Activate the pilot burner in gas operation
3 Press ENTER to accept settings

Fig. 5-35 Pilot burner in gas operation menu

You require access level 2 to make settings in this function!

Accept or discard the entry!

Set pilot burner in oil operation

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
2. Change functional state ON/OFF using the cursor keys and press ENTER
to confirm.
The display shows the menu: "pilot burner in oil operation".

5 Operating Control and Displays

1 Pilot burner in oil operation pictogram

2 Activate pilot burner in oil operation
3 Press ENTER to accept settings

Fig. 5-36 Pilot burner in oil operation menu

You require access level 2 to make settings in this function!

Accept or discard the entry!

Configuration of actuating outputs

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.
The display shows the configuration of actuating outputs menu.

1 Actuator position pictogram

2 Display channel 1, oil
3 Display channel 2, air
4 Channel active
5 Display channel 3, off
6 Optional channel, off

Fig. 5-37 Configuration of actuating outputs menu

Curve setting of actuators

1. Use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER to confirm.

Pressing key and holding it longer than 2 s in this menu will cause a fault shut-down.

The display shows the curve setting menu.

1 Ignition position firing-rate point
2 Setpoint channel 1, oil
3 Actual value channel 1, oil
4 Setpoint channel 2, air
5 Actual value channel 2, air
6 Setpoint channel 3, oil
7 Actual value channel 3, oil
8 Curve data for this firing-rate point
already existing
Fig. 5-38 Curve setting menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

2. Use cursor keys to set firing-rate point and press ENTER to confirm.
Set-point channel 1 is chosen (displayed inversely).
3. Use cursor keys to set channels’ actuator position.
4. Use cursor keys to switch to next channel.

5. Use cursor keys to set actuators’ position in the selected firing-rate point.

Actuators move according to changes immediately to the set position.
If you want to change channel 4 the fan motor must be running.

Accept or discard the entry!

The display switches to the firing-rate selection menu.
6. Use BACK key to switch to menu settings after having completed curve settings.

The following firing-rate points are available:
Ignition point , 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 999

7. Set your firing-rate points as described above and press ENTER to confirm.

If you press key while setting firing-rate points your value changes will be discarded.

Set multi-stage oil operation - 1st stage

1 Display 1st stage

2 Set-point, air damper position
3 Actual value, air damper position

Fig. 5-39 Multi-stage operation menu

1. Select the first stage and press ENTER .
The actuators move to the pre-set positions.
The setpoint position of the first activated actuator is displayed inversely.
2. Use cursor keys to set the position of the selected actuator.
3. Use cursor keys to switch to a different actuator.
4. Press ENTER .
The positions of all actuators of the selected firing-rate point are saved.
You can select the next firing-rate point.

If you press the key while changing the firing-rate point your changes will be discarded.

5 Operating Control and Displays

During multi-stage operation, the following points are available:
Ignition point ,
1 (first stage),
1  2 (valve switch-on point, second stage),
1  2 (valve switch-off point, second stage)
2 (second level),
2  3 (valve switch-on point, third stage),
2  3 (valve switch-off point, third stage),
3 (third stage)

Pre-ventilation starts as soon as the damper reaches pre-ventilation position and - if you use
a VSM - the last but one point of the fuel/air ratio curve is passed.

The points are approached from above by using the overshoot-function. If you use the over-
shoot-function in operatio, you must program all points from above. Only if you do so, the re-
quired position will match the actual position.

The channels’ position in the last but one curve point must be lower than at the last curve point.

Fig. 5-40 3-staged operation

5 Operating Control and Displays

Set staged oil operation - transition from 1st to 2nd stage

1 Display valve switch-on point, 2nd stage

2 Setpoint, air damper position
3 Actual value, air damper position

Fig. 5-41 Transition from 1st to 2nd stage

1. Select the setpoint for the air damper position and press ENTER to confirm.
The actuators move to these positions.
The setpoint position for the active actuator is displayed inversely.
2. Use the cursor keys to set the position of the selected actuator.
3. Use the cursor keys to switch to a different actuator.
4. Press ENTER .
Positions for all actuators of the selected firing-rate point are saved.
You can select the next firing-rate point.

Set the other firing-rate stages according to this procedure!

Delete firing-rate curves

1. In "Settings" menu path use cursor keys to select menu and press ENTER
to confirm.
The display shows the "Deleting curves" menu.

1 Delete curves pictogram

2 Delete curves selected
3 Confirm deleting of curves

Fig. 5-42 Deleting curves menu

5 Operating Control and Displays

The display shows the confirmation prompt:

1 Back to previous menu

2 Deleting values [selected]
3 Proceed with deleting values

Fig. 5-43 Confirmation prompt of deleting curves

2. Press ENTER .
The curve values will be deleted.
The display shows the values deleted menu.

1 Values deleted

Fig. 5-44 Values deleted menu

UI300 display settings

1 UI300 pictogram
2 Brightness
3 Contrast
4 Delay for screen saver

Fig. 5-45 Display settings menu

Value= 0 cannot be entered for the screen saver delay!

5 Operating Control and Displays

5.6.3 Other Displays

No connection between UI300 and BT300

1 UI300 User Interface pictogram

2 No connection symbol
3 BT300 burner control

Fig. 5-46 No connection

Display shown e.g. when using LSB remote software and communication between BT300 and
UI300 is temporarily unavailable.


1 Communication error pictogram

connection unavailable

Fig. 5-47 Termination

6 Leakage Test for Main Gas Valves

6 Leakage Test for Main Gas Valves

6.1 Calculation Example

An (approximate) formula for calculating the leakage test monitoring facility is summarised be-
Definitions: GDW: gas pressure monitor
V1: gas-side safety shut-off device
V2: burner-side safety shut-off device
PB barometric air pressure < 1000 mbar
PSU lower GDW switching point (falling)
PSO upper GDW switching point (rising)
p = PSO - PB GDW switching difference
PG gas flow pressure (supply pressure before V1)
VP volume of gas line tested
VL leakage quantity
VLmax maximum admissible leakage quantity (limit value)
tP testing time (30 s adjustable, default = 20 s)
This means for a maximum gas flow rate of 50 m3/h the formula is:

Insert numerical value in mbar for Δp.

The formula for a gas flow rate of Q > 50 m3/h is:

Insert the numerical value in m3/h for Q and in mbar for Δp .

A. Assuming: ∆p = 20 mbar, gas flow rate < 50 m3/h
i.e. the gas line you want to test must not
exceed 20,8 dm3, for being able to detect
the required leakage quantity.
B. Assuming: ∆p = 20 mbar, gas flow rate = 200 m3/h
i.e. the gas line you want to test must not
exceed 83,3 dm, for being able to detect
the required leakage quantity of 200 dm3/h.

6 Leakage Test for Main Gas Valves

6.2 Leakage Test with Ventilation Via Roof

The leakage test checks whether or not the main gas valves are leakproof. For this purpose
the gas pressure of the supply is analysed.
As leakage test section (space between the two main valves) burns empty whenever the burn-
er is switched off, this part is usually pressureless at start-up (gas pressure > min = 0). This is
checked by BurnerTronic. At this point, main gas 1 opens briefly and gas flows into test section
(gas pressure > min switches from 0 to 1). This pressure must remain constantly at least while
leakage test period (P 311) is running. The leakage test is considered complete then.
If leakage test section is not empty at start-up (e.g. resulting from a previous fault shutdown),
main gas valve 2 opens first. The leakage test line is then ventilated (depending on the plant,
either in the combustion chamber or through the roof – for wiring proposition, see chapter 6.3
Exhaust of Test Line Over the Roof). During leakage test period section is checked whether
it remains pressureless or not. Apart from that the process is the same as described above.
The leakage test takes place prior to ignition.
You must connect the pressure monitor for the leakage test line at the “Gas pressure > min”
input on plug X05. It also monitors the minimum pressure during operation. If a different min-
imum pressure should be monitored during operation, the pressure monitor must be inserted
into the safety interlock chain gas or into the controller loop (burner ON). You must assure by
dimensioning the gas line in a way that leakage test control time is sufficient for detecting re-
liably a burner gas consumption leakage of 0.1%, but at least 50 dm3/h (at maximum combus-
tion heat output).

You may only vent 0.05 % of fuel consumption at maximum firing-rate into combustion cham-

6 Leakage Test for Main Gas Valves

Fig. 6-1 Leakage test process diagram

6 Leakage Test for Main Gas Valves

6.3 Exhaust of Test Line Over the Roof

Consider diameter of gas line in the roof ventilation. For ventilation, plug X02 is activated for
3 s. Make sure that this period is sufficient even for smallest ventilation line diameter!

Fig. 6-2 Wiring proposition for ventilation of gas line via roof in combination with BurnerTronic

7 Technical Data

7 Technical Data
7.1 Technical Data BT300

Power supply: 230 V +10/-15 % 47-63 Hz
115 V +10/-15 % 47-63 Hz (on request)
Maximum backup-fuse: 10 A slow-blow
To be used only in a grounded power line network!
Power consumption: max. 30 VA
Switching threshold of ionisation 1 A
Digital signal inputs: Max. line length 10 m
Digital outputs: 3 fuel valves max. 1 A cos  0,4
VL fan max. 2 A cos  0,4
oil pump max. 2 A cos  0,4
ignition transformer max. 2 A cos  0,2
alarm output max. 1 A cos  0,3
Resolution: 999 digit, 10 bit
Number of curve sets: BT320/33x: 1 curve set (oil or gas)
BT34x: 2 curve sets (oil/gas switchable; DFM300 or LCM100 required)
Number of programs: unlimited (EEPROM)
Field bus-coupling (optional): PROFIBUS
LCM100 always required
Housing: Polycarbonate + ABS
Dimensions: 200x115x61 mm
Weight: 1,0 kg
Flammability: UL-94 V0 (panel: UL-94 V2)

Display: 128x64 pixel, monochrome
White backlighting (dimmable)
Dimensions: 112 x 64 x 24 mm
Weight: 140 g
Housing: Basic housing: Polyamide glass fibre reinforced
LCD-display window: Polycarbonate
Flammability: Basic housing UL-94 V0
LCD-display window UL-94 V2

Environmental Conditions
Operation: Climatic conditions Class 3K5 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanic conditions Class 3M5 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +60 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Transport: Climatic conditions Class 2K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanic conditions Class 2M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (condensation is prohibited)

7 Technical Data

Environmental Conditions
Storage: Climatic conditions Class 1K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanic conditions Class 1M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (no condensation)
Electronic safety: Degree of protection (DIN EN 60529): BT300 – IP40 housing
IP20 terminals
UI300 – IP40 (clamping)
IP54 (glued assembly)

7.2 Actuators 662R550...

Floating time 5 s / 90° at 180 Hz
Direction of rotation 0° to 90° right
Torque 0.8 Nm (both directions)
Holding torque 0.4 Nm (no power)
0.7 Nm
Permissible radial load 30 Nm (centre of output shaft)
Permissible axial load 5N
Axial play of drive shaft 0.1 ... 0.2 mm

Environmental conditions
Operation Climatic condition Class 3K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 3M3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +60 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Transport Climatic condition Class 2K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 2M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Storage Climatic condition Class 1K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 1M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Bursting strength Peak voltage 4 kV
Repeat frequency 2,5 kHz
Electrical safety Protection class 2 as per DIN EN 60730

Danger by electrical shock!
If you don’t shut BurnerTronic down befor opening the cover, you may get in contact with con-
ducting parts. This may cause an electrical shock. You may open BurnerTronic only if you
have disconnected it all-pole.
 Disconnect BurnerTronic all-pole.

7 Technical Data

Damaging the 0,8 Nm actuator by opening the actuator.
If you open the actuator at another part as the cover of the electric connection, you will dam-
age the actuator.
 Do not open the actuator but at the cover of the electric connection.

7.3 Actuators 662R5001... / 662R5003...

Function 662R5001... 662R5003... 662R5009...

Floating time 5 s/90° 5 s/90° 15 s/90°
Direction of rotation 0° left - view to the drive shaft
to 90°
Effective 1.2 Nm 3 Nm 9 Nm
output torque (both directions of rota- (both directions of rota- (both directions of rotation)
tion) tion)
Holding torque 0.82 Nm (currentless) 2.8 Nm (currentless) 6 Nm (currentless)
radial load 100 N (centre of output shaft)
Permissible axial load 10 N
Axial play of drive shaft 0.1 ... 0.2 mm 0.1 ... 0.2 mm
Motor RDM 51/6 stepper motor
Angular resolution 0.1°/motor step 0.1°/motor step 0.03°/motor step
Rated resolution
encoder monitoring 0,7°
Monitoring  0,5°  0,5°  1,3125 (is equal to 44
accuracy motor steps)
Repeat accuracy  0,1°  0,1°  0,1°
Life cycle 2,000,000 motions forward and back performed on complete actuator range
Degree of protection IP54 according to DIN EN 60529-1
Weight 1400 g

Environmental conditions 662R5001.../662R5003.../662R5009...

Operation Climatic condition Class 3K5 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 3M5 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +60 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Transport Climatic condition Class 2K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 2M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Storage Climatic condition Class 1K3 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Mechanical condition Class 1M2 according to DIN EN 60721-3
Temperature range -20 ... +70 °C (condensation is prohibited)
Bursting strength Peak voltage 4 kV

7 Technical Data

Environmental conditions 662R5001.../662R5003.../662R5009...

Repeat frequency 2,5 kHz
Electrical safety Protection class 2 as per DIN EN 60730

Damage of the actuator due to opening the actuators housing.
You will damage the actuator, if you open the actuator’s housing at another (this affects actu-
ators with 1,2, 3,0 and 9,0 Nm).

7 Technical Data

Copyright© 2011 LAMTEC

The information in this publication is subject to technical changes.

LAMTEC Meß- und Regeltechnik LAMTEC Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG Presented by:
für Feuerungen GmbH & Co. KG

Wiesenstraße 6 Portitzer Straße 69

D-69190 Walldorf D-04425 Taucha
Phone: +49 (0) 6227 / 6052-0 Phone: +49 (0) 34298 / 4875-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6227 / 6052-57 Fax: +49 (0) 34298 / 4875-99 Print no. DLT1206-13-aEN-008 Printed in Germany


The burner operation is completely automatic. Therefore no adjustment is required during operation.
The <<lockout>> position is a safety position to which the burner automatically sets when one of its
components or a system component is not efficient. Therefore before <<releasing>> it is necessary
to check that the cause of the <<lockout>> is not causing a situation of danger.
The lockout may take place for transitory reasons (some water in the fuel, air presence in piping etc.)
and, therefore if released, the burner resumes regular functioning. Do not insist if <<lockouts>> are
repeated (3-4 times consequently). Try to find and correct the cause or ask for Technical Servicing
intervention. The burner can remain <<locked out>> without any time limit.


Before starting any specific operation, make sure that the engine, the resistance-coils and any other
drive and control equipment are suited for the available voltage and frequency and that all the
relevant connections have been made following our diagrams.
Make sure that the combustion stokehole enters the chamber for the length specified by the boiler (or
oven) manufacturer, that the nozzle assembled on the burner IS suitable to the boiler power. If not,
replace nozzles with a suitable one. In no event the amount of fuel delivered should exceed the boiler
maximum required quantity and the maximum permitted quantity for the burner.
The nozzle spray angle must be such as not to cause any trouble (flame detachment, plate or
combustion stokehole fouling, violent ignition etc.), otherwise replace nozzle with other one having a
suitable spray angle. The fuel delivery must never exceed the maximum delivery provided for the
Please note that the lower calorific value of the oil is approximately 10,200 Kcal/Kg.
As per our instruction, fuel supplied to the burner should take place through an auxiliary circuit,
therefore carry out the fist filling up of the piping as follows:
1) Remove the cap connecting the vacuum gauge to the thrust pump and open the valve located on
the inlet piping. Wait for the fuel to exit without creating any air bubbles (have a suitable vessel ready
in order to collect the out flowing fuel and avoid splitting it on the floor). Remove the cap connecting
the vacuum gauge to the thrust pump of the burner controller and open the gate located on the inlet
piping. Wait for the fuel to exit without creating any air bubbles (have a suitable vessel ready in order
to collect the out flowing fuel and avoid splitting it on the floor).
As the fuel flows continuously and free from air bubbles, close the gate and connect a manual
vacuum gauge to to the vacuum gauge connection. Then open again the gate.
Check that the pressure reading on the manual vacuum gauge is 0,5 ÷ 1 Kg/cm2. If necessary act on
the pressure regulation valve of the auxiliary circuit to adjust the pressure within the above values.
Disconnect the control panel main switch leaving the burner switch open in order to avoid
resistance-coils intervention (no fuel is in the pre-heater yet) and possible unwanted ignition in the

2) Make sure that the rotation direction of burner engine fan and of the pump is correct.

Manually close the engine solenoid starter by pressing all the way down the movable part and
release immediately in order to check the revolution direction. If the engine is stated by a star-triangle
solenoid starter, it is necessary to remove the programmer relay, to remove the resistance fuses and
– using a temporary connection – to bring the <<phase>> to the terminal corresponding to the engine
solenoid starter feed.

3) Loosen the manometer connection cap in order to safely exhaust the air contained in the pump
casing and operate for a very short time the thrust pomp engine (Manually close the engine solenoid
starter by pressing all the way down the movable part and release it immediately in order to check the
revolution direction. If the engine is started by a star-triangle solenoid starter, see section 2).
Due to inertia the pump continues rotating for 15÷20 seconds and then sucks fuel from the delivery
piping and sends it to the pre-heater therefore the air contained in the pump casing and in the
previously loosened manometer connection cap is exhausted. Please note that we consider essential
for the pump the exhaust operation described above in order to avoid damages which could make it
unusable if running dry. Close the gate shutter located on the suction hose.

4) Apply the pressure gauge.

Make sure that all shutter gates located in the back flow piping are open and reopen the one located
on the suction pipe. Manually close, by pressing the movable section and the pump engine switch all
the way down. Hold the position until the back pressure gauge on the burner valve reads a
sufficiently high pressure (5÷8 Kg/cm2) which means the pre-heater has been filled up. If a star-
triangle solenoid starter is used follow the instructions above in section 2).

5) Check that the chimney shutter gate is open and that the fume exhaust piping is clear.

6) Check that when in the minimum position, the combustion air regulator is sufficiently opened in
order to allow the necessary air flow for the ignition flame (small flame). If necessary, change the air
regulator opening in order to comply with the above.

7) Set a temperature value which is assumed to fit the minimum thermostat.


The temperature value to which the minimum thermostat should be adjusted depends on the type of
fuel used. Refer to the temperature viscosity diagram (viscosity must be of 1,5° E).
The adjustment thermostat should be set at a temperature of approximately 20°C higher than the
position at which the minimum thermostat is set.
Turn the modulation control switch to <<off>> position.

8) Disconnect main and burner switch.

10) The cycle programmer simultaneously operates the fan engine and the atomizer fluid lockout
valve and the fuel thrust pump engine is actuated immediately after. The pressurized pre-ventilation,
pre-ignition and pre-wash phases of the nozzle assembly are performed taking about 60 seconds.

11) The simultaneous phases of pre-ventilation and pre-washing end with the ignition of the pilot
flame as instructed by the cycle programmer. The photoelectric cell detects the pilot flame and the
programmer locks out the fuel delivery to the nozzle.
The electro-magnet operation develops a force suitable to further compress the closing spring (see
drawing) therefore causing the rod to retract and opening the way to and from the nozzle.
When the rod is not pushing on the closing pin, the reverse travel spring retracts the pin and opens
the nozzle outlet. The hot fuel already circulating pressurized flows through the hole (which now is
free) of the nozzle.

12) The photocell detects the flame, and by actuating its relay continues the program of the cycle
relay which disables the pilato flame and energizes the modulation system.

13) The burner is now ignited to the minimum fuel delivery and remains in such position because the
modulation control switch has been set to the <<stop>> <<off>> (see sec. 7).
Keeping the burner in this position, check:

a) The flame color, which should not show air excess nor shortage. The flame should be soft and
have light orange color with no visible smoke. If necessary adjust the combustion air.

b) The fuel pressure at the pump inlet. With the burner ignited, the manometer should show both at
minimum and maximum delivery, a pressure of 0,5 ÷ 1 kg/cm2.

c) Pump delivery pressure at 18 ÷ 20 kg/cm2.

d) Back pressure at 4 ÷ 6 Kg/cm2.

e) Check that the fuel heating temperature corresponds to the values in the viscosity-temperature
diagram. We suggest to consider the thermometer reading as valid, therefore if necessary modify the
pre-heater thermostat adjustment. Please remember that in order to obtain a correct atomizing, the
combustible oil must reach the nozzle with a viscosity of 1,5°E.
14) Check the combustion features with the special instruments and take the percentage of carbon
dioxide (CO7) and smoke opaqueness.
You must check that the burner ignites correctly with the adjustment so far set.
To check correct ignition stop the burner with the manual switch and restart it for a few times.
Ignition should always take place softly and with no delay.

15) Loosen the safety nuts and the adjustable bands locking screws to adjust the combustion air.
Turn on modulation and move the switch to <<up>> or <<increase>> or + position. Wait for the disk
where the adjustment screws are applied to cover a 10° angle (corresponding to the space taken by
a screw) then stop modulation. Check the flame and make a rough adjustment, if necessary. Then
control combustion with special instruments. Change any previous visual

control setting.
Progressively repeat the above (the disk should advance 10° each time) to check and if necessary
change the fuel-air ratio during all the modulation run.
Make sure that fuel delivery increases gradually and that the maximum delivery is reached at the end
of the modulation stroke. This condition is required to obtain a good graduality of modulation
If necessary, change the oil cam throw in order to comply with the above.
You get the maximum delivery when the backflow pressure is less than than delivery pressure
(normally 18÷20 bar) by 1.5÷2 bar.

Please note that with a correct air-fuel ratio the carbon dioxide (CO2) value should increase as the
delivery increases (approximately at least 10% at minimum delivery up to the optimum value of about
13% at maximum delivery). We recommend not to exceed a value of 13% in CO2 in order to avoid
operating with limited excessive air which could cause a remarkable increasing of smoke
opaqueness due to reasons that are unavoidable (atmospheric pressure change, small dust particles
in the fan air ducts etc.).
The opaqueness of the resulting fumes is tightly connected to the type of fuel used.
We recommend, if possible to keep the smoke opaqueness at a value lower than the n.1 for oil, of the
BACHRACH scale, even if the CO2 value results as a consequence a little lower.
A low smoke opaqueness soils the burner less and therefore the average efficiency is usually higher
even if CO2 is slightly lower.

16) With the burner at maximum delivery, check that the smoke temperature does not exceed the
maximum value required by the manufacturer.

17) Tighten the small screws against the adjustable ones and lock them with the safety nuts to avoid
casual loosening. Check again, at least visually, the flame in the various position of the modulation
either <<up>> <<increasing>> (+ symbol) or <<down>> <<decreasing>> (- symbol). If necessary
adjust and check again with the instruments the combustion features.

18) Check the modulation correct automatic operation. Operating properly the sensor applied to
the boiler you must notice an adequate automatic adjustment of the delivery controlled by the
modulation device.

19) Check the safety devices efficiency.

a) Photo-resistance or photocell: remove it from its housing with the burner on and suitably cover it in
order to prevent sensitive part from detecting light. The burner must stop within one second (fuel flow
interception and engine stopped).
Keeping the photo resistance or photo cell in the dark, the burner should resume ignition phases and
two seconds after the pilot flame has appeared it should lockout (fuel intercepted, engine stopped
and red led on).
Press the <<release>> button then check that manual intervention is required for this operation.

b) Limiting devices: air pressure gauge - level gauge - flow gauge. Other devices if necessary.
Check that the intervention of each device stops the burner.
Check also the need for manual intervention to reset if provided in the limit device.

When the burner operates with minimum delivery, there is a considerable hot fuel backflow which
gradually reduces as the delivery increases, until the maximum delivery corresponds to a minimum
quantity of hot backflow fuel.
In order to avoid heat wasting, the backflow hot fuel is conveyed back to the pump suction after
having flown through a small tank where it is separated by any gas developed as a consequence of
the heating.
If the minimum delivery of fuel exceeds the needs of the boiler, the <<limiting device>> opens a
contact to completely stop the burner (shutdown). In this specific case the burner will restart
automatically, at minimum power, when the <<limiting device>> senses the decrease of pressure or
temperature and closes the contact.
If the flame is not sensed within 2 seconds since the ignition of the pilot flame, the programming relay
performs a safety<<lock out>> and stops the burner (intercepted fuel, pump stopped, fan stopped,
lock light on and alarm on, if any).
The burner can remain <<locked out>> without any time limit.Fuel oil heating resistances are

controlled by their relevant thermostat, independently from the equipment <<lockout>> position,
therefore even during the <<lockout>> they are connected and disconnected by the special
thermostat based on the need to compensate pre-heating dispersion, if any.
Manual intervention is require to <<unlock>> the burner. Press the <<unlock>> button.


The burner operation is completely automatic. Therefore no adjustment maneuver is required

during operation.
The <<lockout>> position is a safety position to which the burner automatically sets when one of
its components or a system component is not efficient. Therefore before <<releasing>> it is
necessary to check that the cause of the <<lockout>> is not causing a situation of danger.
A <<lockout>> can be temporary and if released the burner resumes its regular operation. Do not
insist if <<lockouts>> are repeated (3-4 times consequently). Try to find and correct the cause or
ask for Technical Servicing intervention.
The burner can remain locked out without any time limit.



• Carry out all maintenance bearing in mind what stated in the chapter WARNINGS
• Ensure that all activity on the burner are done with electrical mains connections switched off
• Ensure that also fuel lines are shut off
If the burner is installed in a suitable environment and a clean fuel is being used, there is no need for
frequent maintenance interventions.
Obviously, gas filter, flame protection disk and ignition electrodes should be periodically cleaned.
We recommend to perform the first checks weekly and to adjust accordingly.
After first period we recommend to carry out at least maintenance operations once a year. If the
burner is subject to seasonal and/or limited period activity it is recommended to proceed in the
operations immediately after the season ending with further round of checks before new ignitions.



Cleaning of photocell ONCE A WEEK

Checking photocell functioning: simulate flame disappear ONCE A WEEK
by removing photocell from the burner to chek burner stop
Cleaning and examination gas filter ONCE A WEEK
Checking of possible fuel leakage ONCE A WEEK
Checking of fuel pressure ONCE A WEEK
Checking of the combustion head firing condition from view ONCE A WEEK
Cleaning and greasing of leverages and rotating parts ONCE A MONTH

Cleaning nozzle ONCE A MONTH

Cleaning oil filter ONCE A MONTH
Cleaning Y filter ONCE A MONTH




FAULTS: Causes and remedies for burners


The burner won’t start 1) No control panel power 1) Check switch position and main
supply fuses integrity and auxiliary circuits
protection fuses.
2) Level control device 2) Feed the boiler and check the
consent missing driving circuits of level controls
3) Pressure gauges or 3) Check the line continuity and
thermostats line open or the position of all thermostats and
interrupted pressure gauges
4) The fuel is not sufficiently 4) Check resistances integrity and
hot or the minimum that relative connections are
thermostat is not reading the correct. Check minimum
temperature thermostat and relative
connections efficiency
5) Flame relay is faulty or 5) Replace it.
6) Engine protection thermal 6) Check the cause of the
relay intervention. (fan or intervention (adjustment value too
pump low – engine slowed down or
faulty, missing phase) and remove
The fan runs but to fuel 7) No fuel in the tank or in the 7) Refill and check the efficiency of
flows out of the nozzle or fuel delivery circuit the fuel delivery circuit (the thrust
the quantity flowing out is pump inlet of the controller should
insufficient. The burner have the required pressure
8) Shutter gates closed 8) Open them
9) Very low fuel pressure 9) Check filter correct cleaning and
act on the adjustment pressure
10) Insufficient nozzle 10) Clean the filter located
pressure with fuel regular between the pre-heater and the
pressure at pump nozzle.

12) Faulty fuel opening 12) Check the solenoid valve

solenoid valve (it does not electric power electric circuit and
open) the coil continuity


15) The electrode ends are 15) Check the electrode position
too far away from or in contact and adjust
with the grounding
16) Dirty or broken electrode 16) Clean carefully or replace if
insulator (porcelain) necessary
17) The high tension cord is 17) Secure correctly or replace if
not perfectly secured to the necessary
pilot electrode or is worn out
and is discharging to the
17) No supply to the AT 18) Check power supply, check
transformer transformer continuity
19) The pilot flame solenoid 19) Check the coil efficiency and
valves do not open that it is energized
The burner starts but no
20) Dirty photoelectric cell or 20) Clean it or correct the position
pilot flame is detected
wrongly oriented
21) Faulty flame relay 21) Replace it.
22) Faulty photoelectric cell 22) Replace it
Smoky or uneven flame
23) Liquid fuel heating not 23) Increase fuel heating (see
sufficient viscosity-temperature diagram)
24) The fuel-air ratio is 24) Check adjustment
25) Atomizer fluid pressure is 25) Check the valve pressure ∆P
too low or too high
Carbon sediments on disk
26) Insufficient fuel 26) Increase fuel heating (see
temperature viscosity-temperature diagram)
27) Dirty or worn out nozzle or 27) Clean it or replace it
28) Wrong flame disk position 28) Correct the position
Pressostato differenziale
per aria, gas di scarico


Caratteristiche tecniche Approvazioni

Il pressostato differenziale LGW…A2, Certificato di collaudo di modello d'utilità
LGW…A2P, è un pressostato regolabile secondo le direttive CE per apparecchia-
per impianti di riscaldamento. Esso è ture per gas:
adatto per l'inserimento, lo stacco o la LGW...A2, A2P CE-0085 AQ 0673
commutazione di un circuito elettrico con
Printed in Germany • Rösler Druck • Edition 10.02 • Nr. 218 370

valore di pressione variabile su di un Certificato di collaudo di modello d'utilità

valore nominale tarato. Il valore nominale secondo le direttive CE per apparecchi a
(punto d'intervento), si può tarare su di pressione:
una rotella con scala graduata per la LGW...A2, A2P CE0036
taratura.Tipo LGW…A2P con tasto di con-
trollo integrato di serie, nella parte inferiore. Certificato collaudo TÜV, quale presso-
stato speciale secondo TRD 604 e d'istru-
Campo di impiego zione VdTÜV 100/1 noché classe "S" se-
Sorveglianza della pressione differenzia- condo EN 1854.
le nella tecnica di riscaldamento, ventila- Per il mercato nordamericano esecuzioni
zione e climatizzazione. Utilizzabile come speciali con registrazioni a norme UL, FM
rilevatore della pressione differenziale per e CSA.
aria, gas di combustione e di scarico e Omologazioni in altri importanti paesi,
gas non aggressivi. Esso non è tuttavia consumatori di gas.
1…4 adatto per gas combustibili tecnici.
Funzionamento Tasto di controllo LGW…A2P
Funzione circuito elettrico
Pressostato differenziale per i campi Il pressostato differenziale LGW…A2P
LGW...A2, LGW...A2P
di sovrapressione e di depressione. è dotato di un tasto di controllo.
con pressione in salita:
La pressione differenziale agisce at- Esso permette un facile controllo del-
1 NC apre, 2 NO chiude
traverso una membrana sul microin- le funzioni di sicurezza.
con pressione in discesa:
ter-ruttore, contro la forza della molla Premendo il tasto di controllo viene
1 NC chiude, 2 NO apre
di taratura. interrotto il collegamento con l’attac-
Il pressostato lavora senza energia co di pressione G 1/4 con scarico
ausiliaria. della pressione sotto la membrana. Il 2 NO
microinter-ruttore dell'apparecchio di COM
Pressostato differenziale LGW…A2 controllo della pressione commuta il
Il commutatore reagisce alle differen- contatto da NO a NC: 3
ze di pressione. Al superamento per Lasciando libero il tasto si forma di 1 NC
eccesso o per difetto del valore nomi- nuovo la pressione sotto la membra- p
nale tarato, esso innesta, stacca op- na e il microinterruttore ritorna nella
pure commuta il circuito elettrico. sua posizione iniziale.

Definizione della differenza di in-

tervento !p Pressione
al rilevatore
La differenza di intervento !p è la Tolleranza di taratura
differenza di pressione fra la pres- Pressione di
intervento superiore
commutazione !p

sione di intervento superiore e quella

in discesa

press. in salita
Taratura con

in salita
Pressione di
intervento inferiore

Dimensioni [mm] LGW…A2 LGW…A2P

Ø 2,5 18,5

A ø 2,5 per spina apparecchio

DIN EN 175 301-803
B taglio longitudinale 0,8 e

taglio a croce DIN EN ISO 4757-Z2



1 Attacco pressione (+) Attacco di pressione (+) ø 4,6 utilizzabile

solo come presa di misura.
2 Attacco pressione (-) 10 Attacco di pressione disponibile

solo con filetta G 1/4.

3 soltanto LGW ... A2

opzione 1 SW 22
attacco pressione (+) G 1/4, conica
4 Tasto controllo p (+) Tappo per presa di pressione G 1/4 4 p(+)
B 72
Ø 3 x 10 alto
Ø 4,2

Ø 2,5 18,5
G 1/8
SW 14


Made in

Tappo di sfiato Made in Germany
per G 1/8

Ø 4,6
Ø 4,6

78,5 M20x1,5 53,7

Ø 3 x 8 profond
B 72

Ø 4,2

Made in






Made in Germany SW = Apertura chiave

82 M20x1,5 53,7

Dati tecnici

Max. pressione di esercizio: LGW 3 A2 - LGW 150 A2 500 mbar (50 kPa)
LGW 3 A2P - LGW 150 A2P 500 mbar (50 kPa)

Campi di pressione 0,4 - 3 mbar

1 - 10 mbar
2,5 - 50 mbar
30 - 150 mbar

Attacco pressione LGW A2: raccordo tubo flessibile ø 4,6 mm

LGW A2P: al centro del lato inferiore del corpo, filettatura conica G 1/4 per la
pressione superiore, con tasto di controllo e attacco per misuratore laterale
ø 4,6 mm oppure filettatura interna; G 1/8 per la pressione superiore.

Campi di temperatura temperatura ambiente -15 °C fino a +70 °C

temperatura fluido -15 °C fino a +70 °C
temperatura magazzinaggio -30 °C fino a +85 °C

Materiali corpo: policarbonato

interruttore: policarbonato
membrana: a base NBR
contatti di commutazione: standard: argento fine (Ag)
opzione: argento fine dorato (Au),
adatto per applicazioni DDC: DC 24 V; 0,01 A

Tensione di commutazione contatto Ag: AC eff. min. 10 V max. 250 V

DC min. 12 V max. 48 V
contatto Au: DC min. 5V max. 24 V

Corrente nominale contatto Ag: AC eff. 10 A

contatto Au: DC 20 mA

Corrente di commutazione contatto Ag: AC eff. max. 6A a cos ∀ 1

AC eff. max. 3A a cos ∀ 0,6
AC eff. min. 20 mA
DC min. 20 mA
DC max. 1 A
contatto Au: DC min. 5 mA max. 20 mA

Allacciamento elettrico standard: Ai morsetti filettati attraverso passacavo M20x1,5

esecuzione speciale: Spina a 3 poli per presa di rete a
norme DIN EN 175 301-803

Protezione IP 54 secondo IEC 529 (EN 60529), con isolamento protettivo

Taratura taratura a scelta con pressione in salita o in discesa, possibile sul luogo

Tolleranza di taratura ± 15 % deviazione punto d'inserimento riferito al valore nominale, tarato a

pressione in salita, membrana in posizione verticale

Posizione di montaggio
Posizione standard: membrana verticale; con montaggio orizzontale il pressostato scatta ad un aumento di
pressione di 0,5 mbar.
Con montaggio orizzontale capovolto il pressostato scatta ad una diminuzione di pressione di ca. 0,5 mbar.
Con il montaggio in una posizione intermedia il pressostato scatta ad una pressione diversa da quella nominale di
max. ± 0,5 mbar

Pressostato differenziale
per aria, gas di scarico


Breve tabella tecnica 1mbar = 100 Pa = 0,1 kPa # 10 mm WS 1 Pa = 0,01 mbar # 0,1 mm WS

Tipo Esecuzione Codice Campo di Differ. d'interv

[Ag-M-V9] d'ordine taratura !p [mbar]

LGW A2 LGW 3 A2 107 409 0,4 - 3 ∃ 0,3

Pressostato LGW 10 A2 107 417 1 - 10 ∃ 0,5
differenziale LGW 50 A2 107 425 2,5 - 50 ∃1
LGW 150 A2 107 433 30 - 150 ∃3

LGW 3 A2P 120 204 0,4 - 3 ∃ 0,3

LGW 10 A2P 120 212 1 - 10 ∃ 0,5
LGW 50 A2P 221 207 2,5 - 50 ∃1
LGW 150 A2P 120 238 30 - 150 ∃3

Accessori per pressostati

LGW...A2, LGW...A2P

Set spina G3 a 3 poli sensa 231 770

Set presa a 3 poli + terra, GDMW grigio 210 318

Accessori Klima KS A2 214 828

Cantonale attacco a vite G 1/8 230 278

Cantonale attacco a vite G 1/4 230 279

Tasto supplementare di controllo PT 4 224 940

Piastra di fissaggio 230 301

Lampada a bagliore set di montaggio 230 V 231 773

Lampada a bagliore set di montaggio 120 V 231 772

Spia di segnalazione set di montaggio 24 V 231 774

Ci riserviamo qualsiasi modifica tecnica e costruttiva

Karl Dungs S.r.l. Karl Dungs GmbH & Co.

Via Carolina Romani, 35 Siemensstraße 6-10
I-20091 Bresso (MI) D-73660 Urbach, Germany
Tel.: +39-02-66 50 54 28 Telefon +49 (0)7181-804-0
Fax: +39-02-66 50 54 27 Telefax +49 (0)7181-804-166
e-mail e-mail
Internet 4…4
7 714

ISO 9001

QRB1...A with large flange QRB1...A with small flange QRB1...B QRB3... with
and clamp and clamp with plug flange and clamp

Photoresistive Detectors QRB...

Photoresistive flame detectors for use with Landis & Staefa burner controls, for
the supervision of oil flames in the visible light spectrum.
The flame detectors are used primarily in connection with burner controls for
small burners.

The QRB... and this data sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integrate the
flame detectors in their products.


The QRB... are designed for the supervision of yellow-burning oil flames with burner
controls LAL..., LOA... and LMO...

For QRC... blue-flame detectors, refer to data sheet 7716.

Siemens Building Technologies
04.07.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
Warning notes

To avoid injury to persons, damage to property or the environment, the following

warning notes should be observed!

It is not permitted to open, interfere with or modify the flame detector!

• Before performing any wiring changes in the connection area of the QRB..., the
burner control must be completely isolated from the mains supply
• Ensure protection against electric shock hazard on the detector itself and on all
electrical connections through appropriate mounting
• Check the wiring and all safety functions
• Fall or shock can adversely affect the safety functions. Such detectors may not be
put into operation even if they do not exhibit any damage

Mounting notes

The relevant national safety regulations must be complied with.

Installation notes

• Installation work may only be carried out by qualified staff

• Observe the permissible length of the detector cable (refer to «Technical data»)
• Always run the detector cable separate from other cables, especially from the igni-
tion cable, while observing the greatest possible distance

Commissioning notes

• Commissioning and mantenance work may only be carried out by qualified staff
• The intensity of the radiation of light on site is checked by measuring the detector

LAL1... LAL2... / LAL3... LOA...

Measurement circuit 23 22 22 23 12 11 Legend
A Incidence of light (also laterally)
+ + +
µA µA µA


For the minimum detector current values required, refer to the data sheet of the rele-
vant burner control.

Service notes

Do not use any burner cleansing sprays.

When cleaning the photoresistive detector, always use a clean cloth.


Siemens Building Technologies CC1N7714en

Landis & Staefa Division 04.07.2000
Mechanical design

Compact photoresistive detector with infused two-wire thermoplastic cable.

The flame detector is available with normal or high sensitivity and with or without flange
/ clamp or soft plastic plug (refer to «Type summary»).

QRB1...A Flame detector without soft plastic plug.

This type of detector is fitted with the help of a securing flange.
A guide groove in the securing flange and a cam on the detector clamp ensure vibra-
tion-free mounting and make certain that the detector is always correctly sited towards
the flame.

Accessories • Securing flange with 21 mm spacing for use with the QRB1...1
• Securing flange with 36 mm spacing for use with the QRB1...2
• Clamp

QRB1...B Flame detector with soft plastic plug.

For mounting this type of detector on the burner, all that is required is a hole with a
lateral groove (refer to «Dimensions»).
The sealing and securing ribs of the soft plastic plug hold the detector firmly in the hole.
The guide guarantees correct alignment of the photoresistive element with the flame.

QRB3... The detector is supplied with a protective tube of 17 mm diameter.

This type of detector is always secured with a flange and a clamp (refer to «Accesso-


Siemens Building Technologies CC1N7714en

Landis & Staefa Division 04.07.2000
Type summary

1: small flange / clamp
2: large flange / clamp

A: without plug
B: with plug

Stripped length "m" in mm

End of cable
A: unstripped
B: with terminating sleeves

Visible cable length "I" in cm


Type of casing
A: standard casing length "g" = 50 cm
B: standard casing length "g" = 65 cm

A: normal (colour of casing: black)
B: high (colour of casing: red)

Available dimensions l* (cm) 18 / 20 28 / 30 28 / 30 33 / 35 48 / 50 48 / 50 58 / 60 68 / 70 78 / 80 148 / 150

m ( mm) 40 25 40 40 40 70 25 70 70 70
* With plug / without plug

QRB3... Type reference Flange Clamp Feature Sensitivity

QRB3 Without Without Protection pocket Normal
QRB3(1) With With Protection pocket Normal
QRB3S Without Without Protection pocket High
QRB3S(1) With With Protection pocket High

Accessories Item For use with Part number ¹)

Flange with 21 mm spacing QRB1... 4 241 1462 0
Flange with 36 mm spacing QRB1... 4 241 1600 0

Clamp QRB1... 4 186 1096 0

Flange QRB3... 4 286 1490 0

Clamp QRB3... 4 186 8806 0

¹) When ordering individual items:

Items are supplied together with the flame detector, depending on the type of detector
(refer to «Type summary»).


Siemens Building Technologies CC1N7714en

Landis & Staefa Division 04.07.2000

When ordering, please give type reference according to «Type summary».

The QRB1... with plug is always supplied without flange / clamp, and vice versa.

Example QRB1...: • Normal sensitivity

• Standard casing length 50 mm
• Visible cable length 350 mm
• Stripped length 40 mm
• With terminating sleeves
• Without plug
• Without flange / clamp

QRB1...: as above but with a small flange / clamp


Technical data

General detector data Degree of protection IP 40

Mounting orientation optional
Cable length for detectors used in max. 1.5 m
connection with LOA... / LAL...
Detector cable 2 x 0.75 mm² ; 5.1 mm dia.
- QRB1... (depending on type) approx. 20...35 g
- QRB3... (without cable) approx. 35 g

Environmental Transport IEC 721-3-2

conditions Climatic conditions class 2K2
Temperature range -20...+60 °C
Humidity < 95 % r.h.
Operation IEC 721-3-3
Climatic conditions class 3K5
Mechanical conditions class 2M2
Temperature range -20...+60 °C
Humidity < 95 % r.h.
Condensation, formation of ice and ingress of water are not permitted!


With this type of flame supervision, the radiation of oil flames in the visible light spec-
trum is used for generating the flame signal.
The light-sensitive element is a photoresistor.
When there is no light, the detector´s resistance is in the MΩ range.
The resistance drops as the intensity of illumination increases (kΩ range).
In contrast to the selenium photocell of the RAR... detectors, glowing firebrick in the
combustion chamber can be detected.


Siemens Building Technologies CC1N7714en

Landis & Staefa Division 04.07.2000

Dimensions in mm

4 241 1462 0
4 186 1096 0



m 8
g l

4 241 1600 0 A






9 20 m

4 286 1490 0
QRB3... 4 186 8806 0





 2000 Siemens Landis & Staefa Produktion GmbH


Siemens Building Technologies CC1N7714en

Landis & Staefa Division 04.07.2000
This range of electronic ignition transformers is
characterized by extremely limited overall dimensions and
is particularly suitable to equip forced draught burners for
gas and light or heavy oil, for civil and industrial
The working principle is due to the generation of high
frequency voltage by means of an electronic oscillator; the
resulting voltage is then increased by using a winding with
ferrite nucleus. In this way it is possible to reach output
voltage values up to 15 KV.
All types can be supplied with filter to minimize the
emission of electromagnetic interference. In this way this
series of electronic transformers is in compliance with the
directive 89/336/EEC without the use of external filters.
The transformers of this series can also be supplied for
permanent operation (100% duty cycle). For further
information see our technical leaflet on TC....S.

Followings are the main features of this range of
− available with inbuilt anti-emission filter;
− limited weight and overall dimensions;
− high efficiency and ignition power;
− low consumption;
− single pole or dual pole high voltage output;
different fixing and connecting systems.

AF099 rev.01 1/4

TC1...A TC1...AF TC2...A TC2...AF
Number of poles 1 1 2 2
Output peak voltage KV (1) 15 15 2x10 2x10
Output effective voltage KV (1) 9 9 2x5 2x5
Output peak current mA (2) 45 45 55 55
Output effective current mA (2) 25 25 30 30
Output voltage frequency kHz (1) 6 6 6 6
Output voltage frequency kHz (2) 10 10 10 10
Inbuilt filter • •
Consumption VA (3) 45 45 55 55

(1) Open-circuit secondary with 30pF charge.

(2) Short-circuit secondary.
(3) 10mm discharge distance.
For instance, the denomination TC2LVPAF indicates that
- Supply voltage: 220/240V-50/60Hz
this type of transformer is provided with two lateral
on request: 110/120V-50/60Hz isolators, screw fixing system, output with outlet and anti-
- Operating cycle: 50% in 2 minutes
emission filter.
- Operating temperature range: -10°C +60°C
- Recommended distance between OVERALL DIMENSIONS
the electrodes: 3÷5 mm Fig.1 and Fig.2 show the main overall dimensions of these
- Max. ignition cable length: 1.5 m transformers.
- Standard supply cable length: 560 mm To fix the transformers screws type M4x40 or M5x40 must
- Weight: about 370 g be used; the oval fixing holes permit a variation of the
wheel base between 57 mm and 64 mm.
The working principle based on the use of a high frequency
electronic oscillator has allowed to realize a device with
limited dimensions and weight, but with high ignition power.
The electronic circuit and the transformer with ferrite
nucleus are bathed in a special kind of resin with good
thermal conductivity and a specific coefficient of expansion,
which grants high resistance to temperature variations and
to the overload due to protracted working.
An inbuilt varistor protects the appliance from possible
voltage transients in the electric network.
The transformers of this series are available in different
executions as regards the number of poles, the position of
the isolators, the type of connection and output and the
presence of anti-emission filter; on this subject, see the
following schemes:
standard versions:

   
   → C: output with cable (Fig.1 -Fig.2)
   P: output with outlet (Fig.4)
  
  → V: screw fixing system (Fig.5)
  T: fixing system with terminal ∅ 4 (Fig.5)

 
 → L: lateral isolators (Fig.1)
 S: bottom isolators (Fig.2)

1: single pole
2: dual pole
Versions with inbuilt anti-emission filter:
   
   → C: output with cable (Fig.1-Fig.2)
   P: output with outlet (Fig.4)
  
  → V: screw fixing system (Fig.5)
  T: fixing system with terminal ∅ 4 (Fig.5)
 
 → L: lateral isolators (Fig.1)
 S: bottom isolators (Fig.2) Fig.1

1: single pole
2: dual pole

2/4 AF099 rev.01

Type "P"


The connection of high voltage cables can be of two types,

according to the terminals used inside the isolators:
connections can be executed by means of a screw or of a
cylindrical terminal with 4 mm diameter, as shown in Fig.5.
All connectors, including the ones complete with cable, can
be supplied on request.


This range of ignition transformers has been realized in
order to be used with control boxes of our own production,
which can be mounted on the ignition devices by means of
fixing screws type M4x45, as shown in Fig.3.
All transformers can be supplied with cable or supply outlet; Type "V" Type "T"
see, for instance, Fig.4, which shows the dimensions of a
transformer provided with supply outlet and lateral
isolators. Fig.5

− Connect and disconnect the ignition transformer only
after interrupting the main supply.
− Respect the applicable national and European
standards (e.g. EN 60355-1 / prEN 50165) concerning
electrical safety.
− Make sure that the earth of the ignition transformer and
the earth of the electrical system are well connected.
− The device can be mounted in any position.
− Avoid putting high voltage cables next to other cables.
− Grant a protection degree suitable to the application.

With particular reference to the use of ignition transformers
on oil or gas burners, you will find here below some
remarks about the application of these devices, resulting
from the research carried out by the Brahma Testing
Laboratory. This Laboratory, in compliance with EN55014
and with CISPR 16-1, is adequately equipped for the
measuring of electromagnetic interference on boilers,
burners, warm air generators and heating systems in
Fig.3 According to the directive 89/336/EEC, the above
mentioned products are subjected to the measuring of

AF099 rev.01 3/4

conducted electromagnetic interference in the power
network, irradiated by the supply cable; the measuring is
carried out on the basis of a frequency range from 150KHz
to 30MHz in case of conducted interference, and from 30 to
300MHz in case of irradiated interference.
Electromagnetic interference is mainly due to power
variations in the electric circuits (i.e. current peaks); the
greater and faster these variations, the higher the
interference. In this case, the main source of interference is
the discharge of the ignition transformer: the irregular
discharge current causes the emission of interference on a
wide frequency range.
To keep the products within the limits allowed by the
present standards, a special capacitive-inductive filter is
generally installed in series to the main supply, in order to
reduce electromagnetic interference with frequency up to
20MHz approx. . A resistor of a few KΩs is mounted in
series to the ignition electrode to reduce the interference
with higher frequency, due to the high current peak
generated whenever an electric arc is produced. The
stronger the stray capacitance between ignition electrodes
and cables and burner metal casing, the higher the current
peak. The above mentioned resistor has the function of
keeping the current peak as low as possible; the closer to
the source of electric discharge, the greater the
effectiveness of the resistor.
Besides the obvious advantage of reduced assembly costs,
the fitting of an anti-emission filter inside the ignition
transformer ensures the elimination of electromagnetic
interference in close proximity to their source, without
involving the remaining electric circuit. However remember
that the anti-emission filter is not effective with frequency
values > about 20Mhz; in this case, if necessary, the only
possible solution is to mount a resistor in series to the
ignition electrode, as described above.
Finally, the following solutions are always effective to
reduce the emission of electromagnetic interference:
− ignition cables should be as short as possible (this will
reduce their stray capacitance and their possibility of
acting as antennas, transferring electromagnetic
interference to the nearby cables);
− use distributed resistance cables or mount a resistor
near the electrodes (few kΩs can reduce the current
− let ignition cables follow a separate path, close to
ground planes (this will reduce the influence of
electromagnetic interference on the remaining electric
− realize a single earth centre, preventing the earth
conductors from creating circular paths .

Via del Pontiere, 31
37045 Legnago (VR)
Tel. +39 0442 635211 - Telefax +39 0442 25683 - 635256 00/02/08 Subject to amendments without notice
E-mail :

4/4 AF099 rev.01

LAMTEC | BurnerTronic BT300 | BT320 ... BT341


EC Type Examination Certificate (Module B)

according to Directive 97/23/EC
 DIN EN 298:2012
 DIN EN 13611
 DIN EN 1643
 DIN EN 12067-2
 ISO 23552-1
 DIN EN 50156-1, No. 10.5

EC Type Examination Certificate
 EU/2009/142/EC
 DIN EN 298
 DIN EN 13611
 DIN EN 1643
 DIN EN 12067-2

 DIN EN 61508 Part 1-7 (BT331, BT341)

Controls, Primary Safety Certified for Canada –
 UL 372
 UL 1998

EC Declaration of Conformity
 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive)
 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive)
 97/23/EC (Pressure Equipment Directive Cat. 4
Mod.) B+D
 2009/142/EC (Gas Appliances Directive)

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