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The Drug War in Mexico is a complex and multifaceted issue that has garnered significant attention

from researchers and policymakers alike. Writing a research paper on this topic can be challenging
due to the vast amount of information available, the sensitive nature of the subject matter, and the
need to critically analyze and synthesize various perspectives.

One of the main difficulties in writing a thesis on the Drug War in Mexico is navigating the extensive
literature on the topic. There are countless academic articles, books, reports, and journalistic accounts
that cover different aspects of the drug trade, cartel violence, government policies, and the impact on
Mexican society. Sifting through this vast amount of information to identify relevant sources and
develop a coherent argument can be a daunting task.

Additionally, the Drug War in Mexico is a highly politicized issue, with various stakeholders holding
divergent views on the causes of the violence, the effectiveness of government policies, and potential
solutions. As a researcher, it can be challenging to navigate these different perspectives and present a
balanced and nuanced analysis of the issue.

Furthermore, conducting research on the Drug War in Mexico can be ethically and emotionally
taxing. Many researchers grapple with the ethical implications of studying a topic that involves
violence, corruption, and human suffering. Additionally, delving into the personal stories of those
affected by the drug trade can be emotionally draining.

Given the challenges involved in writing a thesis on the Drug War in Mexico, many students may
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the Drug War in Mexico is well-researched, well-written, and highly informative.
Summary This post came out longer than usual, so I’ll summarize it: The homicide rate increased
65% in 2008 compared to 2007 Most of the increase was concentrated in the states the drug cartels
are based in or which they are disputing In Mexico there are two sources of homicide data: Police
records (provided by the SNSP ), and the vital statistics system (provided by the INEGI ). The
maintenance and observance of peace among the leading cartels is often subject to the compliance of
laid down treaties until a violation occurs from any of the parties then the floodgates of chaos flies
open. All maintain the organization’s characteristic pseudo-religious ideology. So the drug cartels
leave with more money, and the government leaves with a weak economy and less money. As of
August 2022, Mexico has been affected by an increased violence, symbolized through the countless
murders across the country, and the targeted attacks of major cities such as Guadalajara, Irapuato,
and Leon from cartel militias. Two drones were rigged with containers that held ball bearings and
plastic explosives. Also, Corruption and weakness in Mexico's government. Sources As you can see
from the chart, the trend from all sources is roughly the same, even thought the homicide rate
according to the SNSP is always higher than that from the INEGI —except for 2008. The same day,
Miguel Angel Caro Quintero, leader of the Sonora Cartel, is extradited to the United States on
charges of conspiracy to distribute marijuana and racketeering. A pattern we’ll see repeated again and
again when the Sinaloa Cartel wants to take over a drug trafficking route. Calderon. Calderon
focused more on a head on and aggressive solution to end the war. He. Furthermore, considering that
you can’t buy RPG -7 s at your local Walmart and that more than 5,400 grenades have been seized
from the cartels, it’s pretty clear they have other suppliers, quite obvious considering the source of the
cocaine they smugle into the US. The Acteal massacre of 45 Tzotzil Indians in Chiapas is missing
from the vital statistics database. He was founded dead with at least 15 bullet wounds after a video
of him insulting a notorious cartel boss went viral on social media. As of today, almost all the three
major cartel groups have active and functional paramilitary groups charged with the mandate of
doing nothing besides killing and killing. It’s interesting that the murder rate increased right before
Eduardo Arellano Felix was captured. Place your Name Here Is the U.S. winning the drug war in
Latin America. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World
Look, present. The Americas 41, no. 2: 18-19. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed
April 2, 2015). Despite the fact that there are groups founded to fight drug trafficking, most of these
allies taking part in ' war on terrorism' are currently using heroin and opium for funding. The data also
allow us to use a fixed effects instrumental variables model to account for the endogeneity of
violence. It’s a gory subject and the use of red against a dark background is very effective in
communicating the violence of the content. The cultivation of marijuana and opium poppy increased
and drug seizures decreased after the drug war started. Four of them were kidnapped with the help
of federal police officers, and a video of them being interrogated was filtered to the Dallas Morning
News. The use of skulls and crossbones takes away from the seriousness of the crimes, falling into
the very trap the earlier stats had managed to avoid, looking cartoon-esque. Objective: Learn about
the war and how it defined the current southern border of the U.S. President Polk orders General
Zachary Taylor and his soldiers to the Nueces River. Download Free PDF View PDF Kingpin
Approaches to Fighting Crime and Community Violence: Evidence from Mexico's Drug War Mari?a
Padilla-Romo This study considers the effects of the kingpin strategy, an approach to fighting
organized crime in which law-enforcement efforts focus on capturing the leaders of criminal
organizations, on community violence in the context of Mexico's drug war. This probably means the
Sinaloa Cartel overextended itself and is waiting to defeat the Zetas, the Juarez Cartel and the
Beltran Leyva organization before resuming its quest for Tijuana. Favorite Posts Follow me on
twitter, facebook, and github Home Blog About Contact Projects Newsletter Posted on Tue 15 June
2010 Statistical Analysis and Visualization of the Drug War in Mexico On December 11, 2006 Felipe
Calderon, as the first significant act of his presidency, sent the army to his home state of Michoacan.
Most of dead are the foot soldiers of the drug cartels.
What most researchers and writers have thus been able to achieve at best can be said to be very
scanty and often superficial without adequate verifiable scientific proofs. Benford’s law has got to
be the coolest statistical “trick” after bootstraping. He is sentenced to three years, the maximum for a
juvenile, in a Mexican correctional facility. Miron proposes legalisation with a sin tax on drugs
sufficiently stiff to yield a price as high as under prohibition. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power
of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. He is the third Beltran Leyva cartel
brother to be captured or killed in two years. Most of this violence is perpetrated against civilians,
who are routinely caught in the crossfire between the military and cartels or else are threatened,
extorted, or callously murdered by cartels. In the past drug prohibition has also not worked and is
shown in countless ways. But he was the one collaborating with all the narcos”. Sadly, Mexico
remains one of the countries in the world that is suffering from the pervasive effects of the narcotics
industry with its numerous criminal cartel groups that have held almost all sectors of the country in
ransom progressively bringing the nation down its knees. For comparison purposes, the most violent
city in the US, New Orleans, had179 homicides in 2008 for a rate of about 60 per 100,000. The men
had d isappeared from their small town in Guerrero a week before. Also, this corruption has soon
spread to the U.S government. Mexican. While the U.S. government has no restrictions on travel to
Quintana Roo’s tourist sites, such as Cancun, Cozumel, and Tulum, it warns Americans to “exercise
increased caution due to crime and kidnapping.”. We could also team up with their government to
create tactics in order to take down the central drug cartels and establish sanctions for those who
purchase the illegal substances in the U.S. considering we are their main buyers. In the INEGI
homicide database Tijuana prison riots: September 2008, 25 dead. AccuraCast Featured ( 20 ) Getting
into the tech field. If not stopped, this drug war will continually drag down the Mexican economy as
well as the continued corruption of the Mexican infrastructure. Since the recent vital statistics from
the INEGI don’t look crazy wrong like the SNSP data, they are the ones I will use. Indeed, the
Commission recommended that marijuana use should be decriminalised. In the least violent areas
poverty increased possibly due to people migrating from the more violent places. This ongoing
problem poses a problem affecting both. Sources: Before 2009 the homicide data is from INEGI. Let
us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Two reasons could explain this increase in poverty.
Despite an economic crisis and high unemployment, Mexico managed to decrease its homicide rate
and education has shown to be a factor. The true murder rate is likely to be 10-30% higher. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Lopez Obrador promises a thorough investigation and
asks for American cooperation. They have a considerable amount of revenue, and these cartels know
that bribing these officers would help in their peration by ten-fold.
This pressure may in turn make the US appear as if it is doing so little in this drugs war, which is not
entirely the case. 4 However, most Latin American nations consider this war as an overwhelming
failure. The violence caused by organised crime in the Mexican drug trade has approached
Colombian proportions in recent years. For this reason, half this book contains the oral histories
coming from the drug peddlers and the rest from officials enforcing the law. On the other, poverty
increased in areas that had both the lowest and the highest rates of drug related homicides. Four of
them were kidnapped with the help of federal police officers, and a video of them being interrogated
was filtered to the Dallas Morning News. Not surprisingly handing over the control of the city to the
police didn’t make things better and for the next two months the homicide rate increased. Although
things in Colombia have been under control of late, the situation in mexico is declining with every
passing day. Sources Homicides involving a firearm pretty much follow the homicide rate. Like his
fellow founder Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, he was imprisoned for the 1985 kidnapping and murder
of American DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. But we can do better than that and look at the
homicide and the homicide with firearm rates in the states that have had the biggest increases in
murders. This isn’t all guns that were confiscated in Mexico, not even a random sample, but a highly
biased one. By the 1990’s, the chaotic arrangement would begin to take shape as new deals were.
Judging by its strategic geographic location, Mexico is a very ideal connecting route between the
production sites located deep down the Amazon jungles in South America and the drug consuming
clients in the United States. Now, some may argue that the drug industry has been beneficial to the
Mexican economy. Not that it mattered much, all the while the government was losing the
psychological war—the use of torture and beheadings became common in executions carried out by
drug cartels as they sought to protect their turfs and intimidate the population. The subsequent
eBook distils the lessons from work presented by 20 leading experts (see Zedillo and Wheeler 2012).
1. Judging from the appalling condition in Mexico and its possible spill over effect that can engulf
the entire Latin America, the current President Felipe Calderon has embarked on a radical ambition
to crack down the foundational structures of these outlawed groups in fulfillment of his election
campaign promise a little over three years ago. Objective: Learn about the war and how it defined
the current southern border of the U.S. President Polk orders General Zachary Taylor and his soldiers
to the Nueces River. The officers were clearing roads in Aguililla, Michoacan that had been blocked
by the cartel. Going by the level of tact and discipline that defines the operations of the gangs
provides an indication of the fact that the government’s agenda of rooting out drug criminal elements
from the city of Ciudad Juarez and other cities will be a fleeting illusion that will never be realized if
comprehensive measures are not adopted as a matter of urgency. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Many of the bodies are found still bound and gagged.
Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013” (Mexican Drug War). The production and
distribution of these substances such as marijuana, cocaine and heroine have deep seated historical
roots dating back to several centuries. Furthermore, to aid in reducing corruption, the Mexican
government has to establish relations with the civil society and show that it can provide individuals
with public goods and social services better than the narco-trafficking organizations can. Plus, the
army is firmly under civilian control, there are free elections, there’s an independent judiciary, and
important business groups. This is a preliminary step in a larger process to create a legal market for
cannabis with a bill to legalise its recreational use expected to be passed in Congress after the next
legislative elections. As recently as 1994 the man destined to win the presidential election was
murdered in Mexico, stuff like what’s happening now isn’t exactly new, even if it is worse. As the
Tijuana and Gulf cartels become aware of the destructive effects their fighting was having on their
activities which in stark contrast was serving as the basis for Sinalao’s success, the two gangs
brokered a ceasefire deal and instead used the opportunity to redirect their campaign to topple
Sinalao in a desperate bid to take control of the routes going through the Texas boarder. Their
inclusion has increased the ability of the criminal cartel organizations to carry out their barbaric acts
with explicit military tact and precision leaving conventional law enforcement agencies a step behind
While the U.S. government has no restrictions on travel to Quintana Roo’s tourist sites, such as
Cancun, Cozumel, and Tulum, it warns Americans to “exercise increased caution due to crime and
kidnapping.”. Again we see that sending in the army had the effect of reducing the homicide rate.
She claims in the video that “Felipe Calderon did a lot of harm to a lot of people, like me; I suffered
a lot in prison, lost many loved ones. If it were true that the assault weapons ban expiration were the
cause of the drug war, we would expect homicides with firearm as a proportion of all homicides to
have increased since the ban expired. The bodies are piling up nationwide, even in normally tranquil
and touristy spots such as Merida, not far from the Maya ruins of Chichen Itza. They are currently
allied with the Zetas Zetas They started as a group of army deserters who offered their services to
the Gulf cartel. Not surprisingly the military was based in Nogales. U.S. The U.S economy depends
on Mexican immigrants who come into the U.S to look for jobs. When it comes to infighting within
and amongst the rival drug cartels a new trend has emerged which involves the beheading of
perceived and real enemies and hanging their lifeless bodies in public places often with an
accompanying note indicating the group the group that claims responsibility for the gruesome act.
Having a drug prohibition has a negative effect on the world’s economy because having a drug
prohibition goes along with crime and violence. Currently, there is no clear end to the conflict in
sight, especially considering that criminal organizations have begun to diversify into other illegal
businesses as the drug market shrinks. He was previously arrested in 2008 after a shootout in Tijuana.
This is not to say that the data for INEGI is without errors, besides not having registered the mass
grave inA Taxco A and the immigrant massacre in San Fernando,A there has been a steady increase
in deaths of unknown intent by external injury caused by firearm. Campos, Isaac. 2010.
“Degeneration and Origins of Mexico’s War on Drugs.” Journal of Mexican Studies 26. Veracruz
Selected municipalities with more than 100,000 people Veracruz is Zeta territory and again we see the
Sinaloa Cartel causing trouble for its rivals with the arrival of the army in a region that didn’t need a
military intervention. The assassination of the supreme commander of the Juarez cartel in 2005 by
rival gangs sparked off an unprecedented violent competition to take over control of the profitable
route enjoyed by the Juarez cartel. Favorite Posts Follow me on twitter, facebook, and github Home
Blog About Contact Projects Newsletter Posted on Tue 15 June 2010 Statistical Analysis and
Visualization of the Drug War in Mexico On December 11, 2006 Felipe Calderon, as the first
significant act of his presidency, sent the army to his home state of Michoacan. You can use essay
samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. This decrease is also observed using a state level
panel in another specification. Trump calls for Mexico to declare war on drug trafficking
organizations but Lopez Obrador refuses to do so, arguing that such an approach (carried out by
previous administrations) has failed and caused the current situation in Mexico. Interestingly, when
the reinforcement were sent the violence levels decreased and the same thing happened when
Calderon visited Juarez twice in 10 days accompanied by 5,000 policemen and his personal military
guard. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. The content is provided for information purposes only. As the
president claimed that his government would face down gangs with intelligence rather than force
whilst focusing on poverty and other root causes of crime. On the contrary, the resistance to change
should encourage more and better research and a bigger effort to foster a rational discussion of the
drug problem. After pleading guilty In 2014, Velazquez-Caballero is sentenced to 30 years in prison
in 2017. Our paper emphasizes the importance of such balance checks, explained Espinosa. He is the
third Beltran Leyva cartel brother to be captured or killed in two years. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. In her tour of Central America and Mexico to
strengthen the security cooperation with the nations, Napolitano claimed that the US would continue
assisting the Latin American efforts of going after the regional producers and traffickers of drugs
despite persistent drug-related violence.1 She claims that drug war has not failed but is rather a
continuous effort of keeping the regional population from addiction to the dangerous drugs.
Will Gilrain. Background. Drug war started in 2006 when Mexican President Felipe Calderon
declared war on the drug cartels Between December 2006 and January 2011 at least 30,196 people
were killed as a result of the drug war. The Mexicans can not completely prevent drug trafficking
because that is up to the United States government. (Mexican Drug War) (Mexico’s Drug War). And
just ask any middle class Mexican if he’s been able to stop paying taxes if you believe the failed state
theory. High profiled personalities and ordinary people are all targets in this campaign of violence.
To top it off you can export the monthly data to csv. Sources As you can see from the chart, the trend
from all sources is roughly the same, even thought the homicide rate according to the SNSP is always
higher than that from the INEGI —except for 2008. The leaders like to cultivate an image of being
simple farmers that only grow pot to escape poverty. In the INEGI homidice database Decapitated
Bodies in Yucatan: August 28, 2008, 12 dead. They like to collect “taxes” and kidnap people in
addition to trafficking drugs. This doesn’t mean they never suffered from violence, there were
betrayals and shifting allegiances, and when one of the cartels became suddenly weaker, as when the
Gulf Cartel lost its leader in 2003, another cartel would try to take over, but these events were rare
and for the most part everyone lived in peace. There was a big increase in the homicide rate in Baja
California in 1998 due to the power vacuum left after the death of Amado Carrillo Fuentes. But
when Felipe Calderon decided to send in the army all over the country he completely destabilized
the power equilibrium between the cartels. Also, over half of the guns recovered from Mexican
criminal. Therefore, on January 31, 2022 the U.S.-Mexico Bicentennial Framework for Security,
Public Health, and Safe Communities, was established to come up with a joint action plan to protect
citizens in both countries. Unfortunately, many studies that claim to measure causation forget the
fundamental step of explicitly showing that their units are comparable—in our case, that the regions
are actually similar. Lopez Obrador?s campaign promise to reduce violent crime in Mexico clearly
fails during his first year in office, as drug related violence continues to rise. Keep in mind that a lot
of people have left Juarez since it became the most violent city in the world and I’m using the
official population estimates from the CONAPO done in 2005. The topic is examined using
municipal-level data on the percent of household receiving remittances and homicides per 100,000
inhabitants. In the INEGI homicide database The Acteal massacre committed by paramilitary units
with government backing against 45 Tzotzil Indians is missing from the vital statistics database. For
those who remain employed, violence increases hours worked but does not change monthly income.
The bill, if passed in the Senate and signed by Mexico’s president, would allow adults to use
marijuana and grow a small amount with a permit. It makes up just 5% of the global population, yet
according to most estimates accounts for over 25% of global demand for illicit drugs. Once we do
settle this conflict with the cartels, a system wide purging is needed too of the government
infrastructure. In contrast, these crimes and perceptions of unsafety do not change in areas where
cartels operate without leading to drug-related homicides. While the first joint army operations in
2006 and 2007 lowered the homicide rates in Michocan and Guerrero, later military operations in
Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz and Durango have coincided with increases in
homicides and attempts by the Sinaloa cartel to take over drug trafficking routes from rival cartels.
Interestingly, there were no massacres or increases in violence after his capture. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. During Felipe Calderon’s time in office as Mexico’s president, he
tried. In 2017 it was declared the most ubiquitous cartel in Mexico by Attorney General Raul
Cervantes. If the ban were to blame for the drug war we’d see big increases in the proportion of
homicides with firearms since 2004-2005 in the states where most of the drug violence has occurred,
and that’s simply not the case.

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