Patrol Ideas by Green Bar Bill, Part 4

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Green B'o,r Bill SoYs . . . PATROI, MDNU NO.

(ro cAmPERs)
if ry
TUNCH Fridov
' .-N
Peonul Butler ond Grope Jelly Sondwiches I
Cheese Sondwiches
lce Creom

u USE UP lor this meot: I lorge loo{ breod {40 slices}

| 8-or. ior peonul bulter /a lb. butier or morgorine
| 8-oz. ior grope ielly l0 slices ice creom
l/4 lb. cheddor cheese 4 qts. milk

PREPARATION: Read FULL instructions'I-WICE before storting
Fire Mqn-No fires.
Cooks-I. Make l0 peanut biltter and grape jelly sandrviches. Cut in halves
'",w 2. Ilutter bread, and make l0 cheese sandtviches. Clrrr in halres.
\ry 3. :iet out milk, and drinkinE tvater.

4, Serve ice cream for desseri.
:ll:ilir ii::ii:

Fried Fish Fillets
Pototoes Peos

@@ Corrot Slicks
Rolls Buller
Conned Peoches Cookies
USE UP lor ]his neql: No.Ith
22 No. ?l/z cons
ca peoches, sliced
3 lbs. froren fish fillets I t-lb. box cookies
(Oceon PerchI 4 qts. milk
3 20-oz, cons white polotoes Ftom stoples:
2 No.2 cons peos our
l/2 lbs. corrois shorlening
SHOW ME your cooking, and I'li tell you what kind of so ll
Patrol vou are! No trick to it at all: /a lb. buttor or morgorine PePPer
Wheie the eieht fellows of a. Patrol sit around eight little UTENSILS: z pots 2 trying pans
fires, poking eight little frankfurters on eight little sticks into the
flames, you"can" be certain that that gang hasn't as yet learned to PREPARAT| ON: Rearl FULL instructions TWIcE before sturtitts.
live as i Patrol. tsut where'the Patrol Cooks of the day call out' Fire Man-Two heating fires for potatoes and peas, Trvo frying fires for ll,
"Come and get it!" and the whole gang-sits down for a family meal two Dans.
then"you know that you have before you a camp-trained Coois l. Place the potatoes in a pot. Cover with lvater, using the li<;rrid
-wetl,with from the cans, and atid I teaspoon of salt, Place over fire. \Vhen"thoroughly
gang, lots of Patrol spirit. heaterl, pour oft the rvater, and place pot near fire to keep trarm,
2. I'orrr pcas in a pot and plate'over fire to lrear.
3. ScrapC the carrots and cirt them into long "sticks.', place sticks in cold
The Rieht Kind of Menus 'yater to keep them crisp until serying time.
To d6 the job rigirt in your Patrol, start oYt by picking the right 4.. Hear.frliig pans an,i.prrt I tablesii,r'rr shorteninq in earlr pan ro srarl
kind of -enr,i. .Jutilook at the seven we're giving yo-u on these, Pagesl nirlr-add morc as neerle(1. Dip the{ish fillers in {iorri. Fry rlreri urlil lighr
Yummy, hah? ?hose are Jamboree-type menui, along the line of brorvn orr orre si<le, ther trrui rnd lrrorvn the olhcr side.'
5. Set out rolls, butter, milk, and drinkins rvater.
what r,-r,ooo lucky Scouts dill eat at oii National .iamboree. Tlrel're 6, Servc the canned fruit and cookies
l,:Lsed."on a Patroi of eight, with two leaders as guests-ten in all. If

you have only seven or eight to feed, cut the amounts by one-quarter'
il vou ate five or six, buv only half' SREAKFAST Solurdoy
fhe food list contains etervthine vou need for that meal. Notice
that it lists the staples but do6sn't Jpbcify the- amounts-bring along Fruit Juice (Oronge)
as much us you .think you'll need. If you have difficulty getting Cereol Milk
certain itemi, substitut'e something el'se-cookies for ice cream, Poncokes
canned fruit for fresh, and so on. Syrup Butter
Get Organized FOOD LIST:
You f,on't want to have the whole Patrol hanging around doing USE UP lor lhis neql: I l-pl. bottle syrup
the cooking. "Too many cooks . . .." you know. Instea-d,^ organize I 46-oz. con_orqnge luice _ l0 pkgs, cocoo powder
your gang ilong the linei suggested in the new Handbook for Patrol l0 individuol bores cereol 3 qts. mill
30 oz. poncoke itour (til, l.or-r) From sloples:
Le"dirs. lust fdllow the chaii on page 2o5. I loll con evoporoled mill rirortenini
/a lb. butter iugor
Follow Instructions
The most important line of instruction is probably ,!i,..-]t;t: UTENSILS: I pot I bowl 2 frying pans I pancake turncr Y
reoeated under^each meal: "Read FULL instructions TWICE PREPARATION: Read IiULL insructions TWICE before startulg.
bifore starting." Nlaybe that word should rather have been Fire-Mqn--One bojling fire for rvater, Trvo frling fires lor tno parrs.
"THRICE" oi euetr I'FOUR TIMES." "Verb. sap'"-as my old Gooks-1. Put on I0-12 cups of water to boil for 6coa.
Latin teacher used to say. Ask your teacher what it means, if you 2.'lo mrke
rate,l ruilk
pancake batter. follorv insrrucrions on the box, usins erarro-
rvirh same amount of rvater insread of fresh milk.'Be
want to knolv-that's what t had to do, careful not 'liluted
to make the batter too thin-it should have consistency of
The instructions to the Fire Man refer to the use of charcoal- meltcrl ice cream. Add 2 tal)lespoons sltqar.
thar's what we'll use at the Jamboree' But you can use wood just 3_. Hear both fryin-g-pans.and giease them n,ith paper dipped iu shortening.
as l'e11. Lgll]i,l"rq. spoonful.ol brttei.on. rhe hot pari, ior ea'cir panc;rLe. \\.hen
Well, there you are! Happy Eating, ^ bul)l,les slarl to bleak it) the nirltlle, turn calc,s orer and fii orr other sirlc.
mlil! 4. Ser our orange juice, cereal, syrup, butter, milk, and drinking rrater.
LIFE trIagazine r\P-
9. rlnen trarcr.tuts, .pour rt ov,er corrtents of package oI cocoa in crrh
cup. SIir rvell. Acld milk, if you like. f"
Reprinteil lron BO}-S'
cAT. N0.6_?1 Tack this sheet to your Patrol food box
(ro cAMPDns) (ro caMPnns)
IUNCH Sqlurdoy LUNCH Sundoy
Tunofish Sondwiches Corned Beef Sondwiches
Apple But{er Sondwicheg Colloge Cheese ond Pineopple Sqlod on Letluce
lce Creom Milk
Cuo Cokes FOOD LIST:
USE UP lor this meol: /a lb. butler or morgorine
FOOD LIST: 3 l2-dz. cons corned beef l0 slices ice craom
lb. colloge cheese 4 qts. mill
USE UP lor lhis nal: 2% lbs. {resh plums {20} lJb. con crushed pineopple From slopl*:
2 6-or cons grofed tunofish 20 cup coles lorge heod leituce muslord
| 4-or. ior noyonnojre 4 qrs. milk lorge loof breod (40 :lices) sqll popper
I 16-oz. ior opple buller From stoples: UTENSILS: None
I lorge loof brcod {.10 slices) soh
/a lb. buttcr or morgorine p€pPer PREPARATION: Read IULL instructions TWICE before starting
UTENSILS: I borvl Fire Mcn-No fires.
Gooks*I. Wash lettuce and break leaves apart.
PREPARATfON: Read FULL instructions TWICE before starting. 2. N{ake up l0 servings, on lettuc€ leaves,^ot cottage cheere topped wirh
crushed pineapple.
fhg lr6i-No fires. 3. Make iO pliin bread-ancl-butter sandwiches for the salad. Cut in halves.
Cooks-1. Mix the grated tunafish in a bowl with enough mayonnaise to 4. Cut cornld beef into slices and place on buttered breatl for 10 sand-
make a smooth sandwich spread. Add a little salt to taste. Spread on I0 wiclles. Cut in halves.
slices of bread. Make l0.tunafish sandwiches. Cut in halves' 5. Set out milk, and ddnkinE water.
2. Make t0 apple butter sandwiches. Cut in halves. 6, Serve ice cream for dessert-.
3. Set out milk, and drinking water.
4. Serve fresh plums and cup cakes for dessert.
SUPPER Fried Chicken Sundoy
SUPPER Sclurdoy SweelPolofoes String Beons
Cronberry Souce Celery
Fronkfurlers Rolls Buiier
Eoked Besns Cotsup Muslord Conned Peors Cookies Milk
Sliced Tomqtoes FOOD LIST:
Breod Builer
USE UP lor lhis meol: /l lb. butter or morgorino
Postry (or Pie) l0 chiclen legs ond thighs (7 2 2Vz cons psors
'l No.
l-lb. box coolieg
Z No,2l/Z cons sweet pololoes 4 qts. milk
3 No. 2 cons string beons
USE UP lor this meql: 4 qts. milt 2 l6-or, cqns cronberry souce From sloplx:
3 lbs. fronl{urters (30} flour
.l 16-or. cons boked beqn: From sloples: I stoll celery shoriening
2 lbs. lomoloes colsup l0 lorge rolls soli popper
I cmqll loo{ breod (20 slices} muslqrd UTENSIIS: Z pots 2 pans with lids oR aluminum foil.
% lb. butter soll
l0 individuol postries (or pies) Pe P pe. PREPARATIONI Read FULL instructions T\ltCI. before starting.
UTENSILS: I pot I grill for broiiing Fire Mol-Two heating fires for potatoes and srring beans. Two frying fire
for two pans-OR larg"e-surface 6re for cooking ch"icken in alumiium foil.
?IEPARATf ON: Read FULL instrirctions TWICI before starting. Gooks-I. Dip the chicken pieces in flour (simplest method is to place
small amounf of flour and 7 teaspoo. salr iu a baper bag and shaki rhe
Flre Mcn-One heating fire for beans. Large-surface broiling fire for franks. chicken pieces around in thAbag): Heat 3 tablesiorins sho"rtening in each
Cools-I. l']ace beans in pot and set over fire to heat. Stir occasionally to pan. Fry chicken pieces untit br;Ivn on all sides.' Add t/2 cup oiwater to
prevent slicking to the bottom,
2. Wash the toinatoes, clrt in fairly thick slices. each pan. Cover pan with lids and keep over low flre to steam for about 30
3. Set our catsup, mustard, bread, butter, milk, and drinking water. minuies, or until tender-you will knoiv that the chick€n is done if you can
4. When almosf ready to eat, place I0 frankfurters on the-griU over the pult the muscle fibres apirt with a fork. OR instead. ol pan Jryiig, cooh
Vhichen in aluminum foil: Wrap un-floured pieces in d6uble liier "of alu-
charcoal bed to broil. Serve. Broil the remaining frankfurters so that they
an be served hot ofl the grill. minum foil rubbed on inside i{ith shorreniirs. Place foil-wrapbed pieces
5, Serve the pastry (or Pie) for dessert. directly on the coals, or slightly above them o.-n a grill. lt fire'i! veri hot,
slow it down by sprinkling *atir on the coals. Turri repeatedly until.done,
aDout zo mlnutes-
!NEAKFAST 5undoy 2. Pour string beans into a pot and heat.
3. Place sweei pomtoes in pbt. Mash them rvith bottom of bottle, stir in a
Fruif Juice (Pineopple) mall amount of milk. Heat over low fire, stirring occasionally. When hot,
Cereol Milk add lump of butter. Salt to taste.
4. Pull ci:lery stalk apart into single leaves. Wash.
Scrombled Eggs 5. Set out cranberry sauce, rolls, butter, milk, and drinkinq water.
Cinnomon Rolls Butter 6. Sene canned friit and cookies for desert,
Preserves {Strowberry)
Cocoo BREAKFAST Fruil Juice (Peoch Nector) Mondoy
FOOD [IST: Cereol Milk
USE UP lor this neal: l0 plgr. cocoo powdet French Toost But'ier'
| 46-or. con pineopplc iuice 3 qts. mill
l0 individriol boxss eereql From sloplu: FOOD [IST: "o"t#ut
20 egg: shorlening
l0 lorge
cinnomon rolls sqlt
/l lb. butter or morgorine pe p per
| 8-or, ior slrowberry presoryer sugqr 3 eggs 3 qts. milt
UTENSILS: lpor lbowl ? frying pans I ioll con evqporqled milt From stopla:
I lorge loof breod {40 slices) shortening sugol
PREPAR.ATION: Read FUI-L instructions TWICI. before starting. UTENSILS: lpor Ibowl
Flre Mcn-One boiling fire for water. Trvo frying fires for two Pans.
Coots-I. Put on 10-12 cups of boil for cocoa. PREPARATION: Read FULL instructions 'tWlOE belore starting.
2. Set out fruit juice, cereal, rolls, butter, preserves, milk, and drinking Flre Mon-One boiling fire for water. Two frying fires for two pans.
water. Cooks-I. Put on l0-I2 cups of water to boii fo; cocoa.
3. Break 20 eggs into bowi. Add l% cup water and, t/, level teaspoon salt. 2. Set out fruit juice, cereal, butter, syrup, milk, and drinking water.
Beat well with a fork. 3. For Frelch toast, beat3 eggs in a-bowl with a fork. Add I ta--U can evap-
4. Heat both frvinq pans. Melt 1 tablespoon shortening in each. Pour half orated milk and an eoual anount of water.
of the egg mixiurd into each pan. Cook gently over l-orr 6re. As the eggs 4. Grease both pans riirh a piece of paper dipped in shortening. Quickly
become XYm around the edge bf the panlscralre them to\lard the cenGi.

? Keep doing this until the whole mixture is set. but not too dry.
5. When water boils pour it over contents of package of cocoa in each cup.
Stir well. Add milk, if you like.
DIP ldo not soah) the slices of bread in the egg mixture, and frt them on
both iides until 6rown. Watch carefully as Fr?"nch roast browns'easily.
5. When water boils, pour it over ontents of package of cocoa in each
cup. srir well. Add miik, if you like.


Tack thls sheet to your Patrol food box Taek this shoet ao y()ur Patrol food box
(ro cailPEns) (ro cAMPDBS)
llondcY TUNCH Hot Dogs TmdcY
[UNCH Potolo ChiPs Tomoioes
Pork Loof Sondwiches Buns R;lish Muslord
Peqnut Butler ond Curronl Jelly Sondwiches
Pickle Slices
Postry (or Piel
.USE UP lor lhis meol: l0 individuql posiries Ior Pies]
FOOD LIST: 3 lbs. {ronk{uriers (30) 4 qis. milk
IJSE IJP lot lhis neol: 3 No' 2 crns opplesouca I lb. potolo chips From slopla: """i"p"ti l..t 4 qts' milk 2/2 lbs. ionoloes muslord
| 8-or. ior Peonut buiter | 8-oz. lor pickle relish :qll
i ;-;;: l;l;;-;;;onr i"lly Fron staptes:
lff:: 30 {rqnkfurier rolls pepper

i t?:
% fb. buiter or'::*tlli'rili',r,"",1
morgorine pepper m,
UTENSILS: I grill for broiling
PREPARATION: nead FULL instructions TWICE belore starting.
UTENSILS: sohe Wn Fire Mar-Large-surface broiling fire lor franks.
PREPARAT|oN:ne4dI]ULLinstructionsTWICEbe|orestarting. Cooks-Make it a PICNIC!
l-.-Sii out potato chips, tomatoes (whole or cut in quarters) , relish, mus'
Fire Mon-No fires. - and place on buttered bread to make tard, pastries (or pieil, milk, artd dririking water.
gooks-I. cut Pork loar -rnto slices 2. siiie open rire t]uns along one side.
l0 sandwiches. Cut in halves' Cut in halies' d. When'almost readv to e"at. place l0 frankfurters on the grill over the
2, Make 10 peanut bbtter';d currant jelly sandrviches' charcoal bed to broil.'Serve. Bioil the remaining frankfurters so that they
5. S.t out p.ickle slices, milk and drinking warer' can be served hot ofl the grill.
4.6erve aPPlesauce Ior dessert'

SUPPER Homburqers
Corned Beef Hosh M,oshed Potqioes Whole-iernel Corn Cotsup
Limo Beons ColsuP Corrol ond Roisin Solod
Lettuce ond Dressing Buns Butler
Breod Butter lce Creom Milk
Chocolote Pudding FOOD LIST:
Milk USE UP lor lhis neql: | 4-oz. jor moyonnoise.
20 3-oz. pois homburger 20 bunc
FOOD LIST: ll/2 pkgs. French's Insionl Poioto /a lb. builer or morgorine
IJSE IJP lor lhis nal: 2 loll qqns evoPoroled milk ( t2 oz,l l0 slice: ice sreqm
. ,
4 qts, mill I smoll con evqporoled milk 4 qts. mill
5 l-lb. cons corned beef hqsh
Fron slopls:
2 No. 2 cqns limq beons 4 ll-oz, cons whole-lernel corn
t loroe heqd letluce From sloples: ll, lbs. cqrrois shorlening colsuP
| 8-oi, bottle {rench dre::inE shortening 7i/i 6zs. roisint, seedless (/r'plg.) sqlt PePPet
i i-ott t"ol breod (20 slicerl cottup
solt UTENSILS: z pots I bowl I grater' 2 frying panr
7r lb. butlsr or morgorine- pepPer
4-plts. in:tont Pudding, chocolole PREPARATIONS Read FULL instructions TWICE belore starting. ,.s
UTENSILS: z pots 2 frYing Pans Fire Msn-Two heating fires. Two frying fiJes for trvo Pans'
Cooks-Pour 5 cups w:ater in a pot,'a(ia l% level teasPmns of ral!, and
PREPARATION: Read FULL instructions TWICE before
bring to a-boil.
heating fire for lima beans' Two frying fires for two pans' 2. Pit the coru into a pot anrl place over fire to heat. Stir trcasionally to
U;r;:i. n.l i[" .r,o.drr t.' p,iaai-" g tl. i..:, \1 t:l;.': rlJ,'lifi
Flre Hcn-One
nrevent scorchinq.
j":l ;ln * Ll". tl';,',""t",T'ft fiiif #*,'',u. r o - u,"' o' -.o 5. rvasn .urrotr. !.,up" them. then grate them or chop up fine. Mix in bowl
cmkinq necessary.
with seedless raisins'and a little mayonnaise.
4. Heat tlvo frvini pans and melt 2 tablespoons shortening in each' Fry
ii;;;;ns-into a pot' and place-over on to heat' the hamburger'pais'until brown on both sides. OR broil hamburgers on
;:fi;? the table llith the French
3. wash lettuc€ and otto*L"ui'ti'"piii' ir"t" srill over the glorvinq charcoal.
B. lvh.. the irater toils, remove the pot from the fire. Add contents of
o"ltffllf 1"1 "g pans and nelt 2 in eachtalrlespoo ns'b o'
::lj lc,,ll small can o{ evaDorated milk and the same amount of water. Commence
;";'i;lf-;i i'he' .otned. beef hash Pan' slrde ,r r.'^*,.oii]; ?::f; stirrins with a fbrk, then add slorvly lt/2 packages (12 oz.) of French's
occasionalll, litt uP and tt;;';;;;";;
peilir ttattr to heat thorcrtghly and Inrtani Potato powder. SURPRISEI Beat rvith the fork until light and
fluffv. Add a luinp of butter.
Pl"L'.ili*ijll;p. bread, butter, milk' and drinking water' 6. Sit out catsup, buns, butter, milk, and drinking water.
;. S.;t. chocolare pudding for dessert' 7. Serve ice cream loi dcssert.

Tuesdoy BREAKFAST Wednesdoy
Fruii Juice (APPlg) Fruit Juice (Oronge-GroPefruit)
Cereol Milk
Cereol Milk
poncokes Bu*er ffi
Fried Eggs
Pr"t"ttet (APrico+)
FOOD L|ST: "Ii"., |flffi
l$qetq R
USE UP lor lhis neql: I t-pl. boltle svrup ?'ALL CORf'i
FOOD LIST: | 46.o2. con oronge-grope{ruil iuice l0 pkgs. cocoo Powdor OROEp
IJSE llP tor lhis nesl: l0 plgs' cocoo Powder
lO individuol boxes cereql 3 qtr. milk
3 qis' milk pqncohe flour (l/2 boxes) Frcm sloples:
| 46-oz. con oPPle iuice 30 oz. box
l0 individuol boxes cereol From sloPleg: I ioll con evoporqled milk shorlening
t/+ lb. butter or morgorine rugor '
lorini,".., breod {20 rlices} sugqr UTENSIIS: t pot I bowl 2 frying pans I pancake turner
sqli F.p'€$t't y"RAQps'
| 8-or. ior oPricoi Preserves befo(e starting'
% lb. butter or morgorlne
pe p per PREPARATION: nead IIULL instructions T1VICE
-fwo f5y1ng fires for two pans'
UTENSILS: I pot 2 frYing Pans Fire Mon-One boiling fire for rvater.
C."fi-i-. Put on l0-i2 cups of water to boil for cocoa'
PR.EPARATION: Read [UI.L instructions TWICE before starting' i-il--ui. n"t.dr.e batterifollo.v iirstructions on the box' using-evaporated
milk' Be care-
fry-ing fires for tl'o pans' iiiri-ait"t#t"i,h the same amount of l\'ater instead of fresh consistency
Flre Msl-One boiling fire for water' Two fJ to make the battei too thin-it should have the oI
l0-I2 cups of rrater to boil lor cocoa'
U;;i;:I. Put onjuice, ""1ice cream. Add 2 tablespoons strgar'
Zl-ii-ort fruit cereal, bread, butter, preserves' milk' and drinking
3. Heat lroth frving pans and giease therir with paper tlipped in strortening'
in each^pan five,ec,s1.i1 Pour larse spoirnful of barter on the hot pans lor each- PancaK€' wnen $,
i.'iil", r tablespoon, shortening -PuLsecond batch ot 13tl-1",:
eggs ln bubbles s'iart'to break in the middle, turn cakes over and- try on otner src€'
iril.ritty oue, Iow fire until rvhites are firm' Fry +.-S"i fruit iuice, cereal, syrup, butter, milk, and d-rinkinS.water.'
same manner.
of in cup' 5. When"utrvater 6oils, pour it over contents of Package ot cocoa n eacn cuP'
i:'wh;;-;;;;t boils, pour it over contents of package cocoa each
Stir well. Add milk, if You like.
Stir rvell. Add milk, if You like'


Tack thls sheet to yo[f Patrol food bex Tack thls sheet to yo.r 'Patrel lcol bex
! utnr's NorHrNG in the world that can compare with sitting
I with your best friends in a close circle, undei the spell of th6
fire, watching the flickering flames, having a wondlrful time
Around the patrol campfire, comradeship and patrol spirit grow.
As the fire is lit, you talk of the day that is gone and the tomor-
row that is to come. You discuss the plans for the rest of the camp.
And then, very possibly, you drift into talking about the troop, of
Scouting, of something else that's/on your minds. .,Let's have a
song!" finishes the discussion and starts a new mood. Another
song. A story by your patrol leader. And moments when you sit
silently together, looking into the embers, dreaming your own
dreams. The evening slips by. You stand up, facing the fire. Softly
you sing Taps: "Day is done. Gone the sun. . .',
For the patrol campfire, you need few preparations and no
program. You drift from song to song, from talk to silence. But
at the troop campfire and the large campfires of district and
council you need preparation in setting and staging, and a firmly
laid program of songs and stunts and skits and stories. Here are
some suggestions for your troop campfire. You will find many
m^ore in rhe Boy Scout pamphlet, "Fuir Around the Campfire;'
(Supply Service No. 3694) -

Pick a spot for your campfire rhal
is beautiful. protected againsl thc
Some of the finest hours in camp wind. free from mosquitoes, safe
for a good fire. Lay Gre log-
cabin style, with tinder near
you will spend around the "upper story" for top lighting.

Ilave everylhing ready at the ap-
p-ointed time. with a good camp-
fire leader in charge. Lighr fire
in advance, or wilh ceremony,
By William Hillcourt by Makc props
qnd costumes for skits and .tirnts.

U.e lively songs in the begin- A patrol 6kir will ger all rhe
ning while the flamcs fly high, fellows of the gang into the act
softer, melodious songs as the you are 6marl enough to
fire turns into embers.- -if
piek a skit that has enough-char-
Lilting tunes set the mood: aclers to start with, or have the
"The Happy Wanderer," ,.I've imaginalion to expand lhe lisl
Been Working on rhe Railroad,'! of eharacters with a part for
"The Far Northland." everyone, or to use the rest of
Rounds are popularl ..We're the fellows as slagehands. eacll
on the Upward Trailn" ..Row, with some t'stage business.;'
Row. Row Your Boat," ,,Sweetly Suitable skirs are found in
Sang the Donkey." (Fun Around the Camplire.,,
Triek songs always go ovcr Some campers will have seen
big: "Old McDonald Had a lhem before-so make up your-thar
Farm," "Alouette." own, from a funny episorie
Then there are the old songs: has happened in camp, a srorp
''Home on the Ranse.t'.,Down you have read, a sketch you have
in the Valley," "Swmee Riva." heard on the radio or secn ou
And finall;, inspirarional:
*Trail TV, a joke from an old Boys'
the Eagle.",,scouring Ltrn, an Indian dance. Scour-
Spirit," "On My Honor," ..Taps." craft, or an acted-oul poenr or

Participation stunts should be The eanrpfire is the place for
fcatured at all canpfires, slorltelling. But be certain thar
Claps are excellent for gerring it's a good story told by a prae-
lhe gang into high spirits. Cla"s ticed storyteller.
A, for instance: l-2-3-4-3-4-3-4- Adventure stories are esperi-
r -2 -3 - 4 -3 -4-3 -4-r -2 -3 -4-r -2 -3 - 4 all; good-true evenls or imasi-
! And rry Class B, C, D, Hirch- nar)' ones, of pasl or present.
hikers Clap, facomotive Clap. Tall tale. are enioyed bt ev-
Duel Cames are exritins- cryone whether o[, the paul
cspecially when you turn them Bunyao,- the Baron llliinchhausen
into patrol challenges: Scout or the Liars'Club tyoe.
stands up. is recognized by camp. Ghost storiFs a..'hishlv oon-
fire leadcr, mahes formal chal- ular-bul pich rhe fi;;";;;"
lenge, "!, Scout So.and-So of ones rather rhan the sory kind
Blank Patrol, challenge Scout to tell around rhe campfire,
Thie-and-That to Indian hand Humorous slories are e@d-
mertling (or leg wresrling, or dog but among the hardest to tell.
fight, or eimilar duel game)." Local legends can helo in
Boy ch-llensed stands up, "I, building up camp traditioni.
Sout lhisnd-That of Suchqnd- Indian tales fit into a proqram
Srch Parol, qccept the chal- of Indian dances and e."emmie".
lcugc.D 1\ro thrcwr out of three The "Scoutmaster'e Minute"

&tmine the winner. closes the canpfire.
PATROT FLAG flNE wAy -ro. Boosr your patrol spirit is to have a patrol den

lf equipped with a good bulletin board. Here's one you can make that
is attractive as well as practical. There's room for ndtices and records
*the clips are always ready-you don't have to hunt for thumbtacks.
An added feature is the pocket at the bottom. It holds additional 3,,
x 5" cards, ? pencil, and has room for handbooks, pamphlets, or what
tl-l Hrs Pernor rrec sta nd ir an- have you. The back is a piece of Va" perf.orated hlrdbbard. The top,
I othcr idea for your Patrol em_blem circle, and pocket front are iut from /+', plywood. A 36,t
^ Corner, to go rlong rvith the sftiqol y4" x_1" wobd will supply the material for tie pocket frame-
swell suggestions on pages 12 and work; assemble with 1'No. 18 wire brads. Letter the tbp panel with
13 in this month's issue of BOYS'
LIFE. the .name of your patrol and add your patrol emblem. -We painted
A flag stand is an important part the back panel turquoise, applied clear lacquer to the other paris. Any
of any Patrol's meeting place, be- lumberyard will carry Masonite or other perforated hardboird for th-e
cause it's home base for one of your back of this bulletin board.
gang's most valued po:se:sions-
your Patrol flag. This piece of cloth
stands for the swell group of guys
who make up your Patrol, and
wherever you fellows so it shows
other Scouts your Patrol name at
a glance.
If you want your flag to be
worthy of the top-flight Pahol it
representsr you'll want to make it
yourselves. For the background, you
can use muslin (or other heavy wav vou found it in the woods. At
cloth), felt, canvasr or, if you really the iop, along with your flag, go
want to go all out, split leather. ribbons. Patrol honor banners and
Then embroider or paint your Pa- other awards you fellows have re-
trol emblem on the inateri;I, using ceived. Tack them on so they hang
your imagination ro come up with down over your flag.
a unique design. Tliis gives you a You'll also want to carve or paint
flag that definitely belongs to your tlesigns on your pole. One good
gang*and one that shows the Scouts idea mark on dates and Dlaces
in your Patrol have plenty of in- the Patrol has been camping.'This
genulty. gives a lasting record of your fa-
The staff for your l>atrol llag is vorite outings, and shows that your
important, too. and should be rlico- gang is a real lively, he-man out-
rated, not just left a bare pole; the (loor Pafol. |ff
-W. B. H. -
'/j " 5" otA.

-_- bAC6
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i.'lDQlLL ** :i:i , HAEDbOAED
.i--.y,af r a'. I : i


Cut the parts from dry, seasoned others can be any sturdy wood of
wood, following the diagram below. the right thickness. Then nail all
The two end pieces are plywood, the of the pieces together securely.

;+ffi I l;i f riiiffi ,iiii;l? r;il

ParIs before final assembly, s}owing rhe of
tne pockel. Issrcn clips with 3/e,, longback

Iay out nane and enblern on tracing paper, rhen

transfer design to *.md. Rrrrn or paini det"il..
wffiffi ffiffiffiw w&wffiwtu ffi ffi ffiwffi ffiffi ffi

COACI{ | NG - LEasi,f.rli sjsw s"*g{-jrfl RA I-? trK,Lr {i 3 1. : 4'.: r'",c

rrp rHfr A.$/Ar,r*fJ!i*11j1?,1"1 **_j

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-tHL6rt"r,IG *+'r t"\dt^ti:
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