Patrol Ideas by Green Bar Bill, Part 1

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BL-51 Copyright, Boy Scouts of Americo New Brunswick, New Jersey

I spent some time recentli with a Fox'Patrol. What a gangl I nish you
could have met th;se Foxesl Eight fellows working together like no-
bodyts business, enjoying life together, having fun together.
}ihat a spiritl
i{or did they get that vay? 1de11, Ird say that the patrol leader
haC a lot to do with it. tle nas a snooth-rtrnning feLlov with a smile
on his faee that never came off--not even when the patrol ran intc &if-
ficulties. He khev wbere he rn'as going. He had big drea-ns for the pa-
trol and every felloi+ in it. He s.r:rang nev ideas on his boys all the
tine, they talked tkrem rver together--then all pitched ln to do the
Job togetlrer.
T0GETI{ER...Irve used that word. a lot here. And possibly it is
the pass vord to that important thingr FATR0L SPIRIT. It is the key
to everything that happens in the EeEr to al-l you do:
Eaving things T0GETHER--Ihe thlngs that distinguish your patrol
fron the ottrer pairols in your troop: Your 1:atro1'narne, your flagt your
sigoaturer your call or YelI.
iviakine things TOGETHER--ycur ,ratrol ]-og book, yaur eorner or den,
Jrour own -canpi4g equipnent.
Planni:rg things T0GETI{ER--clreaning up t}rings, decicil-ng on things
to do in the m.nths ahead, deterrnlning responsj-bllities for every boy
in the gang.
Do3rlF things T0GETIIER--your patrol meetings, hikes and cnmpst
your pffiip*tiJn in the activi.ties of your troop, vorking on advance-
ient logether to reacb First Class Scout rank, fonrard together
to National Stande-rd Patrol rating.
A vhole book could" be wrltten about thcse thi-ngs (has been, as
a Eatter of fact: Your Hangbook for Patrol teaders vhich you eanrt get
along rithout)--so we eantt possibly eover then all in thi-s short pan-
phlet. But { hope that the nany i,dbas in tbe following pages and the
photographs of real 'patrols ln actitirn wi.ll give you the ambition to
try out nen things, and the desire to ttrra your patrol j-ntg the fj:rest
gang possible.
'T,MHG to
Here t s GOOD IUCK and HAPPY PATBOL your.

parrol a camping unit; all the patrols of trmp emping to.
! getheethat'e real lroop camping. And rhat was the
world jamborel cinp-
ing, toHr jambo cantping for short-the mct efrectiye way of Scout
How does it worlr? Well, have a lok at the pieture of e tnical iam.
bore patrcI of ths American @ntingent, and rhe patrol lesd6ri' council
ol one of our New England trops.
Equiprent: four two.boy tents to €ach Datrol of eight. a dinim flv.
tables and benches for eeaiing rho patrol and irs guesis, ; kilche; bdi
with _slorage epace for food and witft work space for preparing it, char.
coal burners.-pols and pans, and the ueual itemE that make up a patrol
camping outfit,
- Patrol organization for getting the job done: head cook, aEsislant cwk.
lireman, walerman, kirchen cleaner-upper, assistant kilchen cleanenrll
per. campsite cleaner-uppeewith the patrol leader the .,foreman- of
the "crew,-' Ieady to step in where hie helo is needed.
,Camp routine ihe full-responsibility of e-ach parrol: ready on rime for
planned activities; cooking for the whole patrol; eating as a fanily, with
provision for a couple ofledere as gues;, and *ith -Grace beforl' each
meali clean-up and neatness around the Datrol camDsile,
responzibilitips to the troop as a wholer rigular daily meelings
rhe patrol leaders'couneil ro determine what neids to be-done: a!.
pointment of patrols to take turns _as "service patrol" for keeping tEe
troop site in shape as a rhole; and as "prograin patrol" to handle the
troop^activitieE of the day, such as ceremonies, entertaining of gueste,
_Wirh everyrhing lined up in this fashiono each camper wirh a definito
The Patrol Leaders' Council of Troop 2 of the American contingent at the job ro do for the common good and doing it, camp -life becorrres easy.
lighth World Janboree, meet to judge the troop's homemade patrol flags. The resrrlt is rhat rhere'll be plenty of houri avlilabli each day for doing
_the many special things yor-wani to do in canpand at a world jem;
boree. for friendship making.

G'tpaBazffi sa{s

fr was a grand jamboree-the Eighth World Jamboree in Canada, terest? Then what about "Diving Otters"? Is it tracking and stalking?
I the "Jamboree of New Horizons." Friendship making was in high Then "Silent Panthers" might be just right.
gear. The brotherhood spirit zoomed. Within a few days, boys fro-m
countries around the world became bosom oals. Withyour pofrol nome cftosen, rhe next step is to get apatrol flag.
/^ But what struck me most forciblv at th6 world iamboree was that
this was a patrcl jamboree. For the first time in S6outing'S history, a
Sure, sure-you*can probably buy a ready--made latrof flag to frt
your patrol name.,But you will get far more fun and-far montpatrol
world jamboree, its organization, its outfitting, its feeding, was based interest out of making your instead of using a ,,store-boupl\ten"
on the patrol as the unit. For the first time, the system we have used one. How oo vou so about rtI-own
at our national jamborees was adopted to serve the Scouts of the _-
First of alli d9cide91 its_shape. Study the patrol flag page in your
world--even to the point of using the "Rotation of Responsibilities" Handbook lor Patrol Leaders'and deaide whether v-ori want vour
chart in our American Handbook lor Patrol Leaders as the most ef- flag to be square or triangular, long or short, pointed-or roundea, or
ficient way of getting things done in camp. some very original shape.
Did it work? Of course it did! The patrol method always works- Next, the material. What'[ it be? Muslin or felt, duck or split
when it is pcrmitted to work, when the patrol leader is given full re- leather?
sponsibility and trusted to carry it out. Then, the design. Get all the patrol members to work Announce
I'll have to admit that the Datrols we had at the iamboree consisted an art competition. with each fellow to submit at least one entrv.
of high-grade fellows-all of them at least First Class Scouts, many "We can't 'draw!" some of them will howl. Make 'em, Even tde
of them Eagles. crudest design may have an idea in it,
But the same thing works with less trained Scouts, even with a . Finally, the actual making of the flag. Again, get evory fellow in
group of brand-new Tenderfoots. You'll turn out a good patrol in short on it-one to secure the material, one to transfer the design, one to
order-provided you get going right off the:bat with these three do the.painting, one to cut the flag staff, one to carve i! one to dec-
things: a patrol name with a real meaning, a patrol flag that stands orate rt.
for the whole patrol, and honest-to-goodness patrol activities. Proud of your patrol flag? Sure! And you'll be evei prouder of it
after it has followed you through sun and rain-when each datc
Wlrcf's lhe rsmc of your palrol? Don't tell me-let me guess: carved into its staff reminds you of some wonderful patrd oxperience
Flying Eagle? Beaver? Wolf? Fox? Flaming Arrows? vou have had.
Well, maybe I didn't get it ilght in your particular case-but I
would have been right eight times out of ten. Almost eighty percent Wlren everyffting is soid crnd done, it's those patrd 6,pcri.mos
of our patrols have just those five names. How did they get them? that count the most-the patrol meetings you.have, )Iour pstrol hikes,
They probably opened up the Handbook for Boys and skimmed the your patrol camps, your patrol good turns-all the occasions when
list of patrol names. "Sounds good-that's us!" you get together and do things together.
There should bE far more to getting a patrol name than that. The That's where PLANNING and LEADERSHIP come in. P and Z-
name you decide on should have a very special meaning for every the initials of your ofhce, Mr. Patrol Leader.
boy in the gang. Planning is done by the patrol as a whole. It is here that you de-
Take a couple of hikes, for instance-and maybe your name \ilill cide on the great things you want to do. It is here you determine what
come to you. Say you're out some evening. You hear a rustle in the you need in the line of equipment, food, program, for a successful
underbrush. You iim the beam of your flashlight in that direction. hike or camp. It is here you set the dates for your activities.
Right in front of you scampers a raccoon-black mask, bushy tail, The leadership is yours-but if you are smart, you won't do all
and all. You set off full sDeed after it. It reaches a tree, climbs it with the leading yourself. On the contrary, you'll distribute the responsibil-
amazing dexterity and disappears. You didnt get your animdl-but ities evenly among your Scouts: a buddy team for getting together
you got yourselves a name: "Climbing Raccoon Patrol." the camping gear, another for buying the grub, another for lining
" If-thai method of getting a parofname doesn't pan out, try this up transportation, and the rest of the gang for running special activi-
way: At a patrol meeiing, iliscuss the things you want to accomplish ties such as games and campfires.
in Stouting. Is it your g-oal to become good hikers? "Roaming Buf- With everyone "in the know" and everyone "in the act," you will
falo Patrol' mighi be fhe name for you. Is swimming your big in- bave a patrol that'll be humming along on all cylinders.

Just how good is your palrol? Maybe include your address and Scoutmaster,s
it's good for your troop or your disfrict. approval), tear out the pages, place
But that may mean a lof or very little, fhem in an envelope, and mail to Green
depending on how good all fhe ofher pa- Bar Bill, Nafional Council, Boy Scouls of
trols are. So insfead of maiching yourself America, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
againsf the patrols you know, match your Then Green Bar Bill will send you the
gang againsf the Naiional Siandard pa- National Sfandard Patrol stencil. Trans_
frol. Then you'll find out wheiher you are fer ihe stencil design to your patrol flag
good, lust fair, or-well, simply poor. with a stencil brush dipped in a small {i
Buf, more imporfant yet, you'll learn (r
amounf of paint. Buf don'f stop here.
what you need to do to be top patrol in You'll want to place fhe delign on other
your froop.
pieces of pafrol equipmenf, such as your
Your pa- camp chesf and bulletin board. Each o
trol can qualify as a National Standard member who helped your pafrol qualify
Patrol by scoring 750 or more points dur- is permifted to use lhe same design on
ing a four-monfh period. his pack, sleeping bag, and other gear,
Affer your patrol qualifies, fill in all with the exception of fhe o#icial Scoul
blanks (be sure to uniform.

cAT. N0.6-3

e Pafrol

Pafrol Leader
(Name )

(Address )
Palrol leader allended four palrol lead-
ers' council meelings ( 100 pointsI or two
(City, zone, siate ) meelings (50 points).

\a. \l I

- All patrol members parlicipaled in coun-

cil, district, or lroop camporse or similar
Al least two patrol meetings each monih Al leasf {our palrol hikas or overnighls event ( 100 poinlsl or al leasl half o{ the
{of four monfhs { | 00 ' points } or one wilhin four monihs (100 points) or at patrol members parlicipated in lhe evenl

meeting each monih {or {our months (50
points !. least lwo wiihin {our months (50 points}. ( 50 points I.

Ai least two palrol Good Turns during -' Two patrol membars advanced one ranl At least 75 per cenl of palrol membgrs
four monlhs ( 100 poinis) or at leasl one during four months (100 poinls) or one correclly uniformed {100 points} or at
Good Turn during four monlhs (50 palrol member advanced one ranl during leasl 50 psr c6ni of patrol members cor-
points ). {our monlhs {50 points}. raclly uniformed (50 points).


{Monrh }
:, _-_lg_
( Month )
l.-points 6._points
2.---points 7.-foinfs
3.--points 8-points
4*-poinfs 9. points
( 5.-- l0-_points
Palrcl has flag, signalurc, call, and log
-points - nccdcd^-POINiS
bool up-lo-dalc for four months { lfl) {Tolal of 750 pointr to qualify.f
poinis|. or petrol har fiag and log bool
up-to-de te {or iwo monlhr 150 poinfuf . { Scoulmartcr'r I
By William Hillcourt and of a color that will stand rain and sun
without fading. Some patrols prefer canvas
TAKE A GOOD LOOK at a successful
patrol some time ago-and what do you
for their flag, others go for sptit leather_
I Its parrol ffag-always honoied,
surt vourself-
.1. se.e?
Transfer the design to the material, then
Jealously gyar-d9d, properly cared for. It goes pamr lt or get some pakol mother to
wherever the fello_ws go, on every hike. every
camprng trip-it flies from the top of rhe clifl
embroider it. Or cut out tlte desisn from
a piece of material of a contrastin-g color,
tirey scaled, from the bow of the lead canoe. and cement it on with textile cement. Then
It's their emblem, their callins card. add a border all around the flae.
.l.f yogr gang. doesn't have-a flag yet, get
with it. You can't afford to let anot[ei oatiol _ Get a good, sturdy staff, and ittach your
flag ro ir with leather thongs.
meeting slip by without choosing un embl"-
But donl stop here. yiur flag should
and deciding on your flag. gro-w with_ your patrol. So,
Your first -may
patrol flag
put a star on
-_ be one of the lr ror each year the patrol is old. paint
;H: National Supply Service flags_tie printed a First Class badge'on it when at least
one or the embroidered. But eventuallv vou'll fifty percent of the fellows have reached
ffi want to make your own. that rank. Add a ribbon to it for each
.So spread out these pages before the important event in the patrol,s life. Carve
whole gang and study each o[ the llags. the dates of hikes and iamps in its staff.
What do you think of them? SomewhJre There's no end to the ideas. you can
among them may be a design you like, work into your patrol flag-theie's just
or_ a suggestion that'll stimulate yout grey
one rule to follow: Whatever you pur on
cells^into thinking up sometiing o"*. " your flag or flag staff must have i verv
After you have decided on- shape and
.meaning to every Scout in youi
design, get a piece of appropriate material gang. That's the way your patrol flag will
lor your flag-something strong and tough nerp your patrol spirit to grow.



Enlarge simple design by first drawing over it a net- lines l" apart, Then fill in each square wirh the de-
work of vertical and horizontal lines, l/4" apart. Next tails of corresponding tiny square. Transfer enlarged
draw a similar network on another piece of paper, with design to flag material, or cement cut-odt of it on flas.


For conpletely original patrol flag design, run "art best. Get the whole gang into the making of the flag.
contest" in the patrol. Divide gang into buddy teams, For a staff, select and cut a sturd/ sapling on a pa-
have each team develop a design, then ballot for the trcl hike, then carve it with toten and secret symbols.

For a 3-D totem, use design fron natural hietory book, screw piec€s ,_together, drilling holes first to prevent
magazine, or S.out Field Book. Draw each part separalely splitting.-Drill_hole up inro tolem. down into- staff,
on r/a" plywood. Saw out pieces, Sand edges. Glue and glue in dowel. Paint uith two coals of paint or enamel.

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