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Invite him.

That's the way to win and hold

Give him a real welcome and introduce him to
O,". ,,","t way to the meeting, stop at the boy's- home
tnvite a school male of yours not - yet prch
yot" pat"ol leader and to your fcllow Scouts'
a Scoul lo your nexl palrol meeling' nlrn up."Then bring hin along to meet the vhole gang'


Tell the ncu boy about the ideals of Scouti-ng Scout

as exp.rcsscd Demonstratc the Scout sign and salute and
Show the bo1 your patrol flag and tell in lhe Sroul Oath and Lau, anrl rhow him lhe badge' tti- a firm left-handed Scout handclasp'
Li- tll the'fun rhe palrol has had' "ii"

Gire him an idea of what lo-do in an

The Tenderfoot knots are his introduction to Tell him rhe history of our flag' Secu-re a- flag,and prac'
emergency and how lo care foF a cut'
;i.;;ilt. Show hirn hot rhev should be tied. tice the way il should be hoisred. saluled' and lovereo'

the You will be as proud as the -new boy him'

A S@ut must lnow how lo build a safe frre' When the boy knows hie Tenderf@t tequirements', rh" d.y he ie invegted sE s Scout'
fn.-L."t plsce to l€rn ie on a patrol hike' Smuhasler will examine his understanding ol uem'


PATROL LE{DER. elected by rhe boys, is

responsible for lhe wor.k of the patrol.

Invite new boys- to join' to get your gang up to eight-boy strcngrh, Train them in the Tendcrfoor
requirements. Then take thern inlo the pahol-;ith an inrpressive_ceremony before rhe whJe rroop.


patro_l leader in coaching the new- boys.

,,,,ili!,r u,r*n t* *,"*gr,r,J

TREASURER eollects lhe dues and rhinks up SCRJBE handles the parrol's records of advancemenl
money-making projects for.the patrol to do. QUARTERMASTER has the parrol rquipmenl
and attendance. He keeps the patrol log up to datc. in perfect shape. ready for- hike o" ..-p.

HIKEMASTER is always exploling nen hike G_RUBMASTER has the rask of gening rhe parrcl fed,
routes aDd rhecks new foi thc patrol, He knows the boys' farorite rneius ria no.i, to
"a-p "it." "t "p.
For year-round Scouting activities, wear ,.'J



Your unijbrm, shows that you belong to

a great gang. Wear it with pride.

In early SI'RINC, long-sleeved shirt anrl Scout trousers arc iust

right. The color rnakes you alnrost invisible in woods and fields.
thc uniform for SU}IMER-short-sleeved shirt and shorts-is
lightxeight and perfect for vigorous activities on hike and in camp.

Sr,w on your shirt only the Seout badges that belong there:
Itttrol medallion 2" below shoulder seam of right slceve, and
up to six rnerit badges above the cufl. Canrp or other tempo-
rary badgc on right pocket. Radgr.of unk on left pocket,
and scnicc stars :)(" obovr. iI. (bnrnrunity strip, state stfip, Wear cap tilted, rwo fingers width above right
troop numeral, anrl lour badgc of ollirr.on thc left slee'e, eyebrow. Merit badge sash over right shoulder,

\\'hen F{t,i. arvlres and tlrero's a nip in the air, you will probably want
to arkl lrr olficial woolcu S(out ja(kct lo tour regulat Scout uniform.
For $ INTER se:tt, put on a hearicr jacket or a sweater. The tuck'under
flrps ot thc IJor Scout sinter c:rD lill keep your enrs warn on a cold day'
VEAR TIIE UNIFORMT At all activities of your'
patrol and troop-meetings, hikesr camps, ral-
lies. denronstrations,

SCOUT uniform is pilrt of the thrill of
Ueing a Scoul. Put on your unifornl. and.immediately
When you appear for advancem€nt before boarr{
of review or court of honor.
Vhen you take part in a speeial Scout serrice
I )ou ieel retd) for hike ol crnrp or other vigorous for your commuuity.
ScoutinI activitv. Throughout Boy Scout Week in February.
It is not abiolutely necessary to wear a uniform to
pro\e \ourself r Scout. The inrportlnt thing is-of DO NOT WEAR THE UNIFORM: When yorr
collect funds or take pdrt in a selling campaign.
course-lthlt 1ou live Scouting in lour d:ril1 lile. And (This does not forbid Scouts in uniforn ftorn
\el. the unilornl helps tou to be x Dcrfe, scout. lrressed selling tickets for Scout circuses, rallies, and
1, r Scout \ou wJnt to crct lrke one. Bc5ide)- a uniform similar Scouting events, or selling iterns related
nlakes Scouting ersier for you because it is comfortable to such events.)
and can stand all kinds oi hard use. When you patticipate in a distinctll politi('nl
The Bov Scout unifornt consists of cap, shirt, trou- activity.
sers ol shorts, belt, xnd stockings all khaki-colored-a When you app€ar on the slAge professionlllt
triangiLlar neckerchief, ltnd the brd-scs )ou are entitled (except by special permission).
to we2ir.
The Scout cap-rvhether field cap 1or general use or
rvinter cap for worn with a slight
tilt to the risht.
You have-lour choice ol t\vo typcs of Scout shirts:
long-sleevecl fbr genelal lveurr, shoit-slee!ed V-neck for
\\ilrilt \\'eatner.
L-ong Scout trousers, litted to lour height.without
culls, iu'e heid up b-v a wcb belt rvilh nrctal buckle carry-
ing the Scout badgi'. For extra protection in brush .and
ilndergrowth (and extfa snapplness, too), put on a pall ot
Scout lesginqs. In suntnter, \\'err ScoLlt shorts.
OfliciiiBov Scottt shoes lrc broiln or black They are
nr.Lde ol -oll li:rtlrer. uirlr totr-sh. llcriblu 'ulei.
'[he trirn':uLr neckcrclticl i. tlte nto:t tii:tingui'hinr:
featrlre of tlie Scout uniiornl. Ils color tells what troop
vou bclon-rl to. The badges shorv what rank and omce you
hrve rcaclred.
As a Sqout, you are careful of your clothes at all
times. That goes' for your uniforur as well -as for your
civilian rvear. So told your uniform caretully after use,
or heng it on hirnsers to keep it in shape. Be sure your
rrnilorrn is cle;rn rnd in good reprir. Renrove spots as
soon :ls possible. Have the uniform dry-cleaned, or wash
it in lukervarm water lvith a mild soap or detergent.
Hrng it up to dly, pull it gentll into shrpe. and iron
rvhile still sliehtlv dantP. Roll long edge of neckerchief to about 6" {rom tip. Place neckerchief smoolh'
Show the iuor[d wh"l kind o[ scotrt rorr rrc b] rvertt l'-;;;; ."ik, i".igti. righr side np. Prrsh slide up, leaving open V at throat'
in{ the correct unifornr correctly. Lerve ends loose orj tie with slip knot, depending on cuslom in yout troop'

National Director of Scoutcraft

SCOUTING is OUTINGI \Ve're a Movement of the

out-of-doors! Bnt to make your outcloor acti\ilies
successful, you'll have to neet indoor'.r li-onr tirnc to
\=t' time. with your Patrol and Troop-to l)lan for hikes
and camps, to work on ecluipment. to rrrjn in rertrin of the
Scouring skills, to pick up some of that good, old Patrol and
Troop Spirit.
To get the maximrrrn results, your Troop needs a nreeting
roorl rrith real Scouting atmospherc*with flags and banners,
charts and pictures, and with a corner or den for cach Patrol.
"Can't be done around onr way," you may say. "The room
Ive rneet in is used by other groups during the l'eek-so $'e
can t decorate ir or prrt up rn)lhing perrnanetttJr."
It car still be done-if yo.,t Ttoop- makes use oI the fhree-
Foot Plan." The idea behind this plan is for your Troop
Lommittee to anange with the body which provides you rr.ith
lneeting facilities to make available to you a strip three feet
rvide along one wall for your exclusive use. By rtsing these
rhree l'eet efiectively, you can have a spectacular Troop roorn,
rvith a corner {or each Patrol.
The first job is to put up three-foot partitions alone the
rvall, creatins an "alcove" oi "corner" for each Patrol. The
next job is to provide each corner rvith a dorrble door of rl
{-inch plyrvood or other materials. The fina1 job is for each I
Patrol to get busy furnishing and decorating its orvn corner
alons the lines suggested in the photographs.
Betrveen meetings, the Patrol furniture is stacked and stored
benveen the Dartiiions, with the double doors closecl to form
a straight, plain wa1l. But just before a meeting, the doors are
opened out, the furniture rearranged, flaes and charts brought
fonrard-the whole room takes on the asDect of a spectacular
1 roop roorn. ritlr gaill decorated Patrol cornersi
In a rneeting room of this t,vpe, you'll really feel at horne
rs a Scout-especiallv if yorr've had a hand in buildine parti-
tions, making the furniture. and paintirrg and decorating.
flere's the Patrol Corner opened up. It has blossoned out in its lull glory,
r.ith Patrol furniture, llags and banners, portrait gallery, pictures, charts.

Here's ihe Patrol Corner closed. The gang is ready to leave. Nothing
remains but a blank plyrood *'all+xcept
3book"-whicb for the Foxs'risitors' r$
can be included in vo[r scherne or not. as wol rrish.

The Pdtrol Corner consists of two partition walls The partition frame*ork is covered with wallboard. The Two pieccs of ;s" plyhood form the double-door.
and double plywood doors. Wall frame is of partition reaches lhree feet out into 1[6 1696-61 6619, ihal closc up the Patrol Corner when not in usc.
2"x2" lumbcr, Atrach to floor and bacL wall. if permission is granted-and reaches to the ceiling, They open up to make €xlensions of partition *alls.

In putting tog€ther the Patrol table, start rith The four table legs are 28" picee. of 2"x4"s, Connect
the lop frame, It is made from five pieces of them in pairs with a rross piene o[ 2"x4", 16li" lons.
F 2"xi1"s-three 53" lengthsn rwo 20,, leugths. Serew or bolr the legs to the inride of the rop frami.

For singfe seat, make two 16" "legs" of lYE"x- Fasten the so seat "legs" together by two 16" long side Bench is constmcted in same manner as seat, but
12" board. Cut triangle out at bottom, and notch pieces cut from.3/a"x331" (commereial 4") boarrl. Cut with a 5'lop. and sirle pieee.57" long. Bettcr pur
at topo 3/a"x3/a", to accommodate side pieces, an lB' lop of ltl'xl2" board. fasten it with screws. l2" braee at each end as shown. for slrenith,

r Every Patrol should have a portrait sallery.

llake it from enlarged snapshots as abo*c, o"
[ silhoueltes-i" o. ihu opposite poge.
A shelf to hold the Patrol's books and trophies can be
made of scrap *ood, or of straight pine boards-which.
eyer the Patrol treaslry can a{Iord and any size needed,
A bulletin board for Troop notices is a neat addi"
tion lo th€ Patrol Corner. This one is a oiece of
wallboarrl. [r:rrrrcd and deroratcd with Ihe rorern.
It,,i iii

ltil t;;!:!:

I.IEETINGS? Of roll call. Each Scout answers

Patrol Scribe reads the Scout producing one item. (7) Build lurniture for
IIATROL Patrol den, or paint and decorate the den. (8)
Hrourse! Every qbod Patrol with one point of the Scout Law as his narne is
I hr' rhem. Thati. one of the mentioned. (5) Light three candles while rcciting Design pattcrn for two-boy tents, cut rnaterial, sew
reasons they are good. You can't the Scout Oath. (6) Each Scout grasps pole of Patrol tents. (9) Cet crrch Uoy going on nrrkirrg: a pucksack
possibly develop a strong gang flag with left hand, raises right hand, recites Patrol or pack baskct for:hirnsel{. (10) Carve large totem
with ieal Patrol Spirit u,nless you Pledge. pole lor lour Parrol s favorite .carnpsite.
get together regularly. You are off to a good start. Nexl for a bit of PLANS for the future next on the program. Get
\!'ell, we've bccn talking lots from month to quick CHECKINGT everyone to have his say. Nlake your decisions by
- (l) Check the'attendance first antl get it down malorrry vore.
month, about hihes. It's about time to cliscuss
meetings-wl7at makes them successful, what makes in the Patrol Record Book-100 per cent? Swelll (l) Program for next Patrol meeting and rvho'Il
them click. So here goes: (2) lVhat's our dues situation? How's our Patrol be in charge of what. (2) Next hike or camp. Where
I'd qay that first of all .rou have to make uP your Treasury? (3) Where do we stand in advancement? do we go? \\ihat (lo we bring? What do we eat?
mind to thcse points; Let's clo something about it! (4) Check uniforming. (3) How can we help our Scoutmaster antl our
(l) Every p:rrt of vour nreeting should be of in- Your goal shoulcl be everybody conpletely uni- lroop? (-l) \VhJt rboul:r P:rrrol dcnron'rrarion or
terest to all the fellows. formed. You rvon't reach it unless you check and stunt for next Troop meeting? (5) How can v'e
(2) Every Scout should have a definite resPonsi- double-check-and then follorv uP to rnake certain. earn money for Patrol equiprnent? (6) Let us get
bility to carry out in the meeting. Now some snappy COACHING' l-rom vour check- out on a real Patrol Good l'urn! (7) How rvill rre
(3) fhe meeting should contain ingredients that ing you knorv e*iitiy -h. neetls what fof'advancing get a Patrol representative to the National Jam-
will cause each rlcmber to learn something new to another rank: .|oe and Bill need Second Class boree? And nany other things that may come up
and t'ill knit the r,hole gane closer. first aid, .fack and Charlie and Pete First Class Sig' in a strong Patrol like yours.
(4) Each prrt of the meeting shoultl be short and nalins, Bob and Joe the Ten.lerfoot knots to get And then PLAY. "All wor[ and no play makes
sdappy, Plent,v of action and not much talking. reilistered. Here's their chance to finish up. .Jack atlull boy." Well it makes a prettv dull Patrol,
Agrccd? OI(, so far so good. Now let's look at the (l) Realistic first aid; tr{ake "blood" out of cocoa- too. That's rvhy you nced games and singing aDd
thinqs th:rr g,o into thc mcctinq. water paste by adding red fruit color. Drip and yclls and story telling to get real fun and fellou-
smear it on to indicate cuts and scratches and arte- ship into your meetings. There are suggestions for
Mind your P'e and C'e rial bleeding. (2) Have buzzers available for signal- all of them in your Handbooh for Patrol Leaclers.
There's an old saling that goes, "Nlind your P's ing practice, ropes and poles for knotting and--pi- (l) Gantes: Loads of them, rangine from lndian
ancl Q's." In arranging for a Patrol meeting, it's oneering. (3) N{aps and conpasses, and possibly Hantl Wrestling and Leg lVrestling and Dog Fight.
a mattcr of minding,vour P's and C's-or possibly, san<l table for nipping. (4) flag for prrctice in to Indoor Treasure Hunts, Hiclden Starnp and the
better, in the opposite order of C's and P's-three folding it corectly, hanging it properlv. Ancl so on. many variations of Kim's Game. (2) Sirrsirig: Use
Cls: Cerenonies. Checking antl Coaching, and three the Patrol meetings to leiirn nev'song..s so that you
P's: Projects, Plans and Plav. If lou remember Projects, Plans and Play are ready to sing on the hike, in camp. around the
tliose you caD't go far rvrong in lining up srvell Therc's no limit to the kin(l of PROJECTS that campfire. (3) Yellst Devetop half a clozen good. ear-
Patrol neetings- an ambitious Patrol can tear irrto. Here are a few splitting yells and practice them until you can dc-
easy ones: liver them l'ith pep and polish. (4) 5lor1 tellag:
Ceremonies, Checking ancl Coaching (l) Each fellorv to whittle a ncckerchief slicle Don't let the fellows get away rvith "Arr. I can't tell
Start your neeting. u,itlr a short CEREMONY. It's with the Patrol totem on it. (2) \\rhiP the cnds of a story." Get thern started and rou'll turn thc Pirtrol
a swell mor;rlc lnilder. I t nrakcr vou feel that you short rope picces, tie the roPes into knots for a into a ree.uhr Story TelJcr's Lererre.
are rcally settling dorn to busrness. Patrol knot board. (3) llakc a couplc of blinkers
Here are a fcrr to Pi< k [r,rrr. or lclu can make for signaline lrom strips o{ tin can, pieces of rvire, The End of a Perfect Meeting
up one ofvour orvrr: a board, a ferv screts, two flashlig-ht batteries, a And so rve come to the closing.' of the rnceting.
(l) Thc rvhole Patrol {rccs the Flag of the flashlight bulb. (4) \Iake incliviclrrrl linoleum -,\ CEREMONY. fits in sa'ell. You can usc one iou
Unitecl States. Repcat the pledge. (2) Turn off stamps with thc Patrol aninal. (5) \Iake a stencil didn't rrse for the opening, or sing Taps or close
all lights. Focus flrsblighn on thc Flag. Sing verse of the Patrol anirnal and stamp it on equipment. u'ith your Patrol's private yell.
of Star-Spanglecl Banucr. (3) The ncwest and thc Ancl here are some more anbitious projccts: From ceremony to ceremonv! That's rrhere I canrc
oldest membcrs rccite the Scout Larq together. (4) (6) N'Iake a model of an icleal Patrol camp, cach in-rnd rlrrtsrrlrere I go outl TIIF END
Learn several knots, then make use WHAT IS IT? Get a set of Audubon bird
of them for such sames as CHAIN cards, or make up youf own eet fron maga-
GANG ANd LASSO THE STEER. zine clippings,
Get into nature by usinE WHAT IS Cover the names. and number the cards.
IT? Combinc memory trainine and Patrol members come up to table where the
camping knowledge in TIX,IMY cards are displayed, and try to make a cor-
THE TENDERFOOT, and so rect list of all the birds. Use animals" trees"
and flowers after you masler the birds.
a[tcr more advanced "larnin'" ]n
Then wind up the meering by
matching yourselre' against each
other lhroush such Iun-and-6tness
games as STICK DUEL, TRAC-


make up his own set, and at meeting stag;
a race to see who is the quickest fire maker.
OR have the sets on hand. Divide the Patrol
nembers into two teams of eqiral number,
and run a race, relay-fashion, with each boy
coming up, making fire, and dashing track
to starting point to touch ofi the next boy.

TRACTOR PULI-Two boys drop down on

all fours and face in opposite directions,
Two other boys sit on their backs, and lock
their {eet around the waist of the tractors.
Then these riders stretch their arms bach-
ward and grasp each other's arms rightly,
On signal, each tractor tries to pull the other
team across a given line or to unseat the
? other rider. Watch 'em dig in their treads.

LASSO THE STEER-Each Patrol member CIIAIN GANG RACE-Divide the Patrol into
is given a rope, aen to twelve {eet long. Place t$o teams. The first Scout ties his six-{oot
an old can upright in the center of a chalk rope around his leg with a clove hirch. The
circle eight to l0 feet in diameter. At a next Scout ties his rope to the fir6t Scout's
signal rhe players outside of the circle tie with a square knot, and then fastens his rope
bowlines in their ropes and try to pull the around his own leg with a clove hitch, As
"steer" out of the circle by lassoing ir. It is soon aa the last member is fastened in the
fair to knock off another eontestant's rope. chain, the whole team races across the room.

SIGNAL TOUCH-The Patrol members line

up along a given line. The Patrol Leader
signals the name of an article to be found
in the room, using g grrr."" blinker. or
signal flag. As soon as a Scout has
the word and identified the object, he races
out of line and touches the item called for.
The first boy back in plaee scores a poinr.

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